2,514 research outputs found

    A knowledge-based decision support system for sustainable city livability evaluation

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    The real estate industry is an important indicator of national economies and is influenced by the environment in which it operates. Several countries were seriously affected by the most recent international financial crisis, including Portugal. Nevertheless, it is still an interesting area to invest in, in spite of the challenges cities may face nowadays that influence their sustainable livability. For this reason, it seems logical to develop and apply methodologies aimed at evaluating sustainable city livability. It is worth noting, however, that there are methodological limitations typically associated with the majority of the current applications (e.g. how to select and weight criteria in the evaluation), which have been hampering the progress. Hence, this dissertation aims to develop a knowledge-based decision support system to evaluate sustainable city livability, in a transparent and informed way. To achieve this goal, it combines cognitive mapping techniques and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The advantages and limitations of this integrative evaluation model are also analyzed and discussed.O mercado imobiliĂĄrio Ă© um indicador importante das economias mundiais e Ă© influenciado pelo ambiente em que opera. Muitos foram os paĂ­ses seriamente afetados pela mais recente crise financeira internacional, incluindo Portugal. NĂŁo obstante, este continua a ser uma ĂĄrea de investimento interessante, ainda que, hoje em dia, as cidades possam enfrentar desafios que influenciam a sua habitabilidade sustentĂĄvel. Por essa razĂŁo, parece lĂłgico o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de metodologias que permitam avaliar a sustentabilidade habitacional de uma ĂĄrea urbana. No entanto, limitaçÔes metodolĂłgicas comuns Ă  maioria das aplicaçÔes (e.g. processo de seleção e ponderação dos critĂ©rios de avaliação) tĂȘm dificultado os progressos alcançados. Assim, a presente dissertação pretende desenvolver um “termĂłmetro” de habitabilidade sustentĂĄvel que, de forma informada e transparente, permita apoiar a tomada de decisĂŁo no mercado imobiliĂĄrio urbano, atravĂ©s da combinação do uso integrado de tĂ©cnicas de mapeamento cognitivo e da metodologia Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). As vantagens e as limitaçÔes do uso deste sistema integrativo de avaliação serĂŁo tambĂ©m analisadas e discutidas

    Literacy for Life: A Scoping Study for a Community Literacy Empowerment Project

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    A report prepared for the community of Wugularr, the Jawoyn Association and The Fred Hollows Foundation by R.G. (Jerry) Schwab and Dale Sutherland, CAEPR, The Australian National University. In 1999, CAEPR carried out research in the Katherine region that focused on food provision, nutrition and..

    Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Programs in Five Ministries: a Study on the System and Implementation

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    The system of planning and budgeting in Indonesia is undergoing a change, from an input-based system to one based on output and outcome. information accountability in monitoring and evaluation is a must to support the implementation of a performance-based system as mandated by law no. 17/2003 on state finance, and government regulation no. 21/2004 on formulating ministerial/institutional work plans and budgets. an evaluation needs to be conducted on government regulation no. 39/2006 on procedure of monitoring and evaluation of development plan implementation to accommodate the output – and outcome –based planning and budgeting system. this study presents snapshots of the monitoring and evaluation system of government programs which have been implemented in five selected ministries. the methods used include conducting in-depth interviews with staff members and collecting secondary ministerial-level data at both the planning bureau (bpkln) and directorate general/program executing directorate; distributing questionnaires on budget absorption and achievement of targeted output/outcome indicators of selected programs; and conducting a field study on monitoring and evaluation systems and processes of data validation at the local level. this study recommends that the monitoring and evaluation process should be placed parallel with the planning, budgeting, and implementation processes of the programs/activities. therefore a regulation regarding monitoring and evaluation management in national and local level government agencies is needed. it should provide clear definitions of monitoring and evaluation and address the need for an independent monitoring and evaluation unit; reward and punishment mechanisms; a feedback mechanism; and simplification of forms, number of reports, and indicators of programs/activities. keywords: monitoring, evaluation, programs, ministr

