989 research outputs found

    Dissipation of stop-and-go waves via control of autonomous vehicles: Field experiments

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    Traffic waves are phenomena that emerge when the vehicular density exceeds a critical threshold. Considering the presence of increasingly automated vehicles in the traffic stream, a number of research activities have focused on the influence of automated vehicles on the bulk traffic flow. In the present article, we demonstrate experimentally that intelligent control of an autonomous vehicle is able to dampen stop-and-go waves that can arise even in the absence of geometric or lane changing triggers. Precisely, our experiments on a circular track with more than 20 vehicles show that traffic waves emerge consistently, and that they can be dampened by controlling the velocity of a single vehicle in the flow. We compare metrics for velocity, braking events, and fuel economy across experiments. These experimental findings suggest a paradigm shift in traffic management: flow control will be possible via a few mobile actuators (less than 5%) long before a majority of vehicles have autonomous capabilities

    Modeling present and future freeway management strategies : variable speed limits, lane-changing and platooning of connected autonomous vehicles

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit d’Enginyeria Civil i AmbientalFreeway traffic management is necessary to improve capacity and reduce congestion, especially in metropolitan freeways where the rush period lasts several hours per day. Traffic congestion implies delays and an increase in air pollutant emissions, both with harmful effects to society. Active management strategies imply regulating traffic demand and improving freeway capacity. While both aspects are necessary, the present thesis only addresses the supply side. Part of the research in traffic flow theory is grounded on empirical data. Today, in order to extend our knowledge on traffic dynamics, detailed and high-quality data is needed. To that end, the thesis presents a pioneering data collection campaign, which was developed in a freeway accessing Barcelona. In a Variable Speed Limits (VSL) environment, different speed limits where posted, in order to observe their real and detailed effects on traffic. All the installed surveillance instruments were set to capture data in the highest possible level of detail, including video recordings, from where to count lane-changing maneuvers. With this objective, a semi-automatic method to reliably count lane changes form video recordings was developed and is presented in the thesis. Data analysis proved that the speed limit fulfillment was only relevant in sections with enforcement devices. In these sections, it is confirmed that, the lower the speed limit, the higher the occupancy to achieve a given flow. In contrast, the usually assumed mainline metering effect of low speed limits was not relevant. This might be different in case of stretch enforcement. These findings mean that, on the one hand, VSL strategies aiming to restrict the mainline flow on a freeway by using low speed limits will need to be applied carefully, avoiding conditions as the ones presented here. On the other hand, VSL strategies trying to get the most from the increased vehicle storage capacity of freeways under low speed limits might be rather promising. Results also show that low speed limits increase the speed differences across lanes for moderate demands. This, in turn, also increases the lane changing rates. In contrast, lower speed limits widen the range of flows under uniform lane flow distributions, so that, even for moderate to low demands, the under-utilization of any lane can be avoided. Further analysis of lane-changing activity allowed unveiling that high lane-changing rates prevent achieving the highest flows. This inverse relationship is modeled in the thesis using a stochastic model based on Bayesian inference. This model could be used as a control tool, in order to determine which level of lane-changing activity can be allowed to achieve a desired capacity with some level of reliability. Previous results identify drivers' fulfillment of traffic regulations as a weak point in order to maximize the benefits of current management strategies, like VSL or lane-changing control. This is likely to change in the near future with the irruption of Autonomous Vehicles (AV) in freeways. V2X communications will allow directly actuating on individual vehicles with high accuracy. This will open the door to new management strategies based on simultaneous communication to groups of AVs and extremely short reaction times, like platooning, which stands out as a strategy with a huge potential to improve freeway traffic. Strings of AVs traveling at extremely short