75 research outputs found

    Spectral and Energy Efficiency in Cellular Mobile Radio Access Networks

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    Driven by the widespread use of smartphones and the release of a wide range of online packet data services, an unprecedented growth in the mobile data usage has been observed over the last decade. Network operators recently realised that the traditional approach of deploying more macrocells could not cope with this continuous growth in mobile data traffic and if no actions are taken, the energy demand to run the networks, which are able to support such traffic volumes risks to become unmanageable. In this context, comprehensive investigations of different cellular network deployments, and various algorithms have been evaluated and compared against each other in this thesis, to determine the best deployment options which are able to deliver the required capacity at a minimum level of energy consumption. A new scalable base station power consumption model was proposed and a joint evaluation framework for the relative improvements in throughput, energy consumption,and energy efficiency is adopted to avoid the inherent ambiguity of using only the bit/J energy efficiency metric. This framework was applied to many cellular network cases studies including macro only, small cell only and heterogeneous networks to show that pure small cell deployments outperform the macro and heterogeneous networks in terms of the energy consumption even if the backhaul power consumption is included in the analysis. Interestingly, picocell only deployments can attain up to 3 times increase in the throughput and 2.27 times reduction in the energy consumed when compared with macro only RANs at high target capacities, while it offers 2 times more throughput and reduces the energy consumption by 12% when compared with the macro/pico HetNet deployments. Further investigations have focused on improving the macrocell RAN by adding more sectors and more antennas. Importantly, the results have shown that adding small cells to the macrocell RAN is more energy efficient than adding more sectors even if adaptive sectorisation techniques are employed. While dimensioning the network by using MIMO base stations results in less consumed energy than using SISO base stations. The impact of traffic offloading to small cell, sleep mode, and inter-cell interference coordination techniques on the throughput and energy consumption in dense heterogeneous network deployments have been investigated. Significant improvements in the throughput and energy efficiency in bit/J were observed. However, a decrease in the energy consumption is obtained only in heterogeneous networks with small cells deployed to service clusters of users. Finally, the same framework is used to evaluate the throughput and energy consumption of massive MIMO deployments to show the superiority of massive MIMOs versus macrocell RANs, small cell deployments and heterogeneous networks in terms of achieving the target capacity with a minimum level of energy consumption. 1.6 times reduction in the energy consumption is achieved by massive MIMOs when compared with picocell only RAN at the same target capacity and when the backhaul power consumption is included in the analysis

    Otimização do fronthaul ótico para redes de acesso de rádio (baseadas) em computação em nuvem (CC-RANs)

