142 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a High Speed Cable-Based Planar Parallel Manipulator

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    Robotic automation has been the major driving force in modern industrial developments. High speed pick-and-place operations find their place in many manufacturing applications. The goal of this project is to develop a class of high speed robots that has a planar workspace. The presented robots are intended for pick-and-place applications that have a relatively large workspace. In order to achieve this goal, the robots must be both stiff and light. The design strategies adapted in this study were expanded from the research work by Prof Khajepour and Dr. Behzadipour. The fundamental principles are to utilize a parallel mechanism to enhance robot stiffness and cable construction to reduce moving inertia. A required condition for using cable construction is the ability to hold all cables under tension. This can only be achieved under certain conditions. The design phase of the study includes a static analysis on the robot manipulator that ensures certain mechanical components are always held under tension. This idea is extended to address dynamic situations where the manipulator velocity and acceleration are bounded. Two concept robot configurations, 2D-Deltabot, and 2D-Betabot are presented. Through a series of analyses from the robot inverse kinematic model, the dynamic properties of a robot can be computed in an effective manner. It was determined that the presented robots can achieve 4g acceleration and 4m/s maximum speed within their 700mm by 100mm workspace with a pair of 890W rotary actuators controlling two degrees of freedom. The 2D-Deltabot was chosen for prototype development. A kinematics calibration algorithm was developed to enhance the robot accuracy. Experimental test results had shown that the 2D-Deltabot was capable of running at 81 cycles per minute on a 730mm long pick-and-place path. Further experiments showed that the robot had a position accuracy of 0. 62mm and a position repeatability of 0. 15mm, despite a few manufacturing errors from the prototype fabrication

    An Efficient Multi-solution Solver for the Inverse Kinematics of 3-Section Constant-Curvature Robots

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    Piecewise constant curvature is a popular kinematics framework for continuum robots. Computing the model parameters from the desired end pose, known as the inverse kinematics problem, is fundamental in manipulation, tracking and planning tasks. In this paper, we propose an efficient multi-solution solver to address the inverse kinematics problem of 3-section constant-curvature robots by bridging both the theoretical reduction and numerical correction. We derive analytical conditions to simplify the original problem into a one-dimensional problem. Further, the equivalence of the two problems is formalised. In addition, we introduce an approximation with bounded error so that the one dimension becomes traversable while the remaining parameters analytically solvable. With the theoretical results, the global search and numerical correction are employed to implement the solver. The experiments validate the better efficiency and higher success rate of our solver than the numerical methods when one solution is required, and demonstrate the ability of obtaining multiple solutions with optimal path planning in a space with obstacles.Comment: Robotics: Science and Systems 202

    An Overview of Kinematic and Calibration Models Using Internal/External Sensors or Constraints to Improve the Behavior of Spatial Parallel Mechanisms

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    This paper presents an overview of the literature on kinematic and calibration models of parallel mechanisms, the influence of sensors in the mechanism accuracy and parallel mechanisms used as sensors. The most relevant classifications to obtain and solve kinematic models and to identify geometric and non-geometric parameters in the calibration of parallel robots are discussed, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each method, presenting new trends and identifying unsolved problems. This overview tries to answer and show the solutions developed by the most up-to-date research to some of the most frequent questions that appear in the modelling of a parallel mechanism, such as how to measure, the number of sensors and necessary configurations, the type and influence of errors or the number of necessary parameters

    Development of a reusable top-level control architecture for a robotic manipulator

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    The capabilities of a robotic system are strongly constrained by the capabilities of its control software. The development of this software represents a substantial fraction of the development effort of the overall system, due in part to the difficulty of reusing software written for previous robotic applications. A reusable software control architecture therefore has enormous potential to expedite the development and reduce the cost of this development process. This thesis presents a component-based reusable architecture for the top-level control of a robotic manipulator, developed within the Open Robot Control Software (Orocos) framework. This framework enables the development of software components that are applicable to a variety of robotic manipulators. The software is implemented on an existing manipulator platform as a demonstration of basic functionality. Simulations are conducted to verify adaptability to other kinematic arrangements

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed are: (1) capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliances control; (5) evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) video simulation and edge detection; and (7) software simulation validation

    A neural network-based exploratory learning and motor planning system for co-robots