gaps (i.e. platoons) allow achieving higher capacities and lower energy consumption rates. In this context, the thesis presents a parsimonious macroscopic model for AVs platooning in mixed traffic (i.e. platoons of AVs travelling together with human driven vehicles). The model allows determining the average platoon length and reproducing the overall traffic dynamics leading to higher capacities. Results prove that with a 50% penetration rate of AVs in the lane, capacity could reach 3400 veh/h/lane under a cooperative platooning strategy.Per tal de millorar la capacitat i reduir la congestió a les autopistes cal gestionar el trànsit de manera activa. Les estratègies de gestió activa del trànsit són d’especial importància en autopistes metropolitanes. La congestió provoca retards i un increment del consum de combustible que va lligat a unes majors emissions de gasos contaminants, tots amb efectes perniciosos per la societat. La gestió activa del transit requereix regular la demanda i millorar la capacitat de la via. Encara que tots dos aspectes son necessaris, la present tesis només analitza la gestió de l’oferta. Part de la recerca en l’anàlisi i la teoria del trànsit es basa en dades empíriques. Per satisfer el requeriment de dades detallades i d’alta qualitat, aquesta tesis presenta una campanya pionera de recol·lecció de dades. Les dades es van recollir a l’autopista B-23 d’accés a Barcelona. Tots els instruments de mesura es van configurar per tal de registrar les dades amb el major nivell de detall possible, incloent les càmeres de videovigilància, d’on es varen extreure els comptatges de canvi de carril. Amb aquest objectiu, es va desenvolupar una metodologia semiautomàtica per comptar canvis de carril a partir de gravacions de trànsit, que es presenta en el cos de la tesi. L’anàlisi de les dades obtingudes ha demostrat que el compliment dels límits de velocitat només resulta rellevant en aquelles seccions que compten amb un radar. És en aquestes seccions on s’ha confirmat que com menor és el límit de velocitat, major es l’ocupació per a un flux donat. Per contra, la hipòtesi habitual de que uns límits de velocitat baixos produeixen una restricció del flux no es va observar de forma rellevant. Aquest comportament podria esser diferent en el cas d’implantar un radar de tram. Els resultats obtinguts també mostren com les diferències de velocitats entre carrils s’incrementen per a límits de velocitat baixos i en condicions de demanda moderada. Això, alhora, incrementa el nombre de canvis de carril. Per contra, els límits de velocitat baixos contribueixen a una distribució de flux més uniforme entre carrils, de forma que es pot evitar la infrautilització de carrils. L’anàlisi més detallat de l’activitat de canvi de carril demostra que una taxa elevada de canvis de carril impedeix assolir fluxos grans de circulació. En la tesi, aquesta relació inversa entre la taxa de canvis de carril i el flux màxim de trànsit a l’autopista s’ha modelat de forma estocàstica utilitzant un model basat en la inferència Bayesiana. Aquest model es pot utilitzar com una eina de control, per tal de determinar quina taxa de canvi de carril es pot permetre si es vol assolir una capacitat determinada amb una determinada probabilitat de compliment. En vista dels resultats previs, la falta de compliment de les normes de trànsit per part dels conductors s’identifica com un punt dèbil a l’hora de maximitzar els beneficis de les actuals estratègies de gestió del transit. Això probablement canviarà en el futur pròxim amb la irrupció dels Vehicles Autònoms (VA) a les autopistes. Els sistemes de comunicació V2X permetran actuar individualment sobre cada vehicle amb una gran precisió. Això obrirà la porta a noves estratègies de gestió, basades en la comunicació simultània entre diferents grups de VA i en temps de reacció extremadament curts, com per exemple és el “platooning”, que destaca pel seu gran potencial per millorar el trànsit en autopista. Els “platons” son cadenes de VA viatjant amb uns espaiaments extremadament curts que permeten assolir capacitats mes elevades i un menor consum energètic. En aquest context, la tesi presenta un model macroscòpic parsimoniós per a “platons” de VA en condicions de transit mixt, és a dir, compartint la infraestructura amb vehicles tradicionals. El model permet determinar la longitud mitjana del “platons” i reproduir el trànsit global dinàmiques que condueixen a majors capacitats. Els resultats demostren que amb un 50% la velocitat de penetració dels AV al carril, la capacitat podria arribar als 3.400 vehicles / h / carril sota una estratègia cooperativa de “platooning”Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Modeling present and future freeway management strategies : variable speed limits, lane-changing and platooning of connected autonomous vehicles

