25 research outputs found

    A Wireless Sensor Network for Vineyard Monitoring That Uses Image Processing

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    The first step to detect when a vineyard has any type of deficiency, pest or disease is to observe its stems, its grapes and/or its leaves. To place a sensor in each leaf of every vineyard is obviously not feasible in terms of cost and deployment. We should thus look for new methods to detect these symptoms precisely and economically. In this paper, we present a wireless sensor network where each sensor node takes images from the field and internally uses image processing techniques to detect any unusual status in the leaves. This symptom could be caused by a deficiency, pest, disease or other harmful agent. When it is detected, the sensor node sends a message to a sink node through the wireless sensor network in order to notify the problem to the farmer. The wireless sensor uses the IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n standard, which allows connections from large distances in open air. This paper describes the wireless sensor network design, the wireless sensor deployment, how the node processes the images in order to monitor the vineyard, and the sensor network traffic obtained from a test bed performed in a flat vineyard in Spain. Although the system is not able to distinguish between deficiency, pest, disease or other harmful agents, a symptoms image database and a neuronal network could be added in order learn from the experience and provide an accurate problem diagnosis

    Research of Image Transmission System Based on ZigBee and GPRS Network

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    Internet of Underground Things ESP8266 WiFi Coverage Study

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    [EN] The Internet of Underground Things (IoUT) is a novel concept regarding Internet of Things (IoT). It could have countless applications, particularly in agriculture as buried devices do not interfere with the machinery. Furthermore, wireless communication among buried and above ground devices would allow a significant cost reduction as wires would not need to be deployed and wires would not be destroyed by machinery or impede the correct performance of the activities performed by the workers of the field. In this paper, we perform a WiFi coverage study of ESP8266 nodes placed both underground and above ground so as to assess the current lack of knowledge in IoUT and the performance of low-cost controller boards for IoUT applications. Tests were performed with ESP8266 nodes buried at depths of 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm in a field located in an area of citrus fields. A node programmed as an AP (Access Point) was placed at several distances at a height of 50 cm. Results showed that the coverage was better for the node buried at a depth of 20 cm.This work has been partially supported by the European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR and by the European Union with the Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER) Europa invierte en zonas rurales¿, the MAPAMA, and Comunidad de Madrid with the IMIDRA, under the mark of the PDR-CM 2014-2020 project number PDR18-XEROCESPED.García, L.; Parra-Boronat, L.; Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J.; Abouaissa, A.; Lorenz, P. (2019). Internet of Underground Things ESP8266 WiFi Coverage Study. IARIA XPS Press. 1-6. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/180617S1

    Uma ferramenta semiautomática para medição da área de lesões de Mancha Alvo em folhas de café.

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    Este documento apresenta uma ferramenta semiautomática que requer apenas algumas poucas interações com o usuário para medir lesões associadas com a doença mancha-alvo em folhas de café.bitstream/item/144642/1/Doc140.pd

    Frame-based mapping mechanism for energy-efficient MPEG-4 video transmission over IEEE 802.11e networks with better quality of delivery

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    Recent developments in hardware, software and communication technologies have resulted in increasing interest in the use of wireless local area networks (WLANs). Mobile devices with embedded WLAN functionality are becoming increasingly popular. Such devices must be designed to support applications that require high quality of service (QoS) and have favorable to maximize battery capacity. The resources of queues in IEEE 802.11e networks may be wasted by the transmission of information that is useless to the receiver. This work develops a frame-based mapping mechanism (FBM) that exploits different methods to process I/P/B (Intra/Predictive/Bipredictive) video frame packets. FBM refers to the dropping of arriving packets if the preceding packets in the same video frame have been dropped. When fragmented packets of a single frame are allocated to different access categories (AC) queues, out-of order delivery may occur. Hence, FBM tries to treat all fragmented packets of each video frame equally and allocates them to the same AC queue if possible. The simulation results demonstrate that transmission by the FBM is more efficient than that by other mechanisms, such as EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access), static mapping and adaptive mapping, suggesting that the energy of a device is not wasted in the transmission of useless video data in WLANs. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Foundation item: The National Project of Taiwan (No.: MOST 103-2221-E507-001). Authors are grateful to Ministry of Science and Technology Grant no. (MOST 103-2221-E507-001), Government of Taiwan for financial support to carry out this work.Ke, C.; Yang, C.; Chen, J.; Ghafoor, KZ.; Lloret, J. (2015). Frame-based mapping mechanism for energy-efficient MPEG-4 video transmission over IEEE 802.11e networks with better quality of delivery. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 58:280-286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2015.08.005S2802865

