10 research outputs found

    Things as a service: Service model for IoT

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    Leveraging the benefits of service computing technologies for Internet of Things (IoT) can help in rapid system development, composition and deployment. But due to the massive scale, computational and communication constraints, existing software service models cannot be directly applied for IoT based systems. Service discovery and composition mechanism need to be decentralized unlike majority of other service models. Moreover, IoT services' interfaces require to be light weight and able to expose the device profile for seamless discovery onto the IoT based system infrastructure. In addition to this, the 'things' data should be associated with its present context. To address these issues, this paper proposes a formal model for IoT services. The service model includes the physical property of 'things' and exposes it to the user. It also associates the context with the 'things' output, which in turn helps in extracting relevant information from the 'things' data. To evaluate our IoT service model, a weather monitoring system and its associated services are implemented using node.js [31]. The service data is mapped to SSN ontology for generating context-rich RDF data. This way, the proposed IoT service model can expose the device profile to the user and incorporate relevant context information with the things data

    IOT: Challenges in Information Security Training

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    Both consumers and businesses are rapidly adopting IoT premised on convenience and control. Industry and academic literature talk about billions of embedded IoT devices being implemented with use-cases ranging from smart speakers in the home, to autonomous trucks, and trains operating in remote industrial sites. Historically information systems supporting these disparate use-cases have been categorised as Information Technology (IT) or Operational Technology (OT), but IoT represents a fusion between these traditionally distinct information security models. This paper presents a review of IEEE and Elsevier peer reviewed papers that identifies the direction in IoT education and training around information security. It concludes that the education/training still is largely distinct and is not addressing the needs of this hybrid IT and OT model. IoT is complex as it melds embedded systems and software in support of interaction with physical systems. While literature contains implementation specific research, papers that address appropriate methodologies and content around secure design are piecemeal in nature. We conclude that in the rush to find implementation specific strategies the overarching strategy around education and training of secure IoT design is not being adequately addressed. Consequently, we propose a novel approach to how IoT education training can better incorporate the topic of secure design at a foundational level

    The Many Faces of Edge Intelligence

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    Edge Intelligence (EI) is an emerging computing and communication paradigm that enables Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionality at the network edge. In this article, we highlight EI as an emerging and important field of research, discuss the state of research, analyze research gaps and highlight important research challenges with the objective of serving as a catalyst for research and innovation in this emerging area. We take a multidisciplinary view to reflect on the current research in AI, edge computing, and communication technologies, and we analyze how EI reflects on existing research in these fields. We also introduce representative examples of application areas that benefit from, or even demand the use of EI.Peer reviewe

    Docker Swarmin soveltaminen reunalaskennan ohjelmistojen hallinnoinnissa

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    Reunalaskennan tarkoituksena on siirtää tiedonkäsittelyä lähemmäs tiedon lähdettä, sillä keskitettyjen palvelinten laskentakyky ei riitä tulevaisuudessa kaiken tiedon samanaikaiseen analysointiin. Esineiden internet on yksi reunalaskennan käyttötapauksista. Reunalaskennan järjestelmät ovat melko monimutkaisia ja vaativat yhä enemmän ketterien DevOps-käytäntöjen soveltamista. Näiden käytäntöjen toteuttamiseen on löydettävä sopivia teknologioita. Ensimmäiseksi tutkimuskysymykseksi asetettiin: Millaisia teknisiä ratkaisuja reunalaskennan sovellusten toimittamiseen on sovellettu? Tähän vastattiin tarkastelemalla teollisuuden, eli pilvipalveluntarjoajien ratkaisuja. Teknisistä ratkaisuista paljastui, että reunalaskennan sovellusten toimittamisen välineenä käytetään joko kontteja tai pakattuja hakemistoja. Reunan ja palvelimen väliseen kommunikointiin hyödynnettiin kevyitä tietoliikenneprotokollia tai VPN-yhteyttä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa konttiklusterit todettiin mahdolliseksi hallinnoinnin välineeksi reunalaskennassa. Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymyksen tuloksista johdettiin toinen tutkimuskysymys: Voiko Docker Swarmia hyödyntää reunalaskennan sovellusten operoinnissa? Kysymykseen vastattiin empiirisellä tapaustutkimuksella. Keskitetty reunalaskennan sovellusten toimittamisen prosessi rakennettiin Docker Swarm -konttiklusteriohjelmistoa, pilvipalvelimia ja Raspberry Pi -korttitietokoneita hyödyntäen. Toimittamisen lisäksi huomioitiin ohjelmistojen suorituksenaikainen valvonta, edellisen ohjelmistoversion palautus, klusterin laitteiden ryhmittäminen, fyysisten lisälaitteiden liittäminen ja erilaisten suoritinarkkitehtuurien mahdollisuus. Tulokset osoittivat, että Docker Swarmia voidaan hyödyntää sellaisenaan reunalaskennan ohjelmistojen hallinnointiin. Docker Swarm soveltuu toimittamiseen, valvontaan, edellisen version palauttamiseen ja ryhmittämiseen. Lisäksi sen avulla voi luoda samaa ohjelmistoa suorittavia klustereita, jotka koostuvat arkkitehtuuriltaan erilaisista suorittimista. Docker Swarm osoittautui kuitenkin sopimattomaksi reunalaitteeseen kytkettyjen lisälaitteiden ohjaamiseen. Teollisuuden tarjoamien reunalaskennan ratkaisujen runsas määrä osoitti laajaa kiinnostusta konttien käytännön soveltamiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella erityisesti konttiklusterit osoittautuivat lupaavaksi teknologiaksi reunalaskennan sovellusten hallinnointiin. Lisänäytön saamiseksi on tarpeen tehdä laajempia empiirisiä jatkotutkimuksia samankaltaisia puitteita käyttäen

    Enhancing data privacy and security in Internet of Things through decentralized models and services

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    exploits a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) blockchain, in order to perform collaborative and dynamic botnet detection by collecting and auditing IoT devices\u2019 network traffic flows as blockchain transactions. Secondly, we take the challenge to decentralize IoT, and design a hybrid blockchain architecture for IoT, by proposing Hybrid-IoT. In Hybrid-IoT, subgroups of IoT devices form PoW blockchains, referred to as PoW sub-blockchains. Connection among the PoW sub-blockchains employs a BFT inter-connector framework. We focus on the PoW sub-blockchains formation, guided by a set of guidelines based on a set of dimensions, metrics and bounds

    Software Engineering in the IoT Context: Characteristics, Challenges, and Enabling Strategies

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    Enhancing data privacy and security in Internet of Things through decentralized models and services

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    exploits a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) blockchain, in order to perform collaborative and dynamic botnet detection by collecting and auditing IoT devices’ network traffic flows as blockchain transactions. Secondly, we take the challenge to decentralize IoT, and design a hybrid blockchain architecture for IoT, by proposing Hybrid-IoT. In Hybrid-IoT, subgroups of IoT devices form PoW blockchains, referred to as PoW sub-blockchains. Connection among the PoW sub-blockchains employs a BFT inter-connector framework. We focus on the PoW sub-blockchains formation, guided by a set of guidelines based on a set of dimensions, metrics and bounds

    A Novel Zero-Trust Framework to Secure IoT Communications

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    The phenomenal growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has highlighted the security and privacy concerns associated with these devices. The research literature on the security architectures of IoT makes evident that we need to define and formalize a framework to secure the communications among these devices. To do so, it is important to focus on a zero-trust framework that will work on the principle premise of ``trust no one, verify everyone'' for every request and response. In this thesis, we emphasize the need for such a framework and propose a zero-trust communication model that addresses security and privacy concerns of devices with no operating system or with a real-time operating system. The framework provides an end-to-end security framework for users and devices to communicate with each other privately. A common concern is how to implement high-end encryption algorithm within the limited resources of an IoT device. We demonstrated that by offloading the data and process heavy operation like audit management to the gateway we were able to overcome this limitation. We built a temperature and humidity sensor and were able to implement the framework and successfully evaluate and document its efficient operations. We defined four areas for evaluation and validation, namely, security of communications, memory utilization of the device, response time of operations, and cost of its implementation, and for each, we defined a threshold to evaluate and validate our findings. The results are satisfactory and are documented