8 research outputs found

    On the spatial configuration of scatterers for given delay-angle distributions

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    Published version of an article in the journal: Engineering Letters. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.engineeringletters.com/issues_v22/issue_1/EL_22_1_05.pdf. Open accessThis paper investigates the distribution of scatterers located around the mobile station (MS) for given delay-angle distributions. The delay-angle distribution function represents the joint probability density function (PDF) of the time-ofarrival (TOA) and angle-of-arrival (AOA). Given such a joint PDF, we first derive a general expression for the distribution of the scatterers in both polar and Cartesian coordinates. We then analyze an important special case in which the TOA and the AOA follow the multiple negative exponential (MNE) and the uniform distributions, respectively. The considered MNE PDF is the sum of several decaying exponential functions, which allows us to describe the TOA in a variety of propagation environments. For the delay profiles specified in COST 207, the scatterer distribution is simulated and visualized in scatter diagrams. The marginal PDF of the distance from the scatterers to the MS is also computed, illustrated, and confirmed by simulations. For the MNE TOA PDF, it is shown that the local scatterers are not symmetrically distributed around the MS even if the AOAs are uniformly distributed. In addition, the obtained scattering area is not confined by firm geometric constraints, which complies with real propagation environments. The importance of the work is to provide a novel approach to channel modelling, in which obtaining the desirable TOA (AOA) PDF is assured

    Modelling and Analysis of Non-Stationary Mobile Fading Channels Using Brownian Random Trajectory Models

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    Doktorgradsavhandling i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad, 2014The demanding mobility features of communication technologies call for the need to advance channel models (among other needs), in which non-stationary aspects of the channel are carefully taken into consideration. Owing to the mathematical complexity imposed by mobility features of the mobile station (MS), the number of non-stationary channel models proposed in the literature is very limited. The absence of a robust trajectory model for capturing the mobility features of the MS also adds to the depth of this gap. Not only statistically non-stationary channels, but also physically non-stationary channels, such as vehicle-to-vehicle channels in the presence of moving scatterers, have been rarely investigated. In the literature, there exist two fundamental channel modelling approaches, namely deterministic and stochastic approaches. Deterministic approaches, such as measurement-based channel modelling, are known to be accurate, but site-specific and economically expensive. The stochastic approaches, such as geometry-based channel modelling, are known to be economically inexpensive, computationally fair, but not as accurate as the deterministic approach. Among these approaches, the geometry-based stochastic approach is the best to capture the non-stationary aspects of the channel. In this dissertation, we employ the geometry-based stochastic approach for the development of three types of channel models, namely stationary, physically nonstationary, and statistically non-stationary channel models. We geometrically track the plane waves emitted from the transmitter over the local scatterers up to the receiver, which is assumed to be in motion. Under the assumptions that the scatterers are fixed and the observation time is short enough, we develop the stationary channel models. In this regard, we propose a unified disk scattering model (UDSM), which unifies several well-established geometry-based channel models into one robust channel model. We show that the UDSM is highly flexible and outperforms several other geometric models in the sense of matching empirical data. In addition, we provide a new approach to develop stationary channel models based on delay-angle joint distribution functions. Under the assumption that the scatterers are in motion and the observation time is again short enough, we develop a physically non-stationary channel model. In this connection, we model vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) channels in the presence of moving scatterers. Proper distributions for explaining the speed of relatively fast and relatively slow moving scatterers are provided. The statistical properties of the proposed channel model are also derived and validated by measured channels. It is shown that relatively fast moving scatterers have a major impact on both V2V and fixed-to-fixed (F2F) communication links, as they are significant sources of the Doppler spread. However, relatively slow moving scatterers can be neglected in V2V channels, but not in F2F channels. Under the assumption that the scatterers are fixed and the observation time is not necessarily short anymore, we develop the statistically non-stationary channel models. To this aim, we first introduce a new approach for generating fully spatial random trajectories, which are supposed to capture the mobility features of the MS. By means of this approach, we develop a highly flexible trajectory model based on the primitives of Brownian fields (BFs). We show that the flexibility of the proposed trajectory is threefold: 1) its numerous configurations; 2) its smoothness control mechanism; and 3) its adaptivity to different speed scenarios. The statistical properties of the trajectory model are also derived and validated by data collected from empirical studies. We then introduce a new approach to develop stochastic non-stationary channel models, the randomness of which originates from a random trajectory of the MS, rather than from the scattering area. Based on the new approach, we develop and analyze a non-stationary channel model using the aforementioned Brownian random trajectory model. We show that the channel models developed by this approach are very robust with respect to the number of scatterers, such that highly reported statistical properties can be obtained even if the propagation area is sparsely seeded with scatterers. We also show that the proposed non-stationary channel model superimposes large-scale fading and small-scale fading. Moreover, we show that the proposed model captures the path loss effect. More traditionally, we develop and analyze two non-stationary channel models, the randomness of which originates from the position of scatterers, but not from the trajectory of the MS. Nevertheless, the travelling path of the MS is still determined by a sample function of a Brownian random trajectory. It is shown that the proposed channel models result in a twisted version of the Jakes power spectral density (PSD) that varies in time. Accordingly, it is demonstrated that non-stationarity in time is not in line with the common isotropic propagation assumption on the channel

    A Random Trajectory Approach for the Development of Nonstationary Channel Models Capturing Different Scales of Fading

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    This paper introduces a new approach to developing stochastic nonstationary channel models, the randomness of which originates from a random trajectory of the mobile station (MS) rather than from the scattering area. The new approach is employed by utilizing a random trajectory model based on the primitives of Brownian fields (BFs), whereas the position of scatterers can be generated from an arbitrarily 2-D distribution function. The employed trajectory model generates random paths along which the MS travels from a given starting point to a fixed predefined destination point. To capture the path loss, the gain of each multipath component is modeled by a negative power law applied to the traveling distance of the corresponding plane wave, whereas the randomness of the path traveled results in large-scale fading. It is shown that the local received power is well approximated by a Gaussian process in logarithmic scale, even for a very limited number of scatterers. It is also shown that the envelope of the complex channel gain follows closely a Suzuki process, indicating that the proposed channel model superimposes small-scale fading and large-scale fading. The local power delay profile (PDP) and the local Doppler power spectral density (PSD) of the channel model are also derived and analyzed.acceptedVersionnivå

    Geometry-Based Channel Models for Car-to-Car Communication Systems and Applications

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    In last two decades, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have received considerable attention due to new road traffic safety applications that significantly improve the efficiency of traffic flow and reduce the number of road accidents. Consequently, there has been an increased interest in studying and developing car-to-car (C2C) communication systems, which play a key role in ITS. C2C communications has also gained the attention of standardization bodies, such as the IEEE1 and 3GPP LTE2, which aim to provide improvements in C2C communication systems. As it follows from the title, in this dissertation, we present the state-of-the-art regarding the modeling and analysis of different C2C channels in C2C communication systems. In C2C communication systems, the underlying radio channel differs from the conventional fixed-to-mobile (F2M) and fixed-to-fixed (F2F) channels in the way that both the mobile transmitter and the mobile receiver are in motion. In this regard, reliable and robust traffic telematic systems have to be designed, developed and tested. This leads to a demand for new radio channel models for C2C communication systems. Therefore, this dissertation is devoted to design, develop and validate new geometry-based channel models for C2C communication systems. In particular, two goals are aimed, which are study and investigation of the propagation characteristics of C2C fading channels and analyzing the performance of C2C communication systems over those fading channels correlated in time and space.publishedVersio

    Massive MIMO channel models for 5G wireless communication systems and beyond

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    The recently standardised 5th generation (5G) wireless communication technologies and their evolution towards the 6th generation (6G) will enable low-latency, highdensity, and high-capacity communications across a wide variety of scenarios under tight constraints on energy consumption and limited availability of radio electromagnetic spectrum. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technologies will be key to achieve some of these goals and cover the ever-growing demand of data rates, reliability and seamless connectivity. Nowadays, the design and evaluation of new wireless communication technologies heavily rely on computationally-efficient channel models that can accurately capture essential propagation phenomena and flexibly adapt to a wide variety of scenarios. Thus, this thesis aims at providing methods of analysis of massive MIMO channels and developing advanced massive MIMO channel models that will help assess the 5G wireless communication technologies and beyond. First, key aspects of massive MIMO channels are investigated through a stochastic transformation method capable of modelling the space-time varying (STV) distribution of the delay and angle of arrival (AoA) of multi-path components (MPCs). The proposed method is followed by a channel modelling approach based on STV parameters of the AoA distribution that leads to closed-form expressions of key massive MIMO channel statistical properties. These methods are employed to analyse widelyused channel models and reveal some of their limitations. This investigation provides fundamental insights about non-stationary properties of massive MIMO channels and paves the way for developing subsequent efficient and accurate channel models. Second, three-dimensional (3D) non-stationary wideband geometry-based stochastic models (GBSMs) for massive MIMO communication systems are proposed. These models incorporate a novel approach to capture near-field effects, namely, the parabolic wavefront, that presents a good accuracy-complexity trade-off when compared to other existing techniques. In addition to cluster of MPCs (re)appearance, a Log-normal cluster-level shadowing process complements the modelling of large-scale fading over the array. Statistical properties of the models are derived and validated through simulations and measurements extracted from the available literature. Third, a highly-flexible and efficient 3D space-time non-stationary wideband massive MIMO channel model based on an ray-level evolution approach is proposed as a candidate for the design and assessment of 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) massive MIMO wireless communication technologies. The model can capture near-field effects, (dis)appearance, and large-scale fading of both clusters and individual MPCs by employing a single approach. Its efficiency relies upon a more realistic wavefront selection criterion, namely, the effective Rayleigh distance, which accounts for the limited lifespan of MPCs over the array. This novel criterion can help improve the efficiency of both existing and B5G massive MIMO channel models by greatly reducing the need for spherical wavefronts

    Analyse et modélisation du canal radio pour la génération de clés secrètes

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    Nowadays, the security of ubiquitous wireless communications becomes more and more a crucial requirement. Even though data is widely protected via symmetric ciphering keys, a well-known difficulty is the generation and distribution of such keys. In the recent years therefore, a set of works have addressed the exploitation of inherent characteristics of the fading propagation channel for security. In particular, secret keys could be generated from the wireless channel, considered as a shared source of randomness, available merely to a pair of communicating entities. ln the present dissertation, we are interested in the approach of secret key generation (SKG) from wireless channels, especially in relating the radio channel properties to the generated keys quality. We first develop a stochastic channel model, focusing on the security with respect to the eavesdropper side, which shows a residual channel memory weil beyond a few wavelengths distance (spatially nonstationary scenarios). Then, we analyze the channel degrees of freedom (DoF) and their impact on the SKG performance in different channel conditions, especially by considering more realistic channels in both outdoor and indoor environments (respectively through simulated ray tracing data and through measurements). The results show that, even for moderately wide band (such as standardized in IEEE 802.11), the sole frequency DOF or its association with the spatial DOF is often enough for generating long keys, provided an efficient quantization method of the complex channel coefficients is used.La sécurité des communications sans fil omniprésentes devient, ces dernières années, de plus en plus une exigence incontournable. Bien que la cryptographie symétrique assure largement la confidentialité des données, la difficulté concerne la génération et la distribution de clés secrètes. Récemment, des études indiquent que les caractéristiques inhérentes du canal de propagation peuvent être exploitées afin de consolider la sécurité. En particulier, le canal radio fournit en effet une source d'aléa commune à deux utilisateurs à partir de laquelle des clés secrètes peuvent être générées. Dans la présente dissertation, nous nous intéressons au processus de génération de clés secrètes (SKG), tout en reliant les propriétés du canal radio à la qualité des clés générées. D'abord nous développons un modèle du canal stochastique, traitant la sécurité du point de vue de l'espion, qui montre une mémoire de canal résiduelle bien au-delà d'une distance de quelques longueurs d'onde (scénarios spatialement non-stationnaires). Ensuite, nous exploitons les degrés de liberté (DOF) du canal et analysons leur impact sur la performance de SKG dans différentes conditions, tout en considérant des canaux plus réalistes en environnements extérieur et intérieur (respectivement grâce à des données déterministes simulées et à des mesures). Les résultats montrent que, même pour des bandes modérées (comme standardisées dans la norme IEEE 802.11), le seul DoF de fréquence ou de son association avec le DoF spatial est souvent suffisant pour générer des longues clés, à condition d'utiliser une méthode efficace de quantification des coefficients complexes du canal