39 research outputs found

    Digital homotopy with obstacles

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    AbstractIn (Ayala et al. (Discrete Appl. Math. 125 (1) (2003) 3) it was introduced the notion of a digital fundamental group π1d(O/S;σ) for a set of pixels O in relation to another set S which plays the role of an “obstacle”. This notion intends to be a generalization of the digital fundamental groups of both digital objects and their complements in a digital space. However, the suitability of this group was only checked for digital objects in that paper. As a sequel, we extend here the results in Ayala et al. (2003) for complements of objects. More precisely, we prove that for arbitrary digital spaces the group π1d(O/S;σ) maps onto the usual fundamental group of the difference of continuous analogues |AO∪S|−|AS|. Moreover, this epimorphism turns to be an isomorphism for a large class of digital spaces including most of the examples in digital topology

    Homotopy in digital spaces

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    The main contribution of this paper is a new “extrinsic” digital fundamental group that can be readily generalized to define higher homotopy groups for arbitrary digital spaces. We show that the digital fundamental group of a digital object is naturally isomorphic to the fundamental group of its continuous analogue. In addition, we state a digital version of the Seifert-Van Kampen theorem.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y TécnicaDirección General de Enseñanza Superio

    Combinatorial Boundary Tracking of a 3D Lattice Point Set

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    Boundary tracking and surface generation are ones of main topological topics for three-dimensional digital image analysis. However, there is no adequate theory to make relations between these different topological properties in a completely discrete way. In this paper, we present a new boundary tracking algorithm which gives not only a set of border points but also the surface structures by using the concepts of combinatorial/algebraic topologies. We also show that our boundary becomes a triangulation of border points (in the sense of general topology), that is, we clarify relations between border points and their surface structures

    Digital homotopy with obstacles

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    As a sequel of [4] Ayala, R., E. Dom´ıguez, A. R. Franc´es and A. Quintero, Homotopy in Digital Spaces, Discrete and Applied Mathematics, To Appear, this paper is devoted to the computation of the digital fundamental group π d 1 (O/S; σ) defined by loops in the digital object O for which the digital object S acts as an “obstacle”. We prove that for arbitrary digital spaces the group π d 1 (O/S; σ) maps onto the usual fundamental group of the difference of continuous analogues |AO∪S | − |AS |. Moreover, we show that this epimorphism turns to be an isomorphism for a large class of digital spaces including most of the examples in digital topology.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superio

    Remarks on digital deformation

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    The paper [5] defines a notion of digital deformation and claims to prove that if (X, p) is k-deformable into (A, p), then these two pointed images have isomorphic fundamental groups. We present a simple counterexample to this claim

    A PDE-based Mathematical Method in Image Processing: Digital-Discrete Method for Perona-Malik Equation

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    In this study, we propose a new and effective algorithm for image processing. The method based on the combination of digital topology, partial differential equations and finite difference scheme is called the digital-discrete method. We try to solve the Perona-Malik equation using the digital-discrete method. We use the MATLAB package program when analyzing images. The analyzes we make on the images show how the algorithm is useful, effective and open to development

    Towards digital cohomology

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    We propose a method for computing the Z 2–cohomology ring of a simplicial complex uniquely associated with a three–dimensional digital binary–valued picture I. Binary digital pictures are represented on the standard grid Z 3, in which all grid points have integer coordinates. Considering a particular 14–neighbourhood system on this grid, we construct a unique simplicial complex K(I) topologically representing (up to isomorphisms of pictures) the picture I. We then compute the cohomology ring on I via the simplicial complex K(I). The usefulness of a simplicial description of the digital Z 2–cohomology ring of binary digital pictures is tested by means of a small program visualizing the different steps of our method. Some examples concerning topological thinning, the visualization of representative generators of cohomology classes and the computation of the cup product on the cohomology of simple 3D digital pictures are showed