47 research outputs found

    Cost Effective Routing Implementations for On-chip Networks

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    Arquitecturas de múltiples núcleos como multiprocesadores (CMP) y soluciones multiprocesador para sistemas dentro del chip (MPSoCs) actuales se basan en la eficacia de las redes dentro del chip (NoC) para la comunicación entre los diversos núcleos. Un diseño eficiente de red dentro del chip debe ser escalable y al mismo tiempo obtener valores ajustados de área, latencia y consumo de energía. Para diseños de red dentro del chip de propósito general se suele usar topologías de malla 2D ya que se ajustan a la distribución del chip. Sin embargo, la aparición de nuevos retos debe ser abordada por los diseñadores. Una mayor probabilidad de defectos de fabricación, la necesidad de un uso optimizado de los recursos para aumentar el paralelismo a nivel de aplicación o la necesidad de técnicas eficaces de ahorro de energía, puede ocasionar patrones de irregularidad en las topologías. Además, el soporte para comunicación colectiva es una característica buscada para abordar con eficacia las necesidades de comunicación de los protocolos de coherencia de caché. En estas condiciones, un encaminamiento eficiente de los mensajes se convierte en un reto a superar. El objetivo de esta tesis es establecer las bases de una nueva arquitectura para encaminamiento distribuido basado en lógica que es capaz de adaptarse a cualquier topología irregular derivada de una estructura de malla 2D, proporcionando así una cobertura total para cualquier caso resultado de soportar los retos mencionados anteriormente. Para conseguirlo, en primer lugar, se parte desde una base, para luego analizar una evolución de varios mecanismos, y finalmente llegar a una implementación, que abarca varios módulos para alcanzar el objetivo mencionado anteriormente. De hecho, esta última implementación tiene por nombre eLBDR (effective Logic-Based Distributed Routing). Este trabajo cubre desde el primer mecanismo, LBDR, hasta el resto de mecanismos que han surgido progresivamente.Rodrigo Mocholí, S. (2010). Cost Effective Routing Implementations for On-chip Networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8962Palanci

    NoC simulation steered by NEST: McAERsim and a Noxim patch

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    IntroductionGreat knowledge was gained about the computational substrate of the brain, but the way in which components and entities interact to perform information processing still remains a secret. Complex and large-scale network models have been developed to unveil processes at the ensemble level taking place over a large range of timescales. They challenge any kind of simulation platform, so that efficient implementations need to be developed that gain from focusing on a set of relevant models. With increasing network sizes imposed by these models, low latency inter-node communication becomes a critical aspect. This situation is even accentuated, if slow processes like learning should be covered, that require faster than real-time simulation.MethodsTherefore, this article presents two simulation frameworks, in which network-on-chip simulators are interfaced with the neuroscientific development environment NEST. This combination yields network traffic that is directly defined by the relevant neural network models and used to steer the network-on-chip simulations. As one of the outcomes, instructive statistics on network latencies are obtained. Since time stamps of different granularity are used by the simulators, a conversion is required that can be exploited to emulate an intended acceleration factor.ResultsBy application of the frameworks to scaled versions of the cortical microcircuit model—selected because of its unique properties as well as challenging demands—performance curves, latency, and traffic distributions could be determined.DiscussionThe distinct characteristic of the second framework is its tree-based source-address driven multicast support, which, in connection with the torus topology, always led to the best results. Although currently biased by some inherent assumptions of the network-on-chip simulators, the results suit well to those of previous work dealing with node internals and suggesting accelerated simulations to be in reach

    B-RPM: An Efficient One-to-Many Communication Framework for On-Chip Networks

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    The prevalence of multicore architectures has accentuated the need for scalable on-chip communication media. Various parallel applications and programming paradigms use a mix of unicast (one-to-one) and multicast (one-to-many) to maintain data coherence and consistency. Providing efficient support for these communication patterns becomes a critical design point for on-chip networks (OCN). High performance on-chip networks design advocates balanced traffic across the whole network, which makes adaptive routing appealing. Adaptive routing explores the path diversity of the network, increases throughput, and reduces network latency compared with oblivious routing. In this work, we propose an adaptive multicast routing, Balanced Recursive Partitioning Multicast (B-RPM), to achieve balanced one-to-many on-chip communication. The algorithm derives its functionality from previously proposed algorithm Recursive Partitioning Multicast (RPM). Unlike RPM which uses fixed set of directional priorities and position of destination nodes, B-RPM replicates packet based on the local congestion information and position of destination nodes with respect to current node. B-RPM employs a new deadlock avoidance technique Dynamically Sized Virtual Networks (DSVN). Built upon the traditional virtual networks, DSVN dynamically allocates the network resources to different VNs according to the run-time traffic status, which delivers better resources utilization. We also propose a new scheme for representing multiple destinations in packet head. The scheme works simply by differentiating multicast and unicast packets. The algorithm combined with dynamically sized virtual networks enables us to improve network performance at high load on average by 20% (up to 50%) and saturation throughput of network on average by 10% (up to 18%) over the most recent multicast algorithm. Also the new header representation scheme enables us to save 24% of dynamic link power

    A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Security

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently attracted a lot of interest in the research community due their wide range of applications. Due to distributed nature of these networks and their deployment in remote areas, these networks are vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect their proper functioning. This problem is more critical if the network is deployed for some mission-critical applications such as in a tactical battlefield. Random failure of nodes is also very likely in real-life deployment scenarios. Due to resource constraints in the sensor nodes, traditional security mechanisms with large overhead of computation and communication are infeasible in WSNs. Security in sensor networks is, therefore, a particularly challenging task. This paper discusses the current state of the art in security mechanisms for WSNs. Various types of attacks are discussed and their countermeasures presented. A brief discussion on the future direction of research in WSN security is also included.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    A Scalable and Adaptive Network on Chip for Many-Core Architectures

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    In this work, a scalable network on chip (NoC) for future many-core architectures is proposed and investigated. It supports different QoS mechanisms to ensure predictable communication. Self-optimization is introduced to adapt the energy footprint and the performance of the network to the communication requirements. A fault tolerance concept allows to deal with permanent errors. Moreover, a template-based automated evaluation and design methodology and a synthesis flow for NoCs is introduced

    Design and implementation of in-network coherence

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Title as it appears in MIT Commencement Exercises program, June 2013: Design and implementation of in-network coherence. Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-104).CMOS technology scaling has enabled increasing transistor density on chip. At the same time, multi-core processors that provide increased performance, vis-a'-vis power efficiency, have become prevalent in a power constrained environment. The shared memory model is a predominant paradigm in such systems, easing programmability and increasing portability. However with memory being shared by an increasing number of cores, a scalable coherence mechanism is imperative for these systems. Snoopy coherence has been a favored coherence scheme owing to its high performance and simplicity. However there are few viable proposals to extend snoopy coherence to unordered interconnects - specifically, modular packet-switched interconnects that have emerged as a scalable solution to the communication challenges in the CMP era. This thesis proposes a distributed in-network global ordering scheme that enables snoopy coherence on unordered interconnects. The proposed scheme is realized on a two-dimensional mesh interconnection network, referred to as OMNI (Ordered Mesh Network Interconnect). OMNI is an enabling solution for the SCORPIO processor prototype developed at MIT - a 36-core chip multi-processor supporting snoopy coherence, and fabricated in a commercial 45nm technology. OMNI is shown to be effective, reducing runtime by 36% in comparison to directory and Hammer coherence protocol implementations. The OMNI network achieves an operating frequency of 833 MHz post-layout, occupies 10% of the chip area, and consumes less than 100mW of power.by Suvinay Subramanian.S.M

    On Fault Resilient Network-on-Chip for Many Core Systems

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    Rapid scaling of transistor gate sizes has increased the density of on-chip integration and paved the way for heterogeneous many-core systems-on-chip, significantly improving the speed of on-chip processing. The design of the interconnection network of these complex systems is a challenging one and the network-on-chip (NoC) is now the accepted scalable and bandwidth efficient interconnect for multi-processor systems on-chip (MPSoCs). However, the performance enhancements of technology scaling come at the cost of reliability as on-chip components particularly the network-on-chip become increasingly prone to faults. In this thesis, we focus on approaches to deal with the errors caused by such faults. The results of these approaches are obtained not only via time-consuming cycle-accurate simulations but also by analytical approaches, allowing for faster and accurate evaluations, especially for larger networks. Redundancy is the general approach to deal with faults, the mode of which varies according to the type of fault. For the NoC, there exists a classification of faults into transient, intermittent and permanent faults. Transient faults appear randomly for a few cycles and may be caused by the radiation of particles. Intermittent faults are similar to transient faults, however, differing in the fact that they occur repeatedly at the same location, eventually leading to a permanent fault. Permanent faults by definition are caused by wires and transistors being permanently short or open. Generally, spatial redundancy or the use of redundant components is used for dealing with permanent faults. Temporal redundancy deals with failures by re-execution or by retransmission of data while information redundancy adds redundant information to the data packets allowing for error detection and correction. Temporal and information redundancy methods are useful when dealing with transient and intermittent faults. In this dissertation, we begin with permanent faults in NoC in the form of faulty links and routers. Our approach for spatial redundancy adds redundant links in the diagonal direction to the standard rectangular mesh topology resulting in the hexagonal and octagonal NoCs. In addition to redundant links, adaptive routing must be used to bypass faulty components. We develop novel fault-tolerant deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithms for these topologies based on the turn model without the use of virtual channels. Our results show that the hexagonal and octagonal NoCs can tolerate all 2-router and 3-router faults, respectively, while the mesh has been shown to tolerate all 1-router faults. To simplify the restricted-turn selection process for achieving deadlock freedom, we devised an approach based on the channel dependency matrix instead of the state-of-the-art Duato's method of observing the channel dependency graph for cycles. The approach is general and can be used for the turn selection process for any regular topology. We further use algebraic manipulations of the channel dependency matrix to analytically assess the fault resilience of the adaptive routing algorithms when affected by permanent faults. We present and validate this method for the 2D mesh and hexagonal NoC topologies achieving very high accuracy with a maximum error of 1%. The approach is very general and allows for faster evaluations as compared to the generally used cycle-accurate simulations. In comparison, existing works usually assume a limited number of faults to be able to analytically assess the network reliability. We apply the approach to evaluate the fault resilience of larger NoCs demonstrating the usefulness of the approach especially compared to cycle-accurate simulations. Finally, we concentrate on temporal and information redundancy techniques to deal with transient and intermittent faults in the router resulting in the dropping and hence loss of packets. Temporal redundancy is applied in the form of ARQ and retransmission of lost packets. Information redundancy is applied by the generation and transmission of redundant linear combinations of packets known as random linear network coding. We develop an analytic model for flexible evaluation of these approaches to determine the network performance parameters such as residual error rates and increased network load. The analytic model allows to evaluate larger NoCs and different topologies and to investigate the advantage of network coding compared to uncoded transmissions. We further extend the work with a small insight to the problem of secure communication over the NoC. Assuming large heterogeneous MPSoCs with components from third parties, the communication is subject to active attacks in the form of packet modification and drops in the NoC routers. Devising approaches to resolve these issues, we again formulate analytic models for their flexible and accurate evaluations, with a maximum estimation error of 7%

    OrthoNoC: a broadcast-oriented dual-plane wireless network-on-chip architecture

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksOn-chip communication remains as a key research issue at the gates of the manycore era. In response to this, novel interconnect technologies have opened the door to new Network-on-Chip (NoC) solutions towards greater scalability and architectural flexibility. Particularly, wireless on-chip communication has garnered considerable attention due to its inherent broadcast capabilities, low latency, and system-level simplicity. This work presents ORTHONOC, a wired-wireless architecture that differs from existing proposals in that both network planes are decoupled and driven by traffic steering policies enforced at the network interfaces. With these and other design decisions, ORTHONOC seeks to emphasize the ordered broadcast advantage offered by the wireless technology. The performance and cost of ORTHONOC are first explored using synthetic traffic, showing substantial improvements with respect to other wired-wireless designs with a similar number of antennas. Then, the applicability of ORTHONOC in the multiprocessor scenario is demonstrated through the evaluation of a simple architecture that implements fast synchronization via ordered broadcast transmissions. Simulations reveal significant execution time speedups and communication energy savings for 64-threaded benchmarks, proving that the value of ORTHONOC goes beyond simply improving the performance of the on-chip interconnect.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft