8 research outputs found

    US-China policy on global trade: A survey of selected literature

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    This study presents an analysis of research about US-China Policy on global trade, between 2015 and 2019. The research methodology was supported by a bibliometric analysis using Web of Science(WOS) and Scopus, broadening the understanding about the subject and understanding that there is a certain orientation of these studies for Policy. This article presents a demonstration of how research in US-China Policy on Global Trade has been treated by researchers in a global perspective. The research questions that guide this research were: RQ1: What were the main keywords present in studies of US-China Policy on Global Trade?; RQ2: Which sectors were studied on US-China Policy on Global Trade studies?; and RQ3: Which technologies were studied on US-China Policy on Global Trade studies? The main findings of this research are the trends identified on the studies analysed, namely, the most cited keyword that emerged from the literature review.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Economia circular e objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável: principais tendências de pesquisa

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    Purpose: this work aimed to analyze the scientific literature related to the Circular Economy (CE) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to identify its main research trends.Design/methodology/approach: for this purpose, bibliometric and scientometric analysis of the scientific production indexed in the Web of Science database was applied. The scientometric analysis was performed using the CiteSpace software, one of the most influential network software currently.Findings: the results point out trends and challenges for the evolution of sustainability research based on aspects of the 2030 Agenda and the Circular Economy. In particular, trends involve great advances in the number of publications and citations, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity of research categories, dense research network between countries, author co-citation analysis, network of main keywords, identification of keywords with citation burst and their distribution in timelines, and, finally, classification of studies in thematic clusters.Practical implications: the implication of the study is twofold: it will support the development of sustainability based on the 17 SDGs, with the circular economy being one of the areas in growth and development of solutions for sustainability, and it will help guide the overcoming of thematic gaps.Originality/value: this study is the first one that we are aware of to carry out a scientometric and bibliometric analysis aligning the two themes, CE and SDGs. Thus, we contribute to the literature by unveiling the main trends in the field and identifying research directions, which is particularly useful in new and challenging themes for the academic community and for managers.Objetivo: este trabalho objetivou analisar a literatura científica relacionada à Economia Circular (EC) e aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODSs) com vistas a identificar suas principais tendências de pesquisa.Design/metodologia/abordagem: para tanto, foi aplicada análise bibliométrica e cientométrica da produção científica indexada na base de dados Web of Science. A análise cientométrica foi realizada com auxílio do software CiteSpace, um dos mais influentes softwares de rede da atualidade.Resultados: os resultados apontam tendências e desafios para a evolução da pesquisa de sustentabilidade baseada nos aspectos da Agenda 2030 e da Economia Circular. Em particular, as tendências envolvem grande avanço do número de publicações e de citações, interdisciplinaridade e multidisciplinaridade das categorias de pesquisa, rede densa de pesquisa entre países, análise de cocitação de autores, rede de principais palavras-chave, identificação de palavras-chave com explosão de citações e sua distribuição em linhas do tempo, e, por fim, classificação dos estudos em cluster temáticos.Implicações práticas: a implicação do estudo é dupla: apoiará o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade baseada nos 17 ODS, tendo na economia circular uma das áreas em crescimento e desenvolvimento das soluções para a sustentabilidade, e auxiliará no direcionamento da superação de lacunas temáticas.Originalidade/valor: este estudo é o primeiro de que temos conhecimento a realizar análise cientométrica e bibliométrica alinhando os dois temas, EC e ODS. Assim, contribuímos com a literatura ao desvendar as principais tendências do campo e identificar direções de pesquisa, o que é particularmente útil em temáticas novas e desafiadoras para a comunidade acadêmica e para gestores

    Global Publications Output in Quantum Computing Research: A Scientometric Assessment during 2007-16

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    The paper maps quantum computing research on various publication and citation indicators, using data from Scopus database covering 10-year period 2007-16. Quantum computing research cumulated 4703 publications in 10 years, registered a slow 3.39% growth per annum, and averaged 14.30 citations per paper during the period. Top 10 countries dominate the field with 93.15% global publications share. The USA accounted for the highest 29.98% during the period. Australia tops in relative citation index (2.0).  International collaboration has been a major driver of research in the subject; 14.10% to 62.64% of national level output of top 10 countries appeared as international collaborative publications. Computer Science is one of the most popular areas of research in quantum computing research. The study identifies top 30 most productive organizations and authors, top 20 journals reporting quantum computing research, and 124 highly cited papers with 100+ citations per paper

    A Bibliometric Analysis in Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing: What about the Sustainable Supply Chain?