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    Freeway traffic management is necessary to improve capacity and reduce congestion, especially in metropolitan freeways where the rush period lasts several hours per day. Traffic congestion implies delays and an increase in air pollutant emissions, both with harmful effects to society. Active management strategies imply regulating traffic demand and improving freeway capacity. While both aspects are necessary, the present thesis only addresses the supply side. Part of the research in traffic flow theory is grounded on empirical data. Today, in order to extend our knowledge on traffic dynamics, detailed and high-quality data is needed. To that end, the thesis presents a pioneering data collection campaign, which was developed in a freeway accessing Barcelona. In a Variable Speed Limits (VSL) environment, different speed limits where posted, in order to observe their real and detailed effects on traffic. All the installed surveillance instruments were set to capture data in the highest possible level of detail, including video recordings, from where to count lane-changing maneuvers. With this objective, a semi-automatic method to reliably count lane changes form video recordings was developed and is presented in the thesis. Data analysis proved that the speed limit fulfillment was only relevant in sections with enforcement devices. In these sections, it is confirmed that, the lower the speed limit, the higher the occupancy to achieve a given flow. In contrast, the usually assumed mainline metering effect of low speed limits was not relevant. This might be different in case of stretch enforcement. These findings mean that, on the one hand, VSL strategies aiming to restrict the mainline flow on a freeway by using low speed limits will need to be applied carefully, avoiding conditions as the ones presented here. On the other hand, VSL strategies trying to get the most from the increased vehicle storage capacity of freeways under low speed limits might be rather promising. Results also show that low speed limits increase the speed differences across lanes for moderate demands. This, in turn, also increases the lane changing rates. In contrast, lower speed limits widen the range of flows under uniform lane flow distributions, so that, even for moderate to low demands, the under-utilization of any lane can be avoided. Further analysis of lane-changing activity allowed unveiling that high lane-changing rates prevent achieving the highest flows. This inverse relationship is modeled in the thesis using a stochastic model based on Bayesian inference. This model could be used as a control tool, in order to determine which level of lane-changing activity can be allowed to achieve a desired capacity with some level of reliability. Previous results identify drivers' fulfillment of traffic regulations as a weak point in order to maximize the benefits of current management strategies, like VSL or lane-changing control. This is likely to change in the near future with the irruption of Autonomous Vehicles (AV) in freeways. V2X communications will allow directly actuating on individual vehicles with high accuracy. This will open the door to new management strategies based on simultaneous communication to groups of AVs and extremely short reaction times, like platooning, which stands out as a strategy with a huge potential to improve freeway traffic. Strings of AVs traveling at extremely short gaps (i.e. platoons) allow achieving higher capacities and lower energy consumption rates. In this context, the thesis presents a parsimonious macroscopic model for AVs platooning in mixed traffic (i.e. platoons of AVs travelling together with human driven vehicles). The model allows determining the average platoon length and reproducing the overall traffic dynamics leading to higher capacities. Results prove that with a 50% penetration rate of AVs in the lane, capacity could reach 3400 veh/h/lane under a cooperative platooning strategy.Per tal de millorar la capacitat i reduir