15 research outputs found

    A comparison of high-order time integrators for thermal convection in rotating spherical shells

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    A numerical study of several time integration methods for solving the threedimensional Boussinesq thermal convection equations in rotating spherical shells is presented. Implicit and semi-implicit time integration techniques based on backward differentiation and extrapolation formulae are considered. The use of Krylov techniques allows the implicit treatment of the Coriolis term with low storage requirements. The codes are validated with a known benchmark, and their efficiency is studied. The results show that the use of high order methods, especially those with time step and order control, increase the efficiency of the time integration, and allows to obtain more accurate solutions.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Two computational approaches for the simulation of fluid problems in rotating spherical shells

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    Many geophysical and astrophysical phenomena such as magnetic fields generation, or the differential rotation observed in the atmospheres of the major planets are studied by means of numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations in rotating spherical shells. Two different computational codes, spatially discretized using spherical harmonics in the angular variables, are presented. The first code, PARODY, solves the magneto-hydrodynamic anelastic convective equations with finite a difference discretization in the radial direction. This allows the parallelization on distributed memory computers to run massive numerical simulations of second order in time. It is mainly designed to perform direct numerical simulations. The second code, SPHO, solves the fully spectral Boussinesq convective equations, and its variationals, parallelized on shared memory architectures and it uses optimized linear algebra libraries. High-order time integration methods are implemented to allow the use of dynamical systems tools for the study of complex dynamics.Postprint (published version

    Two computational approaches for the simulation of fluid problems in rotating spherical shells

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    Many geophysical and astrophysical phenomena such as magnetic fields generation, or the differential rotation observed in the atmospheres of the major planets are studied by means of numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations in rotating spherical shells. Two different computational codes, spatially discretized using spherical harmonics in the angular variables, are presented. The first code, PARODY, solves the magneto-hydrodynamic anelastic convective equations with finite a difference discretization in the radial direction. This allows the parallelization on distributed memory computers to run massive numerical simulations of second order in time. It is mainly designed to perform direct numerical simulations. The second code, SPHO, solves the fully spectral Boussinesq convective equations, and its variationals, parallelized on shared memory architectures and it uses optimized linear algebra libraries. High-order time integration methods are implemented to allow the use of dynamical systems tools for the study of complex dynamics.Postprint (published version

    Continuation and stability of rotating waves in the magnetized spherical Couette system: Secondary transitions and multistability

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    Rotating waves (RW) bifurcating from the axisymmetric basic magnetized spherical Couette (MSC) flow are computed by means of Newton-Krylov continuation techniques for periodic orbits. In addition, their stability is analysed in the framework of Floquet theory. The inner sphere rotates whilst the outer is kept at rest and the fluid is subjected to an axial magnetic field. For a moderate Reynolds number Re=103{\rm Re}=10^3 (measuring inner rotation) the effect of increasing the magnetic field strength (measured by the Hartmann number Ha{\rm Ha}) is addressed in the range Ha(0,80){\rm Ha}\in(0,80) corresponding to the working conditions of the HEDGEHOG experiment at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The study reveals several regions of multistability of waves with azimuthal wave number m=2,3,4m=2,3,4, and several transitions to quasiperiodic flows, i.e modulated rotating waves (MRW). These nonlinear flows can be classified as the three different instabilities of the radial jet, the return flow and the shear-layer, as found in previous studies. These two flows are continuously linked, and part of the same branch, as the magnetic forcing is increased. Midway between the two instabilities, at a certain critical Ha{\rm Ha}, the nonaxisymmetric component of the flow is maximum.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A journal. Contains 3 tables and 12 figure

    Modulated rotating waves in the magnetized spherical Couette system

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    We present a study devoted to a detailed description of modulated rotating waves (MRW) in the magnetized spherical Couette system. The set-up consists of a liquid metal confined between two differentially rotating spheres and subjected to an axially applied magnetic field. When the magnetic field strength is varied, several branches of MRW are obtained by means of three dimensional direct numerical simulations (DNS). The MRW originate from parent branches of rotating waves (RW) and are classified according to Rand's (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal 79:1-37, 182) and Coughling & Marcus (J. Fluid Mech. 234:1-18,1992) theoretical description. We have found relatively large intervals of multistability of MRW at low magnetic field, corresponding to the radial jet instability known from previous studies. However, at larger magnetic field, corresponding to the return flow regime, the stability intervals of MRW are very narrow and thus they are unlikely to be found without detailed knowledge of their bifurcation point. A careful analysis of the spatio-temporal symmetries of the most energetic modes involved in the different classes of MRW will allow in the future a comparison with the HEDGEHOG experiment, a magnetized spherical Couette device hosted at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.Comment: Contains 3 tables and 8 figures. Published in the Journal of Nonlinear Scienc

    Experimental investigation of the return flow instability in magnetic spherical Couette flow

