910 research outputs found

    Compensation of fibre impairments in coherent optical systems

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Algorithm-Architecture Co-Design for Digital Front-Ends in Mobile Receivers

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    The methodology behind this work has been to use the concept of algorithm-hardware co-design to achieve efficient solutions related to the digital front-end in mobile receivers. It has been shown that, by looking at algorithms and hardware architectures together, more efficient solutions can be found; i.e., efficient with respect to some design measure. In this thesis the main focus have been placed on two such parameters; first reduced complexity algorithms to lower energy consumptions at limited performance degradation, secondly to handle the increasing number of wireless standards that preferably should run on the same hardware platform. To be able to perform this task it is crucial to understand both sides of the table, i.e., both algorithms and concepts for wireless communication as well as the implications arising on the hardware architecture. It is easier to handle the high complexity by separating those disciplines in a way of layered abstraction. However, this representation is imperfect, since many interconnected "details" belonging to different layers are lost in the attempt of handling the complexity. This results in poor implementations and the design of mobile terminals is no exception. Wireless communication standards are often designed based on mathematical algorithms with theoretical boundaries, with few considerations to actual implementation constraints such as, energy consumption, silicon area, etc. This thesis does not try to remove the layer abstraction model, given its undeniable advantages, but rather uses those cross-layer "details" that went missing during the abstraction. This is done in three manners: In the first part, the cross-layer optimization is carried out from the algorithm perspective. Important circuit design parameters, such as quantization are taken into consideration when designing the algorithm for OFDM symbol timing, CFO, and SNR estimation with a single bit, namely, the Sign-Bit. Proof-of-concept circuits were fabricated and showed high potential for low-end receivers. In the second part, the cross-layer optimization is accomplished from the opposite side, i.e., the hardware-architectural side. A SDR architecture is known for its flexibility and scalability over many applications. In this work a filtering application is mapped into software instructions in the SDR architecture in order to make filtering-specific modules redundant, and thus, save silicon area. In the third and last part, the optimization is done from an intermediate point within the algorithm-architecture spectrum. Here, a heterogeneous architecture with a combination of highly efficient and highly flexible modules is used to accomplish initial synchronization in at least two concurrent OFDM standards. A demonstrator was build capable of performing synchronization in any two standards, including LTE, WiFi, and DVB-H

    A room acoustics measurement system using non-invasive microphone arrays

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    This thesis summarises research into adaptive room correction for small rooms and pre-recorded material, for example music of films. A measurement system to predict the sound at a remote location within a room, without a microphone at that location was investigated. This would allow the sound within a room to be adaptively manipulated to ensure that all listeners received optimum sound, therefore increasing their enjoyment. The solution presented used small microphone arrays, mounted on the room's walls. A unique geometry and processing system was designed, incorporating three processing stages, temporal, spatial and spectral. The temporal processing identifies individual reflection arrival times from the recorded data. Spatial processing estimates the angles of arrival of the reflections so that the three-dimensional coordinates of the reflections' origin can be calculated. The spectral processing then estimates the frequency response of the reflection. These estimates allow a mathematical model of the room to be calculated, based on the acoustic measurements made in the actual room. The model can then be used to predict the sound at different locations within the room. A simulated model of a room was produced to allow fast development of algorithms. Measurements in real rooms were then conducted and analysed to verify the theoretical models developed and to aid further development of the system. Results from these measurements and simulations, for each processing stage are presented

    Machine Learning in Digital Signal Processing for Optical Transmission Systems

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    The future demand for digital information will exceed the capabilities of current optical communication systems, which are approaching their limits due to component and fiber intrinsic non-linear effects. Machine learning methods are promising to find new ways of leverage the available resources and to explore new solutions. Although, some of the machine learning methods such as adaptive non-linear filtering and probabilistic modeling are not novel in the field of telecommunication, enhanced powerful architecture designs together with increasing computing power make it possible to tackle more complex problems today. The methods presented in this work apply machine learning on optical communication systems with two main contributions. First, an unsupervised learning algorithm with embedded additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and appropriate power constraint is trained end-to-end, learning a geometric constellation shape for lowest bit-error rates over amplified and unamplified links. Second, supervised machine learning methods, especially deep neural networks with and without internal cyclical connections, are investigated to combat linear and non-linear inter-symbol interference (ISI) as well as colored noise effects introduced by the components and the fiber. On high-bandwidth coherent optical transmission setups their performances and complexities are experimentally evaluated and benchmarked against conventional digital signal processing (DSP) approaches. This thesis shows how machine learning can be applied to optical communication systems. In particular, it is demonstrated that machine learning is a viable designing and DSP tool to increase the capabilities of optical communication systems

    Proceedings of the EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing symposium: SASP 2019

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    International audienc

    Reverberation: models, estimation and application

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    The use of reverberation models is required in many applications such as acoustic measurements, speech dereverberation and robust automatic speech recognition. The aim of this thesis is to investigate different models and propose a perceptually-relevant reverberation model with suitable parameter estimation techniques for different applications. Reverberation can be modelled in both the time and frequency domain. The model parameters give direct information of both physical and perceptual characteristics. These characteristics create a multidimensional parameter space of reverberation, which can be to a large extent captured by a time-frequency domain model. In this thesis, the relationship between physical and perceptual model parameters will be discussed. In the first application, an intrusive technique is proposed to measure the reverberation or reverberance, perception of reverberation and the colouration. The room decay rate parameter is of particular interest. In practical applications, a blind estimate of the decay rate of acoustic energy in a room is required. A statistical model for the distribution of the decay rate of the reverberant signal named the eagleMax distribution is proposed. The eagleMax distribution describes the reverberant speech decay rates as a random variable that is the maximum of the room decay rates and anechoic speech decay rates. Three methods were developed to estimate the mean room decay rate from the eagleMax distributions alone. The estimated room decay rates form a reverberation model that will be discussed in the context of room acoustic measurements, speech dereverberation and robust automatic speech recognition individually

    Advanced Signal Processing for Pulse-Amplitude Modulation Optical Transmission Systems

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    [ES] Los sistemas de transmisión óptica no-coherente se emplean actualmente en las redes ópticas de corto alcance (< 80 km), como son las redes de ámbito metropolitano. La implementación más común en el estado del arte se basa en sistemas que emplean multiplexación por división en longitud de onda (WDM, wavelength division multiplexing) de cuatro longitudes de onda (¿) proporcionando un régimen binario de 100 Gbps (4¿×25 Gbps). En los últimos años, los sistemas de transmisión ópticos no-coherentes están evolucionando desde 100 Gbps a 400 Gbps (4¿×100 Gbps). Dado que este mercado comprende un gran número de sistemas, el coste es un parámetro importante que debe ser lo más bajo posible. El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar distintos aspectos del procesado de señal en general y, específicamente, investigar nuevas técnicas de procesado digital de señal (DSP, digital signal processing) que puedan ser utilizadas en sistemas de transmisión óptica no-coherentes empleando la modulación por amplitud de pulsos (PAM, pulse-amplitude modulation). Para que una técnica DSP sea interesante en el contexto de una red óptica WDM no-coherente, esta debe mitigar de manera efectiva al menos una de las tres limitaciones principales que afectan a estos sistemas: limitaciones de ancho de banda, limitaciones por dispersión cromática (CD), y el ruido. En esta tesis se proponen y examinan una serie de algoritmos cuyo su rendimiento es analizado mediante simulación y experimentalmente en laboratorio: - Feed-forward equalizer (FFE): este es el esquema de ecualización más común que se emplea principalmente en las transmisiones ópticas no-coherentes de alto régimen binario. Puede compensar grandes limitaciones en el ancho de banda. - Estimación de la secuencia de máxima verosimilitud (MLSE): el MLSE es un detector óptimo y, por lo tanto, proporciona las mejores prestaciones en detección cuando se abordan las limitaciones por CD y de ancho de banda. - Conformación geométrica de la constelación: en los esquemas de modulación de intensidad óptica multinivel, la distancia entre los niveles de amplitud puede ajustarse adecuadamente (de manera que no son equidistantes) a fin de aumentar la tolerancia de la señal frente al ruido. - Conformación probabilística: técnica diseñada específicamente para esquemas de modulación multinivel. Esta técnica ajusta la probabilidad de cada nivel de amplitud de modo que se incrementa la tolerancia al ruido óptico. - Señalización de respuesta parcial (PRS, partial signaling response): este es un enfoque basado en DSP donde una interferencia entre símbolos (ISI, inter-symbol interference) controlada es introducida intencionalmente de tal manera que la señal resultante requiere menos ancho de banda. La técnica PRS puede adaptarse para combatir también el efecto de CD. - Pre-énfasis digital (DPE, digital pre-emphasis): esta técnica consiste en aplicar el inverso de la función de transferencia del sistema a la señal en el transmisor, lo que reduce el impacto de las limitaciones de ancho de banda en el receptor. - Modulación con codificación Trellis (TCM, Trellis-coded modulation): esquema de modulación que combina elementos de corrección de errores (FEC, forward error correction) con técnicas de partición en conjuntos y modulación multidimensional para generar una señal más resistente al ruido. - Modulación multidimensional por partición en conjuntos: muy similar a TCM, pero sin ningún elemento FEC. Tiene menos ganancias que TCM en términos de tolerancia al ruido, pero no es tan sensible al ISI. Utilizando estas técnicas, esta tesis demuestra que es posible lograr una transmisión óptica con régimen binario de 100 Gbps/¿ empleando componentes de bajo coste. En esta tesis también demuestra regímenes binarios de más de 200 Gbps, lo que indica que la transmisión óptica no-coherente con modulación PAM puede ser una solución viable y eficiente en coste[CA] Actualment, s'utilitzen sistemes òptics no coherents en xarxes òptiques de curt abast ( < 80 km), com són les xarxes d'àmbit metropolità. La implementació més comuna que podem trobar en l'estat de l'art es correspon amb sistemes emplenant multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona (WDM, wavelength division multiplexing) de quatre longituds d'ona (¿) proporcionant un règim binari de 100 Gbps (4¿×25 Gbps). En els últims anys, els sistemes de transmissió òptica no-coherents han evolucionat des de 100 Gbps cap a 400 Gbps (100 Gbps/¿). Atès que el mercat de sistemes de curt abast compren un gran volum de dispositius òptics instal·lats, el cost unitari és molt important i ha de ser el més baix possible. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és analitzar aspectes del processament de senyal en general i, específicament, investigar noves tècniques de processament digital de senyal (DSP, digital signal processing) que puguen ser utilitzades en sistemes de transmissió òptica no-coherent que utilitzen la modulació per amplitud d'impulsos (PAM, pulse-amplitude modulation). Per tal que una tècnica DSP es considere interessant per a una xarxa òptica WDM no-coherent, aquesta ha de mitigar efectivament almenys una de les tres principals limitacions que afecten aquests sistemes: limitacions d'ample de banda, limitacions per dispersió cromàtica (CD), i el soroll. En aquesta tesi s'examinen una sèrie d'algoritmes, el seu rendiment s'analitza per simulació i experimentalment en laboratori: - Feed-forward equalizer (FFE): aquest és l'esquema d'equalització més comú i s'utilitza bàsicament en les transmissions òptiques no coherents d'alt règim binari. Pot compensar grans quantitats de limitacions d'ample de banda. - Estimació de la seqüència de probabilitat màxima (MLSE): el MLSE és un detector òptim i, per tant, proporciona el millor rendiment quan es tracta de limitacions d'ample de banda i de CD. - Conformació geomètrica de la constel·lació: en esquemes de modulació òptica d'intensitat multinivell es pot ajustar la distància entre els nivells d'amplitud (de manera que ja no són equidistants) per augmentar la tolerància del senyal al soroll. - Conformació probabilística: una tècnica dissenyada específicament per als esquemes de modulació multinivell; ajusta la probabilitat de cada nivell d'amplitud de manera que augmenta la tolerància al soroll òptic. - Senyalització de resposta parcial (PRS, partial signaling response): és un enfocament basat en DSP on la interferència entre símbols (ISI, inter-symbol interference) controlada s'introdueix intencionalment de manera que el senyal resultant requereix menys ample de banda. La tècnica PRS es pot adaptar per combatre els efectes del CD. - Pre-èmfasi digital (DPE, digital pre-emphasis): aquesta tècnica consisteix a aplicar la inversió de la funció de transferència del sistema a la senyal en el transmissor de manera que es redueix l'impacte de les limitacions d'ample de banda en la senyal en el receptor. - Modulació amb codificació Trellis (TCM, Trellis-coded modulation): esquema de modulació que combina els elements de correcció d'errors avançats (FEC, forward error correction) amb tècniques de partionament de conjunts i modulació multidimensional per generar un senyal més resistent al soroll. - Modulació multidimensional per partició en conjuntes: molt similar a TCM però sense elements FEC. Té guanys menors que TCM en termes de tolerància al soroll, però no és tan sensible a l'ISI. Mitjançant l'ús d'aquestes tècniques, aquesta tesi demostra que és possible aconseguir una transmissió òptica amb un règim binari de 100 Gbps/¿ utilitzant components de baix cost. Esta tesi també demostra règims binaris de més de 200 Gbps, el que indica que la tecnologia no-coherent amb modulació PAM és una solució viable i eficient en cost per a una nova generació de sistemes transceptors òptics WDM funcionant a 800 Gbps (4¿×200 G[EN] Non-coherent optical transmission systems are currently employed in short-reach optical networks (reach shorter than 80 km), like metro networks. The most common implementation in the state-of-the-art is the four wavelength (¿) 100 Gbps (4¿×25 Gbps) wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transceiver. In recent years non-coherent optical transmissions are evolving from 100 Gbps to 400 Gbps (4¿×100 Gbps). Since in the short-reach market the volume of optical devices being deployed is very large, the cost-per-unit of the devices is very important, and it should be as low as possible. The goal of this thesis is to investigate some general signal processing aspects and, specifically, digital signal processing (DSP) techniques required in non-coherent pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) optical transmission, and also to investigate novel algorithms which could be applied to this application scenario. In order for a DSP technique to be considered an interesting solution for non-coherent WDM optical networks it has to effectively mitigate at least one of the three main impairments affecting such systems: bandwidth limitations, chromatic dispersion (CD) and noise (in optical or electrical domain). A series of algorithms are proposed and examined in this thesis, and their performance is analyzed by simulation and also experimentally in the laboratory: - Feed-forward equalization (FFE): this is the most common equalizer and it is basically employed in every high-speed non-coherent optical transmission. It can compensate high bandwidth limitations. - Maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE): the MLSE is the optimum detector and thus provides the best performance when it comes to dealing with CD and bandwidth limitations. - Geometrical constellation shaping: in multilevel optical intensity modulation schemes the distance between amplitude levels can be adjusted (such that they are no longer equidistant) in order to increase the signal's tolerance to noise. - Probabilistic shaping: another technique designed specifically for multilevel modulation schemes; it adjusts the probability of each amplitude level such that the tolerance to optical noise is increased. - Partial response signaling (PRS): this is a DSP-based approach where a controlled inter-symbol interference (ISI) is intentionally introduced in such a way that the resulting signal requires less bandwidth. PRS can be customized to also mitigate CD impairment, effectively increasing transmission distances up to three times. - Digital pre-emphasis (DPE): this technique consists in applying the inverse of the transfer function of the system to the signal at the transmitter side which reduces the impact of bandwidth limitations on the signal at the receiver side. - Trellis-coded modulation (TCM): a modulation scheme that combines forward error correction (FEC) elements with set-partitioning techniques and multidimensional modulation to generate a signal that is more resistant to noise. - Multidimensional set-partitioned modulation: very similar with TCM but without any FEC elements. It has lower gains than TCM in terms of noise tolerance but is not so sensitive to ISI. By using the techniques enumerated above, this thesis demonstrates that is possible to achieve 100 Gbps/¿ optical transmission bitrate employing cost-effective components. Even more, bitrates higher than 200 Gbps are also demonstrated, indicating that non-coherent PAM is a viable cost-effective solution for next-generation 800 Gbps (4¿×200 Gbps) WDM transceivers.Prodaniuc, C. (2019). Advanced Signal Processing for Pulse-Amplitude Modulation Optical Transmission Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117315TESI

    Electronic scan weather radar: scan strategy and signal processing for volume targets

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    2013 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Following the success of the WSR-88D network, considerable effort has been directed toward searching for options for the next generation of weather radar technology. With its superior capability for rapidly scanning the atmosphere, electronically scanned phased array radar (PAR) is a potential candidate. A network of such radars has been recommended for consideration by the National Academies Committee on Weather Radar Technology beyond NEXRAD. While conventional weather radar uses a rotating parabolic antenna to form and direct the beam, a phased array radar superimposes outputs from an array of many similar radiating elements to yield a beam that is scanned electronically. An adaptive scan strategy and advanced signal designs and processing concepts are developed in this work to use PAR effectively for weather observation. An adaptive scan strategy for weather targets is developed based on the space-time variability of the storm under observation. Quickly evolving regions are scanned more often and spatial sampling resolution is matched to spatial scale. A model that includes the interaction between space and time is used to extract spatial and temporal scales of the medium and to define scanning regions. The temporal scale constrains the radar revisit time while the measurement accuracy controls the dwell time. These conditions are employed in a task scheduler that works on a ray-by-ray basis and is designed to balance task priority and radar resources. The scheduler algorithm also includes an optimization procedure for minimizing radar scan time. In this research, a signal model for polarimetric phased array weather radar (PAWR) is presented and analyzed. The electronic scan mechanism creates a complex coupling of horizontal and vertical polarizations that produce the bias in the polarimetric variables retrieval. Methods for bias correction for simultaneous and alternating transmission modes are proposed. It is shown that the bias can be effectively removed; however, data quality degradation occurs at far off boresight directions. The effective range for the bias correction methods is suggested by using radar simulation. The pulsing scheme used in PAWR requires a new ground clutter filtering method. The filter is designed to work with a signal covariance matrix in the time domain. The matrix size is set to match the data block size. The filter's design helps overcome limitations of spectral filtering methods and make efficient use of reducing ground clutter width in PAWR. Therefore, it works on modes with few samples. Additionally, the filter can be directly extended for staggered PRT waveforms. Filter implementation for polarimetric retrieval is also successfully developed and tested for simultaneous and alternating staggered PRT. The performance of these methods is discussed in detail. It is important to achieve high sensitivity for PAWR. The use of low-power solid state transmitters to keep costs down requires pulse compression technique. Wide-band pulse compression filters will partly reduce the system sensitivity performance. A system for sensitivity enhancement (SES) for pulse compression weather radar is developed to mitigate this issue. SES uses a dual-waveform transmission scheme and an adaptive pulse compression filter that is based on the self-consistency between signals of the two waveforms. Using SES, the system sensitivity can be improved by 8 to 10 dB