66 research outputs found

    Metamodeling or profiling: a practical case in the web engineering domain

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    Model Driven Development (MDD) provides several choices for the definition of modeling languages. The definition of a complete metamodel and the customization of a given metamodel using profiles are common approaches. In our opinion neither of these approaches is better than the other, and the choice should depend on the characteristics of each project. This paper describes our experiences defining a graphical notation for the characterization of web navigational maps based on a MOF metamodel and a UML profile. The advantages and drawbacks of both approaches are examined, as well as the solution selected for our project.Presentado en el VIII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards a UML Profile for Data Intensive Applications

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    Data intensive applications that leverage Big Data technologies are rapidly gaining market trend. However, their design and quality assurance are far from satisfying software engineers needs. In fact, a CapGemini research shows that only 13% of organizations have achieved full-scale production for their Big Data implementations. We aim at addressing an early design and a quality evaluation of data intensive applications, being our goal to help software engineers on assessing quality metrics, such as the response time of the application. We address this goal by means of a quality analysis tool-chain. At the core of the tool, we are developing a Profile that converts the Unified Modeling Language into a domain specific modeling language for quality evaluation of data intensive applications

    Optimal Web Service Selection Using UML Profile

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    Enterprises are more conscious of providing quality of services over the web for reasons of economy, reliability, interoperability and flexibility. Enterprise application relies on selection of the most appropriate service from several candidate services with similar capabilities provided by different service providers. The question is, on what basis the system chooses a service among several candidates. This paper proposes a model that makes an automatic selection of best service and detects the variance between the non-functional requirements of the users and service qualifications. In this paper, we describe our approach aimed to detect conflicts between user requirements and the service specifications of the service provider. Our work proposes to detect these conflicts using Ontology and UML profiles to achieve better performance and avoid unpredictable state of the system. We suggest use of UML extensions and domain Ontology to detect NFR conflicts between the client’s requirements and service specifications

    MDE in Practice for Computational Science

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    International audienceThe complex problems that computational science addresses are more and more benefiting from the progress of computing facilities (simulators, librairies, accessible languages,. . .). Nevertheless , the actual solutions call for several improvements. Among those, we address in this paper the needs for leveraging on knowledge and expertise by focusing on Domain-Specific Mod-eling Languages application. In this vision paper we illustrate, through concrete experiments, how the last DSML research help getting closer the problem and implementation spaces

    Integrating Analysis Into a Warehouse Design Workflow

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    Supply chain analyses, including those related to material handling systems, are typically purpose-built to answer specific questions and therefore have many different implementations depending on the question, the instance data, and the solver. The purpose-built nature of these models makes it difficult to integrate them into an iterative design workflow. Despite the myriad analysis implementations, the fundamental structure of these systems and their problem domain remains unchanged, suggesting that perhaps analyses could be automatically generated on demand, given an appropriate specification of the particular system to be analyzed. We apply model-based systems engineering (MBSE) methodologies to explore this possibility in the context of functional warehouse design

    Extending a Business Process Modeling Language for Domain-Specific Adaptation in Healthcare

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    It is often required to provide a modeling language that enables the representation of domain-specific problems and concepts. Domain-specific modeling approaches can be applied for that. However, these approaches usually suffer from low dissemination, missing tool support and high design costs. Thus, it might be more reasonable to adapt and extend common standard modeling languages. This research article presents an extension of the common process modeling language BPMN for modeling clinical pathways in the healthcare sector. The extension is designed methodically by application of the extension design method of Stroppi et al. (2011), which was extended regarding to a deeper domain analysis. The domain analysis considers the design of a domain ontology, requirements analysis as well as an equivalence check between domain concept and BPMN concepts. Finally, the evolved extension is compared with the CPmod modeling language of Burwitz et al. (2013) in order to discuss strengths and limitations

    Métodos de ingeniería web dirigidos por modelos: una revisión de literatura

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta algunos de los métodos de ingeniería Web dirigida por modelos que se han propuesto. En él se discuten y analizan las ventajas y desventajas de dichos métodos con relación a las tendencias actuales y las mejores prácticas en la ingeniería dirigida por modelos. La idea es presentar cada método y analizar los modelos que propone para representar aplicaciones Web, los aspectos arquitectónicos en las transformaciones y el uso de tecnologías actuales de interfaz de usuario Web en el código generado. Esto se hace con el fin de vislumbrar posibles líneas de investigación para trabajos futuros en el área de la ingeniería Web dirigida por modelos.ABSTRACT: This paper presents some of the model-driven Web engineering methods that have been proposed, and discusses and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of such methods regarding current tendencies and best practices on model-driven engineering. The idea is to present each approach and analyze the models they propose to represent Web applications, the architectural aspects in the transformations, and the use of current Web user interface technologies in the generated code. This is done in order to depict possible research lines for future works on the model-driven Web engineering area