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    Doutoramento conjunto (MAP-Tele) em Engenharia Eletrotécnica/TelecomunicaçõesA proliferação de diversos tipos de dispositivos moveis, aplicações e serviços com grande necessidade de largura de banda têm contribuído para o aumento de ligações de banda larga e ao aumento do volume de trafego das redes de telecomunicações moveis. Este aumento exponencial tem posto uma enorme pressão nos mobile operadores de redes móveis (MNOs). Um dos aspetos principais deste recente desenvolvimento, é a necessidade que as redes têm de oferecer baixa complexidade nas ligações, como também baixo consumo energético, muito baixa latência e ao mesmo tempo uma grande capacidade por baixo usto. De maneira a resolver estas questões, os MNOs têm focado a sua atenção na redes de acesso por rádio em nuvem (C-RAN) principalmente devido aos seus benefícios em termos de otimização de performance e relação qualidade preço. O standard para a distribuição de sinais sem fios por um fronthaul C-RAN é o common public radio interface (CPRI). No entanto, ligações óticas baseadas em interfaces CPRI necessitam de uma grande largura de banda. Estes requerimentos podem também ser atingidos com uma implementação em ligação free space optical (FSO) que é um sistema ótico que usa comunicação sem fios. O FSO tem sido uma alternativa muito apelativa aos sistemas de comunicação rádio (RF) pois combinam a flexibilidade e mobilidade das redes RF ao mesmo tempo que permitem a elevada largura de banda permitida pelo sistema ótico. No entanto, as ligações FSO são suscetíveis a alterações atmosféricas que podem prejudicar o desempenho do sistema de comunicação. Estas limitações têm evitado o FSO de ser tornar uma excelente solução para o fronthaul. Uma caracterização precisa do canal e tecnologias mais avançadas são então necessárias para uma implementação pratica de ligações FSO. Nesta tese, vamos estudar uma implementação eficiente para fronthaul baseada em tecnologia á rádio-sobre-FSO (RoFSO). Propomos expressões em forma fechada para mitigação das perdas de propagação e para a estimação da capacidade do canal de maneira a aliviar a complexidade do sistema de comunicação. Simulações numéricas são também apresentadas para formatos de modulação adaptativas. São também considerados esquemas como um sistema hibrido RF/FSO e tecnologias de transmissão apoiadas por retransmissores que ajudam a alivar os requerimentos impostos por um backhaul/fronthaul de C-RAN. Os modelos propostos não só reduzem o esforço computacional, como também têm outros méritos, tais como, uma elevada precisão na estimação do canal e desempenho, baixo requisitos na capacidade de memória e uma rápida e estável operação comparativamente com o estado da arte em sistemas analíticos (PON)-FSO. Este sistema é implementado num recetor em tempo real que é emulado através de uma field-programmable gate array (FPGA) comercial. Permitindo assim um sistema aberto, interoperabilidade, portabilidade e também obedecer a standards de software aberto. Os esquemas híbridos têm a habilidade de suportar diferentes aplicações, serviços e múltiplos operadores a partilharem a mesma infraestrutura de fibra ótica.The proliferation of different mobile devices, bandwidth-intensive applications and services contribute to the increase in the broadband connections and the volume of traffic on the mobile networks. This exponential growth has put considerable pressure on the mobile network operators (MNOs). In principal, there is a need for networks that not only offer low-complexity, low-energy consumption, and extremely low-latency but also high-capacity at relatively low cost. In order to address the demand, MNOs have given significant attention to the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) due to its beneficial features in terms of performance optimization and cost-effectiveness. The de facto standard for distributing wireless signal over the C-RAN fronthaul is the common public radio interface (CPRI). However, optical links based on CPRI interfaces requires large bandwidth. Also, the aforementioned requirements can be realized with the implementation of free space optical (FSO) link, which is an optical wireless system. The FSO is an appealing alternative to the radio frequency (RF) communication system that combines the flexibility and mobility offered by the RF networks with the high-data rates provided by the optical systems. However, the FSO links are susceptible to atmospheric impairments which eventually hinder the system performance. Consequently, these limitations prevent FSO from being an efficient standalone fronthaul solution. So, precise channel characterizations and advanced technologies are required for practical FSO link deployment and operation. In this thesis, we study an efficient fronthaul implementation that is based on radio-on-FSO (RoFSO) technologies. We propose closedform expressions for fading-mitigation and for the estimation of channel capacity so as to alleviate the system complexity. Numerical simulations are presented for adaptive modulation scheme using advanced modulation formats. We also consider schemes like hybrid RF/FSO and relay-assisted transmission technologies that can help in alleviating the stringent requirements by the C-RAN backhaul/fronthaul. The propose models not only reduce the computational requirements/efforts, but also have a number of diverse merits such as high-accuracy, low-memory requirements, fast and stable operation compared to the current state-of-the-art analytical based approaches. In addition to the FSO channel characterization, we present a proof-of-concept experiment in which we study the transmission capabilities of a hybrid passive optical network (PON)-FSO system. This is implemented with the real-time receiver that is emulated by a commercial field-programmable gate array (FPGA). This helps in facilitating an open system and hence enables interoperability, portability, and open software standards. The hybrid schemes have the ability to support different applications, services, and multiple operators over a shared optical fiber infrastructure

    TV white space and LTE network optimization toward energy efficiency in suburban and rural scenarios

