78 research outputs found

    Estratégias eficientes para identificação de falhas utilizando o diagnóstico baseado em comparações

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Elias Procópio Duarte Jr.Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Curso de Pós-Graduaçao em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/04/2013Bibliografia: fls. 126-148Resumo: O diagnóstico baseado em comparações e uma forma realista para detectar falhas em hardware, software, redes e sistemas distribuídos. O diagnostico se baseia na comparaçao de resultados de tarefas produzidos por pares de unidades para determinar quais sao as unidades falhas e sem-falha do sistema. Qualquer diferenca no resultado da comparacao indica que uma ou ambas as unidades estao falhas. O diagnostico completo do sistema e baseado no resultado de todas as comparações. Este trabalho apresenta um novo algoritmo de diagnostico para identificar falhas em sistemas de topologia arbitraria com base no modelo MM*. A complexidade do algoritmo proposto e O(t2AN) no pior caso para sistemas de N unidades, onde t denota o numero maximo permitido de unidades falhas e A e o grau da unidade de maior grau no sistema. Esta complexidade e significativamente menor que a dos outros algoritmos previamente publicados. Alem da especificacao do algoritmo e das provas de correcão, resultados obtidos atraves da execucao exaustiva de experimentos sao apresentados, mostrando o desempenho me dio do algoritmo para diferentes sistemas. Al em do novo algoritmo para sistemas de topologia arbitraria, este trabalho tambem apresenta duas outras solucoes para deteccão e combate a poluicao de conteudo, ou alteracoes nao autorizadas, em transmissões de mídia contínua ao vivo em redes P2P - a primeira e uma solucão centralizada e que realiza o diagnostico da poluicao na rede, e a segunda e uma solucao completamente distribuída e descentralizada que tem o objetivo de combater a propagacao da poluicao na rede. Ambas as solucoes utilizam o diagnostico baseado em comparacoes para detectar alterações no conteudo dos dados transmitidos. As soluções foram implementadas no Fireflies, um protocolo escalavel para redes overlay, e diversos experimentos atraves de simulacao foram conduzidos. Os resultados mostram que ambas as estrategias sao solucães viaveis para identificar e combater a poluiçcãao de conteudo em transmissãoes ao vivo e que adicionam baixa sobrecarga ao trafego da rede. Em particular a estrategia de combate a poluicao foi capaz de reduzir consideravelmente a poluicão de conteudo em diversas configurações, em varios casos chegando a elimina-la no decorrer das transmissoães.Abstract: Comparison-based diagnosis is a practical approach to detect faults in hardware, software, and network-based systems. Diagnosis is based on the comparison of task outputs returned by pairs of system units in order to determine whether those units are faulty or fault-free. If the comparison results in a mismatch then one ore both units are faulty. System diagnosis is based on the complete set of all comparison results. This work introduces a novel diagnosis algorithm to identify faults in t-diagnosable systems of arbitrary topology under the MM* model. The complexity of the proposed algorithm is O(t2AN) in the worst case for systems with N units, where t denotes the maximum number of faulty units allowed and A corresponds to the maximum degree of a unit in the system. This complexity is significantly lower than those of previously published algorithms. Besides the algorithm specification and correctness proofs, exhaustive simulations results are presented, showing the typical performance of the algorithm for different systems. Moreover, this work also presents two different strategies to detect and fight content pollution in P2P live streaming transmissions - the first strategy is centralized and performs the diagnosis of content pollution in the network, and the second strategy is a completely distributed solution to combat the propagation of the pollution. Both strategies employ comparison-based diagnosis in order to detect any modification in the data transmitted. The solutions were also implemented in Fireflies, a scalable and fault-tolerant overlay network protocol, and a large number of simulation experiments were conduced. Results show that both strategies are feasible solutions to identify and fight content pollution in live streaming sessions and that they add low overhead in terms of network bandwidth usage. In particular, the solution proposed to combat content pollution was able to significantly reduce the pollution over the system in diverse network configurations - in many cases the solution nearly eliminated the pollution during the transmission

    Efficient mechanisms to provide fault tolerance in interconnection networks for pc clusters

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    Actualmente, los clusters de PC son un alternativa rentable a los computadores paralelos. En estos sistemas, miles de componentes (procesadores y/o discos duros) se conectan a través de redes de interconexión de altas prestaciones. Entre las tecnologías de red actualmente disponibles para construir clusters, InfiniBand (IBA) ha emergido como un nuevo estándar de interconexión para clusters. De hecho, ha sido adoptado por muchos de los sistemas más potentes construidos actualmente (lista top500). A medida que el número de nodos aumenta en estos sistemas, la red de interconexión también crece. Junto con el aumento del número de componentes la probabilidad de averías aumenta dramáticamente, y así, la tolerancia a fallos en el sistema en general, y de la red de interconexión en particular, se convierte en una necesidad. Desafortunadamente, la mayor parte de las estrategias de encaminamiento tolerantes a fallos propuestas para los computadores masivamente paralelos no pueden ser aplicadas porque el encaminamiento y las transiciones de canal virtual son deterministas en IBA, lo que impide que los paquetes eviten los fallos. Por lo tanto, son necesarias nuevas estrategias para tolerar fallos. Por ello, esta tesis se centra en proporcionar los niveles adecuados de tolerancia a fallos a los clusters de PC, y en particular a las redes IBA. En esta tesis proponemos y evaluamos varios mecanismos adecuados para las redes de interconexión para clusters. El primer mecanismo para proporcionar tolerancia a fallos en IBA (al que nos referimos como encaminamiento tolerante a fallos basado en transiciones; TFTR) consiste en usar varias rutas disjuntas entre cada par de nodos origen-destino y seleccionar la ruta apropiada en el nodo fuente usando el mecanismo APM proporcionado por IBA. Consiste en migrar las rutas afectadas por el fallo a las rutas alternativas sin fallos. Sin embargo, con este fin, es necesario un algoritmo eficiente de encaminamiento capaz de proporcionar suficientesMontañana Aliaga, JM. (2008). Efficient mechanisms to provide fault tolerance in interconnection networks for pc clusters [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2603Palanci

    Cellular Automata

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    Modelling and simulation are disciplines of major importance for science and engineering. There is no science without models, and simulation has nowadays become a very useful tool, sometimes unavoidable, for development of both science and engineering. The main attractive feature of cellular automata is that, in spite of their conceptual simplicity which allows an easiness of implementation for computer simulation, as a detailed and complete mathematical analysis in principle, they are able to exhibit a wide variety of amazingly complex behaviour. This feature of cellular automata has attracted the researchers' attention from a wide variety of divergent fields of the exact disciplines of science and engineering, but also of the social sciences, and sometimes beyond. The collective complex behaviour of numerous systems, which emerge from the interaction of a multitude of simple individuals, is being conveniently modelled and simulated with cellular automata for very different purposes. In this book, a number of innovative applications of cellular automata models in the fields of Quantum Computing, Materials Science, Cryptography and Coding, and Robotics and Image Processing are presented

    Fault Diagnosis Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are deployed in unattended and hostile environments. The ill-disposed environment affects the monitoring infrastructure that includes the sensor nodes and the links. In addition, node failures and environmental hazards cause frequent topology change, communication failure, and network partition. This in turn adds a new dimension to the fragility of the WSN topology. Such perturbations are far more common in WSNs than those found in conventional wireless networks. These perturbations demand efficient techniques for discovering disruptive behavior in WSNs. Traditional fault diagnosis techniques devised for wired interconnected networks, and conventional wireless networks are not directly applicable to WSNs due to its specific requirements and limitations. System-level diagnosis is a technique to identify faults in distributed networks such as multiprocessor systems, wired interconnected networks, and conventional wireless networks. Recently, this has been applied on ad hoc networks and WSNs. This is performed by deduction, based on information in the form of results of tests applied to the sensor nodes. Neighbor coordination-based system-level diagnosis is a variation of this method, which exploits the spatio-temporal correlation between sensor measurements. In this thesis, we present a new approach to diagnose faulty sensor nodes in a WSN, which works in conjunction with the underlying clustering protocol and exploits spatio-temporal correlation between sensor measurements. An advantage of this method is that the diagnostic operation constitutes real work performed by the system, rather than a specialized diagnostic task. In this way, the normal operation of the network can be used for the diagnosis and resulting less time and message overhead. In this thesis, we have devised and evaluated fault diagnosis algorithms for WSNs considering persistence of the faults (transient, intermittent, and permanent), faults in communication channels and in one of the approaches, we attempt to solve the issue of node mobility in diagnosis. A cluster based distributed fault diagnosis (CDFD) algorithm is proposed where the diagnostic local view is obtained by exploiting the spatially correlated sensor measurements. We derived an optimal threshold for effective fault diagnosis in sparse networks. The message complexity of CDFD is O(n) and the number of bits exchanged to diagnose the network are O(n log2 n). The intermittent fault diagnosis is formulated as a multiobjective optimization problem based on the inter-test interval and number of test repetitions required to diagnose the intermittent faults. The two objectives such as detection latency and energy overhead are taken into consideration with a constraint of detection errors. A high level (> 95%) of detection accuracy is achieved while keeping the false alarm rate low (< 1%) for sparse networks. The proposed cluster based distributed intermittent fault diagnosis (CDIFD) algorithm is energy efficient because in CDIFD, diagnostic messages are sent as the output of the routine tasks of the WSNs. A count and threshold-based mechanism is used to discriminate the persistence of faults. The main characteristics of these faults are the amounts of time the fault disappears. We adopt this state-holding time to discriminate transient from intermittent or permanent faults. The proposed cluster based distributed fault diagnosis and discrimination (CDFDD) algorithm is energy efficient due to the improved network lifetime which is greater than 1150 data-gathering rounds with transient fault rates as high as 20%. A mobility aware hierarchal architecture is proposed which is to detect hard and soft faults in dynamic WSN topology assuming random movements of nodes in the WSN. A test pattern that ensures error checking of each functional block of a sensor node is employed to diagnose the network. The proposed mobility aware cluster based distributed fault diagnosis (MCDFD) algorithm assures a better packet delivery ratio (> 80%) in highly dynamic networks with a fault rate as high as 30%. The network lifetime is more than 900 data-gathering rounds in a highly dynamic network with a fault rate as high as 20%

    Small business innovation research program solicitation: Closing date July 16, 1990

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    This is the eighth annual solicitation by NASA addressed to small business firms, inviting them to submit proposals for research, or research and development, activities in some of the science and engineering areas of interest to NASA. The solicitation describes the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program, identifies eligibility requirements, outlines the required proposal format and content, states proposal preparation and submission requirements, describes the proposal evaluation and award selection process, and provides other information to assist those interested in participating in NASA's SBIR program. It also identifies the technical topics and subtopics for which SBIR proposals are solicited. These cover a broad range of current NASA interests, but do not necessarily include all areas in which NASA plans or currently conducts research. High-risk high pay-off innovations are desired

    LASER Tech Briefs, Spring 1994

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    Topics in this Laser Tech Brief include: Electronic Components and Circuits. Electronic Systems, Physical Sciences, Materials, Mechanics, Fabrication Technology, and books and reports

    Plethora : a framework for the intelligent control of robotic assembly systems

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    Plethora : a framework for the intelligent control of robotic assembly system

    Future Computer Requirements for Computational Aerodynamics

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    Recent advances in computational aerodynamics are discussed as well as motivations for and potential benefits of a National Aerodynamic Simulation Facility having the capability to solve fluid dynamic equations at speeds two to three orders of magnitude faster than presently possible with general computers. Two contracted efforts to define processor architectures for such a facility are summarized

    Software-based and regionally-oriented traffic management in Networks-on-Chip

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    Since the introduction of chip-multiprocessor systems, the number of integrated cores has been steady growing and workload applications have been adapted to exploit the increasing parallelism. This changed the importance of efficient on-chip communication significantly and the infrastructure has to keep step with these new requirements. The work at hand makes significant contributions to the state-of-the-art of the latest generation of such solutions, called Networks-on-Chip, to improve the performance, reliability, and flexible management of these on-chip infrastructures