13 research outputs found

    Building Robust E-learning Software Systems Using Web Technologies

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    Building a robust e-learning software platform represents a major challenge for both the project manager and the development team. Since functionalities of these software systems improves and grows by the day, several aspects must be taken into consideration – e.g. workflows, use-casesor alternative scenarios – in order to create a well standardized and fully functional integrated learning management system. The paper will focus on a model of implementation for an e-learning software system, analyzing its features, its functional mechanisms as well as exemplifying an implementation algorithm. A list of some of the mostly used web technologies (both server-side and client-side) will be analyzed and a discussion over major security leaks of web applicationswill also be put in discussion.E-learning, E-testing, Web Technology, Software System, Web Platform

    Building Robust E-learning Software Systems Using Web Technologies

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    Building a robust e-learning software platform represents a major challenge for both the project manager and the development team. Since functionalities of these software systems improves and grows by the day, several aspects must be taken into consideration – e.g. workflows, use-casesor alternative scenarios – in order to create a well standardized and fully functional integrated learning management system. The paper will focus on a model of implementation for an e-learning software system, analyzing its features, its functional mechanisms as well as exemplifying an implementation algorithm. A list of some of the mostly used web technologies (both server-side and client-side) will be analyzed and a discussion over major security leaks of web applicationswill also be put in discussion

    An Ontology-Based Approach in Personalization of the e-Learning System

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    The emergence of the Semantic Web and its technologies have opened the way, over the last decade, for the development of ontologies and systems that use ontologies in various fields, including e-learning. This article presents elements that underpin the development of an e-learning system in the area of the Human Resource Management in the field of ontology health, respectively basic notions about the semantic Web, ontologies, personalization in e-learning. The article presents a personalized e-learning environment that uses new technologies, semantic Web and ontologies to improve the human resource management training process, being addressed to hospital managers. The necessity of this approach is given by the training requirements in the field of human resources management for the specialists from the medical system in Romania, as well as by the need to solve current limitations of the e-learning systems. The implementation of the concept of personalization of learning in the e-learning system is performed starting from the student model built to determine the level of knowledge and the objectives of training. Modeling the student profile using ontologies has demonstrated the possibility of re-using the models, the detailed and complete representation of the student’s knowledge as well as the reasoning process. This learning program aims to increase the performance, skills and competence of health managers, by deepening knowledge in the field of public health, healthcare management, and human resource management

    Utilização das ferramentas de um ambiente virtual: um estudo sob a perspectivab da prática docente

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    O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende todos os professores dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nos períodos 2010.2 e 2011.1. Utilizou-se a análise de cluster para separar os elementos em grupos, de acordo com o uso maior ou menor do sistema de gestão. Com relação à faixa etária dos docentes, temos que professores com até 37 anos correspondem a 32,7% e que os docentes acima de 56 anos correspondem a 23%, o que demonstra que os professores que atuam na graduação são, em sua maioria, mais jovens. Em relação ao tempo de instituição do docente, observa-se que 32,7% estão na instituição a menos de três anos; e 23,2% estão na instituição a mais de 22 anos. Com relação às ferramentas que são utilizadas por esses docentes, temos que a ferramenta tópicos de aula é a que representa maior uso. A segunda ferramenta mais utilizada é a postagem de arquivos. A ferramenta fórum foi pouco utilizada no período estudado. Espera-se que, com esse estudo, os gestores possam direcionar ações para melhorar e ampliar a utilização desse ambiente virtual por parte dos docentes

    Lecturers' utilisation of institutional learning management systems in an ODL higher education institution in South Africa

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    In the world in which we live today, information and communication technology (ICT) has proliferated in all spheres of society, including in the corporate, social and academic arenas. Within these arenas ICT has made noteworthy contributions. In the academic space, which is the focus of this study, ICT has made a significant contribution to the communication and consultation between students and higher education institution staff. One such example has been the emergence of learning management systems (LMSs) in higher education institutions, both locally and globally, with LMSs providing higher education institutions with several possibilities as regards facilitating the online teaching and learning process. Nevertheless, research has shown that there is underutilisation of LMSs throughout the world. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to investigate the utilisation of LMSs in an open and distance learning (ODL) institution in South Africa to ascertain whether they are being used to their full potential.Educational StudiesM. Ed. (Adult Education

    Мodel of electronic education based on semantic adaption of learning objects

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    Циљ дисертације је развој модела електронског образовања заснованог на семантичкој адаптацији објеката учења. Предложен модел обухвата динамичко праћење напретка и свих активности студента приликом учења како би се одредио тренутни стил учења и извршила персонализација садржаја учења, тј. како би се студенту приказали објекти учења који одговарају утврђеном стилу учења. Технологије семантичког веба и онтологија специјално креирана за сврхе дисертације налазе се у основи овог модела. У циљу тестирања, предложени модел је имплементиран на реалном систему обогаћивањем основне Moodle платформе применом семантичких технологија и развојем додатних модула који омогућавају персонализацију. Резултат примене ових технологија је систем за електронско учење назван MAL. У дисертацији су приказани кључни елементи предложеног модела, функционалности система и начин на који су семантичке технологије имплементиране у MAL систему. Модел предложен у дисертацији је евалуиран да би се упоредили резултати учења након примене неадаптивног приступа и адаптивног приступа заснованог на семантичким технологијама. Истраживање је реализовано на Факултету за предузетнички бизнис, Универзитет Унион Никола Тесла у Београду. Резултати указују да семантичка адаптација садржаја учења имплементирана у MAL систему води ка значајно бољим резултатима учења и побољшаној ефикасности процеса учења у поређењу са неперсонализованим курсевима за електронско учење. Добијени резултати указују на позитиван став студената према развијеном окружењу за електронско учење.The goal of this dissertation is to develop a model of electronic education based on semantic adaptation of learning objects. The proposed model includes real time montoring of student’s progress and activities during learning process in order to detect actual learning styles of the student and enable personalization, i.e. display those learning objects to the student according to detected learning style. Semantic Web technologies and an ontology specially created for the purposes of the dissertation are in the backgrouind of this model. For the purpose of testing, the proposed model was implemented on a real system by enriching the basic Moodle platform using semantic technologies and developing additional modules that enable personalization.The result of applying these technologies is e-learning system named MAL. In this dissertation, the main components of the model, the functionalities of the system and the way semantic technologies have been implemented into the MAL system are presented. The proposed model was evaluated to compare the effectiveness of both non-adaptive approach and adaptive approach based on semantics. The evaluation has been carried out at the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business, the University Union Nikola Tesla, Belgrade. The results are promising since they indicate that semantic adaptation of learning content implemented in MAL leads to significantly better learning outcome and improved efficiency of the learning process compared to the non-adaptive e-learning courses. They also indicate a positive attitude of students towards the developed learning environment

