11 research outputs found

    Peak to average power ratio reduction and error control in MIMO-OFDM HARQ System

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    Currently, multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMOOFDM) systems underlie crucial wireless communication systems such as commercial 4G and 5G networks, tactical communication, and interoperable Public Safety communications. However, one drawback arising from OFDM modulation is its resulting high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This problem increases with an increase in the number of transmit antennas. In this work, a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique is proposed for space-time block coding (STBC) MIMO-OFDM systems that combine the coding capabilities to PAPR reduction methods, while leveraging the new degree of freedom provided by the presence of multiple transmit chairs (MIMO). In the first part, we presented an extensive literature review of PAPR reduction techniques for OFDM and MIMO-OFDM systems. The work developed a PAPR reduction technique taxonomy, and analyzed the motivations for reducing the PAPR in current communication systems, emphasizing two important motivations such as power savings and coverage gain. In the tax onomy presented here, we include a new category, namely, hybrid techniques. Additionally, we drew a conclusion regarding the importance of hybrid PAPR reduction techniques. In the second part, we studied the effect of forward error correction (FEC) codes on the PAPR for the coded OFDM (COFDM) system. We simulated and compared the CCDF of the PAPR and its relationship with the autocorrelation of the COFDM signal before the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) block. This allows to conclude on the main characteristics of the codes that generate high peaks in the COFDM signal, and therefore, the optimal parameters in order to reduce PAPR. We emphasize our study in FEC codes as linear block codes, and convolutional codes. Finally, we proposed a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique for an STBC MIMO-OFDM system, in which the convolutional code is optimized to avoid PAPR degradation, which also combines successive suboptimal cross-antenna rotation and inversion (SS-CARI) and iterative modified companding and filtering schemes. The new method permits to obtain a significant net gain for the system, i.e., considerable PAPR reduction, bit error rate (BER) gain as compared to the basic MIMO-OFDM system, low complexity, and reduced spectral splatter. The new hybrid technique was extensively evaluated by simulation, and the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), the BER, and the power spectral density (PSD) were compared to the original STBC MIMO-OFDM signal

    Digital signal processing techniques for peak-to-average power ratio mitigation in MIMO–OFDM systems

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    The focus of this thesis is to mitigate the very large peak-to-average transmit power ratios (PAPRs) inherent to conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, particularly in the context of transmission over multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wireless broadband channels. This problem is important as a large PAPR generally needs an expensive radio frequency (RF) power amplifier at the transmitter due to the requirement for linear operation over a wide amplitude range and such a cost would be compounded when multiple transmit antennas are used. Advanced signal processing techniques which can reduce PAPR whilst retain the integrity of digital transmission therefore have considerable potential for application in emergent MIMO–OFDM wireless systems and form the technical contributions of this study. [Continues.

    Reduksi Peak-To-Average Power Ratio Pada Sistem STBC MIMO-OFDM Dengan Metode Selected Mapping Dan Partial Transmit Sequence

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    Teknik OFDM merupakan teknik multicarrier yang mengefisienkan bandwidth. Penggunaan teknik OFDM dapat mengatasi multipath fading dan intersymbol interference (ISI). Namun demikian, OFDM mempunyai dua kelemahan, salah satunya adalah peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) yang tinggi. PAPR yang tinggi akan menyebabkan distorsi nonlinear pada high power amplifier (HPA) karena HPA membatasi keluaran dengan nilai tertentu dan mengurangi efisiensi daya amplifier. Oleh karena itu, PAPR yang tinggi harus direduksi. Metode reduksi PAPR yang diajukan adalah dengan menggunakan metode Selected Mapping (SLM) dan Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS). Kedua metode ini memiliki kekurangan dalam hal kompleksitas multiplikasi dan penjumlahan dan adanya bit side information yang harus dikirimkan ke receiver. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengajukan pengembangan dari metode tersebut dengan memodifikasi faktor rotasi fasa menjadi pattern konversi terdefinisi yang lebih adaptif pada SLM, dan mengurangi iterasi pembangkitan faktor rotasi fasa pada metode PTS dengan pendefinisian faktor rotasi fasa yang terbatas. Hasil simulasi dengan 1000 simbol OFDM menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan reduksi PAPR pada metode m-SLM dan m-PTS mendekati kemampuan reduksi metode konvensional. Bit error rate (BER) yang dihasilkan juga mengalami perbaikan dibandingkan BER tanpa reduksi. m-SLM secara keseluruhan mengungguli kinerja dari m-PTS, baik pada nilai reduksi PAPR maupun pada perbaikan BER

