6 research outputs found

    A unified Application Service Model for ubiHome by Exploiting Intelligent Context-Awareness

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    Abstract. We propose a unified ubiHome application service model which provides user-centered services by exploiting intelligent context-awareness. Recently, most of research related to smart home focused on the infrastructure rather than a user, and did not consider effective use of context. Such approaches are not appropriate for a user-centered interface, intelligent home control, flexible extension of application service, etc. In this paper, we design a unified ubiHome application service model by exploiting ubi-UCAM (unified context-aware application model). The proposed model provides services corresponding to a user's intention and also supports flexible interaction between a user and ubiHome environment. It provides personalized ubiHome environment to each user. The proposed model contributes flexible interaction between a user and ubiHome environment. And it provides personalized ubiHome environment to a user and simplifies extension of various application services. Therefore, the proposed model helps ubiquitous applications obtain users' context and provide adaptive applications flexibly

    Smart home

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    Uslijed ubrzanog napretka u bežičnoj komunikaciji i informacijskim tehnologijama, sada je moguće uvesti i implementirati različite razine „pametnosti“ u kuće. Ove pametne kuće su kuće koje mogu da se inteligentno uključe u razne interakcije sa svojim stanovnicima da bi im omogućile udobnost i siguran život. Ovo uključivanje u živote svojih stanara može varirati od jednostavne kontrole ambijentne temperature do ispunjavanja usluga koje su zasnovane na mobilnim agentima. Pametne kuće imaju potencijal da poboljšaju udobnost, pogodnost, sigurnost i zabavu svojim stanovnicima. Povlastice pametne tehnologije u kući mogu biti očigledne za svakoga ukoliko je njihov potencijal upotpunjen. Smatra se kako je potreba za pametnom tehnologijom najočitija za starije ljude i za osobe s invaliditetom, a s obzirom na činjenicu da je do kraja 2013 godine više od polovice Europljana navršilo 65 godina, ova pametna tehnologija ima i veliki tržišni potencijal.Since there has been a rapid advance in wireless communication and information technologies, it is now possible to introduce and implement different smartness into the homes. These smart houses are those that can intelligently engage with their residents thus providing them with comfort and safe living. This engagement in lives of their residents can vary from simple control of temperature do completing services which have been based on mobile agents. Smart homes have the potential to improve comfort, convenience, safety and entertainment to their residents. The benefits of the smart homes can be pretty obvious for everyone if their potential is fulfilled. It's considered that the need for smart technology is most obvious when it comes to elderly and disabled people, and considering the fact that by the end of 2013 there have been over half of Europeans over 65 years old, this smart technology also has a great market potential

    A Survey of Augmented Reality

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    © 2015 M. Billinghurst, A. Clark, and G. Lee. This survey summarizes almost 50 years of research and development in the field of Augmented Reality (AR). From early research in the 1960's until widespread availability by the 2010's there has been steady progress towards the goal of being able to seamlessly combine real and virtual worlds. We provide an overview of the common definitions of AR, and show how AR fits into taxonomies of other related technologies. A history of important milestones in Augmented Reality is followed by sections on the key enabling technologies of tracking, display and input devices. We also review design guidelines and provide some examples of successful AR applications. Finally, we conclude with a summary of directions for future work and a review of some of the areas that are currently being researched

    Visuelle Informationsdarstellung in Smart Environments

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    Ziel der Dissertation ist eine adaptive Informationsvisualisierung in Smart Meeting Rooms unter Berücksichtigung eines heterogenen und sich dynamisch verändernden Geräteensembles. Dazu wurde eine Klassifikation für derartige Adaptionsmechanismen entwickelt, die sich entweder auf die Informationsdarstellung oder den Prozess der Erzeugung visueller Repräsentationen bezieht, die zwischen einer räumlichen und einer zeitlichen Adaption unterscheidet bzw. zwischen einer globalen oder lokalen Bildanpassung. Für jede der Klassen wurde exemplarisch eine Lösungsstrategie entworfen und umgesetzt