45,845 research outputs found

    A Visual Specification Language for Model-to-Model Transformations

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    Proceedings of: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2010). Leganés-Madrid, Spain 21-25 Septemeber 2010.While interaction patterns are becoming widespread in the field of interface design, their definitions do not enjoy a common standard yet, as is for software patterns. Moreover, patterns are developed for diverse design aspects, reflecting the complexity of the field. As a consequence, research on formalization of interaction patterns is not developed, and few attempts have been made to extend techniques developed for design pattern formalization. We show here how an extension to our recent approach to pattern formalization can be usefully employed to formalize some classes of interaction patterns, to express relations among them, and to detect conflicts.Work funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project TIN2008-02081 and mobility grants JC2009-00015 and PR2009-0019; and by the R&D programme of the Madrid Community, project S2009/TIC-1650.Publicad

    Automated verification of model transformations based on visual contracts

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10515-012-0102-yModel-Driven Engineering promotes the use of models to conduct the different phases of the software development. In this way, models are transformed between different languages and notations until code is generated for the final application. Hence, the construction of correct Model-to-Model (M2M) transformations becomes a crucial aspect in this approach. Even though many languages and tools have been proposed to build and execute M2M transformations, there is scarce support to specify correctness requirements for such transformations in an implementation-independent way, i.e., irrespective of the actual transformation language used. In this paper we fill this gap by proposing a declarative language for the specification of visual contracts, enabling the verification of transformations defined with any transformation language. The verification is performed by compiling the contracts into QVT to detect disconformities of transformation results with respect to the contracts. As a proof of concept, we also report on a graphical modeling environment for the specification of contracts, and on its use for the verification of transformations in several case studies.This work has been funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under grant P21374-N13, the Spanish Ministry of Science under grants TIN2008-02081 and TIN2011-24139, and the R&D programme of the Madrid Region under project S2009/TIC-1650

    From the Behavior Model of an Animated Visual Language to its Editing Environment Based on Graph Transformation

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    Animated visual models are a reasonable means for illustrating system behavior. However, implementing animated visual languages and their editing environments is difficult. Therefore, guidelines, specification methods, and tool support are necessary. A flexible approach for specifying model states and behavior is to use graphs and graph transformations. Thereby, a graph can also represent dynamic aspects of a model, like animations, and graph transformations are triggered over time to control the behavior, like starting, modifying, and stopping animations or adding and removing elements. These concepts had already been added to Dia-Meta, a framework for generating editing environments, but they provide only low-level support for specifying and implementing animated visual languages; specifying complex dynamic languages was still a challenging task. This paper proposes the Animation Modeling Language (AML), which allows to model behavior and animations on a higher level of abstraction. AML models are then translated into low-level specifications based on graph transformations. The approach is demonstrated using a traffic simulation

    Supporting Model-to-Model Transformations: The VMT Approach

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    The model-driven architecture approach (MDA) promotes software development as driven by a thorough modeling phase where application code is automatically generated from a platform specific UML model (PSM). The idea is that the PSM is itself derived from a platform independent UML model (PIM). Such code generation and model derivation are examples of model-to-model transformations. This paper presents the Visual Model Transformation (VMT) approach, which includes a transformation language and a tool to support UML model transformations. The transformation language is a visual declarative language that supports the specification, composition and reuse of model transformation rules. These rules make use of the OCL language and a visual notation to indicate the selection, creation, modification and removal of model elements. An abstract denotational semantics based on graph transformation is sketched for the VMT language. We also present the MEDAL tool, which is a prototype build on top of IBM/Rational XDE development environment, and is a first step towards tool support for the VMT approach


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    The Action Semantics for UML provides a standard and platform independent way to describe the behavior of methods and executable actions in object-oriented system design prior to implementation allowing the development of highly automated and optimized code generators for UML CASE tools. Model transformation systems provide visual but formal background to specify arbitrary transformations in the Model Driven Architecture (the leading trend in software engineering). In the current paper, we describe a general encoding of model transformation systems as executable Action Semantics expressions to provide a standard way for automatically generating the implementation of formal (and provenly correct) transformations by off-the-shelf MDA tools. In addition, we point out a weakness in the Action Semantics standard that must be improved to achieve a stand-alone and functionally complete action specification language

    Layout Specification on the Concrete and Abstract Syntax Level of a Diagram Language

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    A visual language consists of several visual component types, e.g. states or transitions in DFAs. Nowadays, the language itself is usually specified via a meta model. To make a diagram look nice, a layouter is required. This layouter may either operate on the concrete syntax level, i.e., on the visual components, or on the abstract syntax level, i.e., on the model instance. In this paper we present an approach that is capable of specifying a flexible layout on both, the concrete as well as the abstract syntax level of a diagram. The approach uses pattern-based transformations. Besides structured editing, it also supports free-hand editing, a challenging task for the layouter. We introduce how such a specification can be created and examine the advantages and shortcomings of each of either operating on the concrete syntax level or on the abstract syntax level

    Polyhedral+Dataflow Graphs

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    This research presents an intermediate compiler representation that is designed for optimization, and emphasizes the temporary storage requirements and execution schedule of a given computation to guide optimization decisions. The representation is expressed as a dataflow graph that describes computational statements and data mappings within the polyhedral compilation model. The targeted applications include both the regular and irregular scientific domains. The intermediate representation can be integrated into existing compiler infrastructures. A specification language implemented as a domain specific language in C++ describes the graph components and the transformations that can be applied. The visual representation allows users to reason about optimizations. Graph variants can be translated into source code or other representation. The language, intermediate representation, and associated transformations have been applied to improve the performance of differential equation solvers, or sparse matrix operations, tensor decomposition, and structured multigrid methods

    Domain Completeness of Model Transformations and Synchronisations

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    The intrinsic question of most activities in information science, in practice or science, is “Does a given system satisfy the requirements regarding its application?” Commonly, requirements are expressed and accessible by means of models, mostly in a diagrammatic representation by visual models. The requirements may change over time and are often defined from different perspectives and within different domains. This implies that models may be transformed either within the same domain-specific visual modelling language or into models in another language. Furthermore, model updates may be synchronised between different models. Most types of visual models can be represented by graphs where model transformations and synchronisations are performed by graph transformations. The theory of graph transformations emerged from its origins in the late 1960s and early 1970s as a generalisation of term and tree rewriting systems to an important field in (theoretical) computer science with applications particularly in visual modelling techniques, model transformations, synchronisations and behavioural specifications of models. Its formal foundations but likewise visual notation enable both precise definitions and proofs of important properties of model transformations and synchronisations from a theoretical point of view and an intuitive approach for specifying transformations and model updates from an engineer’s point of view. The recent results were presented in the EATCS monographs “Fundamentals of Algebraic Graph Transformation” (FAGT) in 2006 and its sequel “Graph and Model Transformation: General Framework and Applications” (GraMoT) in 2015. This thesis concentrates on one important property of model transformations and synchronisations, i.e., syntactical completeness. Syntactical completeness of model transformations means that given a specification for transforming models from a source modelling language into models in a target language, then all source models can be completely transformed into corresponding target models. In the same given context, syntactical completeness of model synchronisations means that all source model updates can be completely synchronised, resulting in corresponding target model updates. This work is essentially based on the GraMoT book and mainly extends its results for model transformations and synchronisations based on triple graph grammars by a new more general notion of syntactical completeness, namely domain completeness, together with corresponding verification techniques. Furthermore, the results are instantiated to the verification of the syntactical completeness of software transformations and synchronisations. The well-known transformation of UML class diagrams into relational database models and the transformation of programs of a small object-oriented programming language into class diagrams serve as running examples. The existing AGG tool is used to support the verification of the given examples in practice

    Agile Validation of Model Transformations using Compound F-Alloy Specifications

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    Model transformations play a key role in model driven software engineering approaches. Validation of model transformations is crucial for the quality assurance of software systems to be constructed. The relational logic based specification language Alloy and its accompanying tool the Alloy Analyzer have been used in the past to validate properties of model transformations. However Alloy based analysis of transformations suffers from several limitations. On one hand, it is time consuming and does not scale well. On the other hand, the reliance on Alloy, being a formal method, prevents the effective involvement of domain experts in the validation process which is crucial for pinpointing domain pertinent errors. Those limitations are even more severe when it comes to transformations whose input and/or output are themselves transformations (called compound transformations) because they are inherently more complex. To tackle the performance and scalability limitations, in previous work, we proposed an Alloy-based Domain Specific Language (DSL), called F-Alloy, that is tailored for model transformation specifications. Instead of pure analysis based validation, F-Alloy speeds up the validation of model transformations by applying a hybrid strategy that combines analysis with interpretation. In this paper, we formalize the notion of “hybrid analysis” and further extended it to also support efficient validation of compound transformations. To enable the effective involvement of domain experts in the validation process, we propose in this paper a new approach to model transformation validation, called Visualization-Based Validation (briefly VBV). Following VBV, representative instances of a to-be-validated model transformation are automatically generated by hybrid analysis and shown to domain experts for feedback in a visual notation that they are familiar with. We prescribe a process to guide the application of VBV to model transformations and illustrate it with a benchmark model transformation

    Specification and Construction of Control Flow Semantics

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    In this paper we propose a visual language CFSL for specifying control flow semantics of programming languages. We also present a translation from CFSL to graph production systems (GPS) for flow graph construction; that is, any CFSL specification, say for a language L, gives rise to a GPS that constructs from any L-program (represented as an abstract syntax graph) the corresponding flow graph. The specification language is rich enough to capture complex language constructs, including all of Java