    Sustainable and Robust Techniques of Wireless Communications for Industry 4.0: Towards Efficient PAPR Reduction Models

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    This work presents the concerns of reliable, comprehensive, and high-quality communication networks essential in wireless communications for Industry 4.0. These are considered critical requirements of wireless technology for Industry 4.0. For a reliable transmission of digital data over broadband widths and Giga Hertz channels, the corresponding Peak-to-Average-Power Ratio (PAPR) must be under control. Industry standards Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing With Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (MIMO-OFDM/OQAM) system has been considered as the modulation technique with less Computational Complexity (CC). It usually produces phase sequence sets with different PAPR, a complex phenomenon to control. For robustness in PAPR control, the technique proposed has a receiver that initially restores the frequency domain rotation signal according to the sequence selection of the transmitter. Then it compares the distance between the reverse rotation sequence and the nearest constellation point to restore the original sequence. The proposed method simulation results can efficiently suppress the PAPR of MIMO-OFDM/OQAM signals. The proposed method is compared with the traditional Selective Mapping (SLM) algorithm. The proposed method reduces the CC, and can obtain the approximate Bit-Error Rate (BER) performance of the conventional SLM method when the sideband side information is known

    New methods of partial transmit sequence for reducing the high peak-to-average-power ratio with low complexity in the ofdm and f-ofdm systems

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    The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system (OFDM) is one of the most important components for the multicarrier waveform design in the wireless communication standards. Consequently, the OFDM system has been adopted by many high-speed wireless standards. However, the high peak-to-average- power ratio (PAPR) is the main obstacle of the OFDM system in the real applications because of the non-linearity nature in the transmitter. Partial transmit sequence (PTS) is one of the effective PAPR reduction techniques that has been employed for reducing the PAPR value 3 dB; however, the high computational complexity is the main drawback of this technique. This thesis proposes novel methods and algorithms for reducing the high PAPR value with low computational complexity depending on the PTS technique. First, three novel subblocks partitioning schemes, Sine Shape partitioning scheme (SS-PTS), Subsets partitioning scheme (Sb-PTS), and Hybrid partitioning scheme (H-PTS) have been introduced for improving the PAPR reduction performance with low computational complexity in the frequency-domain of the PTS structure. Secondly, two novel algorithms, Grouping Complex iterations algorithm (G-C-PTS), and Gray Code Phase Factor algorithm (Gray-PF-PTS) have been developed to reduce the computational complexity for finding the optimum phase rotation factors in the time domain part of the PTS structure. Third, a new hybrid method that combines the Selective mapping and Cyclically Shifts Sequences (SLM-CSS-PTS) techniques in parallel has been proposed for improving the PAPR reduction performance and the computational complexity level. Based on the proposed methods, an improved PTS method that merges the best subblock partitioning scheme in the frequency domain and the best low-complexity algorithm in the time domain has been introduced to enhance the PAPR reduction performance better than the conventional PTS method with extremely low computational complexity level. The efficiency of the proposed methods is verified by comparing the predicted results with the existing modified PTS methods in the literature using Matlab software simulation and numerical calculation. The results that obtained using the proposed methods achieve a superior gain in the PAPR reduction performance compared with the conventional PTS technique. In addition, the number of complex addition and multiplication operations has been reduced compared with the conventional PTS method by about 54%, and 32% for the frequency domain schemes, 51% and 65% for the time domain algorithms, 18% and 42% for the combining method. Moreover, the improved PTS method which combines the best scheme in the frequency domain and the best algorithm in the time domain outperforms the conventional PTS method in terms of the PAPR reduction performance and the computational complexity level, where the number of complex addition and multiplication operation has been reduced by about 51% and 63%, respectively. Finally, the proposed methods and algorithms have been applied to the OFDM and Filtered-OFDM (F-OFDM) systems through Matlab software simulation, where F-OFDM refers to the waveform design candidate in the next generation technology (5G)

    On Efficient Signal Processing Algorithms for Signal Detection and PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    The driving force of the study is susceptibility of LS algorithm to noise. As LS algorithm is simple to implement, hence it’s performance improvement can contribute a lot to the wireless technology that are especially deals with high computation. Cascading of AdaBoost algorithm with LS greatly influences the OFDM system performance. Performance of Adaptive Boosting based symbol recovery was investigated on the performance of LS, MMSE, BLUE were also compared with the performance of AdaBoost algorithm and MMSE has been found the higher computational complexity. Furthermore, MMSE also requires apriori channel statistics and computational complexity O(5N3) of the MMSE increases exponentially as the number of carrier increases. For the Adaboost case the computational complexity calculation is little different.Therefore, in the training stage of the AdaBoost algorithm, the computational complexity is only O(nT M) Furthermore, as it is a classification algorithm so in the receiver side we will require a separate de-mapper (or decoder) to get the desired data bits, i.e., a. SAS aided DCT based PAPR reduction 1326 and b. SAS aided DCT based PAPR reduction. A successive addition subtraction preprocessed DCT based PAPR reduction technique was proposed. Here, the performance of proposed method was compared with other preexisting techniques like SLM and PTS and the performance of the proposed method was seen to outperform specially in low PAPR region. In the proposed PAPR reduction method, the receiver is aware of the transmitted signal processing, this enables a reverse operation at the receiver to extract the transmit data. Hence the requirement of sending extra information through extra subcarrier is eliminated. The proposed method is also seen to be spectrally efficient. In the case of PTS and SLM it is inevitable to send the side information to retrieve the transmit signal. Hence, these two methods are spectrally inefficient. Successive addition subtraction based PAPR reduction method was also applied to MIMO systems. The performance of the SAS based PAPR reduction method also showed better performance as compared to other technique. An extensive simulation of MIMO OFDM PAPR reduction was carried out by varying the number of subcarriers and number of transmitter antennas. A detailed computational complexity analysis was also carried out. BATE aided SDMA multi user detection. A detailed study of SDMA system was carried out with it’s mathematical analysis.Many linear and non linear detectors like ML, MMSE, PIC, SIC have been proposed in literature for multiuser detection of SDMA system. However, except MMSE every receivers other are computational extensive. So as to enhance the performance of the MMSE MUD a meta heuristic Bat algorithm was incorporated in cascade with MMSE

    Improved Hybrid Blind PAPR Reduction Algorithm for OFDM Systems

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    The ever growing demand for high data rate communication services resulted into the development of long-term evolution (LTE) technology. LTE uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as a transmission technology in its PHY layer for down-link (DL) communications. OFDM is spectrally efficient multicarrier modulation technique ideal for high data transmissions over highly time and frequency varying channels. However, the transmitted signal in OFDM can have high peak values in the time domain due to inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) operation. This creates high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) when compared to single carrier systems. PAPR drives the power amplifiers to saturation degrading its efficiency by consuming more power. In this paper a hybrid blind PAPR reduction algorithm for OFDM systems is proposed, which is a combination of distortion technique (Clipping) and distortionless technique (DFT spreading). The DFT spreading is done prior to clipping reducing significantly the probability of having higher peaks in the composite signal prior to transmission. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms unprocessed conventional OFDM transmission by 9 dB. Comparison with existing blind algorithms shows 7 dB improvement at error rate 10–3 and 3 dB improvement at error rate 10–1 when operating in flat fading and doubly dispersive channels, respectively.Keywords:    LTE Systems; OFDM; Peak to Average Power Ratio; DFT spreading; Signal to Noise Power Ratio

