451 research outputs found

    Development of Visual Cryptography Technique for Authentication Using Facial Images

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    Security in the real world is an important issue to be taken care and to be encountered with various aspects and preventive measures. In the present era, whole major security concerns is the protection of this multimedia web is coming closer from text data to multimedia data, one of the data. Image, which covers the highest percentage of the multimedia data, its protection is very important. These might include Military Secrets, Commercial Secrets and Information of individuals. This can be achieved by visual Cryptography. It is one kind of image encryption. Incurrent technology, most of visual cryptography areembedded a secret using multiple shares. Visual is secret sharing technique used in visual cryptography which divides the secret image into multiple shares and by superimposing those shares the original secret image is going to be revealed, but it create a threat when an intruder get shares with which the image is going to be decrypted easily. However in these project work, an extremely useful bitwise operation is perform on every pixel with the help of key. The key is provided by new concept of sterilization algorithm. Initially Red, Green and Blue channels get separated from image and are going to be encrypted on multiple levels using multiple shares, convert an image into unreadable format and by combining all the shares in proper sequence the original secret image revealed

    PureLottery: Fair and Bias-Resistant Leader Election with a Novel Single-Elimination Tournament Algorithm

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    Leader Election (LE) is crucial in distributed systems and blockchain technology, ensuring one participant acts as the leader. Traditional LE methods often depend on distributed random number generation (RNG), facing issues like vulnerability to manipulation, lack of fairness, and the need for complex procedures such as verifiable delay functions (VDFs) and publicly-verifiable secret sharing (PVSS). This Bachelor's thesis presents a novel approach to randomized LE, leveraging a game-theoretic assumption that participants, aiming to be chosen as leaders, will naturally avoid actions that diminish their chances. This perspective simplifies LE by eliminating the need for decentralized RNG. Introducing PureLottery, inspired by single-elimination sports tournaments, this method offers a fair, bias-resistant, and efficient LE solution for blockchain environments. It operates on the principle of two participants competing in each match, rendering collusion efforts useless. PureLottery stands out for its low computational and communication complexity, suitable for smart contract implementation. It provides strong game-theoretic incentives for honesty and is robust against adversaries, ensuring no increase in election chances through dishonesty. The protocol guarantees that each honest player has at least a 1/n chance of winning, irrespective of adversary manipulation among the other n-1 participants. PureLottery can also address related problems like participant ranking, electing multiple leaders, and leader aversion, showcasing its versatility across various applications, including lotteries and blockchain protocols. An open-source implementation is made available for public use

    Visual secret sharing and related Works -A Review

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    The accelerated development of network technology and internet applications has increased the significance of protecting digital data and images from unauthorized access and manipulation. The secret image-sharing network (SIS) is a crucial technique used to protect private digital photos from illegal editing and copying. SIS can be classified into two types: single-secret sharing (SSS) and multi-secret sharing (MSS). In SSS, a single secret image is divided into multiple shares, while in MSS, multiple secret images are divided into multiple shares. Both SSS and MSS ensure that the original secret images cannot be reconstructed without the correct combination of shares. Therefore, several secret image-sharing methods have been developed depending on these two methods for example visual cryptography, steganography, discrete wavelet transform, watermarking, and threshold. All of these techniques are capable of randomly dividing the secret image into a large number of shares, each of which cannot provide any information to the intrusion team.  This study examined various visual secret-sharing schemes as unique examples of participant secret-sharing methods. Several structures that generalize and enhance VSS were also discussed in this study on covert image-sharing protocols and also this research also gives a comparative analysis of several methods based on various attributes in order to better concentrate on the future directions of the secret image. Generally speaking, the image quality generated employing developed methodologies is preferable to the image quality achieved through using the traditional visual secret-sharing methodology

    One Time User Key: a user-based secret sharing XOR-ed model for multiple user cryptography in distributed systems

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    The generation of encrypted channels between more than two users is complex, as it is necessary to share information about the key of each user. This problem has been partially solved through the secret sharing mechanism that makes it possible to divide a secret among several participants, so that the secret can be reconstructed by a well-defined part of them. The proposed system represents an extension of this mechanism, since it is designed to be applied systematically: each user has his/her key, through which temporary keys (One Time User Keys) are generated and are used to divide the secret, corresponding to the real encryption key. The system also overcomes the concept of numerical threshold (i.e., at least n participants are required to reconstruct the secret), allowing the definition, for each encryption, of which users can access and which specific groups of users can access. The proposed model can be applied both in distributed user-based contexts and as an extension of cryptographic functions, without impacting the overall security of the system. It addresses some requirements of the European Union Council resolution on encryption and also provides a wide possibility of applications in user-based distributed systems

    Searchable Symmetric Encryption and its applications

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    In the age of personalized advertisement and online identity profiles, people’s personal information is worth more to corporations than ever. Storing data in the cloud is increasing in popularity due to bigger file sizes and people just storing more information digitally. The leading cloud storage providers require insight into what users store on their servers. This forces users to trust their cloud storage provider not to misuse their information. This opens the possibility that private information is sold to hackers or is made publicly available on the internet. However, the more realistic case is that the service provider sells or misuses your metadata for use in personalized advertisements or other, less apparent purposes. This thesis will explore Searchable Sym- metric Encryption (SSE) algorithms and how we can utilize them to make a more secure cloud storage serviceMasteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    Privacy-Aware Processing of Biometric Templates by Means of Secure Two-Party Computation

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    The use of biometric data for person identification and access control is gaining more and more popularity. Handling biometric data, however, requires particular care, since biometric data is indissolubly tied to the identity of the owner hence raising important security and privacy issues. This chapter focuses on the latter, presenting an innovative approach that, by relying on tools borrowed from Secure Two Party Computation (STPC) theory, permits to process the biometric data in encrypted form, thus eliminating any risk that private biometric information is leaked during an identification process. The basic concepts behind STPC are reviewed together with the basic cryptographic primitives needed to achieve privacy-aware processing of biometric data in a STPC context. The two main approaches proposed so far, namely homomorphic encryption and garbled circuits, are discussed and the way such techniques can be used to develop a full biometric matching protocol described. Some general guidelines to be used in the design of a privacy-aware biometric system are given, so as to allow the reader to choose the most appropriate tools depending on the application at hand

    Comparison of Secret Splitting, Secret Sharing and Recursive Threshold Visual Cryptography for Security of Handwritten Images

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    The secret sharing is a method to protect confidentiality and integrity of the secret messages by distributing the message shares into several recipients. The secret message could not be revealed unless the recipients exchange and collect shares to reconstruct the actual message. Even though the attacker obtain shares shadow during the share exchange, it would be impossible for the attacker to understand the correct share. There are few algorithms have been developed for secret sharing, e.g. secret splitting, Asmuth-Bloom secret sharing protocol, visual cryptography, etc. There is an unanswered question in this research about which method provides best level of security and efficiency in securing message. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of three methods, i.e. secret splitting, secret sharing, and recursive threshold visual cryptography for handwritten image security in terms of execution time and mean squared error (MSE) simulation. Simulation results show the secret splitting algorithm produces the shortest time of execution. On the other hand, the MSE simulation result that the three methods can reconstruct the original image very well
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