la congestió a les autopistes cal gestionar el trànsit de manera activa. Les estratègies de gestió activa del trànsit són d’especial importància en autopistes metropolitanes. La congestió provoca retards i un increment del consum de combustible que va lligat a unes majors emissions de gasos contaminants, tots amb efectes perniciosos per la societat. La gestió activa del transit requereix regular la demanda i millorar la capacitat de la via. Encara que tots dos aspectes son necessaris, la present tesis només analitza la gestió de l’oferta. Part de la recerca en l’anàlisi i la teoria del trànsit es basa en dades empíriques. Per satisfer el requeriment de dades detallades i d’alta qualitat, aquesta tesis presenta una campanya pionera de recol·lecció de dades. Les dades es van recollir a l’autopista B-23 d’accés a Barcelona. Tots els instruments de mesura es van configurar per tal de registrar les dades amb el major nivell de detall possible, incloent les càmeres de videovigilància, d’on es varen extreure els comptatges de canvi de carril. Amb aquest objectiu, es va desenvolupar una metodologia semiautomàtica per comptar canvis de carril a partir de gravacions de trànsit, que es presenta en el cos de la tesi. L’anàlisi de les dades obtingudes ha demostrat que el compliment dels límits de velocitat només resulta rellevant en aquelles seccions que compten amb un radar. És en aquestes seccions on s’ha confirmat que com menor és el límit de velocitat, major es l’ocupació per a un flux donat. Per contra, la hipòtesi habitual de que uns límits de velocitat baixos produeixen una restricció del flux no es va observar de forma rellevant. Aquest comportament podria esser diferent en el cas d’implantar un radar de tram. Els resultats obtinguts també mostren com les diferències de velocitats entre carrils s’incrementen per a límits de velocitat baixos i en condicions de demanda moderada. Això, alhora, incrementa el nombre de canvis de carril. Per contra, els límits de velocitat baixos contribueixen a una distribució de flux més uniforme entre carrils, de forma que es pot evitar la infrautilització de carrils. L’anàlisi més detallat de l’activitat de canvi de carril demostra que una taxa elevada de canvis de carril impedeix assolir fluxos grans de circulació. En la tesi, aquesta relació inversa entre la taxa de canvis de carril i el flux màxim de trànsit a l’autopista s’ha modelat de forma estocàstica utilitzant un model basat en la inferència Bayesiana. Aquest model es pot utilitzar com una eina de control, per tal de determinar quina taxa de canvi de carril es pot permetre si es vol assolir una capacitat determinada amb una determinada probabilitat de compliment. En vista dels resultats previs, la falta de compliment de les normes de trànsit per part dels conductors s’identifica com un punt dèbil a l’hora de maximitzar els beneficis de les actuals estratègies de gestió del transit. Això probablement canviarà en el futur pròxim amb la irrupció dels Vehicles Autònoms (VA) a les autopistes. Els sistemes de comunicació V2X permetran actuar individualment sobre cada vehicle amb una gran precisió. Això obrirà la porta a noves estratègies de gestió, basades en la comunicació simultània entre diferents grups de VA i en temps de reacció extremadament curts, com per exemple és el “platooning”, que destaca pel seu gran potencial per millorar el trànsit en autopista. Els “platons” son cadenes de VA viatjant amb uns espaiaments extremadament curts que permeten assolir capacitats mes elevades i un menor consum energètic. En aquest context, la tesi presenta un model macroscòpic parsimoniós per a “platons” de VA en condicions de transit mixt, és a dir, compartint la infraestructura amb vehicles tradicionals. El model permet determinar la longitud mitjana del “platons” i reproduir el trànsit global dinàmiques que condueixen a majors capacitats. Els resultats demostren que amb un 50% la velocitat de penetració dels AV al carril, la capacitat podria arribar als 3.400 vehicles / h / carril sota una estratègia cooperativa de “platooning

