2,805 research outputs found

    Deterministic Monotone Algorithms for Scheduling on Related Machines

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    We consider the problem of designing monotone deterministic algorithms for scheduling tasks on related machines in order to minimize the makespan. Several recent papers showed that monotonicity is a fundamental property to design truthful mechanisms for this scheduling problem. We give both theoretical and experimental results. First of all we consider the case of two machines when speeds of the machines are restricted to be powers of a given constant c>0. We prove that algorithm Largest Processing Time (LPT) is monotone for any cā‰„2 while it is not monotone for cā‰¤1.78; algorithm List Scheduling (LS), instead, is monotone only for c>2. In the case of m>2 machines we restrict our attention to the class of ā€œgreedy-likeā€ monotone algorithms defined in [Vincenzo Auletta, Roberto De Prisco, Paolo Penna, Giuseppe Persiano, Deterministic truthful approximation mechanisms for scheduling related machines, in: Proceedings of 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. STACS ā€™04, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2996, Springer, 2004, pp. 608ā€“619]. It has been shown that greedy-like monotone algorithms can be used to design a family of 2+Īµ-approximate truthful mechanisms. In particular, in [Vincenzo Auletta, Roberto De Prisco, Paolo Penna, Giuseppe Persiano, Deterministic truthful approximation mechanisms for scheduling related machines, in: Proceedings of 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. STACS ā€™04, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2996, Springer, 2004, pp. 608ā€“619], the greedy-like algorithm Uniform is proposed and it is proved that it is monotone when machine speeds are powers of a given integer constant c>0. In this paper we propose a new algorithm, called Uniform_RR, that is still monotone when speeds are powers of a given integer constant c>0 and we prove that its approximation factor is not worse than that of Uniform. We also experimentally compare the performance of Uniform, Uniform_RR, LPT, and several other monotone and greedy-like heuristics

    A Survey on Off-chain Networks: Frameworks, Technologies, Solutions and Challenges

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    Blockchain has received increasing attention in academia and industry. However, the increasing transaction volumes and limited on-chain storage underscore scalability as a key challenge hindering the widespread adoption of blockchain. Fortunately, off-chain networks that enable transactions outside the blockchain show promising potential to mitigate the scalability challenge. Off-chain solutions that address blockchain scalability hurdles, such as payment channel networks, facilitate secure and fast off-chain transactions, thus relieving the main chain's strain. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of key technologies, solutions, and challenges of off-chain networks. First, we introduce the background of off-chain networks encompassing design motivation, framework, overview, and application scenarios. We then review the key issues and technologies associated with off-chain networks. Subsequently, we summarize the mainstream solutions for the corresponding key issues. Finally, we discuss some research challenges and open issues in this area.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Just Queuing: Policy-Based Scheduling Mechanism for Packet Switching Networks

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    The pervasiveness of the Internet and its applications lead to the potential increment of the usersā€™ demands for more services with economical prices. The diversity of Internet traffic requires some classification and prioritisation since some traffic deserve much attention with less delay and loss compared to others. Current scheduling mechanisms are exposed to the trade-off between three major properties namely fairness, complexity and protection. Therefore, the question remains about how to improve the fairness and protection with less complex implementation. This research is designed to enhance scheduling mechanism by providing sustainability to the fairness and protection properties with simplicity in implementation; and hence higher service quality particularly for real-time applications. Extra elements are applied to the main fairness equation to improve the fairness property. This research adopts the restricted charge policy which imposes the protection of normal user. In terms of the complexity property, genetic algorithm has an advantage in holding the fitness score of the queue in separate storage space which potentially minimises the complexity of the algorithm. The integrity between conceptual, analytical and experimental approach verifies the efficiency of the proposed mechanism. The proposed mechanism is validated by using the emulation and the validation experiments involve real router flow data. The results of the evaluation showed fair bandwidth distribution similar to the popular Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) mechanism. Furthermore, better protection was exhibited in the results compared with the WFQ and two other scheduling mechanisms. The complexity of the proposed mechanism reached O(log(n)) which is considered as potentially low. Furthermore, this mechanism is limited to the wired networks and hence future works could improve the mechanism to be adopted in mobile ad-hoc networks or any other wireless networks. Moreover, more improvements could be applied to the proposed mechanism to enhance its deployment in the virtual circuits switching network such as the asynchronous transfer mode networks

    Efficient Truthful Scheduling and Resource Allocation through Monitoring

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    We study the power and limitations of the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism with monitoring (VCGmon) for cost minimization problems with objective functions that are more general than the social cost. We identify a simple and natural sufficient condition for VCGmon to be truthful for general objectives. As a consequence, we obtain that for any cost minimization problem with non-decreasing objective Ī¼, VCGmon is truthful, if the allocation is Maximal-in-Range and Ī¼ is 1-Lipschitz (e.g., Ī¼ can be the Lp-norm of the agentsā€™ costs, for any p ā‰„ 1 or p = āˆž). We apply VCGmon to scheduling on restricted-related machines and obtain a polynomial-time truthful-in-expectation 2-approximate (resp. O(1)-approximate) mechanism for makespan (resp. Lp- norm) minimization. Moreover, applying VCGmon, we obtain polynomial-time truthful O(1)-approximate mechanisms for some fundamental bottleneck network optimization problems with single-parameter agents. On the negative side, we provide strong evidence that VCGmon could not lead to computationally efficient truthful mechanisms with reasonable approximation ratios for binary covering social cost minimization problems. However, we show that VCGmon results in computationally efficient approximately truthful mechanisms for binary covering problems
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