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    The radio spectrum is a limited resource. Demand for wireless communication services is increasing exponentially, stressing the availability of radio spectrum to accommodate new services. TV white space (TVWS) technologies allow a dynamic usage of the spectrum. These technologies provide wireless connectivity, in the channels of the very high frequency and ultra high frequency television broadcasting bands. In this paper, we investigate and compare the coverage range, network capacity, and network energy efficiency for TVWS technologies and LTE. We consider Ghent, Belgium, and Boyeros, Havana, Cuba, to evaluate a realistic outdoor suburban and rural area, respectively. The comparison shows that TVWS networks have an energy efficiency 9-12 times higher than LTE networks

    Multi-user MIMO beamforming:implementation, verification in L1 capacity, and performance testing

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    Abstract. A certain piece of technology takes a lot of effort, research, and testing to reach the productisation phase. Radio features are implemented in layer 1 (L1) before moving to the hardware implementation phase, where their functioning is tested and verified. The target of the thesis is to implement and verify beamforming based multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) in L1 capacity and performance testing (PET) environment. The L1 testing environment mainly focuses on 4G and 5G stand-alone (SA) cases, while the focus of this thesis work is only on 5G SA technology, which features beamforming and MU-MIMO. Beamforming and MU-MIMO have been tested in an end-to-end system but not specifically in L1. The L1 testing provides a deeper analysis of beamforming and MU-MIMO in L1 and aids in problem identification at an early productisation phase, saving both time and money. L1 PET has multiple components that work together for L1 data transmission in both uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) directions and handle the verification of the transmitted data. The main components that play a key role in the implementation of multi-user MIMO beamforming concern frame design setup, message setup for UL and DL using correct channels and interfaces, transmission of the generated data in UL and DL, and message capturing at L1 end (whether correct messages are transmitted or not). For verification purposes, methods such as analysing plots from L1 log results based on comparison with radio specifications are used to determine whether the generated test output is correct or not. Finally, performance metrics, such as error vector magnitude (EVM), UE per transmission time interval (TTI), number of layers per UE, channel quality indicator (CQI), physical resource block (PRB) count, and throughput, are evaluated to assess the capacity and performance correctness of the implemented test setup

    Ondas milimétricas e MIMO massivo para otimização da capacidade e cobertura de redes heterogeneas de 5G