    A hybrid-structure offset-QAM filter-bank multi-carrier MIMO system

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    Offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) filter-bank multi-carrier (FBMC), has great potential for boosting the spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) of future communication systems. This is due to its superior spectral localization, CP-less transmission and relaxed synchronization requirements. Our research focuses on three main OQAM/FBMC research problems: the computational complexity reduction taking equalization into consideration, its integration with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). OQAM/FBMC systems are mainly implemented either using frequency spreading (FS) or polyphase network (PPN) techniques. The PPN technique is generally less complex, but when using frequency domain equalization (FDE) to equalize multipath channel effects at the receiver, there is a computational complexity overhead when using PPN. A novel hybrid-structure OQAM/FBMC MIMO space-frequency block coding (SFBC) system is proposed, to achieve the lowest possible overall complexity in conjunction with FDE at the receiver in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. The Alamouti SFBC block coding is performed on the complex-orthogonal signal before OQAM processing, which resolves the problems of intrinsic interference when integrating OQAM/FBMC with MIMO. In better multipath channel conditions with a line-of-sight (LOS) path, a zero-forcing (ZF) time domain equalization (TDE) is exploited to further reduce the computational complexity with comparable performance bit-error-rate (BER). On the other hand, to tackle the high PAPR problem of the OQAM/FBMC system in the uplink, a novel single carrier (SC)-OQAM/FBMC MIMO system is proposed. The system uses DFT-spreading applied to the OQAM modulated signal, along with interleaved subcarrier mapping to significantly reduce the PAPR and enhance the BER performance over Rayleigh fading channels, with relatively low additional computational complexity compared to the original complexity of the FBMC system and compared to other FBMC PAPR reduction techniques.The proposed hybrid-structure system has shown significant BER performance in frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels compared to OFDM, with significantly lower OOB emissions in addition to the enhanced SE due to the absence of CP. In mild multipath fading channels with a LOS component, the PPN OQAM/FBMC MIMO using TDE has a comparable BER performance with significantly less computational complexity. As for the uplink, the SC-OQAM/FBMC MIMO system significantly reduces the PAPR and enhances the BER performance, with relatively low additional computational complexity

    New OFDM schemes based on orthogonal transforms for mobile communications systems :

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    PhD ThesisIn this thesis, two new orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are presented. The first scheme proposes a new OFDM system transceiver based on the C-transform, which is termed C-OFDM. Over multipath channels, the C-OFDM achieves 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain at 10−4 bit-error-rate (BER), in comparison to the OFDM that based on the is discrete cosine transform (DCT-OFDM) and the conventional OFDM schemes. It also reduces the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the OFDM signal by about 1 dB and in some cases up to 3 dB. In the second scheme, a new fast, orthogonal X-transform is produced. The proposed X-transform is then used in a new OFDM named X-OFDM to greatly reduce the complexity, the PAPR and the BER. The proposed scheme achieves around 15 dB SNR gain in comparison to the conventional OFDM at 10−4 BER and reduces the average PAPR (over 105 OFDM symbol) by about 6 dB for N =1024 subcarriers. Furthermore, in this study, the X-transform is utilized to produce a new Alamouti space-time OFDM (ST-OFDM). The proposed ST-X-OFDM scheme reduces the transmitter complexity and achieves important SNR gain over the conventional ST-OFDM systems. The BER performance of the proposed schemes in the presence of solid-state power amplifiers (SSPAs) is also investigated analytically and by simulation. It shows that the X-OFDM is resilient to the SSPAs nonlinear distortion whereas the C-OFDM may lead to BER impairment in the presence of the SSPA. Furthermore, a coding technique to mitigate the sensitivity of the COFDM scheme to the SSPA is also proposed in this study. In this research, mathematical models for the proposed C-OFDM, XOFDM and ST-X-OFDM, which tightly match the simulation results over a diverse range of transmission scenarios and mapping schemes, are also derived. In addition, the BER performance of the proposed COFDM and X-OFDM schemes in the presence of the carrier frequency offset (CFO), with and without frequency synchronization algorithm, are also investigated. The proposed C-OFDM and X-OFDM schemes are more sensitive to the CFO than the conventional schemes. However, when frequency synchronization algorithm is used, both the proposed schemes retain their significant BER improvement in comparison to the conventional schemes.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHSR), Iraq and to the Iraqi cultural attach- London for supporting me financially during my study in England