    Internet Tools for Lifelong Learning in the IT Sector

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    V předkládané disertační práci (DP) je na základě zadaného tématu „Internetové nástroje pro celoživotní vzdělávání v sektoru IT“ vyjádřeno odpovídající pokrytí vytvořených dílčích výzkumných úkolů s aktivním řešením úloh na Fakultě podnikatelské VUT v Brně pro obor Řízení a ekonomika podniku (ŘEP), a to v souladu s vymezenou oblastí výzkumné a publikační činnosti. Pro systémové pojetí celého tématu DP byla vymezena oblast teoretických východisek, vyjádřena metodologie řešení systémových modelů vzdělávání na prostředcích Internetu a pro uvedenou praktickou výzkumnou činnost byl vybrán adaptabilní („učící se“) Podnik 1 jako referenční pro řešení dílčích praktických výzkumných úkolů) a byla vytvořena metodologie moderního přístupu k tvorbě modelů („pro moderní řízení a sdělování informací mezi systémy“) a modelování potřebného adaptabilního („přímo také zdokonalujícího se modelováním“) Internetového (a intranetového) prostředí podniků a jeho užití v procesu celoživotního vzdělávání znalostních pracovníků („lektorů“) Podniku 1 a možných dalších („znalostních pracovníků a uživatelů“) Podniků 2, 3,…, m tj. „podniků jako dalších zákazníků“ a to k aktivnímu vytvoření adaptabilního a moderního prostoru s možným užitím zdokonalovaných („nových a také moderních inteligentních a učících se“) prostředků informačních a komunikačních technologií (ICT) jak ze světa, tak z ČR a to především nových (a také vývojově perspektivních) Internetových nástrojů a prostředků pro řízení podniků, celoživotního vzdělávání v oblasti IT pracovníků podniků a nutného sledování požadované konkurenceschopnosti podniku působícího v sektoru dynamicky se rozvíjející IT. Systémově řešeným modelováním na počítačích je zde vyjádřena problematika vhodně zvolených internetových nástrojů v konkurenčním prostředí podniků, a dále je řešeno modelováním na počítači také nové pojetí modelování vedoucí k předpokládanému modernizování forem moderního elektronického celoživotního vzdělávání na nástrojích Internetu. Součástí práce je také vytvoření modelů na počítačích (PC) umožňujících porovnávání předpokládaných změn v konkurenceschopnosti podniků reagujících na přínosy vytvořené metodologie a vedoucí také i k předpokládanému zlepšení kvality řízení a ekonomiky podniků v podmínkách relativního zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti podniků. Řešení této moderní problematiky je prováděno na základě vhodné analýzy zvolených podniků a také odpovídajících řešenému tématu a řešeným cílům práce a také i informacím získaným z publikací v informačních zdrojích světa na Internetu i z virtuálních knihoven světa, vydavatelství, seminářů, sborníků a konferencí. Výsledky systémově pojaté analytické činnosti a řešení úkolů výzkumné práce jsem průběžně publikovala v článcích odborných a recenzovaných časopisů, sborníků a také v příspěvcích na konferencích. V těchto výsledcích výzkumu je systémově vyjádřena nová podstata řešení rozhraní sociálního a technického systému IT s vybranými prostředky internetových nástrojů pro celoživotní vzdělávání pracovníků působících v sektoru IT jako možný příspěvek do moderního vytváření učících se organizací.In the presented dissertation, there is, based on a given topic “Internet tools for lifelong learning in the IT sector”, expressed an appropriate coverage of created partial research tasks with an active solution of them at the Faculty of Business and Management, Brno University of Technology for branch Company Management and Economics, and that in accordance with the defined areas of research and publication activities. For systemic approach to the whole dissertation, it was defined area of theoretical perspectives and expressed methodology for addressing systemic models of education on Internet means and for that practical research work was chosen adaptable (“learning”) Company 1 as a reference (for solving individual practical research tasks) and a methodology of modern approach to modelling was created (“for modern management and information communication between systems”) and also modelling of a required adaptable (“directly also improving with modelling”) Internet (and intranet) environment of companies and its use in the process of lifelong learning of knowledge workers (“teachers”) of Company 1 and possible additional (“knowledge workers and users”) Company 2, 3, ..., m i.e. “businesses as other customers” and all that to actively create an adaptable and new space with the possible use of an evolutionary (“new and also modern and intelligent and self-learning”) means of information and communication technologies (ICT) both from the world and from the Czech Republic and especially new (and evolutionary perspective) Internet tools and resources for business management, lifelong learning in IT sector and necessary monitoring of demanded company's competitiveness operating in dynamically developing IT. By systemically solved modelling on computers, there is expressed an issue of appropriately selected internet tools in a competitive environment of companies, and also there is addressed by computer modelling a new approach to modelling leading to an anticipated modernization of modern electronic lifelong learning forms built on tools and resources of the Internet. The work also includes a creation of models on PCs allowing comparison of expected changes in competitiveness of companies reacting to the benefits of created methodology and that leads to an anticipated improvement in the quality of management and economics of companies in terms of relative improvement of their competitiveness. Solving of these modern issues is conducted based on an appropriate analysis of selected enterprises, corresponding to the solved topic and solved objectives of the work and also obtained information from publications in world information sources on the Internet and from virtual libraries of the world, publishing, seminars, proceedings and conferences. The results of system analytical approach to solving tasks and activities of the research work have been regularly published in articles of professional and peer-reviewed journals and also in conference contributions. In these research results, there is systematically expressed a new essence of solving interface of social and IT technical system with selected resources of internet tools for lifelong learning companies working in IT sector as a possible contribution into modern creation of self-learning organizations.

    Learning Without Onboarding: How Assessing and Evaluating Learning Benefits New Information Technology Hires

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    Onboarding ensures learning success through sharing and acquiring knowledge to remain competitive. However, little is known about new Information Technology (IT) hires\u27 learning needs in the absence of onboarding; therefore, the purpose of this case study was to examine, increase, and retain their technical knowledge at the Unified Communications Company (UCC). Following the theoretical model of knowledge management, which holds that knowledge is the key to confirm learning and knowledge sharing, the research questions were used to examine how the company assessed and increased their technical knowledge and how they taught their culture in the absence of onboarding. A qualitative instrumental case study design was employed with a purposeful sample of 4 former employees who were former new IT hires at the UCC. These employees contributed to the study using journals, surveys, and interviews drawn from their experiences as new IT hires at the UCC. Reoccurring themes regarding formal learning were extracted from the data, validated through peer and member checking, and then triangulated with each round of data collection and the themes described in the literature. The themes of culture, onboarding, training, and experience/feedback consistently emerged as areas needing improvement and indicated a need for formalized training. Based on these findings, a job aid was created to provide enhanced performance and learning to offer knowledge throughout training. Companies employing new IT hires can use the results from this study to provide onboarding in addition to their current orientation. The use of these data would positively affect social change by enhancing company competitiveness and job retention while reducing overall unemployment and the skills gap

    Modelo para la generación de cursos virtuales usando tecnologías de la web semántica para sistemas de gestión de aprendizaje

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    La oferta de educación virtual crece rápidamente y a su vez el uso de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (VLE). La mayoría de docentes explotan muy limitadamente los VLEs, debido a su conocimiento limitado de pedagogías y de las teorías de diseño instruccional. La revisión de la literatura analizada, dio como resultado que pocos modelos de diseño instruccional han incluido el uso de las tecnologías de la web semántica para sus soluciones educativas. Sin embargo, aquellos trabajos que toman en cuenta dichas tecnologías, se enfocan más en el contenido específico del diseño de curso y otros trabajos asumen que el docente debería conocer acerca de diseño instruccional. Esto permitió notar, que no se toma en cuenta aspectos como: el enfoque pedagógico, es decir las teorías de aprendizaje y/o de diseño instruccional, el contexto del curso y la secuencia de actividades. Adicionalmente, ninguno de los trabajos considera la integración a un VLE. Se identifica los factores que influyen en el modelado del proceso de creación de contenido educativo en cursos online para entornos LMS tradicionales, y se propone un Modelo para el proceso de construcción de cursos virtuales utilizando tecnologías de le web semántica como RDF, OWL, SWRL, SPARQL para sistemas de gestión de aprendizaje. Este modelo permite producir en forma estructurada, organizada y pedagógicamente asistida, las plantillas de cursos virtuales. Para plasmar el modelo se plantea una arquitectura que permite desarrollar módulos de creación de plantillas de cursos en el sistema de gestión de aprendizaje Moodle. Se acompaña de la descripción del desarrollo de los diferentes módulos de creación de cursos virtuales mediante la metodología SCRUM. Para validar el modelo propuesto se plantean dos estudios: el primero aplicado en docentes universitarios respecto a cuatro aspectos analizados: facilidad de uso, soporte pedagógico, satisfacción y tiempo; se observó que existe una diferencia significativa a favor de la construcción de cursos virtuales en un LMS en donde se incorpora el modelo propuesto. En el segundo estudio, aplicado en estudiantes universitarios, se observó que, en el aspecto de la facilidad de uso, sí existe una diferencia significativa a favor del uso del aula virtual usada por los estudiantes y que fue creada por un docente con el módulo que incorpora el modelo propuesto. Se afirma entonces que el modelo planteado ofrece mejoras con respecto al proceso de creación de aulas virtuales tradicional que se incorpora en un LMS.Abstract: The virtual education offer grows rapidly and, in turn, the use of virtual environment of learning (VLE). Most teachers exploit in a very limited way the VLEs due to the limited knowledge of the of pedagogy and instructional design theories. The analyzed systematic review of literature resulted in the fact that few models of instructional design have included the use of semantic web technologies for their educational solutions. However, those works that take into account such technologies focus more on the specific content of course design and other works assume that the teacher should know about the instructional design. This permitted to note that aspects such as the pedagogic focus (i.e., the learning theories and instructional design theories), the course context and the activity sequence are not considered. Additionally, no work considers the integration to a VLE. Factors influencing on the modelling of the creation process of educational content in online courses for traditional LMS environment are identified, and a Model for the construction process of virtual courses is proposed, using semantic web technologies such as RDF, OWL, SWRL, and SPARQL for learning management systems. This model can produce in a structured, organized and pedagogically-assisted way, the designs of virtual courses templates. To put into practice the model, an architecture allowing to develop modules of design creation of courses in the Moodle learning management system is stated. Included there is the description of the development of the different virtual course creation modules through SCRUM methodology. To validate the proposed model, two studies are stated: the first one is applied to university teachers as to four analyzed aspects: usability, pedagogic support, satisfaction and time. It is observed that there is a significant difference in favor of the construction of virtual courses in a LMS where the proposed model is incorporated. In the second study is applied to university students, it was observed that in the aspect of usability, there is a significant difference in favor of the use of the virtual classroom used by students, which was created by a teacher with a module incorporating the proposed model. It is, therefore, affirmed that the proposed model offers improvements as to the traditional creation process of virtual classrooms incorporated into an LMS.Doctorad