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    Today's Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) networks cannot support the exponential growth in mobile traffic forecast for the next decade. By 2020, according to Ericsson, 6 billion mobile subscribers worldwide are projected to generate 46 exabytes of mobile data traffic monthly from 24 billion connected devices, smartphones and short-range Internet of Things (IoT) devices being the key prosumers. In response, 5G networks are foreseen to markedly outperform legacy 4G systems. Triggered by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) under the IMT-2020 network initiative, 5G will support three broad categories of use cases: enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) for multi-Gbps data rate applications; ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC) for critical scenarios; and massive machine type communications (mMTC) for massive connectivity. Among the several technology enablers being explored for 5G, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication, massive MIMO antenna arrays and ultra-dense small cell networks (UDNs) feature as the dominant technologies. These technologies in synergy are anticipated to provide the 1000_ capacity increase for 5G networks (relative to 4G) through the combined impact of large additional bandwidth, spectral efficiency (SE) enhancement and high frequency reuse, respectively. However, although these technologies can pave the way towards gigabit wireless, there are still several challenges to solve in terms of how we can fully harness the available bandwidth efficiently through appropriate beamforming and channel modeling approaches. In this thesis, we investigate the system performance enhancements realizable with mmWave massive MIMO in 5G UDN and cellular infrastructure-to-everything (C-I2X) application scenarios involving pedestrian and vehicular users. As a critical component of the system-level simulation approach adopted in this thesis, we implemented 3D channel models for the accurate characterization of the wireless channels in these scenarios and for realistic performance evaluation. To address the hardware cost, complexity and power consumption of the massive MIMO architectures, we propose a novel generalized framework for hybrid beamforming (HBF) array structures. The generalized model reveals the opportunities that can be harnessed with the overlapped subarray structures for a balanced trade-o_ between SE and energy efficiently (EE) of 5G networks. The key results in this investigation show that mmWave massive MIMO can deliver multi-Gbps rates for 5G whilst maintaining energy-efficient operation of the network.As redes LTE-A atuais não são capazes de suportar o crescimento exponencial de tráfego que está previsto para a próxima década. De acordo com a previsão da Ericsson, espera-se que em 2020, a nível global, 6 mil milhões de subscritores venham a gerar mensalmente 46 exa bytes de tráfego de dados a partir de 24 mil milhões de dispositivos ligados à rede móvel, sendo os telefones inteligentes e dispositivos IoT de curto alcance os principais responsáveis por tal nível de tráfego. Em resposta a esta exigência, espera-se que as redes de 5a geração (5G) tenham um desempenho substancialmente superior às redes de 4a geração (4G) atuais. Desencadeado pelo UIT (União Internacional das Telecomunicações) no âmbito da iniciativa IMT-2020, o 5G irá suportar três grandes tipos de utilizações: banda larga móvel capaz de suportar aplicações com débitos na ordem de vários Gbps; comunicações de baixa latência e alta fiabilidade indispensáveis em cenários de emergência; comunicações massivas máquina-a-máquina para conectividade generalizada. Entre as várias tecnologias capacitadoras que estão a ser exploradas pelo 5G, as comunicações através de ondas milimétricas, os agregados MIMO massivo e as redes celulares ultradensas (RUD) apresentam-se como sendo as tecnologias fundamentais. Antecipa-se que o conjunto destas tecnologias venha a fornecer às redes 5G um aumento de capacidade de 1000x através da utilização de maiores larguras de banda, melhoria da eficiência espectral, e elevada reutilização de frequências respetivamente. Embora estas tecnologias possam abrir caminho para as redes sem fios com débitos na ordem dos gigabits, existem ainda vários desafios que têm que ser resolvidos para que seja possível aproveitar totalmente a largura de banda disponível de maneira eficiente utilizando abordagens de formatação de feixe e de modelação de canal adequadas. Nesta tese investigamos a melhoria de desempenho do sistema conseguida através da utilização de ondas milimétricas e agregados MIMO massivo em cenários de redes celulares ultradensas de 5a geração e em cenários 'infraestrutura celular-para-qualquer coisa' (do inglês: cellular infrastructure-to-everything) envolvendo utilizadores pedestres e veiculares. Como um componente fundamental das simulações de sistema utilizadas nesta tese é o canal de propagação, implementamos modelos de canal tridimensional (3D) para caracterizar de forma precisa o canal de propagação nestes cenários e assim conseguir uma avaliação de desempenho mais condizente com a realidade. Para resolver os problemas associados ao custo do equipamento, complexidade e consumo de energia das arquiteturas MIMO massivo, propomos um modelo inovador de agregados com formatação de feixe híbrida. Este modelo genérico revela as oportunidades que podem ser aproveitadas através da sobreposição de sub-agregados no sentido de obter um compromisso equilibrado entre eficiência espectral (ES) e eficiência energética (EE) nas redes 5G. Os principais resultados desta investigação mostram que a utilização conjunta de ondas milimétricas e de agregados MIMO massivo possibilita a obtenção, em simultâneo, de taxas de transmissão na ordem de vários Gbps e a operação de rede de forma energeticamente eficiente.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Device-to-Device Communication and Multihop Transmission for Future Cellular Networks