    Shockwave damping on freeways using magnetometers and probe vehicle data

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    This master thesis focuses on the problem of shockwave damping on freeways. To this purpose, we implement two algorithms for detecting shockwaves and a mitigation algorithm. They are tested using simulation in test networks and finally, they are evaluated in the model of a real freeway, the AP7

    2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems (MFTS 2018): Booklet of abstracts: Ispra, 11-12 June 2018

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    The Symposium focuses on future traffic management systems, covering the subjects of traffic control, estimation, and modelling of motorway and urban networks, with particular emphasis on the presence of advanced vehicle communication and automation technologies. As connectivity and automation are being progressively introduced in our transport and mobility systems, there is indeed a growing need to understand the implications and opportunities for an enhanced traffic management as well as to identify innovative ways and tools to optimise traffic efficiency. In particular the debate on centralised versus decentralised traffic management in the presence of connected and automated vehicles has started attracting the attention of the research community. In this context, the Symposium provides a remarkable opportunity to share novel ideas and discuss future research directions.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    Kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima na urbanim autocestama zasnovano na strojnom učenju

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    To cope with today’s urban motorway congestions and the inability to increase motorway capacity in urban environments requires the implementation of advanced control methods. These methods are an integral part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). An ITS essentially integrates information and communication technology to solve the congestion problems. Ramp metering (RM) and Variable Speed Limit Control (VSLC) are some of the most widely used urban motorway traffic control methods. RM provide direct influence over the on-ramp flows by using specialized traffic lights, while the VSLC control speed of mainstream flow by using variable messaging signs. A dedicated algorithm for RM or VSLC uses sensory data form an urban motorway to compute actions that will have a positive impact on both types of traffic flow. This study will focus on the cooperation of an RM and a VSLC systems, and the integration of several different RM algorithms into a single algorithm called INTEGRA. The algorithm is created by using the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as an instance of machine learning techniques. Furthermore, INTGERA is expanded in order to integrate its original functionality with a recurrent neural network for traffic demand prediction. As the final step, this doctoral thesis will provide evaluation of different criteria for learning dataset functional setup, based on which ANFIS neural network of INTEGRA will be learned. Results of all mentioned approaches will be compared and discussed in relation with other commonly used urban motorway control methods.Glavnina istraživanja u ovom doktorskom radu vezana je upravo za upravljanje priljevnim tokovima s posebnim naglaskom na kooperaciju s drugim sustavima upravljanja prometom, te primjeni strojnog učenja. Također, u kooperaciji s upravljanjem priljevnih tokova razmatrat će se druge upravljačke metode kao što su sustav zabrane prometovanja određenim prometnim trakama, te potpuno ili djelomično upravljanje vozilima opremljenim posebnim računalnim jedinicama. Od strane autora predložen je neuro-neizraziti okvir za učenje koji omogućuje integraciju različitih strategija upravljanja priljevnim tokovima. CTMSIM makro-simulacijski alat koji je izrađen u Matlab programskom okruženju korišten je u simulaciji odabranih metoda upravljanja prometom na urbanim autocestama. Simulator je proširen od strana autora kako bi podržao kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima, kao i sustav za promjenjivo ograničenje brzina vozila

    Kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima na urbanim autocestama zasnovano na strojnom učenju

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    To cope with today’s urban motorway congestions and the inability to increase motorway capacity in urban environments requires the implementation of advanced control methods. These methods are an integral part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). An ITS essentially integrates information and communication technology to solve the congestion problems. Ramp metering (RM) and Variable Speed Limit Control (VSLC) are some of the most widely used urban motorway traffic control methods. RM provide direct influence over the on-ramp flows by using specialized traffic lights, while the VSLC control speed of mainstream flow by using variable messaging signs. A dedicated algorithm for RM or VSLC uses sensory data form an urban motorway to compute actions that will have a positive impact on both types of traffic flow. This study will focus on the cooperation of an RM and a VSLC systems, and the integration of several different RM algorithms into a single algorithm called INTEGRA. The algorithm is created by using the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as an instance of machine learning techniques. Furthermore, INTGERA is expanded in order to integrate its original functionality with a recurrent neural network for traffic demand prediction. As the final step, this doctoral thesis will provide evaluation of different criteria for learning dataset functional setup, based on which ANFIS neural network of INTEGRA will be learned. Results of all mentioned approaches will be compared and discussed in relation with other commonly used urban motorway control methods.Glavnina istraživanja u ovom doktorskom radu vezana je upravo za upravljanje priljevnim tokovima s posebnim naglaskom na kooperaciju s drugim sustavima upravljanja prometom, te primjeni strojnog učenja. Također, u kooperaciji s upravljanjem priljevnih tokova razmatrat će se druge upravljačke metode kao što su sustav zabrane prometovanja određenim prometnim trakama, te potpuno ili djelomično upravljanje vozilima opremljenim posebnim računalnim jedinicama. Od strane autora predložen je neuro-neizraziti okvir za učenje koji omogućuje integraciju različitih strategija upravljanja priljevnim tokovima. CTMSIM makro-simulacijski alat koji je izrađen u Matlab programskom okruženju korišten je u simulaciji odabranih metoda upravljanja prometom na urbanim autocestama. Simulator je proširen od strana autora kako bi podržao kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima, kao i sustav za promjenjivo ograničenje brzina vozila

    Kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima na urbanim autocestama zasnovano na strojnom učenju

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    To cope with today’s urban motorway congestions and the inability to increase motorway capacity in urban environments requires the implementation of advanced control methods. These methods are an integral part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). An ITS essentially integrates information and communication technology to solve the congestion problems. Ramp metering (RM) and Variable Speed Limit Control (VSLC) are some of the most widely used urban motorway traffic control methods. RM provide direct influence over the on-ramp flows by using specialized traffic lights, while the VSLC control speed of mainstream flow by using variable messaging signs. A dedicated algorithm for RM or VSLC uses sensory data form an urban motorway to compute actions that will have a positive impact on both types of traffic flow. This study will focus on the cooperation of an RM and a VSLC systems, and the integration of several different RM algorithms into a single algorithm called INTEGRA. The algorithm is created by using the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as an instance of machine learning techniques. Furthermore, INTGERA is expanded in order to integrate its original functionality with a recurrent neural network for traffic demand prediction. As the final step, this doctoral thesis will provide evaluation of different criteria for learning dataset functional setup, based on which ANFIS neural network of INTEGRA will be learned. Results of all mentioned approaches will be compared and discussed in relation with other commonly used urban motorway control methods.Glavnina istraživanja u ovom doktorskom radu vezana je upravo za upravljanje priljevnim tokovima s posebnim naglaskom na kooperaciju s drugim sustavima upravljanja prometom, te primjeni strojnog učenja. Također, u kooperaciji s upravljanjem priljevnih tokova razmatrat će se druge upravljačke metode kao što su sustav zabrane prometovanja određenim prometnim trakama, te potpuno ili djelomično upravljanje vozilima opremljenim posebnim računalnim jedinicama. Od strane autora predložen je neuro-neizraziti okvir za učenje koji omogućuje integraciju različitih strategija upravljanja priljevnim tokovima. CTMSIM makro-simulacijski alat koji je izrađen u Matlab programskom okruženju korišten je u simulaciji odabranih metoda upravljanja prometom na urbanim autocestama. Simulator je proširen od strana autora kako bi podržao kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima, kao i sustav za promjenjivo ograničenje brzina vozila

