10 research outputs found

    Arabic text classification methods: Systematic literature review of primary studies

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    Recent research on Big Data proposed and evaluated a number of advanced techniques to gain meaningful information from the complex and large volume of data available on the World Wide Web. To achieve accurate text analysis, a process is usually initiated with a Text Classification (TC) method. Reviewing the very recent literature in this area shows that most studies are focused on English (and other scripts) while attempts on classifying Arabic texts remain relatively very limited. Hence, we intend to contribute the first Systematic Literature Review (SLR) utilizing a search protocol strictly to summarize key characteristics of the different TC techniques and methods used to classify Arabic text, this work also aims to identify and share a scientific evidence of the gap in current literature to help suggesting areas for further research. Our SLR explicitly investigates empirical evidence as a decision factor to include studies, then conclude which classifier produced more accurate results. Further, our findings identify the lack of standardized corpuses for Arabic text; authors compile their own, and most of the work is focused on Modern Arabic with very little done on Colloquial Arabic despite its wide use in Social Media Networks such as Twitter. In total, 1464 papers were surveyed from which 48 primary studies were included and analyzed

    Classifying Arabic text using KNN classifier.

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    With the tremendous amount of electronic documents available, there is a great need to classify documents automatically. Classification is the task of assigning objects (images, text documents, etc.) to one of several predefined categories. The selection of important terms is vital to classifier performance, feature set reduction techniques such as stop word removal, stemming and term threshold were used in this paper. Three term-selection techniques are used on a corpus of 1000 documents that fall in five categories. A comparison study is performed to find the effect of using full-word, stem, and the root term indexing methods. K-nearest - neighbors classifiers used in this study. The averages of all folds for Recall, Precision, Fallout, and Error-Rate were calculated. The results of the experiments carried out on the dataset show the importance of using k-fold testing since it presents the variations of averages of recall, precision, fallout, and error rate for each category over the 10-fold

    A Roadmap for Natural Language Processing Research in Information Systems

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is now widely integrated into web and mobile applications, enabling natural interactions between human and computers. Although many NLP studies have been published, none have comprehensively reviewed or synthesized tasks most commonly addressed in NLP research. We conduct a thorough review of IS literature to assess the current state of NLP research, and identify 12 prototypical tasks that are widely researched. Our analysis of 238 articles in Information Systems (IS) journals between 2004 and 2015 shows an increasing trend in NLP research, especially since 2011. Based on our analysis, we propose a roadmap for NLP research, and detail how it may be useful to guide future NLP research in IS. In addition, we employ Association Rules (AR) mining for data analysis to investigate co-occurrence of prototypical tasks and discuss insights from the findings

    A deep CNN architecture with novel pooling layer applied to two Sudanese Arabic sentiment data sets

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    Arabic sentiment analysis has become an important research field in recent years. Initially, work focused on Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which is the most widely used form. Since then, work has been carried out on several different dialects, including Egyptian, Levantine and Moroccan. Moreover, a number of data sets have been created to support such work. However, up until now, no work has been carried out on Sudanese Arabic, a dialect which has 32 million speakers. In this article, two new public data sets are introduced, the two-class Sudanese Sentiment Data set (SudSenti2) and the three-class Sudanese Sentiment Data set (SudSenti3). In the preparation phase, we establish a Sudanese stopword list. Furthermore, a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture, Sentiment Convolutional MMA (SCM), is proposed, comprising five CNN layers together with a novel Mean Max Average (MMA) pooling layer, to extract the best features. This SCM model is applied to SudSenti2 and SudSenti3 and shown to be superior to the baseline models, with accuracies of 92.25% and 85.23% (Experiments 1 and 2). The performance of MMA is compared with Max, Avg and Min and shown to be better on SudSenti2, the Saudi Sentiment Data set and the MSA Hotel Arabic Review Data set by 1.00%, 0.83% and 0.74%, respectively (Experiment 3). Next, we conduct an ablation study to determine the contribution to performance of text normalisation and the Sudanese stopword list (Experiment 4). For normalisation, this makes a difference of 0.43% on two-class and 0.45% on three-class. For the custom stoplist, the differences are 0.82% and 0.72%, respectively. Finally, the model is compared with other deep learning classifiers, including transformer-based language models for Arabic, and shown to be comparable for SudSenti2 (Experiment 5)

    Semantic feature reduction and hybrid feature selection for clustering of Arabic Web pages

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    In the literature, high-dimensional data reduces the efficiency of clustering algorithms. Clustering the Arabic text is challenging because semantics of the text involves deep semantic processing. To overcome the problems, the feature selection and reduction methods have become essential to select and identify the appropriate features in reducing high-dimensional space. There is a need to develop a suitable design for feature selection and reduction methods that would result in a more relevant, meaningful and reduced representation of the Arabic texts to ease the clustering process. The research developed three different methods for analyzing the features of the Arabic Web text. The first method is based on hybrid feature selection that selects the informative term representation within the Arabic Web pages. It incorporates three different feature selection methods known as Chi-square, Mutual Information and Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency to build a hybrid model. The second method is a latent document vectorization method used to represent the documents as the probability distribution in the vector space. It overcomes the problems of high-dimension by reducing the dimensional space. To extract the best features, two document vectorizer methods have been implemented, known as the Bayesian vectorizer and semantic vectorizer. The third method is an Arabic semantic feature analysis used to improve the capability of the Arabic Web analysis. It ensures a good design for the clustering method to optimize clustering ability when analysing these Web pages. This is done by overcoming the problems of term representation, semantic modeling and dimensional reduction. Different experiments were carried out with k-means clustering on two different data sets. The methods provided solutions to reduce high-dimensional data and identify the semantic features shared between similar Arabic Web pages that are grouped together in one cluster. These pages were clustered according to the semantic similarities between them whereby they have a small Davies–Bouldin index and high accuracy. This study contributed to research in clustering algorithm by developing three methods to identify the most relevant features of the Arabic Web pages

    Mining Twitter for crisis management: realtime floods detection in the Arabian Peninsula

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of Philosophy.In recent years, large amounts of data have been made available on microblog platforms such as Twitter, however, it is difficult to filter and extract information and knowledge from such data because of the high volume, including noisy data. On Twitter, the general public are able to report real-world events such as floods in real time, and act as social sensors. Consequently, it is beneficial to have a method that can detect flood events automatically in real time to help governmental authorities, such as crisis management authorities, to detect the event and make decisions during the early stages of the event. This thesis proposes a real time flood detection system by mining Arabic Tweets using machine learning and data mining techniques. The proposed system comprises five main components: data collection, pre-processing, flooding event extract, location inferring, location named entity link, and flooding event visualisation. An effective method of flood detection from Arabic tweets is presented and evaluated by using supervised learning techniques. Furthermore, this work presents a location named entity inferring method based on the Learning to Search method, the results show that the proposed method outperformed the existing systems with significantly higher accuracy in tasks of inferring flood locations from tweets which are written in colloquial Arabic. For the location named entity link, a method has been designed by utilising Google API services as a knowledge base to extract accurate geocode coordinates that are associated with location named entities mentioned in tweets. The results show that the proposed location link method locate 56.8% of tweets with a distance range of 0 – 10 km from the actual location. Further analysis has shown that the accuracy in locating tweets in an actual city and region are 78.9% and 84.2% respectively

    Unsupervised learning of Arabic non-concatenative morphology

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    Unsupervised approaches to learning the morphology of a language play an important role in computer processing of language from a practical and theoretical perspective, due their minimal reliance on manually produced linguistic resources and human annotation. Such approaches have been widely researched for the problem of concatenative affixation, but less attention has been paid to the intercalated (non-concatenative) morphology exhibited by Arabic and other Semitic languages. The aim of this research is to learn the root and pattern morphology of Arabic, with accuracy comparable to manually built morphological analysis systems. The approach is kept free from human supervision or manual parameter settings, assuming only that roots and patterns intertwine to form a word. Promising results were obtained by applying a technique adapted from previous work in concatenative morphology learning, which uses machine learning to determine relatedness between words. The output, with probabilistic relatedness values between words, was then used to rank all possible roots and patterns to form a lexicon. Analysis using trilateral roots resulted in correct root identification accuracy of approximately 86% for inflected words. Although the machine learning-based approach is effective, it is conceptually complex. So an alternative, simpler and computationally efficient approach was then devised to obtain morpheme scores based on comparative counts of roots and patterns. In this approach, root and pattern scores are defined in terms of each other in a mutually recursive relationship, converging to an optimized morpheme ranking. This technique gives slightly better accuracy while being conceptually simpler and more efficient. The approach, after further enhancements, was evaluated on a version of the Quranic Arabic Corpus, attaining a final accuracy of approximately 93%. A comparative evaluation shows this to be superior to two existing, well used manually built Arabic stemmers, thus demonstrating the practical feasibility of unsupervised learning of non-concatenative morphology