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    The next generation wireless networks i.e. 5G aim to provide multi-Gbps data traffic, in order to satisfy the increasing demand for high-definition video, among other high data rate services, as well as the exponential growth in mobile subscribers. To achieve this dramatic increase in data rates, current research is focused on improving the capacity of current 4G network standards, based on Long Term Evolution (LTE), before radical changes are exploited which could include acquiring additional/new spectrum. The LTE network has a reuse factor of one; hence neighbouring cells/sectors use the same spectrum, therefore making the cell edge users vulnerable to inter-cell interference. In addition, wireless transmission is commonly hindered by fading and pathloss. In this direction, this thesis focuses on improving the performance of cell edge users in LTE and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) networks by initially implementing a new Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) algorithm to mitigate cell edge user interference. Subsequently Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is investigated as the enabling technology for maximising Resource Block (RB) utilisation in current 4G and emerging 5G networks. It is demonstrated that the application, as an extension to the above, of novel power control algorithms, to reduce the required D2D TX power, and multihop transmission for relaying D2D traffic, can further enhance network performance. To be able to develop the aforementioned technologies and evaluate the performance of new algorithms in emerging network scenarios, a beyond-the-state-of-the-art LTE system-level simulator (SLS) was implemented. The new simulator includes Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna functionalities, comprehensive channel models (such as Wireless World initiative New Radio II i.e. WINNER II) and adaptive modulation and coding schemes to accurately emulate the LTE and LTE-A network standards. Additionally, a novel interference modelling scheme using the ‘wrap around’ technique was proposed and implemented that maintained the topology of flat surfaced maps, allowing for use with cell planning tools while obtaining accurate and timely results in the SLS compared to the few existing platforms. For the proposed CoMP algorithm, the adaptive beamforming technique was employed to reduce interference on the cell edge UEs by applying Coordinated Scheduling (CoSH) between cooperating cells. Simulation results show up to 2-fold improvement in terms of throughput, and also shows SINR gain for the cell edge UEs in the cooperating cells. Furthermore, D2D communication underlaying the LTE network (and future generation of wireless networks) was investigated. The technology exploits the proximity of users in a network to achieve higher data rates with maximum RB utilisation (as the technology reuses the cellular RB simultaneously), while taking some load off the Evolved Node B (eNB) i.e. by direct communication between User Equipment (UE). Simulation results show that the proximity and transmission power of D2D transmission yields high performance gains for a D2D receiver, which was demonstrated to be better than that of cellular UEs with better channel conditions or in close proximity to the eNB in the network. The impact of interference from the simultaneous transmission however impedes the achievable data rates of cellular UEs in the network, especially at the cell edge. Thus, a power control algorithm was proposed to mitigate the impact of interference in the hybrid network (network consisting of both cellular and D2D UEs). It was implemented by setting a minimum SINR threshold so that the cellular UEs achieve a minimum performance, and equally a maximum SINR threshold to establish fairness for the D2D transmission as well. Simulation results show an increase in the cell edge throughput and notable improvement in the overall SINR distribution of UEs in the hybrid network. Additionally, multihop transmission for D2D UEs was investigated in the hybrid network: traditionally, the scheme is implemented to relay cellular traffic in a homogenous network. Contrary to most current studies where D2D UEs are employed to relay cellular traffic, the use of idle nodes to relay D2D traffic was implemented uniquely in this thesis. Simulation results show improvement in D2D receiver throughput with multihop transmission, which was significantly better than that of the same UEs performance with equivalent distance between the D2D pair when using single hop transmission

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin

    Optimización de problemas de varios objetivos desde un enfoque de eficiencia energética aplicado a redes celulares heterogéneas 5G usando un marco de conmutación de celdas pequeñas

