484,500 research outputs found

    Validation & Verification of an EDA automated synthesis tool

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    Reliability and correctness are two mandatory features for automated synthesis tools. To reach the goals several campaigns of Validation and Verification (V&V) are needed. The paper presents the extensive efforts set up to prove the correctness of a newly developed EDA automated synthesis tool. The target tool, MarciaTesta, is a multi-platform automatic generator of test programs for microprocessors' caches. Getting in input the selected March Test and some architectural details about the target cache memory, the tool automatically generates the assembly level program to be run as Software Based Self-Testing (SBST). The equivalence between the original March Test, the automatically generated Assembly program, and the intermediate C/C++ program have been proved resorting to sophisticated logging mechanisms. A set of proved libraries has been generated and extensively used during the tool development. A detailed analysis of the lessons learned is reporte

    Program Model Checking: A Practitioner's Guide

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    Program model checking is a verification technology that uses state-space exploration to evaluate large numbers of potential program executions. Program model checking provides improved coverage over testing by systematically evaluating all possible test inputs and all possible interleavings of threads in a multithreaded system. Model-checking algorithms use several classes of optimizations to reduce the time and memory requirements for analysis, as well as heuristics for meaningful analysis of partial areas of the state space Our goal in this guidebook is to assemble, distill, and demonstrate emerging best practices for applying program model checking. We offer it as a starting point and introduction for those who want to apply model checking to software verification and validation. The guidebook will not discuss any specific tool in great detail, but we provide references for specific tools

    A static analysis tool for finding buffer overflows in C

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    Abstract. This thesis presents a new static analysis tool for C and C++, that can detect some buffer overflow errors, which are dynamic memory use related errors that happen when a program tries to read or write past the end of a memory area. The tool is implemented as a plugin for the Clang compiler in order to leverage the excellent C and C++ parsing Clang has. The new tool is ran on Clang’s abstract syntax tree (AST) representation, from which it is able to detect unsafe memory related operations that are in the analysed source code. A previous study by the author was done on static analysis theory and existing implementations in journal articles and scientific conference papers. One of the main findings was that there are no easily usable existing tools. For this reason This followup thesis set out to implement a new static analysis tool in order to start filling that found deficiency. The developed tool is available on Github at https://github.com/hhyyrylainen/smacpp. Such a tool is important in software development as static analysis can reduce the number of bugs that slip through to released versions of software. If only manual testing and automated unit testing is used on software, it leaves many problems hidden that a static analysis tool could find. This is why static analysis tools are important as not using them increases the number of problems that software developers do not find. This thesis focuses especially on dynamic memory related errors as the type of problem that static analysis is used to find. This is because many memory related issues can be remotely exploited making it a very important aspect to get right. Memory unsafe languages are ones that do not guard the programmers against incorrect dynamic memory usage, C and C++ are widely used examples of these kind of programming languages. As these languages do not guard against memory errors, static analysis is a good addition to a development workflow to catch issues before they can be exploited. The developed tool was tested with an existing test case set in order to verify that the tool can detect problems correctly in concrete programs. Because this test set contained only C programs, the developed tool focuses on them, instead of also handling C++ specific issues. In addition to the first test set another set was used for evaluating the performance of the new tool once it was completed. The new tool, when combined with Clang’s analysis as the new tool was designed to compliment Clang’s own analysis capabilities, is able to detect 4 more issues in the first test set, without adding any false positives. This means that the combination is useful. Unfortunately none of the tested tools were able to pass any test cases contained in the second test suite. The new tool also increased the number of false positives when combined with Clang, but this is likely due to many of the test cases missing the expected entry point, "main". In addition to the new tool, this thesis presents the way it was designed and how it uses Clang’s libraries to aid in the development of a static analysis tool

    Efficient branch and node testing

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    Software testing evaluates the correctness of a program’s implementation through a test suite. The quality of a test case or suite is assessed with a coverage metric indicating what percentage of a program’s structure was exercised (covered) during execution. Coverage of every execution path is impossible due to infeasible paths and loops that result in an exponential or infinite number of paths. Instead, metrics such as the number of statements (nodes) or control-flow branches covered are used. Node and branch coverage require instrumentation probes to be present during program runtime. Traditionally, probes were statically inserted during compilation. These static probes remain even after coverage is recorded, incurring unnecessary overhead, reducing the number of tests that can be run, or requiring large amounts of memory In this dissertation, I present three novel techniques for improving branch and node coverage performance for the Java runtime. First, Demand-driven Structural Testing (DDST) uses dynamic insertion and removal of probes so they can be removed after recording coverage, avoiding the unnecessary overhead of static instrumentation. DDST is built on a new framework for developing and researching coverage techniques, Jazz. DDST for node coverage averages 19.7% faster than statically-inserted instrumentation on an industry-standard benchmark suite, SPECjvm98. Due to DDST’s higher-cost probes, no single branch coverage technique performs best on all programs or methods. To address this, I developed Hybrid Structural Testing (HST). HST combines different test techniques, including static and DDST, into one run. HST uses a cost model for analysis, reducing the cost of branch coverage testing an average of 48% versus Static and 56% versus DDST on SPECjvm98. HST never chooses certain techniques due to expensive analysis. I developed a third technique, Test Plan Caching (TPC), that exploits the inherent repetition in testing over a suite. TPC saves analysis results to avoid recomputation. Combined with HST, TPC produces a mix of techniques that record coverage quickly and efficiently. My three techniques reduce the average cost of branch coverage by 51.6–90.8% over previous approaches on SPECjvm98, allowing twice as many test cases in a given time budget

    Proving memory safety of floating-point computations by combining static and dynamic program analysis

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    Whitebox fuzzing is a novel form of security testing based on runtime symbolic execution and constraint solving. Over the last couple of years, whitebox fuzzers have found dozens of new security vulnerabilities (buffer overflows) in Windows and Linux applications, including codecs, image viewers and media players. Those types of applications tend to use floating-point instructions available on modern processors, yet existing whitebox fuzzers and SMT constraint solvers do not handle floating-point arithmetic. Are there new security vulnerabilities lurking in floating-point code? A naive solution would be to extend symbolic execu-tion to floating-point (FP) instructions (months of work), ex-tend SMT solvers to reason about FP constraints (months of work), and then face more complex constraints and an even worse path explosion problem. Instead, we propose an alternative approach, based on the rough intuition that FP code should only perform memory-safe data-processing of the “payload ” of an image or video file, while the non-FP part of the application should deal with buffer alloca-tions and memory address computations, with only the lat-ter being prone to buffer overflows and other security critical bugs. Our approach combines (1) a lightweight local path-insensitive “may ” static analysis of FP instructions with (2) a high-precision whole-program path-sensitive “must ” dy-namic analysis of non-FP instructions. The aim of this com-bination is to prove memory safety of the FP part and a form of non-interference between the FP part and the non-FP part with respect to memory address computations. We have implemented our approach using two existing tools for, respectively, static and dynamic x86 binary analysis. We present preliminary results of experiments with standard JPEG, GIF and ANI Windows parsers. For a given test suite of diverse input files, our mixed static/dynamic analysis is able to prove memory safety of FP code in those parsers for a small upfront static analysis cost and a marginal runtime expense compared to regular runtime symbolic execution

    Combining Static Analysis and Targeted Symbolic Execution for Scalable Bug-finding in Application Binaries

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    Manual software testing is laborious and prone to human error. Yet, it is the most popular method for quality assurance. Automating the test-case generation promises better effectiveness, especially for exposing “deep” corner-case bugs. Symbolic execution is an automated technique for program analysis that has recently become practical due to advances in constraint solvers. It stands out as an automated testing technique that has no false positives, it eventually enumerates all feasible program executions, and can prioritize executions of interest. However, “path explosion”, the fact that the number of program executions is typically at least exponential in the size of the program, hinders the adoption of symbolic execution in the real world, where program commonly reaches millions of lines of code. In this thesis, we present a method for generating test-cases using symbolic execution which reach a given potentially buggy “target” statement. Such a potentially buggy program statement can be found by static program analysis or from crash-reports given by users and serve as input to our technique. The test-case generated by our technique serves as a proof of the bug. Generating crashes at the target statement have many applications including re-producing crashes, checking warnings generated by static program analysis tools, or analysis of source code patches in code review process. By constantly steering the symbolic execution along the branches that are most likely to lead to the target program statement and pruning the search space that are unlikely to reach the target, we were able to detect deep bugs in real programs. To tackle exponential growth of program paths, we propose a new scheme to manage program execution paths without exhausting memory. Experiments on real-life programs demonstrate that our tool WatSym, built on selective symbolic execution engine S2E, can generate crashing inputs in feasible time and order of magnitude better than symbolic approaches (as embodied by S2E) failed

    Innovative Techniques for Testing and Diagnosing SoCs

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    We rely upon the continued functioning of many electronic devices for our everyday welfare, usually embedding integrated circuits that are becoming even cheaper and smaller with improved features. Nowadays, microelectronics can integrate a working computer with CPU, memories, and even GPUs on a single die, namely System-On-Chip (SoC). SoCs are also employed on automotive safety-critical applications, but need to be tested thoroughly to comply with reliability standards, in particular the ISO26262 functional safety for road vehicles. The goal of this PhD. thesis is to improve SoC reliability by proposing innovative techniques for testing and diagnosing its internal modules: CPUs, memories, peripherals, and GPUs. The proposed approaches in the sequence appearing in this thesis are described as follows: 1. Embedded Memory Diagnosis: Memories are dense and complex circuits which are susceptible to design and manufacturing errors. Hence, it is important to understand the fault occurrence in the memory array. In practice, the logical and physical array representation differs due to an optimized design which adds enhancements to the device, namely scrambling. This part proposes an accurate memory diagnosis by showing the efforts of a software tool able to analyze test results, unscramble the memory array, map failing syndromes to cell locations, elaborate cumulative analysis, and elaborate a final fault model hypothesis. Several SRAM memory failing syndromes were analyzed as case studies gathered on an industrial automotive 32-bit SoC developed by STMicroelectronics. The tool displayed defects virtually, and results were confirmed by real photos taken from a microscope. 2. Functional Test Pattern Generation: The key for a successful test is the pattern applied to the device. They can be structural or functional; the former usually benefits from embedded test modules targeting manufacturing errors and is only effective before shipping the component to the client. The latter, on the other hand, can be applied during mission minimally impacting on performance but is penalized due to high generation time. However, functional test patterns may benefit for having different goals in functional mission mode. Part III of this PhD thesis proposes three different functional test pattern generation methods for CPU cores embedded in SoCs, targeting different test purposes, described as follows: a. Functional Stress Patterns: Are suitable for optimizing functional stress during I Operational-life Tests and Burn-in Screening for an optimal device reliability characterization b. Functional Power Hungry Patterns: Are suitable for determining functional peak power for strictly limiting the power of structural patterns during manufacturing tests, thus reducing premature device over-kill while delivering high test coverage c. Software-Based Self-Test Patterns: Combines the potentiality of structural patterns with functional ones, allowing its execution periodically during mission. In addition, an external hardware communicating with a devised SBST was proposed. It helps increasing in 3% the fault coverage by testing critical Hardly Functionally Testable Faults not covered by conventional SBST patterns. An automatic functional test pattern generation exploiting an evolutionary algorithm maximizing metrics related to stress, power, and fault coverage was employed in the above-mentioned approaches to quickly generate the desired patterns. The approaches were evaluated on two industrial cases developed by STMicroelectronics; 8051-based and a 32-bit Power Architecture SoCs. Results show that generation time was reduced upto 75% in comparison to older methodologies while increasing significantly the desired metrics. 3. Fault Injection in GPGPU: Fault injection mechanisms in semiconductor devices are suitable for generating structural patterns, testing and activating mitigation techniques, and validating robust hardware and software applications. GPGPUs are known for fast parallel computation used in high performance computing and advanced driver assistance where reliability is the key point. Moreover, GPGPU manufacturers do not provide design description code due to content secrecy. Therefore, commercial fault injectors using the GPGPU model is unfeasible, making radiation tests the only resource available, but are costly. In the last part of this thesis, we propose a software implemented fault injector able to inject bit-flip in memory elements of a real GPGPU. It exploits a software debugger tool and combines the C-CUDA grammar to wisely determine fault spots and apply bit-flip operations in program variables. The goal is to validate robust parallel algorithms by studying fault propagation or activating redundancy mechanisms they possibly embed. The effectiveness of the tool was evaluated on two robust applications: redundant parallel matrix multiplication and floating point Fast Fourier Transform
