432,757 research outputs found

    Scalar conservation laws with stochastic forcing

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    We show that the Cauchy Problem for a randomly forced, periodic multi-dimensional scalar first-order conservation law with additive or multiplicative noise is well-posed: it admits a unique solution, characterized by a kinetic formulation of the problem, which is the limit of the solution of the stochastic parabolic approximation

    Some numerical methods for solving stochastic impulse control in natural gas storage facilities

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    The valuation of gas storage facilities is characterized as a stochastic impulse control problem with finite horizon resulting in Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations for the value function. In this context the two catagories of solving schemes for optimal switching are discussed in a stochastic control framework. We reviewed some numerical methods which include approaches related to partial differential equations (PDEs), Markov chain approximation, nonparametric regression, quantization method and some practitioners’ methods. This paper considers optimal switching problem arising in valuation of gas storage contracts for leasing the storage facilities, and investigates the recent developments as well as their advantages and disadvantages of each scheme based on dynamic programming principle (DPP

    Modelling of natural convection flows with large temperature differences : a benchmark problem for low Mach number solvers. Part 1, Reference solutions

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    There are very few reference solutions in the literature on non-Boussinesq natural convection flows. We propose here a test case problem which extends the well-known De Vahl Davis differentially heated square cavity problem to the case of large temperature differences for which the Boussinesq approximation is no longer valid. The paper is split in two parts: in this first part, we propose as yet unpublished reference solutions for cases characterized by a non-dimensional temperature difference of 0.6, (constant property and variable property cases) and (variable property case). These reference solutions were produced after a first international workshop organized by CEA and LIMSI in January 2000, in which the above authors volunteered to produce accurate numerical solutions from which the present reference solutions could be established

    A Numerical Test of a High-Penetrability Approximation for the One-Dimensional Penetrable-Square-Well Model

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    The one-dimensional penetrable-square-well fluid is studied using both analytical tools and specialized Monte Carlo simulations. The model consists of a penetrable core characterized by a finite repulsive energy combined with a short-range attractive well. This is a many-body one-dimensional problem, lacking an exact analytical solution, for which the usual van Hove theorem on the absence of phase transition does not apply. We determine a high-penetrability approximation complementing a similar low-penetrability approximation presented in previous work. This is shown to be equivalent to the usual Debye-H\"{u}ckel theory for simple charged fluids for which the virial and energy routes are identical. The internal thermodynamic consistency with the compressibility route and the validity of the approximation in describing the radial distribution function is assessed by a comparison against numerical simulations. The Fisher-Widom line separating the oscillatory and monotonic large-distance behavior of the radial distribution function is computed within the high-penetrability approximation and compared with the opposite regime, thus providing a strong indication of the location of the line in all possible regimes. The high-penetrability approximation predicts the existence of a critical point and a spinodal line, but this occurs outside the applicability domain of the theory. We investigate the possibility of a fluid-fluid transition by Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo techniques, not finding any evidence of such a transition. Additional analytical arguments are given to support this claim. Finally, we find a clustering transition when Ruelle's stability criterion is not fulfilled. The consequences of these findings on the three-dimensional phase diagrams are also discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures; to be published in JC

    High-order accurate difference schemes for the Hodgkin-Huxley equations

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    A novel approach for simulating potential propagation in neuronal branches with high accuracy is developed. The method relies on high-order accurate difference schemes using the Summation-By-Parts operators with weak boundary and interface conditions applied to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. This work is the first demonstrating high accuracy for that equation. Several boundary conditions are considered including the non-standard one accounting for the soma presence, which is characterized by its own partial differential equation. Well-posedness for the continuous problem as well as stability of the discrete approximation is proved for all the boundary conditions. Gains in terms of CPU times are observed when high-order operators are used, demonstrating the advantage of the high-order schemes for simulating potential propagation in large neuronal trees

    On controlled linear diffusions with delay in a model of optimal advertising under uncertainty with memory effects

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    We consider a class of dynamic advertising problems under uncertainty in the presence of carryover and distributed forgetting effects, generalizing a classical model of Nerlove and Arrow. In particular, we allow the dynamics of the product goodwill to depend on its past values, as well as previous advertising levels. Building on previous work of two of the authors, the optimal advertising model is formulated as an infinite dimensional stochastic control problem. We obtain (partial) regularity as well as approximation results for the corresponding value function. Under specific structural assumptions we study the effects of delays on the value function and optimal strategy. In the absence of carryover effects, since the value function and the optimal advertising policy can be characterized in terms of the solution of the associated HJB equation, we obtain sharper characterizations of the optimal policy.Comment: numerical example added; minor revision

    Computing Stable Coalitions: Approximation Algorithms for Reward Sharing

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    Consider a setting where selfish agents are to be assigned to coalitions or projects from a fixed set P. Each project k is characterized by a valuation function; v_k(S) is the value generated by a set S of agents working on project k. We study the following classic problem in this setting: "how should the agents divide the value that they collectively create?". One traditional approach in cooperative game theory is to study core stability with the implicit assumption that there are infinite copies of one project, and agents can partition themselves into any number of coalitions. In contrast, we consider a model with a finite number of non-identical projects; this makes computing both high-welfare solutions and core payments highly non-trivial. The main contribution of this paper is a black-box mechanism that reduces the problem of computing a near-optimal core stable solution to the purely algorithmic problem of welfare maximization; we apply this to compute an approximately core stable solution that extracts one-fourth of the optimal social welfare for the class of subadditive valuations. We also show much stronger results for several popular sub-classes: anonymous, fractionally subadditive, and submodular valuations, as well as provide new approximation algorithms for welfare maximization with anonymous functions. Finally, we establish a connection between our setting and the well-studied simultaneous auctions with item bidding; we adapt our results to compute approximate pure Nash equilibria for these auctions.Comment: Under Revie

    A Quasi-Polynomial Time Partition Oracle for Graphs with an Excluded Minor

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    Motivated by the problem of testing planarity and related properties, we study the problem of designing efficient {\em partition oracles}. A {\em partition oracle} is a procedure that, given access to the incidence lists representation of a bounded-degree graph G=(V,E)G= (V,E) and a parameter \eps, when queried on a vertex vVv\in V, returns the part (subset of vertices) which vv belongs to in a partition of all graph vertices. The partition should be such that all parts are small, each part is connected, and if the graph has certain properties, the total number of edges between parts is at most \eps |V|. In this work we give a partition oracle for graphs with excluded minors whose query complexity is quasi-polynomial in 1/\eps, thus improving on the result of Hassidim et al. ({\em Proceedings of FOCS 2009}) who gave a partition oracle with query complexity exponential in 1/\eps. This improvement implies corresponding improvements in the complexity of testing planarity and other properties that are characterized by excluded minors as well as sublinear-time approximation algorithms that work under the promise that the graph has an excluded minor.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    The Networked Common Goods Game

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    We introduce a new class of games called the networked common goods game (NCGG), which generalizes the well-known common goods game. We focus on a fairly general subclass of the game where each agent's utility functions are the same across all goods the agent is entitled to and satisfy certain natural properties (diminishing return and smoothness). We give a comprehensive set of technical results listed as follows. * We show the optimization problem faced by a single agent can be solved efficiently in this subclass. The discrete version of the problem is however NP-hard but admits an fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS). * We show uniqueness results of pure strategy Nash equilibrium of NCGG, and that the equilibrium is fully characterized by the structure of the network and independent of the choices and combinations of agent utility functions. * We show NCGG is a potential game, and give an implementation of best/better response Nash dynamics that lead to fast convergence to an ϵ\epsilon-approximate pure strategy Nash equilibrium. * Lastly, we show the price of anarchy of NCGG can be as large as Ω(n1ϵ)\Omega(n^{1-\epsilon}) (for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0), which means selfish behavior in NCGG can lead to extremely inefficient social outcomes