38 research outputs found

    A syntax definition formalism

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    English for the computer

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    What about English as a programming language? Few would question that this is a desirable goal. On the other hand, I dare say every one of us has rather deep reservations both about its feasibility and about a number of problems that it entails. This paper presents a point of view which gives some clarity to the relationship between English and programming languages. This point of view has found substance in an experimental system called DEACON. The second paper in this session will describe the specific DEACON system and its capabilities


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    Pada tugas akhir ini telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap bahasa pemrograman kotlin dengan metode eksplorasi. Eksplorasi bahasa pemrograman kotlin pada tugas akhir ini telah termasuk kedalam analisis sejarah bahasa pemrograman, analisis bahasa pemrograman kotlin, analisis framework android dengan menggunakan kotlin, analisis ketersediaan library dan analisis perbandingan bahasa pemrograman kotlin dan bahasa pemrograman java. Dalam pengerjaanya dalam menganalisis bahasa pemrograman kotlin dan membandingkanya dengan bahasa pemrograman java, pada tugas akhir ini akan dibahas dimulai dari perbandingan dari sisi keringkasan baris kode bahasa pemrograman, besar ukuran APK, serta kecepatan compiler saat meng-compile kedua program dari bahasa pemrograman yang berbeda. Setelah melakukan penelitian, serta membangun aplikasi studi kasus dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman kotlin dan bahasa pemrograman java lalu kemudian membandingkannya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahasa pemrograman kotlin cenderung memiliki jumlah baris kode yang lebih sedikit dibanding bahasa pemrograman java, namun memiliki ukuran APK yang lebih besar dan waktu compile yang lebih lama. Keyword : Kotlin, Eksplorasi Bahasa Pemrograman Kotlin, Pembangunan Aplikasi Android Dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Kotlin, Perbandingan dengan bahasa pemrograman Java

    Early Nordic compilers and autocodes

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    Abstract. The early development of compilers for high-level program-ming languages, and of so-called autocoding systems, is well documented at the international level but not as regards the Nordic countries. The goal of this paper is to provide a survey of compiler and autocode development in the Nordic countries in the early years, roughly 1953 to 1965, and to relate it to international developments. We also touch on some of the historical societal context

    English for the computer

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    What about English as a programming language? Few would question that this is a desirable goal. On the other hand, I dare say every one of us has rather deep reservations both about its feasibility and about a number of problems that it entails. This paper presents a point of view which gives some clarity to the relationship between English and programming languages. This point of view has found substance in an experimental system called DEACON. The second paper in this session will describe the specific DEACON system and its capabilities

    Automatic Generation of Data Conversions - Programs Using a Data Description Language (DDL) Volume 1 and 2

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    The report describes a DDL/DML Processor and a methodology to automatically generate data conversion programs. The Processor, accepts as input descriptions of source and target files in a Data Description Language (DDL) and a Data Manipulation Language (DML). It produces an output conversion program in PL/l capable of converting the source file and producing the target file

    Mappings and grammars on trees

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    Mappings and grammars on trees for automata theor

    Method for the complete definition of programming languages

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    Formalization of the static semantics of contracts using attribute grammars

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    Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire concerne le langage Contracts. Les systèmes orientés objet consistent en des groupes d'objets reliés qui coopèrent afin de réaliser certaines tâches ou de maintenir certains invariants. Le langage Contracts de Helm est une technique de spécification de coopérations interobjets [Helm 90]. Un contrat, dans Contracts, spécifie les coopérations en termes d'objets participants, d'obligations des participants, de dépendances entre participants et de l'instanciation de ceux-ci. De plus, un contrat contient des invariants que les participants coopèrent à maintenir. Les résultats de ce mémoire sont la formalisation de la sémantique statique du langage Contracts en utilisant la notation de grammaires d'attributs [Wait 85], selon la syntaxe publiée dans [Holl 92], et l'implémentation de l'analyse syntaxique et lexicale de Contracts en utilisant Lex et Yace