329,127 research outputs found

    An Ontology-Aided Computer-Based Approach for Business Model Innovation Ideation

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    Business model innovation (BMI) is a key leverage for the successful long-term performance of a business. Still, there are almost no computer-based tools to support the BMI process. Most available tools focus on the initiation phase of the BMI process: to map out the current business model. Unfortunately, the later steps, such as the ideation phase, are currently not supported by computer-based tools. However, computer-based tools can assist managers in the decision- making process of elaborating new BMI ideas. This research addresses the research question on how a computer-based tool can suggest BMI cases based on a business’s business model, enterprise architecture, business innovation case characteristics, or criteria for which they are looking for in a potential BMI. A particular focus is on the combination of BMI with information technology. The research has shown that although a computer-based and ontology-aided approach for facilitating BMI would be beneficial for managers, additional research is required. A more detailed conceptualization of a business model than the current status quo can contribute to achieving such a computer-based tool for BMI recommendation. This thesis follows a design science research strategy. As part of the awareness phase, a literature review was conducted as well as three BMI cases were collected for further analysis of their characteristics. Since this research aimed to develop an ontology-aided approach for supporting the BMI ideation, a BMI ontology and a matching method had to be developed. The BMI ontology is built modularly, and therefore, it contains the individual ontologies for a business model, business capability, business innovation case, and enterprise architecture and their interconnections. Additionally, a construction industry-specific ontology was developed and added to the BMI ontology to showcase the possibility for extensions for industry-specific criteria since the developed BMI ontology is an unspecific industry ontology and thus, applicable for every business. Further, the ontology was implemented into a computer-based tool with case- based-reasoning ability to evaluate the possibility of matching BMI cases with a business model, enterprise architecture, or business innovation case criteria. Additionally, to have the functionality of filtering BMI cases, a matching method between BMI cases and filtering criteria was developed and evaluated by leveraging the collected BMI cases during the awareness phase. Through a computer-based tool, browsing, matching, and comparing BMI possibilities become an efficient and straightforward task

    A prototype for view-based monitoring of BPEL processes

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    This report describes the initial version of a tool for business process monitoring based on process viewing techniques. The tool, Business Process Illustrator (BPI), has been developed in the course of a Diploma Thesis which has been conducted at the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems. BPI is a Web-based tool for monitoring the execution of business processes. It displays the current state of a process instance in form of a process graph which is refreshed regularly. The initial version of the prototype supports regular process monitoring of processes based on the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), plus process view transformations to reduce complexity and to ease analysis of process instances

    SAT4BSC: a static analysis tool for BPEL source codes

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    Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is Extensible Markup Language (XML) based language for describing the logic to orchestrate the interaction between Web services in a business process. Even though it is fairly new language it is getting popularity in various software industries and research environments. The emphasis of recent researches and developments on web services and on BPEL has been in their architecture and interface. However, the work regarding to tool support especially to compute the metrics and to draw control flow graph (CFG) is in its infant stage. Provision of tools to reckon measures has multitude of benefits. CFG is essential tool to analyze various properties of a source code and it is also useful for software testing, software measure, and software maintenance. In this research we have developed a static analysis tool which is dedicated to compute all available BPEL 2.0 metrics and draw CFG of its source code. The tool has been evaluated by various BPEL process source codes obtained from the languages specifications and from other research papers. The test shows that the tool can compute the metrics and draw the CFG effectively and efficiently

    Business Process Oriented Knowledge Management System Design (Case Study Development Center of Metrological Human Resources, Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia)

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    . The aim of this study is to design a business process oriented Knowledge Management System (KMS) in government training institutions using knowledge modeling methods and knowledge infrastructure process design of Strohmaier. Lecturer (WI) business process is the main case study for this research. The preliminary identification and analysis showed that 7 of 10 business processes have not been fully identified in terms of their knowledge processes. Further analysis showed that in general, all business processes have not been optimized yet to fulfill all the components of knowledge creation to knowledge application. The results of the completed knowledge process design showed that there are 53 stages of the process (there are new additional 19 stages of the process). The new processes are largely on the knowledge transfer and knowledge application that have been defined. In addition, KMS architecture and IT tools as supporting knowledge infrastructure designs are defined. The IT tools are expected to support two knowledge process strategies :the codification strategy with the supporting IT Tools : content management system , information retrieval system, expert locator and the personalization strategy with the supporting IT Tools such as community of practice tool, virtual work space application and discussion group based application

    Enterprise Resource Planning: Analysis and Utilization of Open Source Applications with the EAP Method

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    System automation is currently very much needed for the small and medium business industry to large-scale companies. The computerized systems concept is increasingly in demand due to the shift in the industrial era 4.0. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a multi-module application that puts forward the concept of an integrated computerized system that stores all company data in one easily accessed database. This study discusses open source ERP applications for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises by looking at the running business processes that will then adjust to the ERP application module facilitated by the developer. The Enterprise Architecture Planning method acts as an analysis stage and a tool used in business process analysis using the Unified Modeling Language to identify all actors involved and a matrix of relationships between data entities, business processes, and applications. This research provides recommendations modules that can use in open source ERP applications appropriate for the company

    Improving enterprise business processes with systems analysis and design methodologies and tools.

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    Enterprises have to be organized in a business process oriented way. This is in order to be successful in a changing and challenging business environment including uncertainty and complexity in managing business and manufacturing processes. The main objective of this thesis is to implement comprehensive modelling methodologies and tools that capture all useful information included within the enterprise business processes. This has been achieved first through implementing the Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) methodologies and tools for integrating the business design processes. The implementation should recognize the enterprise organization view, data and information view, function view, and also product/service view. Such recognition is required in order to improve the reuse of business process models for the implementation of workflow management applications. The implemented design methodologies have been demonstrated through two case studies, including the modelling of business and automotive manufacturing processes. In Addition, the Architecture of the Integrated Information System (ARIS) has been presented in both implementations using ARIS tool set. The ARIS implementation has assisted in supporting analysis for potential changes, specifying requirements, and also supporting the modeled business processes systems level design and integration activities. Results of using the selected graphical design languages with the systematic explanations of modelling the business process functions and activities revealed the need for implementing comprehensive SAD methodologies. Also, the SAD methodologies have assisted with integrating the enterprise through modelling its business activities, technology, and human elements involved. The benefits and disadvantages of each modelling methodology and tool is studied and discussed in detail in this thesis.Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .K39. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1475. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Definition of system for business process modeling

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    The modern business world is getting more and more complicated. In order to satisfy customer needs, companies investigate different options to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. Business processes management has recently become a focal topic for big and small organizations because accurately designed business processes can ensure competent execution of value-added activities. Apart from that, business process management allows for structured management of process portfolio when based on clearly defined process architecture. This is exactly where this work starts. The objective of the study is to discuss the development of training material in the form of guideline to contribute to the systematic approach to business process modeling and quality improvement. When modeling business processes, process developers in the case function are going for an ad-hoc approach, and for this reason, training material as a tool to introduce a systematic way of process modeling is needed. The case function can benefit from the defined methods not only by having processes of a higher quality that are easy to follow but also by improved communication with other business areas in the business management system. These benefits may further lead to the improvement of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The desired outcome of the study is the clear definition of process model classification based on the process-architecture-related literature review and current state analysis of the case function as well as the development of the step-by-steep guideline for process modeling. The guideline is built to ensure availability of an easy-to-follow system for process modeling leading to positive impact on process model quality. To reach the goal, the research addresses problems of standardization, methodology and detailed level of models. Quality of process model is a topic which does not have an extensive literature coverage. As a response to this fact, criteria for evaluation of the quality of training material and process models are set during the research based on the available information from the literature combined with specific needs of the case function. As the result of the research, quality evaluation of initial and improved models proved evidence of the effectiveness of having a defined system for process modelling. Reliability of quality improvement led to the settlement of the defined approach to process classification and methods of modelling to be adopted as a baseline for business management system where process-related documentation is created and stored. Finally, limitations and opportunities for the future research are presented to conclude the thesis work

    A process framework for selecting supply system architecture in manufacturing supply chains and networks

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    The process framework comprises three phases, as follows: scope the supply chain/network; identify the options for supply system architecture and select supply system architecture. It facilitates a structured approach that analyses the supply chain/network contextual characteristics, in order to ensure alignment with the appropriate supply system architecture. The process framework was derived from comprehensive literature review and archival case study analysis. The review led to the classification of supply system architectures according to their orientation, whether integrated; partially integrated; co-ordinated or independent. The classification was combined with the characteristics that influence the selection of supply system architecture to encapsulate the conceptual framework. It builds upon existing frameworks and methodologies by focusing on structured procedure; supporting project management; facilitating participation and clarifying point of entry. The process framework was initially tested in three case study applications from the food, automobile and hand tool industries. A variety of industrial settings was chosen to illustrate transferability. The case study applications indicate that the process framework is a valid approach to the problem; however, further testing is required. In particular, the use of group support system technologies to support the process and the steps involving the participation of software vendors need further testing. However, the process framework can be followed due to the clarity of its presentation. It considers the issue of timing by including alternative decision-making techniques, dependent on the constraints. It is useful for ensuring a sound business case is developed, with supporting documentation and analysis that identifies the strategic and functional requirements of supply system architecture