8 research outputs found

    The Practices of Green Supply Chain Management towards Corporate Performances in Construction Industry

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    Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices has different impact on the corporate performances while practitioners are not willing to implement practices that is irrelevant to their organization. Hence, to ensure the most appropriate investment on GSCM is implemented, this study is conducted to identify the relationship between GSCM practices and corporate performances in Malaysia construction industry. To conduct a literature review to figure the relationship between GSCM practices and corporate performances. Systematic literature review method is adopted in data collection stage. The findings of the study show that the green practices are correlated to the corporate performances and a comprehensive conceptual framework is formed from this study to describe the relationships between GSCM practices and corporate performances in Malaysia construction industry. Research on GSCM in Malaysia is still less in construction industry. However, the findings provide crucial insights for potential practitioners due to it consistency with prior studies which are related to GSCM in other industries and countries. Implementation of GSCM improves corporate performances in various dimensions. The construction industry should understand the functions and relationship of each element in GSCM to achieve best performance outcome in the form they desired. A comprehensive conceptual framework which shows the relationships of GSCM and its impact construction industry which allow the potential practitioners to understand the potential improvement in corporate performances is constructed through the systematic literature review


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    The study aimed in identifying Green supply chain critical success factors, develop and validate the framework through integrated approach of ISM, MICMAC and SEM so as to promote green practices throughout the supply chain activities in Indian manufacturing sectors. Interpretive structural modelling(ISM) is applied to develop hierarchical contextual relationship among identified critical success factors via Pareto analysis. The methodology then follows classification of success factors into four clusters by Matrice d’ Impacts Croisés-Multiplication Appliquée á un Classement (MICMAC) and statistical validation of the ISM model through Structural Equation Modelling(SEM) by AMOS. In this study, 16 critical success factors of Green supply chain practices for manufacturing industries were identified, followed by development of an ISM model using 16 critical success factors, later the model was statistically verified that identified nine CSF’s responsible for generating SEM model by satisfying all the model fit indices.The linkage variables identified are Green manufacturing, Green Procurement, Green marketing and Distribution, Green purchasing, Supplier cooperation, Customer cooperation, Environmental strategies and management, Environmental Participation and Green training that are forming the driving force for practicing green supply chain. Research limitations/implications: The results of the study are restricted to manufacturing industries, which might vary when applied for other sectors. The developed model on green supply chain management practices would help policy makers, decision makers, researchers and industry professionals to anticipate potential success factors to implement green supply chain practices. Accordingly, the focus on critical success factors would be prioritized for obtaining better performance of supply chain and greening the chain

    A Supply Chain Equilibrium Model with General Price-Dependent Demand

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    The concept of supply chain equilibrium has been widely employed to solve real-life cases. Under this concept, decisions makers move simultaneously and compete in a noncooperative manner to achieve a supply chain network equilibrium. This paper proposes a supply chain network equilibrium model consisting of multiple raw material suppliers, manufacturers and retailers. Unlike previous studies, we assume that the demand for the product at each retail outlet is modeled as general stochastic functions of price that encompass additive-multiplicative demand models used in previous studies. Under general price-dependent demand functions, we derive the optimality conditions of suppliers, manufacturers and retailers, and establish that the governing equilibrium conditions can be formulated as a finite-dimensional variational inequality problem. The existence and uniqueness of the solution to the variational inequality are examined. A sensitivity analysis and a series of numerical tests are conducted to illustrate the analytical effects of demand distribution, model parameters, demand level and variability on quantity shipments, prices, and expected profits. Managerial insights are reported to show the impact of different types of demand functions and model parameters on the equilibrium solutions

    Environmental taxation: The impact of carbon tax policy commitment on technology choice and social welfare

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    Motivated by multiple real-world settings, we determine a social welfare-maximizing regulator’s tax policies that induce a profit-maximizing polluting firm to make green technology choices. Using a game-theoretic approach we compare the optimal tax and social welfare over two periods under two scenarios: (1) a regulator committing to a tax level for both periods at the beginning of the first period; (2) a regulator who sets the same tax at the beginning of each period without disclosing this information to the firm (i.e. the firm is not aware of the second period tax in the first period). We find that regulators can achieve a higher social welfare when two-period commitments are made. Moreover, the outcomes in the commitment policy are less sensitive to small deviations in the optimal tax level

    Methodology Design of Bid Procedure Using E-auction

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je návrh metodiky výběrového řízení s využitím elektronické aukce. V dané problematice jsou analyzována dosavadní výběrová řízení firmy pomocí elektronických aukcí a její postupy. Hlavním důvodem tvorby práce je nalezení optimálního nastavení elektronické aukce při větším obsahu položek, než bývá obvykle. Konkrétně se práce zaměřuje na návrh metodiky výběrového řízení, který zaručí získání nejvýhodnějšího dodavatele kamionové přepravy pro dané lokace. Tento návrh podává doporučení, které snižuje náklady a rovněž urychluje proces výběru vhodného dodavatele. V práci je využit software ERMMA s jehož pomocí je vytvořen daný návrh, pro efektivnější nastavení elektronických aukcí.The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to propose a methodology design of bid procedure using e-auction. The selection managements of the company using the electronic auction and its procedure so far are further analysed in the given problematic. The main aim of the thesis is to find an optimal setting of an electronic auction when choosing more items than usual. The thesis specifically aims at the layout of the methodology of selection management which ensures acquiring the most suitable contractor of a truck transport for given locations. This proposal gives recommendation that lowers the costs as well as speeds up the process of choosing the appropriate contractor. Thesis further describes the usage of software ERMMA that helps with creation of the given proposal for more effective setting of the electronic auctions.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvýborn