107 research outputs found

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Proceedings

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    Superar el límite de la pantalla:el futuro integrado del diseño industrial e innovación de la interfaz

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Bellas Artes, leída el 27-11-2019The goals of this thesis are to streamline the design process of CDDs for both theirhardware and software, simplify the process of their conception, creation andproduction, motivate the design and interactive innovations for the next generationof CDDs.Starting with the process of investigating the design history of CDDs, we noticed theincreasing bi-directional influence between the graphical interface design and theindustrial design of these products. We started to work on the hypothesis:“A connection point between classical industrial design theories and moderninnovations in the world of interface design can be found, and the future of CDDrequires a universal design system for both its hardware and software.”In order to put our hypothesis into practice, it is important to clarify the generic andspecific objectives...El fin de esta tesis es mejorar el proceso de diseño de DDC tanto para su hardware como para su software, simplificar el proceso de concepción, creación y producción,así como motivar el diseño y las innovaciones interactivas para la próxima generación de DDC. Comenzando con un proceso de investigación que respete la historia del diseño de los DDC, notamos un incremento en la influencia bidireccional entre el diseño de interfaz gráfica y el diseño industrial de estos productos. Trabajamos sobre esta hipótesis: “Se puede encontrar un punto de conexión entre las teorías clásicas de diseño industrial y las innovaciones modernas en el mundo del diseño de interfaz. El futuro de los DDC requiere un sistema de diseño unificado para ambos: hardware y software.”Para poner nuestra hipótesis en práctica, es importante aclarar los objetivos genéricos y específicos...Fac. de Bellas ArtesTRUEunpu

    Addressing the data bottleneck in medical deep learning models using a human-in-the-loop machine learning approach

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    [Abstract]: Any machine learning (ML) model is highly dependent on the data it uses for learning, and this is even more important in the case of deep learning models. The problem is a data bottleneck, i.e. the difficulty in obtaining an adequate number of cases and quality data. Another issue is improving the learning process, which can be done by actively introducing experts into the learning loop, in what is known as human-in-the-loop (HITL) ML. We describe an ML model based on a neural network in which HITL techniques were used to resolve the data bottleneck problem for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. We first augmented the dataset using synthetic cases created by a generative adversarial network. We then launched an active learning (AL) process involving human experts as oracles to label both new cases and cases by the network found to be suspect. This AL process was carried out simultaneously with an interactive ML process in which feedback was obtained from humans in order to develop better synthetic cases for each iteration of training. We discuss the challenges involved in including humans in the learning process, especially in relation to human–computer interaction, which is acquiring great importance in building ML models and can condition the success of a HITL approach. This paper also discusses the methodological approach adopted to address these challenges.This work has been supported by the State Research Agency of the Spanish Government (Grant PID2019-107194GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grant ED431C 2022/44), supported in turn by the EU European Regional Development Fund. We wish to acknowledge support received from the Centro de Investigación de Galicia CITIC, funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Regional Development Fund (Galicia 2014–2020 Program; Grant ED431G 2019/01).Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2022/44Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Development of usability and context-of-use taxonomies, integration with techniques for the study of usability and application to real-world intelligent systems

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    [Resumen] Un importante obstáculo para la implantación del Diseño Centrado en el Usuario en el mundo real es que no existe una definición del concepto de usabilidad que sea precisa y comúnnmente aceptada y aplicada en la práctica. La literatura tiende a definir la usabilidad en términos demasiado escuetos y ambiguos, y a describir su aplicación en términos informales. Idénticas críticas pueden hacerse al concepto del contexto de uso, al cual la usabilidad es siempre relativa. Como consecuencia de esto, las técnicas ad hoc predominan en las metodologías de usabilidad. Esta tesis propone taxonomías detalladas para los conceptos de usabilidad y contexto de uso. Las taxonomías están organizadas jerárquicamente y contienen descripciones precisas de sus atributos y subatributos. Para ilustrar la utilidad práctica de las taxonomías, se describe cómo fueron integradas en el ciclo de vida de desarrollo de dos productos reales en el campo de los Sistemas Inteligentes. Concretamente, un dispositivo de Adaptación Inteligente de la Velocidad y un generador automático de interfaces de usuario. En un punto específico de cada proyecto se realizó un estudio de usabilidad, usando las taxonomías para estructurar y guiar actividades de usabilidad como el análisis de los requisitos de usabilidad, la evaluación heurística y el análisis subjetivo.[Abstract] A major obstacle to the implantation of User-Centered Design in the real world is the fact that no precise de nition of the concept of usability exists that is widely accepted and applied in practice. Generally speaking, the literature tends to de ne usability in overly brief and ambiguous terms and to describe its application in informal terms. The same criticisms can be leveled at the concept of context of use, to which usability is always relative. As a consequence of these drawbacks, ad hoc techniques predominate in usability study methodologies. This thesis proposes detailed taxonomies for the concepts of usability and the context of use. The taxonomies are organized hierarchically and contain precise descriptions of their attributes and subattributes. In order to illustrate the practical usefulness of the taxonomies, this thesis describes and discusses how the taxonomies were integrated into the development life cycle of two real-world projects in the eld of Intelligent Systems, namely, an Intelligent Speed Adaptation device and an automatic generator of user interfaces. At a speci c point of each project, a usability study was conducted, in which the taxonomies were used to structure and guide well-known usability activities such as usability requirements analysis, heuristic evaluation, and subjective analysis[Resumo] Un importante obstáculo para a implantación do Deseño Centrado no Usuario no mundo real é que non existe unha definición do concepto de usabilidade que sexa precisa e comunmente aceptada e aplicada na práctica. A literatura tende a definir a usabilidade en termos demasiado concisos e ambiguos, e a describir a súa aplicación en termos informais. Idénticas críticas poden facerse ao concepto do contexto de uso, ao cal a usabilidade de sempre relativa. Como consecuencia disto, as técnicas ad hoc predominan nas metodoloxías de usabilidade. Esta tese propón taxonomías detalladas para os conceptos de usabilidade e contexto de uso. As taxonomías están organizadas xerárquicamente e conteñen descricións precisas dos seus atributos e subatributos. Para ilustrar a utilidade práctica das taxonomías, descríbese como foron integradas no ciclo de vida de desenvolvemento de dous produtos reais no campo dos Sistemas Intelixentes. Concretamente, un dispositivo de Adaptación Intelixente da Velocidade e un xerador automático de interfaces de usuario. Nun punto específico de cada proxecto realizouse un estudo de usabilidade, usando as taxonomías para estruturar e guiar actividades de usabilidade como a análise dos requisitos de usabilidade, a avaliación heurística e a análise subxectiva

    The Gestural Control of Audio Processing

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    Gesture enabled devices have become so ubiquitous in recent years that commands such as ‘pinch to zoom-in on an image’ are part of most people’s gestural vocabulary. Despite this, gestural interfaces have been used sparingly within the audio industry. The aim of this research project is to evaluate the effectiveness of a gestural interface for the control of audio processing. In particular, the ability of a gestural system to streamline workflow and rationalise the number of control parameters, thus reducing the complexity of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). A literature review of gestural technology explores the ways in which it can improve HCI, before focussing on areas of implementation in audio systems. Case studies of previous research projects were conducted to evaluate the benefits and pitfalls of gestural control over audio. The findings from these studies concluded that the scope of this project should be limited to two-dimensional gestural control. An elicitation of gestural preferences was performed to identify expert-user’s gestural associations. This data was used to compile a taxonomy of gestures and their most widely-intuitive parameter mappings. A novel interface was then produced using a popular tablet-computer. This facilitated the control of equalisation, compression and gating. Objective testing determined the performance of the gestural interface in comparison to traditional WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) techniques, thus producing a benchmark for the system under test. Further testing is carried out to observe the effects of graphic user interfaces (GUIs) in a gestural system, in particular the suitability of skeuomorphic (knobs and faders) designs in modern DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations). A novel visualisation method, deemed more suitable for gestural interaction, is proposed and tested. Semantic descriptors are explored as a means of further improving the speed and usability of gestural interfaces, through the simultaneous control of multiple parameters. This rationalisation of control moves towards the implementation of gestural shortcuts and ‘continuous pre-sets’

    A framework for the design, prototyping and evaluation of mobile interfaces for domestic environments

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    The idea of the smart home has been discussed for over three decades, but it has yet to achieve mass-market adoption. This thesis asks the question Why is my home not smart? It highlights four main areas that are barriers to adoption, and concentrates on a single one of these issues: usability. It presents an investigation that focuses on design, prototyping and evaluation of mobile interfaces for domestic environments resulting in the development of a novel framework. A smart home is the physical realisation of a ubiquitous computing system for domestic living. The research area offers numerous benefits to end-users such as convenience, assistive living, energy saving and improved security and safety. However, these benefits have yet to become accessible due to a lack of usable smart home control interfaces. This issue is considered a key reason for lack of adoption and is the focus for this thesis. Within this thesis, a framework is introduced as a novel approach for the design, prototyping and evaluation of mobile interfaces for domestic environments. Included within this framework are three components. Firstly, the Reconfigurable Multimedia Environment (RME), a physical evaluation and observation space for conducting user centred research. Secondly, Simulated Interactive Devices (SID), a video-based development and control tool for simulating interactive devices commonly found within a smart home. Thirdly, iProto, a tool that facilitates the production and rapid deployment of high fidelity prototypes for mobile touch screen devices. This framework is evaluated as a round-tripping toolchain for prototyping smart home control and found to be an efficient process for facilitating the design and evaluation of such interfaces

    Assisted Interaction for Improving Web Accessibility: An Approach Driven and Tested by Userswith Disabilities

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    148 p.Un porcentaje cada vez mayor de la población mundial depende de la Web para trabajar, socializar, opara informarse entre otras muchas actividades. Los beneficios de la Web son todavía más cruciales paralas personas con discapacidades ya que les permite realizar un sinfín de tareas que en el mundo físico lesestán restringidas debido distintas barreras de accesibilidad. A pesar de sus ventajas, la mayoría depáginas web suelen ignoran las necesidades especiales de las personas con discapacidad, e incluyen undiseño único para todos los usuarios. Existen diversos métodos para combatir este problema, como porejemplo los sistemas de ¿transcoding¿, que transforman automáticamente páginas web inaccesibles enaccesibles. Para mejorar la accesibilidad web a grupos específicos de personas, estos métodos requiereninformación sobre las técnicas de adaptación más adecuadas que deben aplicarse.En esta tesis se han realizado una serie de estudios sobre la idoneidad de diversas técnicas de adaptaciónpara mejorar la navegación web para dos grupos diferentes de personas con discapacidad: personas conmovilidad reducida en miembros superiores y personas con baja visión. Basado en revisionesbibliográficas y estudios observacionales, se han desarrollado diferentes adaptaciones de interfaces web ytécnicas alternativas de interacción, que posteriormente han sido evaluadas a lo largo de varios estudioscon usuarios con necesidades especiales. Mediante análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos del rendimiento yla satisfacción de los participantes, se han evaluado diversas adaptaciones de interfaz y métodosalternativos de interacción. Los resultados han demostrado que las técnicas probadas mejoran el acceso ala Web y que los beneficios varían según la tecnología asistiva usada para acceder al ordenador

    Metafore mobilnih komunikacija ; Метафоры мобильной связи.

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    Mobilne komunikacije su polje informacione i komunikacione tehnologije koje karakteriše brzi razvoj i u kome se istraživanjem u analitičkim okvirima kognitivne lingvistike, zasnovanom na uzorku od 1005 odrednica, otkriva izrazito prisustvo metafore, metonimije, analogije i pojmovnog objedinjavanja. Analiza uzorka reči i izraza iz oblasti mobilnih medija, mobilnih operativnih sistema, dizajna korisničkih interfejsa, terminologije mobilnih mreža, kao i slenga i tekstizama koje upotrebljavaju korisnici mobilnih naprava ukazuje da pomenuti kognitivni mehanizmi imaju ključnu ulogu u olakšavanju interakcije između ljudi i širokog spektra mobilnih uređaja sa računarskim sposobnostima, od prenosivih računara i ličnih digitalnih asistenata (PDA), do mobilnih telefona, tableta i sprava koje se nose na telu. Ti mehanizmi predstavljaju temelj razumevanja i nalaze se u osnovi principa funkcionisanja grafičkih korisničkih interfejsa i direktne manipulacije u računarskim okruženjima. Takođe je analiziran i poseban uzorak od 660 emotikona i emođija koji pokazuju potencijal za proširenje značenja, imajući u vidu značaj piktograma za tekstualnu komunikaciju u vidu SMS poruka i razmenu tekstualnih sadržaja na društvenim mrežama kojima se redovno pristupa putem mobilnih uređaja...Mobile communications are a fast-developing field of information and communication technology whose exploration within the analytical framework of cognitive linguistics, based on a sample of 1005 entries, reveals the pervasive presence of metaphor, metonymy analogy and conceptual integration. The analysis of the sample consisting of words and phrases related to mobile media, mobile operating systems and interface design, the terminology of mobile networking, as well as the slang and textisms employed by mobile gadget users shows that the above cognitive mechanisms play a key role in facilitating interaction between people and a wide range of mobile computing devices from laptops and PDAs to mobile phones, tablets and wearables. They are the cornerstones of comprehension that are behind the principles of functioning of graphical user interfaces and direct manipulation in computing environments. A separate sample, featuring a selection of 660 emoticons and emoji, exhibiting the potential for semantic expansion was also analyzed, in view of the significance of pictograms for text-based communication in the form of text messages or exchanges on social media sites regularly accessed via mobile devices..