    Secure Surveillance Framework for IoT Systems Using Probabilistic Image Encryption

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    [EN] This paper proposes a secure surveillance framework for Internet of things (IoT) systems by intelligent integration of video summarization and image encryption. First, an efficient video summarization method is used to extract the informative frames using the processing capabilities of visual sensors. When an event is detected from keyframes, an alert is sent to the concerned authority autonomously. As the final decision about an event mainly depends on the extracted keyframes, their modification during transmission by attackers can result in severe losses. To tackle this issue, we propose a fast probabilistic and lightweight algorithm for the encryption of keyframes prior to transmission, considering the memory and processing requirements of constrained devices that increase its suitability for IoT systems. Our experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of robustness, execution time, and security compared to other image encryption algorithms. Furthermore, our framework can reduce the bandwidth, storage, transmission cost, and the time required for analysts to browse large volumes of surveillance data and make decisions about abnormal events, such as suspicious activity detection and fire detection in surveillance applications.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2016R1A2B4011712). Paper no. TII-17-2066.Muhammad, K.; Hamza, R.; Ahmad, J.; Lloret, J.; Wang, H.; Baik, SW. (2018). Secure Surveillance Framework for IoT Systems Using Probabilistic Image Encryption. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 14(8):3679-3689. https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2018.2791944S3679368914

    Design and deployment of a smart system for data gathering in aquaculture tanks using wireless sensor networks

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    [EN] The design of monitoring systems for marine areas has increased in the last years. One of the many advantages of wireless sensor networks is the quick process in data acquisition. The information from sensors can be processed, stored, and transmitted using protocols efficiently designed to energy saving and establishing the fastest routes. The processing and storing of data can be very useful for taking intelligent decisions for improving the water quality. The monitoring of water exchange in aquaculture tanks is very important to monitor the fish welfare. Thus, this paper presents the design, deployment, and test of a smart data gathering system for monitoring several parameters in aquaculture tanks using a wireless sensor network. The system based on a server is able to request and collect data from several nodes and store them in a database. This information can be postprocessed to take efficient decisions. The paper also presents the design of a conductivity sensor and a level sensor. These sensors are installed in several aquaculture tanks. The system was implemented using Flyport modules. Finally, the data gathering system was tested in terms of consumed bandwidth and the delay Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets delivering data from the sensors.This work has been partially supported by the Postdoctoral Scholarship “Contratos Postdoctorales UPV 2014 (PAID‐ 10‐14)” of the “Universitat Politècnica de València,” by the “Programa para la Formación de Personal Investigador— (FPI‐2015‐S2‐884)” of the “Universitat Politècnica de València,” and by the pre‐doctoral student grant “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales de Formación del Profesorado Universitario FPU (Convocatoria 2014)” Reference: FPU14/ 02953 by the “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte,” by Instituto de Telecomunicações, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), and Covilhã Delegation, by the National Funding from the FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the UID/EEA/500008/2013 Project, by the Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074‐U01, and by Finep, with resources from Funttel, Grant No. 01.14.0231.00, under the Radiocommunication Reference Center (Centro de Referência em Radiocomunicações —CRR) project of the National Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações—Inatel), Brazil.Parra-Boronat, L.; Sendra, S.; Lloret, J.; Rodrigues, JJPC. (2017). Design and deployment of a smart system for data gathering in aquaculture tanks using wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Communication Systems. 30(16):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.3335S115301

    Development of an open sensorized platform in a smart agriculture context: A vineyard support system for monitoring mildew disease

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    In recent years, some official reports, to produce best products regarding quality, quantity and economic conditions, recommend that the farming sector should benefit with new tools and techniques coming from Information and Communications Technology (ICT) realm. In this way, during last decade the deployment of sensing devices has increased considerably in the field of agriculture. This fact has led to a new concept called smart agriculture, and it contemplates activities such as field monitoring, which offer support to make decisions or perform actions, such as irrigation or fertilization. Apart from sensing devices, which use the Internet protocol to transfer data (Internet of Things), there are the so-called crop models, which are able to provide added value over the data provided by the sensors, with the aim of providing recommendations to farmers in decision-making and thus, increase the quality and quantity of their production. In this scenario, the current work uses a low-cost sensorized platform, capable of monitoring meteorological phenomena following the Internet of Things paradigm, with the goal to apply an alert disease model on the cultivation of the vine. The edge computing paradigm is used to achieve this objective; also our work follows some advances from GIScience to increase interoperability. An example of this platform has been deployed in a vineyard parcel located in the municipality of Vilafamés (Castelló Spain)