112 research outputs found

    IP Mobility in Aeronautical Communications

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    International audienceIn the sake of modernization, aviation stakeholders decided that the future aviation network infrastructure, in particular for air-ground communication systems, will move towards IP based networks. It has been referred to in the International Civil Aviation Organization as Aeronautical Telecommunication Network/Internet Protocol Suite. Due to the heterogeneous communication environment , it is necessary to support handover between different access technologies and access networks. In this article, we first define the very specific aeronautical communication environment. Our main contribution is a performance assessment of the most deployed network protocols capable of managing IP mobility within the aeronautical environment. We focus our analysis on the Mobile IPv6 protocol and implementation issues of a representative aeronautical network in Omnet++

    Common Operating Picture: UAV Security Study

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    This initial communication security study is a top-level assessment of basic security issues related to the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the National Airspace System (NAS). Security considerations will include information relating to the use of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) protocols and applications identifying their maturity, as well as the use of IPV4 and a version of mobile IPV6. The purpose of this assessment is to provide an initial analysis of the security implications of introducing UAVs into the NAS

    New Mobility Trends in Data Networks

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá návrhem nového algoritmu řízení handoveru v rámci protokolu Mobile IPv6, který umožní nasazení tohoto protokolu v leteckých datových sítích. Existující algoritmy řízení handoveru sice dosahují dostatečné výkonnosti v konvenčních pozemních bezdrátových sítích disponujích velkou šířkou pásma a nízkou latencí, jako jsou WiFi nebo UMTS, ale jak ukazuje tato práce, nasazení těchto algoritmů prostředí leteckých datových sítí nepřináší očekávané výhody. Analýza ukazuje, že v úzkopásmových leteckých sítích trpí tyto algoritmy řízení handoveru velkou latencí a způsobují značnou režii. Nový algoritmus řízení handoveru v MIPv6 navržený v této práci je založený na jednoduché myšlence: ''Já jsem letadlo, já vím, kam letím!'' To znamená, že pohyb letadla není náhodný, ale vysoce předvídatelný. Díky tomu je možno předvídat handovery mezi přístupovými sítěmi podél očekávané trajektorie letadla a vykonat nezbytné operace pro přípravu handoverů již na zemi, kde je letadlo připojeno k širokopásmové síti letiště. Tato dizertační práce dále uvádí porovnání existujících algoritmů řízení handoveru s nově navrženým pomocí analytické metody ohodnocení handoveru. Díky tomu je možno kvantifikovat výhody, které nový algoritmus přináší a taktéž popsat slabiny algoritmů existujících.The doctoral thesis is focused on a design of novel Mobile IPv6 handover strategy suitable for deployment in aeronautical data networks. The current handover strategies provide sufficient performance in the conventional ground networks such as WiFi or UMTS that dispose high bandwidth and low latency. However, as this thesis shows, deploying these handover strategies in aeronautical data link environment does not bring desired benefits - the handover latency is high and the related overhead gets high as well. The novel MIPv6 handover strategy presented in this thesis is based on a simple thought: ''I am an aircraft, I know where I'm flying!'' This means that the movement of the aircraft is not random, it is highly predictable. Thanks to that, inter-network handovers may be anticipated and necessary IP handover related actions can be taken in advance, while the aircraft is connected via a broadband ground link at the origination airport. The thesis also presents a comparison of the existing handover strategies with the proposed new one conducted using an analytical approach. This allows to quantify the benefits of the novel handover strategy and the drawbacks of the current ones.

    Service Delivery Utilizing Wireless Technology Within The Air Traffic Control Communication And Navigation Domain To Improve Positioning Awareness

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    Current air traffic levels around the world have pushed the enterprise architecture deployed to support air traffic management to the breaking point. Technology limitations prevent expansion of the current solutions to handle rising utilization levels without adopting radically different information delivery approaches. Meanwhile, an architectural transition would present the opportunity to support business and safety requirements that are not currently addressable. The purpose of this research paper is to create a framework for more effectively sharing positioning information utilizing improved air traffic control navigation and communication systems

    Cryptographic security mechanism of the next generation digital tachograph system

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    JRC is in the process of evaluating the impact of update of the cryptographic security mechanisms for the next generation Digital Tachograph. The purpose of this document is to give background information about the cryptographic security mechanisms and vulnerabilities regarding the security mechanisms of the current Digital Tachograph System along with suggestions for the next generation Digital Tachograph security mechanisms. This document can be referred as an important reference to update the technical appendixes of the Tachograph regulation.JRC.G.7-Digital Citizen Securit

    Control and Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) Prototype Radio Validation Flight Test Report

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    This report provides an overview and results from the unmanned aircraft (UA) Control and Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) Generation 5 prototype radio validation flight test campaign. The radios used in the test campaign were developed under cooperative agreement NNC11AA01A between the NASA Glenn Research Center and Rockwell Collins, Inc., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Measurement results are presented for flight tests over hilly terrain, open water, and urban landscape, utilizing radio sets installed into a NASA aircraft and ground stations. Signal strength and frame loss measurement data are analyzed relative to time and aircraft position, specifically addressing the impact of line-of-sight terrain obstructions on CNPC data flow. Both the radio and flight test system are described

    Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI)

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    This Special Issue consists of seven papers that discuss how to enhance mobility management and its associated performance in the mobile-oriented future Internet (MOFI) environment. The first two papers deal with the architectural design and experimentation of mobility management schemes, in which new schemes are proposed and real-world testbed experimentations are performed. The subsequent three papers focus on the use of software-defined networks (SDN) for effective service provisioning in the MOFI environment, together with real-world practices and testbed experimentations. The remaining two papers discuss the network engineering issues in newly emerging mobile networks, such as flying ad-hoc networks (FANET) and connected vehicular networks

    Secure Communications in Next Generation Digital Aeronautical Datalinks

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    As of 2022, Air Traffic Management (ATM) is gradually digitizing to automate and secure data transmission in civil aviation. New digital data links like the L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) are being introduced for this purpose. LDACS is a cellular, ground-based digital communications system for flight guidance and safety. Unfortunately, LDACS and many other datalinks in civil aviation lack link layer security measures. This doctoral thesis proposes a cybersecurity architecture for LDACS, developing various security measures to protect user and control data. These include two new authentication and key establishment protocols, along with a novel approach to secure control data of resource-constrained wireless communication systems. Evaluations demonstrate a latency increase of 570 to 620 milliseconds when securely attaching an aircraft to an LDACS cell, along with a 5% to 10% security data overhead. Also, flight trials confirm that Ground-based Augmentation System (GBAS) can be securely transmitted via LDACS with over 99% availability. These security solutions enable future aeronautical applications like 4D-Trajectories, paving the way for a digitized and automated future of civil aviation
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