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    During the last decade, different concepts, methodologies, and technologies have appeared, evolving industry toward what we know today as the fourth industrial evolution or Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and Advanced Manufacturing (AM). Based on both, Supply Chain (SC) is presented as the relevant process that sets the sustainability of manufacturing and, therefore, is defined as a key term in a sustainable approach to I4.0. However, there are no studies that analyze the evolution of science in the fields of I4.0 and AM together. In order to fill this gap, the aim of this research work is to analyze the tendencies of science research related to I4.0 and AM by conducting a bibliometric and network analysis and also to generate a new contribution through the analysis of scientific trends related to SC and Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) within this scientific context, for the time span 2010–2019. The results show that the number of publications is growing exponentially and the most active countries are Germany and the U.S., with Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University being the most productive organization and Tecnologico de Monterrey the most collaborative. The analysis of the scientific terms allows us to conclude that the research field is in a growth phase, generating up to almost 4500 new terms in 2019

    Software Quality and Standards on a Global Scale: Trends in the Literature from Scientific and Sectoral Perspective

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    The digital transformation requires software in many components of business and daily life. As the product variety and competition increase in this field, the quality and standards which are leading the sector are also on the agenda. In this context , the aim of this study is to present the current state of software quality and standards in terms of both sectoral and scientific publications. In the scope of the study, the related studies in this field are summarized, and then the findings are presented which are obtained through the scientometric analyses of the published research articles in the journals indexed by Web of Science Core Database. The Findings emphasize the trends in keywords over the years as well as the most active universities, authors, countries, institutional information, and the journals that are preferred by authors. Furthermore, the number and the quality of articles with respect to the country dimension are also discussed to determine the current situation in Turkey

    A Comprehensive Bibliometric Assessment on Software Testing (2016–2021)

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    The research study provides a comprehensive bibliometric assessment in the field of Software Testing (ST). The dynamic evolution in the field of ST is evident from the publication rate over the last six years. The research study is carried out to provide insight into the field of ST from various research bibliometric aspects. Our methodological approach includes dividing the six-year time frame into the set of two symmetric but different periods (2016–2018) and (2019–2021) comprising a total of 75,098 records. VOSViewer is used to perform analysis with respect to collaboration network of countries and co-word assessment. Bibliometrix (Studio R) analysis tool is used to evaluate research themes/topics. The year 2019 leads the publication rate whereas a decrement in publication frequency is observed for the years 2020 and 2021. Our research study shows the influence of ST in other research domains as depicted in different research areas. Especially the impact of ST in the Electrical and Electronics Domain is quite notable. Most of the research publications are from the USA and China as they are among the most resourceful countries. On the whole, the majority of the publications are from Asian countries. Collaboration networks amongst countries demonstrate the fact that the higher the collaboration network, the greater would be the research output. Co-word analysis presents the relatedness of documents based on the keywords. The topic dendrogram is generated based on the identified research themes. Although English is the leading language, prominent studies are present in other languages also. This research study provides a comprehensive analysis based on 12 informative research questions

    A survey on software testability

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    Context: Software testability is the degree to which a software system or a unit under test supports its own testing. To predict and improve software testability, a large number of techniques and metrics have been proposed by both practitioners and researchers in the last several decades. Reviewing and getting an overview of the entire state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in this area is often challenging for a practitioner or a new researcher. Objective: Our objective is to summarize the body of knowledge in this area and to benefit the readers (both practitioners and researchers) in preparing, measuring and improving software testability. Method: To address the above need, the authors conducted a survey in the form of a systematic literature mapping (classification) to find out what we as a community know about this topic. After compiling an initial pool of 303 papers, and applying a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria, our final pool included 208 papers. Results: The area of software testability has been comprehensively studied by researchers and practitioners. Approaches for measurement of testability and improvement of testability are the most-frequently addressed in the papers. The two most often mentioned factors affecting testability are observability and controllability. Common ways to improve testability are testability transformation, improving observability, adding assertions, and improving controllability. Conclusion: This paper serves for both researchers and practitioners as an "index" to the vast body of knowledge in the area of testability. The results could help practitioners measure and improve software testability in their projects

    Research Progress, Trends, and Current State of Development on PEMFC-New Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis and Characteristics of Two Decades of Research Output

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    The consumption of hydrogen could increase by sixfold in 2050 compared to 2020 levels, reaching about 530 Mt. Against this backdrop, the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) has been a major research area in the field of energy engineering. Several reviews have been provided in the existing corpus of literature on PEMFC, but questions related to their evolutionary nuances and research hotspots remain largely unanswered. To fill this gap, the current review uses bibliometric analysis to analyze PEMFC articles indexed in the Scopus database that were published between 2000-2021. It has been revealed that the research field is growing at an annual average growth rate of 19.35%, with publications from 2016 to 2012 alone making up 46% of the total articles available since 2000. As the two most energy-consuming economies in the world, the contributions made towards the progress of PEMFC research have largely been from China and the US. From the research trend found in this investigation, it is clear that the focus of the researchers in the field has largely been to improve the performance and efficiency of PEMFC and its components, which is evident from dominating keywords or phrases such as 'oxygen reduction reaction', 'electrocatalysis', 'proton exchange membrane', 'gas diffusion layer', 'water management', 'polybenzimidazole', 'durability', and 'bipolar plate'. We anticipate that the provision of the research themes that have emerged in the PEMFC field in the last two decades from the scientific mapping technique will guide existing and prospective researchers in the field going forward