    Model predictive control for freeway traffic networks

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    Falta palabras claveTraffic congestion on freeways is a critical problem due to higher delays, waste of fuel, a higher accident risk probability, negative impact on the environment, etc. Variable speed limits, ramp metering, and reversible lanes are some of the most often used examples of freeway traffic measures that can be used to dynamically control traffic. Nowadays, most of the dynamic traffic control systems operate according to a linear and local control loop. As explained in the thesis, the use of appropriate non-local and multivariable techniques can considerably improve the reduction in the total time spent by the drivers and other traffic performance indexes. Nonlinear centralized Model Predictive Control (MPC) is probably the best control algorithm choice for a small network as can be seen on previous references. The main practical problem of nonlinear centralized MPC is that the computational time quickly increases with the size of the network making diffcult to apply centralized MPC for large networks. Therefore, completely centralized control of large networks is viewed by most practitioners as impractical and unrealistic. The main objective of this thesis is the proposal of MPC techniques which can be applied, in practice, to real large traffic networks. Possible solutions are the use of distributed MPC (considering the network as a set of subsystems controlling each subsystem by one independent MPC), hybrid MPC (splitting the problem in a continuous optimization for the ramp metering signals and in a discrete optimization for speed limits) or genetic algorithms (finding the fittest individuals within a generation, applying genetic operators for the recombination of those individuals, and generating a good offspring). This thesis proposes and analyses these solutions. Other open problem in freeway traffic control is the dynamic operation of reversible lanes. Despite the long history and widespread use of reversible lanes worldwide, there have been few quantitative evaluations and research studies conducted on their performance. To address this problem, this thesis proposes a macroscopic model for reversible lanes and on-line controllers for the operation of reversible lanes. Moreover, a MPC controller for freeway traffic requires a model to make accurate and reliable predictions of the traffic flow. On the other hand, this model is required to be fast enough, so that it can be used for on-line based control applications. Therefore, it is imperative to select or develop appropriate models, i.e., models that are fast and that provide accurate predictions. In this thesis, the METANET model and its extensions have been selected to be used for the prediction of the traffic flow and, based on this model, new advances in freeway traffic modeling for optimal control strategies are proposed.El ahorro de combustible, la mejora de la movilidad de los ciudadanos, la reducción de las emisiones atmosféricas y de los accidentes de tráfico son algunos de los aspectos claves en las políticas gubernamentales en el primer mundo. Durante los últimos años, un gran esfuerzo investigador se ha centrado en resolver, o mitigar, estos problemas. Debido a que la construcción de nuevos ramales viarios (o la ampliación de las ya presentes) no es siempre una opción viable (por razones económicas o técnicas), es necesaria la búsqueda de otras alternativas. Los sistemas de control dinámico de tráfico miden o estiman el estado de la circulación en cada instante y calculan la señal de control que cambia la respuesta del sistema mejorando su funcionamiento. Las señales de control de tráfico más útiles son los “ramps metering'' (o rampas de acceso controlado) y los “límites dinámicos de velocidad'' (VSL) porque son fáciles de implementar, relativamente baratos y suponen una mejora sustancial en el tiempo total de conducción empleado por los conductores (TTS). En la actualidad, la mayoría de los sistemas de control de tráfico operan usando un control clásico por realimentación, lineal y local. Sin embargo, el uso apropiado de técnicas multivariables y no locales mejorará substancialmente el comportamiento del sistema controlado. El uso de un controlador predictivo basado en modelo (MPC) centralizado es posiblemente la mejor elección para una red de tráfico pequeña. El problema fundamental del MPC centralizado es que el tiempo de computación crece exponencialmente con el tamaño de la red. Por tanto, este tipo de controladores son imposibles de implementar en tiempo real en redes suficientemente grandes. El principal objetivo de la tesis es diseñar un algoritmo de control que pueda ser calculado en tiempo real en una red viaria de gran escala minimizando, al mismo tiempo, el tiempo total de conducción empleado. Las principales contribuciones al estado del arte pueden enumerarse en: • La extensión del modelo de tráfico en autovías METANET para permitir el modelado de carriles reversibles. • Un algoritmo de identificación para los parámetros de METANET, especialmente pensado para casos donde solo hay disponible un número limitado de sensores. • El uso de una nueva definición matemática del diagrama fundamental de tráfico. • La primera comparación directa entre los dos modelos macroscópicos de tráfico más comúnmente usados. • El análisis de la robustez de los controladores predictivos aplicados a sistemas de tráfico (con respecto a variaciones de la demanda de tráfico). • La justificación de la necesidad de usar algoritmos de control globales o distribuidos (y no algoritmos locales) en sistemas de control de tráfico. • El uso de dos algoritmos predictivos distribuidos para el control de tráfico en autovías. • El diseño de un método para obtener los valores óptimos de los límites de velocidad considerando la característica discreta de los mismos y otras restricciones prácticas. • El diseño de un controlador MPC discreto para la operación de carriles reversibles. • Un algoritmo lógico fácilmente implementable para la operación de carriles reversibles.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U