17 research outputs found

    Reliable communication across ad hoc networks

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    This paper presents a fully decentralised peer-topeer voice communication tool intended for use across mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) by distributed groups who desired collaboration. We examined the synergy between MANETs and peer-to-peer virtual overlay networks which allowed the creation of ad hoc applications. One style of communication considered suitable for task oriented distributed group collaboration was push-to-talk. This research was focused on providing a push-to-talk communication platform suitable for deployment across MANETs. The research methodology employed was a proof of concept approach within a classical experimental computer science paradigm. We developed a prototype which used JXTA, a peer-to-peer virtual overlay network, to provide push-to-talk functionality across MANETs. Guaranteed delivery of messages was provided via a peer-to-peer voicemail delivery system. While the system did what intended we show that JXTA had a problem with the efficient delivery of voice samples.Telkom, Cisco, THRI

    A lightweight distributed super peer election algorithm for unstructured dynamic P2P systems

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresNowadays with the current growth of information exchange, and the increasing mobility of devices, it becomes essential to use technology to monitor this development. For that P2P networks are used, the exchange of information between agencies is facilitated, these now being applied in mobile networks, including MANETs, where they have special features such as the fact that they are semi-centralized, where it takes peers more ability to make a greater role in the network. But those peer with more capacity, which are used in the optimization of various parameters of these systems, such as optimization\to research, are difficult to identify due to the fact that the network does not have a fixed topology, be constantly changing, (we like to go online and offline, to change position, etc.) and not to allow the exchange of large messages. To this end, this thesis proposes a distributed election algorithm of us greater capacity among several possible goals, enhance research in the network. This includes distinguishing characteristics, such as election without global knowledge network, minimal exchange of messages, distributed decision made without dependence on us and the possibility of influencing the election outcome as the special needs of the network

    Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks for enhanced value-added services

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    In some situations where the standard telecommunication infrastructure is not available, Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) can be deployed to provide the required communication. These networks are established "on the fly" without a need for prior communication organization and are composed of autonomous mobile devices, such as cell phones, PDAs or laptops. In similar conditions, such as in emergency response operations, integrating MANETs and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can notably enhance the MANET participant's end-user experience. WSNs sense and aggregate ambient information, such as physiological, environmental or physical data related to a nearby phenomenon. The integration, which provides end-user availability to WSN required information, is feasible via gateways. However, when the ambient information collected by WSNs is intended for applications residing in MANETs, centralized and fixed gateways are not practicably feasible. This is mainly due to ad-hoc nature, lack of centralized control and constraints on the end-user devices that are used in MANETs. These devices are usually limited in power and capacity and cannot host centralized gateways. In this thesis we exploit the integration of WSN and MANET in order to provide novel value-added services which enhance the end-user experience of MANET participants. Motivating scenarios are introduced, background information is presented, requirements are derived and the state of the art regarding the integration of WSN with existing networks, including MANETs, is evaluated. Based on the evaluation, none of the existing solutions satisfies all of our derived requirements. Therefore, we propose an overall two-level overlay architecture to integrate WSNs (with mobile sinks) and MANETs. This architecture is based on the distributed gateway and applications which form the P2P overlays. Overlays are application-layer networks which are created on top of the exiting MANET. To interconnect gateway and application overlays we derive corresponding requirements and evaluate the existing approaches. Since none of these approaches fulfills all of our requirements, we propose protocols, mechanisms and design corresponding modules for the interconnection of overlays. Finally we refine our overall architecture based on the interconnection aspects. As a proof of concept, we implement a prototype for the inter-overlay information exchange. This implementation is based on SIP extensions and uses two existing P2P middlewares. We also simulate our prototype using Oversim simulation tool and collect experimental results. Based on these results, we can see that our architecture is a valid and promising approach for interconnecting different P2P overlays and can be deployed to provide the overall solution for WSN and MANET integrated system

    Application Layer Architectures for Disaster Response Systems

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    Traditional disaster response methods face several issues such as limited situational awareness, lack of interoperability and reliance on voice-oriented communications. Disaster response systems (DRSs) aim to address these issues and assist responders by providing a wide range of services. Since the network infrastructure in disaster area may become non-operational, mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are the only alternative to provide connectivity and other network services. Because of the dynamic nature of MANETs the applications/services provided by DRSs should be based on distributed architectures. These distributed application/services form overlays on top of MANETs. This thesis aims to improve three main aspect of DRSs: interoperability, automation, and prioritization. Interoperability enables the communication and collaboration between different rescue teams which improve the efficiency of rescue operations and avoid potential interferences between teams. Automation allows responders to focus more on their tasks by minimizing the required human interventions in DRSs. Automation also allows machines to operate in areas where human cannot because of safety issues. Prioritization ensures that emergency services (e.g. firefighter communications) in DRSs have higher priority to receive resources (e.g. network services) than non-emergency services (e.g. new reporters’ communications). Prioritizing vital services in disaster area can save lives. This thesis proposes application layer architectures that enable three important services in DRSs and contribute to the improvement of the three aforementioned aspects of DRSs: overlay interconnection, service discovery and differentiated quality of service (QoS). The overlay interconnection architecture provides a distributed and scalable mechanism to interconnect end-user application overlays and gateway overlays in MANETs. The service discovery architecture is a distributed directory-based service discovery mechanism based on the standard Domain Name System (DNS) protocol. Lastly, a differentiated QoS architecture is presented that provides admission control and policy enforcement functions based on a given prioritization scheme. For each of the provided services, a motivation scenario is presented, requirements are derived and related work is evaluated with respect to these requirements. Furthermore, performance evaluations are provided for each of the proposed architectures. For the overlay interconnection architecture, a prototype is presented along with performance measurements. The results show that our architecture achieves acceptable request-response delays and network load overhead. For the service discovery architecture, extensive simulations have been run to evaluate the performance of our architecture and to compare it with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) directory-less service discovery proposal based on Multicast DNS. The results show that our architecture generates less overall network load and ensures successful discovery with higher probability. Finally, for the differentiated QoS architecture, simulations results show that our architecture not only enables differentiated QoS, it also improves overall QoS in terms of the number of successful overlay flows

    Rede P2P sobre WLANs em modo ad hoc

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresNa dissertação é realizado um estudo à partilha de recursos em redes sem fios muito dinâmicas, com o objectivo de identificar alguns dos seus problemas e apresentar soluções para estes. É complicado manter a conectividade entre equipamentos presentes numa rede sem fios não. A mobilidade e instabilidade introduz dificuldades no de informação entre os diferentes nós presentes na rede. Foi idealizado e implementado um algoritmo de localização assíncrona de recursos para operar em redes muito dinâmicas, que permite uma melhor gestão da difusão de pesquisas. Para demonstrar a eficácia do algoritmo implementado, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação de pesquisa e partilha de ficheiros. A tecnologia JXTA foi estendida com a implementação do algoritmo de gestão de pesquisas. Durante a implementação deste algoritmo foi criado um novo módulo, com objectivo ser uma base para todas as implementações de suporte a redes dinâmicas sem fios. Para melhorar o débito na comunicação foi implementado um módulo de transporte independente da plataforma

    Signaling for conferencing in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) are networks that do not need to be pre-configured. They are composed of transient nodes connected through wireless interfaces. Due to their flexibility, the ease to build and the associated low cost, they are gaining more and more momentum. They are also seen as part of the fourth generation wireless networks. New applications, such as conferencing, are emerging for such networks. Conferencing enables a set of applications such as audio/video conferencing, debating, distance-learning and multi-party gaming. The implementation of conferencing in MANETs is not an easy task due to scarce network resources, heterogeneous devices, frequently changing topology and unstable wireless connections. It challenges each technical aspect of conferencing: signaling, media handling and conference control. Signaling is the control component of conferencing. It handles the session initiation, modification and termination. In this work, we focus on signaling for conferencing in MANETs. Two types of MANETs are considered: standalone MANETs and integrated MANETs/3G networks. Background information is provided, requirements are derived and the state of the art, including signaling protocols such as SIP and H.323, are reviewed. Since there is no existing solution that meets all of the derived requirements, we propose a novel cluster-based signaling architecture that meets the requirements of signaling for standalone MANETs. The clusters are application-layer clusters that are dynamically created and deleted for a conference. We also propose a signaling architectures for integrated MANETs/3G networks. The solution is based on conference gateways. We implement the architectures using SIP extensions. Experimental results are obtained from prototypes and OPNET based simulations. In the prototype, we built the signaling system on a small scale network using IEEE 802.11 ad hoc settings. In the OPNET simulation, we use MANET features. From experiments, we found that clustering is a very promising approach for solving signaling problems in MANETs. Being aware of several performance issues of our signaling systems, we further propose optimization schemes that are based on cross-layer design. We also implement some of these schemes and apply them to our signaling systems. The evaluation shows that the schemes significantly improve the signaling performance

    Efficient service discovery in wide area networks

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    Living in an increasingly networked world, with an abundant number of services available to consumers, the consumer electronics market is enjoying a boom. The average consumer in the developed world may own several networked devices such as games consoles, mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and desktops, wireless picture frames and printers to name but a few. With this growing number of networked devices comes a growing demand for services, defined here as functions requested by a client and provided by a networked node. For example, a client may wish to download and share music or pictures, find and use printer services, or lookup information (e.g. train times, cinema bookings). It is notable that a significant proportion of networked devices are now mobile. Mobile devices introduce a new dynamic to the service discovery problem, such as lower battery and processing power and more expensive bandwidth. Device owners expect to access services not only in their immediate proximity, but further afield (e.g. in their homes and offices). Solving these problems is the focus of this research. This Thesis offers two alternative approaches to service discovery in Wide Area Networks (WANs). Firstly, a unique combination of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the OSGi middleware technology is presented to provide both mobility and service discovery capability in WANs. Through experimentation, this technique is shown to be successful where the number of operating domains is small, but it does not scale well. To address the issue of scalability, this Thesis proposes the use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service overlays as a medium for service discovery in WANs. To confirm that P2P overlays can in fact support service discovery, a technique to utilise the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) functionality of distributed systems is used to store and retrieve service advertisements. Through simulation, this is shown to be both a scalable and a flexible service discovery technique. However, the problems associated with P2P networks with respect to efficiency are well documented. In a novel approach to reduce messaging costs in P2P networks, multi-destination multicast is used. Two well known P2P overlays are extended using the Explicit Multi-Unicast (XCAST) protocol. The resulting analysis of this extension provides a strong argument for multiple P2P maintenance algorithms co-existing in a single P2P overlay to provide adaptable performance. A novel multi-tier P2P overlay system is presented, which is tailored for service rich mobile devices and which provides an efficient platform for service discovery

    Hybrid routing in delay tolerant networks

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    This work addresses the integration of today\\u27s infrastructure-based networks with infrastructure-less networks. The resulting Hybrid Routing System allows for communication over both network types and can help to overcome cost, communication, and overload problems. Mobility aspect resulting from infrastructure-less networks are analyzed and analytical models developed. For development and deployment of the Hybrid Routing System an overlay-based framework is presented

    Hybrid Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    This work addresses the integration of today\u27s infrastructure-based networks with infrastructure-less networks. The resulting Hybrid Routing System allows for communication over both network types and can help to overcome cost, communication, and overload problems. Mobility aspect resulting from infrastructure-less networks are analyzed and analytical models developed. For development and deployment of the Hybrid Routing System an overlay-based framework is presented