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    We conduct magnetic spherical Couette (MSC) flow experiments in the return flow instability regime with GaInSn as the working fluid, and the ratio of the inner to the outer sphere radii ri/ro=0.5r_{\rm i}/r_{\rm o} = 0.5, the Reynolds number Re=1000{\rm Re} = 1000, and the Hartmann number Ha[27.5,40]{\rm Ha} \in [27.5,40]. Rotating waves with different azimuthal wavenumbers m{2,3,4}m \in \{2, 3, 4\} manifest in certain ranges of Ha{\rm Ha} in the experiments, depending on whether the values of Ha{\rm Ha} were fixed or varied from different initial values. These observations demonstrate the multistability of rotating waves, which we attribute to the dynamical system representing the state of the MSC flow tending to move along the same solution branch of the bifurcation diagram when Ha{\rm Ha} is varied. In experiments with both fixed and varying Ha{\rm Ha}, the rotation frequencies of the rotating waves are consistent with the results of nonlinear stability analysis. A brief numerical investigation shows that differences in the azimuthal wavenumbers of the rotating waves that develop in the flow also depend on the azimuthal modes that are initially excited

    Long term time dependent frequency analysis of chaotic waves in the weakly magnetized spherical Couette system

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    The long therm behavior of chaotic flows is investigated by means of time dependent frequency analysis. The system under test consists of an electrically conducting fluid, confined between two differentially rotating spheres. The spherical setup is exposed to an axial magnetic field. The classical Fourier Transform method provides a first estimation of the time dependence of the frequencies associated to the flow, as well as its volume-averaged properties. It is however unable to detect strange attractors close to regular solutions in the Feigenbaum as well as Newhouse-Ruelle-Takens bifurcation scenarios. It is shown that Laskar's frequency algorithm is sufficiently accurate to identify these strange attractors and thus is an efficient tool for classification of chaotic flows in high dimensional dynamical systems. Our analysis of several chaotic solutions, obtained at different magnetic field strengths, reveals a strong robustness of the main frequency of the flow. This frequency is associated to an azimuthal drift and it is very close to the frequency of the underlying unstable rotating wave. In contrast, the main frequency of volume-averaged properties can vary almost one order of magnitude as the magnetic forcing is decreased. We conclude that, at the moderate differential rotation considered, unstable rotating waves provide a good description of the variation of the main time scale of any flow with respective variations in the magnetic field.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures and 2 tables. Accepted for Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomen

    Spectral numerical schemes for time-dependent convection with viscosity dependent on temperature

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    This article proposes spectral numerical methods to solve the time evolution of convection problems with viscosity strongly depending on temperature at infinite Prandtl number. Although we verify the proposed techniques just for viscosities that depend exponentially on temperature, the methods are extensible to other dependence laws. The set-up is a 2D domain with periodic boundary conditions along the horizontal coordinate. This introduces a symmetry in the problem, the O(2) symmetry, which is particularly well described by spectral methods and motivates the use of these methods in this context. We examine the scope of our techniques by exploring transitions from stationary regimes towards time dependent regimes. At a given aspect ratio stable stationary solutions become unstable through a Hopf bifurcation, after which the time-dependent regime is solved by the spectral techniques proposed in this article.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    The onset of low Prandtl number thermal convection in thin spherical shells

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    This study considers the onset of stress-free Boussinesq thermal convection in rotating spherical shells with aspect ratio η=ri/ro=0.9\eta=r_i/r_o=0.9 (rir_i and ror_o being the inner and outer radius), Prandtl numbers Pr[104,101]{\rm Pr} \in[10^{-4},10^{-1}], and Taylor numbers Ta[104,1012]{\rm Ta}\in[10^{4},10^{12}]. We are particularly interested in the form of the convective cell pattern that develops, and in its time scales, since this may have observational consequences. For a fixed Ta<109{\rm Ta}<10^{9} and by decreasing Pr{\rm Pr} from 0.1 to 10410^{-4} a transition between spiralling columnar (SC) and equatorially-attached (EA) modes, and a transition between EA and equatorially antisymmetric or symmetric polar (AP/SP) weakly multicellular modes are found. The latter modes are preferred at very low Pr{\rm Pr}. Surprisingly, for Ta>3×109{\rm Ta}>3\times 10^{9} the unicellular polar modes become also preferred at moderate Pr102{\rm Pr}\sim10^{-2} because two new transition curves between EA and AP/SP and between AP/SP and SC modes are born at a triple-point bifurcation. The dependence on Pr{\rm Pr} and Ta{\rm Ta} of the transitions is studied to estimate the type of modes, and their critical parameters, preferred at different stellar regimes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids. Contains 17 pages, 8 figures and 3 tables. Added brief erratum correcting values used for estimates of neutron star ocean viscosit