    Developing ecosystem service indicators: experiences and lessons learned from sub-global assessments and other initiatives

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    People depend upon ecosystems to supply a range of services necessary for their survival and well-being. Ecosystem service indicators are critical for knowing whether or not these essential services are being maintained and used in a sustainable manner, thus enabling policy makers to identify the policies and other interventions needed to better manage them. As a result, ecosystem service indicators are of increasing interest and importance to governmental and inter-governmental processes, including amongst others the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Aichi Targets contained within its strategic plan for 2011-2020, as well as the emerging Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Despite this growing demand, assessing ecosystem service status and trends and developing robust indicators is o!en hindered by a lack of information and data, resulting in few available indicators. In response, the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), together with a wide range of international partners and supported by the Swedish International Biodiversity Programme (SwedBio)*, undertook a project to take stock of the key lessons that have been learnt in developing and using ecosystem service indicators in a range of assessment contexts. The project examined the methodologies, metrics and data sources employed in delivering ecosystem service indicators, so as to inform future indicator development. This report presents the principal results of this project

    Recent Changes in Drug Abuse Scenario: The Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Phenomenon

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    copyright 2019 by the authors. Articles in this book are Open Access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. The book as a whole is distributed by MDPI under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.Final Published versio

    New Zealand Working For Families programme: Methodological considerations for evaluating MSD programmes

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    The methodological review is the second part of the evaluation research commissioned by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) in 2005 to help in the preparation of the evaluation of the Working for Families (WFF) programme. This review enumerates the key evaluation questions identified by MSD as central to their policy concerns and considers how the features of WFF could affect evaluation. It details the methodological and data requirements that must be addressed in order to meet the four key evaluation objectives, namely: (1) tracking and evaluating the implementation and delivery of WFF (2) identifying changes in entitlement take-up and reasons for it (3) establishing the impact of WFF on employment-related outcomes (4) assessing WFF’s effect on net income and quality of life more generally. The methodological review complements the literature review by reviewing evaluations from around the world that are pertinent to WFF. An overview of evaluation methods is provided, concentrating on particular issues that arise within the WFF context. Section 2 focuses on implementation and delivery. Section 3 covers the issues related to take-up and entitlement and their evaluation. Section 4 discusses the evaluation methodologies that can be used in evaluating programmes such as WFF and introduces the data requirements they entail. Making work pay is the focus of section 5. Finally, section 6 examines hardship and poverty, living standards and wellbeing.

    Urban Sustainability Assessment: An Analysis of how Weighting and Aggregating Coefficient System was used in the Development of SUCCEED Assessment Tool for Developing Countries.

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    The development of a weighting and aggregating coefficient system used in urban sustainability assessment tools is a process that needs well-defined procedures using a series of steps, methodology, and a systematic approach in its development. The development of assessment tools has been successful in developed countries but developing countries would need to have a structured process that will assist in the development of an assessment tool that is tailored to its environs. This paper aims to understand the various weighting and aggregating coefficient systems employed in the development of sustainability assessment tools. Alongside using these findings to understand how these weighting and aggregating coefficients can be adopted in the development of sustainability assessment tools for developing countries based on their differences, advantages, and disadvantages. Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) based on a systematic review of existing literature was used in this study to understand various weighting and aggregating coefficients. It is imperative to note that this research will focus on how assessment tools are developed with a clear focus on sustainability assessment weighting and aggregating. The study also further analyses how a case study SUCCEED (Sustainable Composite Cities Environmental Evaluation and Design Tool) has benefited from the adoption of equal weighting and additive aggregation methods based on validation carried out. The findings of this research show that the selection of weighting and aggregating systems is defined by the relevance, importance, and purpose of the assessment tool. It also develops a guide/recommendations on the process utilised in the development of assessment tools for developing countries
