1,209 research outputs found

    A Survey of Prediction and Classification Techniques in Multicore Processor Systems

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    In multicore processor systems, being able to accurately predict the future provides new optimization opportunities, which otherwise could not be exploited. For example, an oracle able to predict a certain application\u27s behavior running on a smart phone could direct the power manager to switch to appropriate dynamic voltage and frequency scaling modes that would guarantee minimum levels of desired performance while saving energy consumption and thereby prolonging battery life. Using predictions enables systems to become proactive rather than continue to operate in a reactive manner. This prediction-based proactive approach has become increasingly popular in the design and optimization of integrated circuits and of multicore processor systems. Prediction transforms from simple forecasting to sophisticated machine learning based prediction and classification that learns from existing data, employs data mining, and predicts future behavior. This can be exploited by novel optimization techniques that can span across all layers of the computing stack. In this survey paper, we present a discussion of the most popular techniques on prediction and classification in the general context of computing systems with emphasis on multicore processors. The paper is far from comprehensive, but, it will help the reader interested in employing prediction in optimization of multicore processor systems

    Development of a fiber-based shape sensor for navigating flexible medical tools

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    Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgical procedure (RAMIS) is a subfield of minimally invasive surgeries with enhanced manual dexterity, manipulability, and intraoperative image guidance. In typical robotic surgeries, it is common to use rigid instruments with functional articulating tips. However, in some operations where no adequate and direct access to target anatomies is available, continuum robots can be more practical, as they provide curvilinear and flexible access. However, their inherent deformable design makes it difficult to accurately estimate their 3D shape during the operation in real-time. Despite extensive model-based research that relies on kinematics and mechanics, accurate shape sensing of continuum robots remains challenging. The state-of-the-art tracking technologies, including optical trackers, EM tracking systems, and intraoperative imaging modalities, are also unsuitable for this task, as they all have shortcomings. Optical fiber shape sensing solutions offer various advantages compared to other tracking modalities and can provide high-resolution shape measurements in real-time. However, commercially available fiber shape sensors are expensive and have limited accuracy. In this thesis, we propose two cost-effective fiber shape sensing solutions based on multiple single-mode fibers with FBG (fiber Bragg grating) arrays and eccentric FBGs. First, we present the fabrication and calibration process of two shape sensing prototypes based on multiple single-mode fibers with semi-rigid and super-elastic substrates. Then, we investigate the sensing mechanism of edge-FBGs, which are eccentric Bragg gratings inscribed off-axis in the fiber's core. Finally, we present a deep learning algorithm to model edge-FBG sensors that can directly predict the sensor's shape from its signal and does not require any calibration or shape reconstruction steps. In general, depending on the target application, each of the presented fiber shape sensing solutions can be used as a suitable tracking device. The developed fiber sensor with the semi-rigid substrate has a working channel in the middle and can accurately measure small deflections with an average tip error of 2.7 mm. The super-elastic sensor is suitable for measuring medium to large deflections, where a centimeter range tip error is still acceptable. The tip error in such super-elastic sensors is higher compared to semi-rigid sensors (9.9-16.2 mm in medium and large deflections, respectively), as there is a trade-off between accuracy and flexibility in substrate-based fiber sensors. Edge-FBG sensor, as the best performing sensing mechanism among the investigated fiber shape sensors, can achieve a tip accuracy of around 2 mm in complex shapes, where the fiber is heavily deflected. The developed edge-FBG shape sensing solution can compete with the state-of-the-art distributed fiber shape sensors that cost 30 times more

    Energy-Efficient and Reliable Computing in Dark Silicon Era

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    Dark silicon denotes the phenomenon that, due to thermal and power constraints, the fraction of transistors that can operate at full frequency is decreasing in each technology generation. Moore’s law and Dennard scaling had been backed and coupled appropriately for five decades to bring commensurate exponential performance via single core and later muti-core design. However, recalculating Dennard scaling for recent small technology sizes shows that current ongoing multi-core growth is demanding exponential thermal design power to achieve linear performance increase. This process hits a power wall where raises the amount of dark or dim silicon on future multi/many-core chips more and more. Furthermore, from another perspective, by increasing the number of transistors on the area of a single chip and susceptibility to internal defects alongside aging phenomena, which also is exacerbated by high chip thermal density, monitoring and managing the chip reliability before and after its activation is becoming a necessity. The proposed approaches and experimental investigations in this thesis focus on two main tracks: 1) power awareness and 2) reliability awareness in dark silicon era, where later these two tracks will combine together. In the first track, the main goal is to increase the level of returns in terms of main important features in chip design, such as performance and throughput, while maximum power limit is honored. In fact, we show that by managing the power while having dark silicon, all the traditional benefits that could be achieved by proceeding in Moore’s law can be also achieved in the dark silicon era, however, with a lower amount. Via the track of reliability awareness in dark silicon era, we show that dark silicon can be considered as an opportunity to be exploited for different instances of benefits, namely life-time increase and online testing. We discuss how dark silicon can be exploited to guarantee the system lifetime to be above a certain target value and, furthermore, how dark silicon can be exploited to apply low cost non-intrusive online testing on the cores. After the demonstration of power and reliability awareness while having dark silicon, two approaches will be discussed as the case study where the power and reliability awareness are combined together. The first approach demonstrates how chip reliability can be used as a supplementary metric for power-reliability management. While the second approach provides a trade-off between workload performance and system reliability by simultaneously honoring the given power budget and target reliability

    High-speed PAM4-based Optical SDM Interconnects with Directly Modulated Long-wavelength VCSEL

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    This paper reports the demonstration of high-speed PAM-4 transmission using a 1.5-{\mu}m single-mode vertical cavity surface emitting laser (SM-VCSEL) over multicore fiber with 7 cores over different distances. We have successfully generated up to 70 Gbaud 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4) signals with a VCSEL in optical back-to-back, and transmitted 50 Gbaud PAM-4 signals over both 1-km dispersion-uncompensated and 10-km dispersion-compensated in each core, enabling a total data throughput of 700 Gbps over the 7-core fiber. Moreover, 56 Gbaud PAM-4 over 1-km has also been shown, whereby unfortunately not all cores provide the required 3.8 ×\times 10 −3^{-3} bit error rate (BER) for the 7% overhead-hard decision forward error correction (7% OH HDFEC). The limited bandwidth of the VCSEL and the adverse chromatic dispersion of the fiber are suppressed with pre-equalization based on accurate end-to-end channel characterizations. With a digital post-equalization, BER performance below the 7% OH-HDFEC limit is achieved over all cores. The demonstrated results show a great potential to realize high-capacity and compact short-reach optical interconnects for data centers.Comment: 7 pages, accepted to publication in 'Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT

    Approaches to multiprocessor error recovery using an on-chip interconnect subsystem

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    For future multicores, a dedicated interconnect subsystem for on-chip monitors was found to be highly beneficial in terms of scalability, performance and area. In this thesis, such a monitor network (MNoC) is used for multicores to support selective error identification and recovery and maintain target chip reliability in the context of dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). A selective shared memory multiprocessor recovery is performed using MNoC in which, when an error is detected, only the group of processors sharing an application with the affected processors are recovered. Although the use of DVFS in contemporary multicores provides significant protection from unpredictable thermal events, a potential side effect can be an increased processor exposure to soft errors. To address this issue, a flexible fault prevention and recovery mechanism has been developed to selectively enable a small amount of per-core dual modular redundancy (DMR) in response to increased vulnerability, as measured by the processor architectural vulnerability factor (AVF). Our new algorithm for DMR deployment aims to provide a stable effective soft error rate (SER) by using DMR in response to DVFS caused by thermal events. The algorithm is implemented in real-time on the multicore using MNoC and controller which evaluates thermal information and multicore performance statistics in addition to error information. DVFS experiments with a multicore simulator using standard benchmarks show an average 6% improvement in overall power consumption and a stable SER by using selective DMR versus continuous DMR deployment

    Thermal-Aware Networked Many-Core Systems

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    Advancements in IC processing technology has led to the innovation and growth happening in the consumer electronics sector and the evolution of the IT infrastructure supporting this exponential growth. One of the most difficult obstacles to this growth is the removal of large amount of heatgenerated by the processing and communicating nodes on the system. The scaling down of technology and the increase in power density is posing a direct and consequential effect on the rise in temperature. This has resulted in the increase in cooling budgets, and affects both the life-time reliability and performance of the system. Hence, reducing on-chip temperatures has become a major design concern for modern microprocessors. This dissertation addresses the thermal challenges at different levels for both 2D planer and 3D stacked systems. It proposes a self-timed thermal monitoring strategy based on the liberal use of on-chip thermal sensors. This makes use of noise variation tolerant and leakage current based thermal sensing for monitoring purposes. In order to study thermal management issues from early design stages, accurate thermal modeling and analysis at design time is essential. In this regard, spatial temperature profile of the global Cu nanowire for on-chip interconnects has been analyzed. It presents a 3D thermal model of a multicore system in order to investigate the effects of hotspots and the placement of silicon die layers, on the thermal performance of a modern ip-chip package. For a 3D stacked system, the primary design goal is to maximise the performance within the given power and thermal envelopes. Hence, a thermally efficient routing strategy for 3D NoC-Bus hybrid architectures has been proposed to mitigate on-chip temperatures by herding most of the switching activity to the die which is closer to heat sink. Finally, an exploration of various thermal-aware placement approaches for both the 2D and 3D stacked systems has been presented. Various thermal models have been developed and thermal control metrics have been extracted. An efficient thermal-aware application mapping algorithm for a 2D NoC has been presented. It has been shown that the proposed mapping algorithm reduces the effective area reeling under high temperatures when compared to the state of the art.Siirretty Doriast

    Dynamic Lifetime Reliability and Energy Management for Network-on-Chip based Chip Multiprocessors

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    In this dissertation, we study dynamic reliability management (DRM) and dynamic energy management (DEM) techniques for network-on-chip (NoC) based chip multiprocessors (CMPs). In the first part, the proposed DRM algorithm takes both the computational and the communication components of the CMP into consideration and combines thread migration and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) as the two primary techniques to change the CMP operation. The goal is to increase the lifetime reliability of the overall system to the desired target with minimal performance degradation. The simulation results on a variety of benchmarks on 16 and 64 core NoC based CMP architectures demonstrate that lifetime reliability can be improved by 100% for an average performance penalty of 7.7% and 8.7% for the two CMP architectures. In the second part of this dissertation, we first propose novel algorithms that employ Kalman filtering and long short term memory (LSTM) for workload prediction. These predictions are then used as the basis on which voltage/frequency (V/F) pairs are selected for each core by an effective dynamic voltage and frequency scaling algorithm whose objective is to reduce energy consumption but without degrading performance beyond the user set threshold. Secondly, we investigate the use of deep neural network (DNN) models for energy optimization under performance constraints in CMPs. The proposed algorithm is implemented in three phases. The first phase collects the training data by employing Kalman filtering for workload prediction and an efficient heuristic algorithm based on DVFS. The second phase represents the training process of the DNN model and in the last phase, the DNN model is used to directly identify V/F pairs that can achieve lower energy consumption without performance degradation beyond the acceptable threshold set by the user. Simulation results on 16 and 64 core NoC based architectures demonstrate that the proposed approach can achieve up to 55% energy reduction for 10% performance degradation constraints. Simulation experiments compare the proposed algorithm against existing approaches based on reinforcement learning and Kalman filtering and show that the proposed DNN technique provides average improvements in energy-delay-product (EDP) of 6.3% and 6% for the 16 core architecture and of 7.4% and 5.5% for the 64 core architecture
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