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    Collaborative robots, or co-robots, are semi-autonomous robotic agents designed to work alongside humans in shared workspaces. To be effective, co-robots require the ability to respond and adapt to dynamic scenarios encountered in natural environments. One way to achieve this is through exploratory learning, or "learning by doing," an unsupervised method in which co-robots are able to build an internal model for motor planning and coordination based on real-time sensory inputs. In this paper, we present an adaptive neural network-based system for co-robot control that employs exploratory learning to achieve the coordinated motor planning needed to navigate toward, reach for, and grasp distant objects. To validate this system we used the 11-degrees-of-freedom RoPro Calliope mobile robot. Through motor babbling of its wheels and arm, the Calliope learned how to relate visual and proprioceptive information to achieve hand-eye-body coordination. By continually evaluating sensory inputs and externally provided goal directives, the Calliope was then able to autonomously select the appropriate wheel and joint velocities needed to perform its assigned task, such as following a moving target or retrieving an indicated object

    Geometric Perspective on Kinematics and Singularities of Spatial Mechanisms

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    This doctoral dissertation deals with the kinematics and singularity analyses of serial and parallel manipulators with multiple working modes. The inverse kinematics of 6R architectures with non-spherical wrists were solved using simple geometric considerations; the problem was reduced to the solution of a trigonometric equation in one variable, the sixth joint angle. The direct kinematic analysis of the parallel manipulator, namely the Exechon, was conducted; it involves using a standard numerical tool to solve the system of equations in platform\u2019s angle variables. Both kinematics analyses took advantage of the standard numerical solver to obtain the solutions. The singularities of the Exechon were studied with the geometrical interpretation. By using the theory of reciprocal screws, the input-output velocity equations were introduced. This led to the investigation of the Jacobian matrices, which is an essential part when working with any manipulator. A method for obtaining the singularity loci and the numerical example was provided. The formulations presented in this dissertation are general and effective enough to be applicable for many other similar architectures

    Robot Manipulators

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    Robot manipulators are developing more in the direction of industrial robots than of human workers. Recently, the applications of robot manipulators are spreading their focus, for example Da Vinci as a medical robot, ASIMO as a humanoid robot and so on. There are many research topics within the field of robot manipulators, e.g. motion planning, cooperation with a human, and fusion with external sensors like vision, haptic and force, etc. Moreover, these include both technical problems in the industry and theoretical problems in the academic fields. This book is a collection of papers presenting the latest research issues from around the world

    Design and Modeling of Multi-Arm Continuum Robots

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    Continuum robots are snake-like systems able to deliver optimal therapies to pathologies deep inside the human cavity by following 3D complex paths. They show promise when anatomical pathways need to be traversed thanks to their enhanced flexibility and dexterity and show advantages when deployed in the field of single-port surgery. This PhD thesis concerns the development and modelling of multi-arm and hybrid continuum robots for medical interventions. The flexibility and steerability of the robot’s end-effector are achieved through concentric tube technology and push/pull technology. Medical robotic prototypes have been designed as proof of concepts and testbeds of the proposed theoretical works.System design considers the limitations and constraints that occur in the surgical procedures for which the systems were proposed for. Specifically, two surgical applications are considered. Our first prototype was designed to deliver multiple tools to the eye cavity for deep orbital interventions focusing on a currently invasive intervention named Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration (ONSF). This thesis presents the end-to-end design, engineering and modelling of the prototype. The developed prototype is the first suggested system to tackle the challenges (limited workspace, need for enhanced flexibility and dexterity, danger for harming tissue with rigid instruments, extensive manipulation of the eye) arising in ONSF. It was designed taking into account the clinical requirements and constraints while theoretical works employing the Cosserat rod theory predict the shape of the continuum end-effector. Experimental runs including ex vivo experimental evaluations, mock-up surgical scenarios and tests with and without loading conditions prove the concept of accessing the eye cavity. Moreover, a continuum robot for thoracic interventions employing push/pull technology was designed and manufactured. The developed system can reach deep seated pathologies in the lungs and access regions in the bronchial tree that are inaccessible with rigid and straight instruments either robotically or manually actuated. A geometrically exact model of the robot that considers both the geometry of the robot and mechanical properties of the backbones is presented. It can predict the shape of the bronchoscope without the constant curvature assumption. The proposed model can also predict the robot shape and micro-scale movements accurately in contrast to the classic geometric model which provides an accurate description of the robot’s differential kinematics for large scale movements