35 research outputs found

    A Developmental System for Organic Form Synthesis

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    Abstract. Modelling the geometry of organic forms using traditional CAD or animation tools is often difficult and tedious. Different models of morphogenesis have been successfully applied to this problem; however many kinds of organic shape still pose difficulty. This paper introduces a novel system, the Simplicial Developmental System (SDS), which simulates morphogenetic and physical processes in order to generate specific organic forms. SDS models a system of cells as a dynamic simplicial complex in two or three dimensions that is governed by physical rules. Through growth, division, and movement, the cells transform the geometric and physical representations of the form. The actions of the cells are governed by conditional rules and communication between cells is supported with a continuous morphogen model. Results are presented in which simple organic forms are grown using a model inspired by limb bud development in chick embryos. These results are discussed in the context of using SDS as a creative system.

    Area and Volume Restoration in Elastically Deformable Solids

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    This paper describes an improvement of a classical energy-based model to simulate elastically deformable solids. The classical model lacks the ability to prevent the collapsing of solids under influence of external forces, such as user interactions and collision. A thorough explanation is given for the origins of instabilities, and extensions that solve the issues are proposed to the physical model. Within the original framework of the classical model a complete restoration of area and volume is introduced. The improved model is suitable for interactive simulation and can recover from volumetric collapsing, in particular upon large deformation

    Modeling And Simulation Of Soft Bodies

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    As graphics and simulations become more realistic, techniques for approximating soft body objects, that is, non-solid objects such as liquids, gases, and cloth, are becoming increasingly common. The proposed generalized soft body method encompasses some specific cases of other existing models enabling simulation of a variety of soft body materials by parameter adjustment. This research presents a general method of soft body model and simulation in which parameters for body control, surface deformation, volume control, and gravitation, can be adjusted to simulate different types of soft bodies. In this method, the soft body mesh structure maintains configuration among surface points while fluid modeling deforms the details of the surface. To maintain volume, an internal pressure is approximated by simulated molecules within the soft body. Free fall motion of soft body is generated by gravitational field. Additionally, a constraint is specified based on the property of the soft body being modeled. There are several standard methods to control soft body volume. This work illustrates the simplicity of simulation by selecting a mass-spring system for the deformation of the connected points of a three-dimensional mesh, while an internal pressure force acts upon the surface triangles. To incorporate fluidity, smooth particles hydrodynamics (SPH) is applied where surface points are considered as free moving particles interacting with neighboring surface points within a SPH radius. Because SPH is computationally expensive, it requires an efficient method to determine neighboring surface points. Collision detection with soft bodies and other rigid body objects also requires such fast neighbor detection. To determine the neighboring surface point, Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB), Octree, and a partitioning and hashing schemes iv have been investigated and the result shows that the partitioning and hashing scheme provides the best frame rate. Thus a fast partitioning and hashing scheme is used in this research to reduce both computational time and the memory requirements. The proposed soft body model aims to be applied in several types of soft body application depending on the specific types of soft body deformation. The work presented in this dissertation details experiments with a variety of visually appealing fluid-like surfaces and organic materials animated at interactive speeds. The algorithm is also used to implement animated space-blob creatures in the Galactic Arms Race video game and a human lung simulation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the algorithm in both an actual video game engine and a medical application. The simulation results show that the general model of the soft body can be applied to several applications by adjusting the soft body parameters according to the appearance results

    Implicit smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for simulating incompressible fluid-elastic coupling

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    Fluid simulation has been one of the most critical topics in computer graphics for its capacity to produce visually realistic effects. The intricacy of fluid simulation manifests most with interacting dynamic elements. The coupling for such scenarios has always been challenging to manage due to the numerical instability arising from the coupling boundary between different elements. Therefore, we propose an implicit smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluid-elastic coupling approach to reduce the instability issue for fluid-fluid, fluid-elastic, and elastic-elastic coupling circumstances. By deriving the relationship between the universal pressure field with the incompressible attribute of the fluid, we apply the number density scheme to solve the pressure Poisson equation for both fluid and elastic material to avoid the density error for multi-material coupling and conserve the non-penetration condition for elastic objects interacting with fluid particles. Experiments show that our method can effectively handle the multiphase fluids simulation with elastic objects under various physical properties

    Virtual Reality Based Simulation of Hysteroscopic Interventions

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    Virtual reality based simulation is an appealing option to supplement traditional clinical education. However, the formal integration of training simulators into the medical curriculum is still lacking. Especially, the lack of a reasonable level of realism supposedly hinders the widespread use of this technology. Therefore, we try to tackle this situation with a reference surgical simulator of the highest possible fidelity for procedural training. This overview describes all elements that have been combined into our training system as well as first results of simulator validation. Our framework allows the rehearsal of several aspects of hysteroscopy—for instance, correct fluid management, handling of excessive bleeding, appropriate removal of intrauterine tumors, or the use of the surgical instrument

    Locking-Proof Tetrahedra

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    The simulation of incompressible materials suffers from locking when using the standard finite element method (FEM) and coarse linear tetrahedral meshes. Locking increases as the Poisson ratio gets close to 0.5 and often lower Poisson ratio values are used to reduce locking, affecting volume preservation. We propose a novel mixed FEM approach to simulating incompressible solids that alleviates the locking problem for tetrahedra. Our method uses linear shape functions for both displacements and pressure, and adds one scalar per node. It can accommodate nonlinear isotropic materials described by a Young\u27s modulus and any Poisson ratio value by enforcing a volumetric constitutive law. The most realistic such material is Neo-Hookean, and we focus on adapting it to our method. For , we can obtain full volume preservation up to any desired numerical accuracy. We show that standard Neo-Hookean simulations using tetrahedra are often locking, which, in turn, affects accuracy. We show that our method gives better results and that our Newton solver is more robust. As an alternative, we propose a dual ascent solver that is simple and has a good convergence rate. We validate these results using numerical experiments and quantitative analysis