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    This Ph.D. dissertation addresses the Many-Objective Optimization Problem (MaOP) study to reduce the inter-cell interference and the power consumption for realistic Centralized, Collaborative, Cloud, and Clean Radio Access Networks (C-RANs). It uses the Cell Switch-Off (CSO) scheme to switch-off/on Remote Radio Units (RRUs) and the Coordinated Scheduling (CS) technique to allocate resource blocks smartly. The EF1-NSGA-III (It is a variation of the NSGA-III algorithm that uses the front 1 to find extreme points at the normalization procedure extended in this thesis) algorithm is employed to solve a proposed Many-Objective Optimization Problem (MaOP). It is composed of four objective functions, four constraints, and two decision variables. However, the above problem is redefined to have three objective functions to see the performance comparison between the NSGA-II and EF1-NSGA-III algorithms. The OpenAirInterface (OAI) platform is used to evaluate and validate the performance of an indoor coverage system because most of the user-end equipment of next-generation cellular networks will be in an indoor environment. It constitutes the fastest growing 5G open-source platform that implements 3GPP technology on general-purpose computers, fast Ethernet transport ports, and Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software-defined radio hardware. This document is composed of five contributions. The first one is a survey about testbed, emulators, and simulators for 4G/5G cellular networks. The second one is the extension of the KanGAL's NSGA-II code to implement the EF1-NSGA-III, adaptive EF1-NSGA-III (A-EF1-NSGA-III), and efficient adaptive EF1-NSGA-III (A2^2-EF1-NSGA-III). They support up to 10 objective functions, manage real, integer, and binary decision variables, and many constraints. The above algorithms outperform other works in terms of the Inverted Generational Distance (IGD) metric. The third contribution is the implementation of real-time emulation methodologies for C-RANs using a frequency domain representation in OAI. It improves the average computation time 10-fold compared to the time domain without using Radio Frequency hardware and avoids their uncertainties. The fourth one is the implementation of the Coordination Scheduling (CS) technique as a proof-of-concept to validate the advantages of frequency domain methodologies and to allocate resource blocks dynamically among RRUs. Finally, a many-objective optimization problem is defined and solved with evolutionary algorithms where diversity is managed based on crowded-distance and reference points to reduce the power consumption for C-RANs. The solutions obtained are considered to control the scheduling task at the Radio Cloud Center (RCC) and to switch RRUs.Este disertación aborda el estudio del problema de optimización de varios objetivos (MaOP) para reducir la interferencia entre células y el consumo de energía para redes de acceso de radio en tiempo real, colaborativas, en la nube y limpias (C-RAN). Utiliza el esquema de conmutacion de celdas (CSO) para apagar / encender unidades de radio remotas (RRU) y la técnica de programación coordinada (CS) para asignar bloques de recursos de manera inteligente. El algoritmo EF1-NSGA-III (es una variación del algoritmo NSGA-III que usa el primer frente de pareto para encontrar puntos extremos en el procedimiento de normalización extendido en esta tesis) se utiliza para resolver un problema de optimización de varios objetivos (MaOP) propuesto. Se compone de cuatro funciones objetivos, cuatro restricciones y dos variables de decisión. Sin embargo, el problema anterior se redefine para tener tres funciones objetivas para ver la comparación de rendimiento entre los algoritmos NSGA-II y EF1-NSGA-III. La plataforma OpenAirInterface (OAI) se utiliza para evaluar y validar el rendimiento de un sistema de cobertura en interiores porque la mayoría del equipos móviles de las redes celulares de próxima generación estarán en un entorno interior. Ella constituye la plataforma de código abierto 5G de más rápido crecimiento que implementa la tecnología 3GPP en computadoras de uso general, puertos de transporte Ethernet rápidos y hardware de radio definido por software comercial (COTS). Este documento se compone de cinco contribuciones. La primera es una estudio sobre banco de pruebas, emuladores y simuladores para redes celulares 4G / 5G. El segundo es la extensión del código NSGA-II de KanGAL para implementar EF1-NSGA-III, EF1-NSGA-III adaptativo (A-EF1-NSGA-III) y EF1-NSGA-III adaptativo eficiente (A 2 ^ 2 -EF1-NSGA-III). Admiten hasta 10 funciones objetivas, gestionan variables de decisión reales, enteras y binarias, y muchas restricciones. Los algoritmos anteriores superan a otros trabajos en términos de la métrica de distancia generacional invertida (IGD). La tercera contribución es la implementación de metodologías de emulación en tiempo real para C-RAN utilizando una representación de dominio de frecuencia en OAI. Mejora el tiempo de cálculo promedio 10 veces en comparación con el dominio del tiempo sin usar hardware de radiofrecuencia y evita sus incertidumbres. El cuarto es la implementación de la técnica de Programación de Coordinación (CS) como prueba de concepto para validar las ventajas de las metodologías de dominio de frecuencia y asignar bloques de recursos dinámicamente entre las RRU. Finalmente, un problema de optimización de muchos objetivos se define y resuelve con algoritmos evolutivos en los que la diversidad se gestiona en función de la distancia de crouding y los puntos de referencia para reducir el consumo de energía de las C-RAN. Las soluciones obtenidas controlan la tarea de programación en Radio Cloud Center (RCC) y conmutan las RRU.Proyecto personal: Redes celulares de próxima generaciónDoctorad

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin