40 research outputs found

    Technological Ecosystems in Health Sector

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    [EN]Presentation about the technological ecosystems applied to the health sector related to dementia and other mental disorders. This presentation was made in the INTERDEM meeting in Budapest, April 21, 2016

    Manajemen Bisnis Aerotropolis (Airport City): Sebuah Studi Pemetaan Sistematis

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    The application of the concept of aerotropolis (airport city) in various parts of the world requires holistic planning. Aspects that affect the implementation of airport cities must be considered in planning. The linkage between regulations, government support, business schemes, land ownership, and human resources, is an important capital in realizing an airport city. This study is an initial research that aims to identify the results of research that has been carried out in the field of Aerotropolis business management using a systematic mapping study (SMS). The purpose of this mapping is to find out what Aerotropolis topics are being researched. This article focuses on 10 airport cities in the world that have applied the Aerotropolis model in their development, namely Amsterdam, Paris, Dubai, Dallas, Chicago, Memphis, Hong Kong, Singapore, Incheon, and Washington. This study uses a qualitative method by going through a literature study. The search is done through Google Scholar. It is intended that the output of this SMS can describe opportunities with the aim of exploring topics and new ideas in managing the Aerotropolis (aerocity-airport city) business apart from exploiting previously existing topics. Recommendation of study results from Aerotropolis Development with a research focus on Aerotropolis Development Practices. Qualitative methods are mostly used in research on this Aerotropolis.Penerapan konsep aerotropolis (kota bandara) di berbagai belahan dunia memerlukan perencanaan yang holistik. Aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi terhadap implementasi kota bandara wajib menjadi pertimbangan dalam perencanaan. Keterkaitan antara regulasi, dukungan pemerintah, skema bisnis, kepemilikan lahan, serta sumber daya manusia, menjadi modal penting dalam mewujudkan sebuah kota bandara. Studi ini adalah riset awal yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hasil dari riset yang pernah dilakukan pada bidang pengelolaan bisnis Aerotropolis dengan menggunakan systematic mapping study (SMS). Tujuan dari pemetaan ini adalah untuk mengetahui topik Aerotropolis apa saja yang diteliti. Artikel ini memfokuskan pada 10 kota bandara di dunia yang telah mengaplikasikan model Aerotropolis dalam pengembangannya, yaitu Amsterdam, Paris, Dubai, Dallas, Chicago, Memphis, Hongkong, Singapore, Incheon, dan Washington. Studi ini menggunakan metode1kualitatif dengan melalui studi pustaka. Penelusuran dilakukan melalui Google Scholar. Dimaksudkan bahwa keluaran dari SMS ini dapat menggambarkan mengenai peluang dengan tujuan eksplorasi topik serta pemikiran baru dalam pengeloaan bisnis Aerotropolis (aerocity-airport city) selain dari eksploitasi topik yang telah ada sebelumnya. Rekomendasi hasil studi dari Aerotropolis Development dengan fokus riset pada Aerotropolis Development Practices. Metode kualitatif paling banyak dilakukan dalam riset mengenai Aerotropolis ini

    Experiential Marketing On Purchasing Decision: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the development map of research on experiential marketing and purchasing decision. The research was conducted using a systematic mapping study method to identify, evaluate, and interpret all available and relevant literature related to the research question or domain of interest, through searching the Scopus journal database. Based on the results of SMS, there are 56 studies that meet the inclusion criteria. We classify 56 articles in the topic area by category of type of paper, focus, locus, and year of research publication

    Systematic Mapping Study: Corporate Entrepreneur in Family Firm

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    Purpose: In the growth of family companies, corporate entrepreneurship is very important for the sustainability of family companies that are managed across generations. Sustainability of family companies is more successful in implementing corporate entrepreneurship than other companies. Therefore, researchers study the influence of families on corporate entrepreneurship. This study examines why some families are better at encouraging corporate entrepreneurship in their companies than others. Design/methodology/approach: The method used in this study uses a qualitative method using a study library. A search was conducted on the Scopus database of 33 articles in publications 2005-2021 published in scientific journals included in the inclusion criteria. Findings: The results of this Systematic Mapping study can provide an overview of opportunities to explore new topics on mapping corporate entrepreneurship in family businesses. The most discussed topics are HR, strategy and organizational culture in the general industry and manufacturing sectors. Research limitations/implications: This research is limited to using only one Scopus database. Practical implications: The implications of the research from a practical point of view are how this research data can be better managed in the future by researchers and professionals engaged in entrepreneurship and family businesses. Originality/value: This paper provides a clear description of the role of corporate entrepreneurship in family businesses. This brings together and maps for the first time in an integrated manner several topics related to corporate entrepreneurship in family businesses. This leads to the conclusion that topics related to corporate entrepreneurship in successful family businesses refer to the relationship between human resource management and organizational culture Paper type: Literature revie

    Defining decision making strategies in software ecosystem governance

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    Mapping the systematic literature studies about software ecosystems

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    There is a need to improve the definition and development of technological ecosystems in order to solve the main problems detected in previous studies. To achieve this goal, it is required to identify and analyse the solutions available in the literature in the field of software engineering applied to ecosystems. The research in software ecosystems is a relatively young research area, but there are already several works that analyse the literature associated. To conduct a new systematic literature review is necessary to ensure that there are no studies that do the same, namely, that do not answer the same research questions. The identification of the need for a review was done through a study focused on systematic literature reviews and mapping studies about software ecosystems. This work aims to describe the mapping conducted as part of that study. It provides a global state of the art of this kind of studies in the area of software ecosystems


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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) tend to have an advantage over competitors due to their strategic plans. Meanwhile, some of the strategic factors considered important to have a competitive advantage include human resource development, knowledge management, and Information and Communication Technology. These have been observed to be creating and maintaining a superior position for competitors but there is a need for a comprehensive understanding of the state-of-art of competitive advantage by entrepreneurs or academics. Therefore, this study aimed to classify and identify scientific publications as well as to conduct a thematic analysis of current literature to create an extensive and detailed understanding of competitive advantage in SMEs. This involved the use of a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) to examine scientific publications related to competitive advantage based on the focus, locus, and type of research from time to time. The results classified competitive advantage based on the overview of previous research topics and trend