428 research outputs found

    Deeper Understanding of Tutorial Dialogues and Student Assessment

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    Bloom (1984) reported two standard deviation improvement with human tutoring which inspired many researchers to develop Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) that are as effective as human tutoring. However, recent studies suggest that the 2-sigma result was misleading and that current ITSs are as good as human tutors. Nevertheless, we can think of 2 standard deviations as the benchmark for tutoring effectiveness of ideal expert tutors. In the case of ITSs, there is still the possibility that ITSs could be better than humans.One way to improve the ITSs would be identifying, understanding, and then successfully implementing effective tutorial strategies that lead to learning gains. Another step towards improving the effectiveness of ITSs is an accurate assessment of student responses. However, evaluating student answers in tutorial dialogues is challenging. The student answers often refer to the entities in the previous dialogue turns and problem description. Therefore, the student answers should be evaluated by taking dialogue context into account. Moreover, the system should explain which parts of the student answer are correct and which are incorrect. Such explanation capability allows the ITSs to provide targeted feedback to help students reflect upon and correct their knowledge deficits. Furthermore, targeted feedback increases learners\u27 engagement, enabling them to persist in solving the instructional task at hand on their own. In this dissertation, we describe our approach to discover and understand effective tutorial strategies employed by effective human tutors while interacting with learners. We also present various approaches to automatically assess students\u27 contributions using general methods that we developed for semantic analysis of short texts. We explain our work using generic semantic similarity approaches to evaluate the semantic similarity between individual learner contributions and ideal answers provided by experts for target instructional tasks. We also describe our method to assess student performance based on tutorial dialogue context, accounting for linguistic phenomena such as ellipsis and pronouns. We then propose an approach to provide an explanatory capability for assessing student responses. Finally, we recommend a novel method based on concept maps for jointly evaluating and interpreting the correctness of student responses

    Intelligent multimedia indexing and retrieval through multi-source information extraction and merging

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    This paper reports work on automated meta-data\ud creation for multimedia content. The approach results\ud in the generation of a conceptual index of\ud the content which may then be searched via semantic\ud categories instead of keywords. The novelty\ud of the work is to exploit multiple sources of\ud information relating to video content (in this case\ud the rich range of sources covering important sports\ud events). News, commentaries and web reports covering\ud international football games in multiple languages\ud and multiple modalities is analysed and the\ud resultant data merged. This merging process leads\ud to increased accuracy relative to individual sources

    Concept Based Author Recommender System for CiteSeer

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    The information explosion in today's electronic world has created the need for information filtering techniques that help users filter out extraneous content to identify the right information they need to make important decisions. Recommender systems are one approach to this problem, based on presenting potential items of interest to a user rather than requiring the user to go looking for them. In this paper we propose a recommender system that recommends research papers of potential interest to the author from the CiteSeer database. For each author participating in the study, we create a user profile based on their previously published papers. Based on similarities between the user profile and profiles for documents in the collection, additional papers are recommended to the author. We introduce a novel way of representing the user profiles as tree of concepts and an algorithm for computing the similarity between the user profiles and document profiles using a tree-edit distance measure. Experiments with a group of volunteers show that our tree based algorithm provides better recommendations than a traditional vector-space model based technique

    Deep Neural Attention for Misinformation and Deception Detection

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    PhD thesis in Information technologyAt present the influence of social media on society is so much that without it life seems to have no meaning for many. This kind of over-reliance on social media gives an opportunity to the anarchic elements to take undue advantage. Online misinformation and deception are vivid examples of such phenomenon. The misinformation or fake news spreads faster and wider than the true news [32]. The need of the hour is to identify and curb the spread of misinformation and misleading content automatically at the earliest. Several machine learning models have been proposed by the researchers to detect and prevent misinformation and deceptive content. However, these prior works suffer from some limitations: First, they either use feature engineering heavy methods or use intricate deep neural architectures, which are not so transparent in terms of their internal working and decision making. Second, they do not incorporate and learn the available auxiliary and latent cues and patterns, which can be very useful in forming the adequate context for the misinformation. Third, Most of the former methods perform poorly in early detection accuracy measures because of their reliance on features that are usually absent at the initial stage of news or social media posts on social networks. In this dissertation, we propose suitable deep neural attention based solutions to overcome these limitations. For instance, we propose a claim verification model, which learns embddings for the latent aspects such as author and subject of the claim and domain of the external evidence document. This enables the model to learn important additional context other than the textual content. In addition, we also propose an algorithm to extract evidential snippets out of external evidence documents, which serves as explanation of the model’s decisions. Next, we improve this model by using improved claim driven attention mechanism and also generate a topically diverse and non-redundant multi-document fact-checking summary for the claims, which helps to further interpret the model’s decision making. Subsequently, we introduce a novel method to learn influence and affinity relationships among the social media users present on the propagation paths of the news items. By modeling the complex influence relationship among the users, in addition to textual content, we learn the significant patterns pertaining to the diffusion of the news item on social network. The evaluation shows that the proposed model outperforms the other related methods in early detection performance with significant gains. Next, we propose a synthetic headline generation based headline incongruence detection model. Which uses a word-to-word mutual attention based deep semantic matching between original and synthetic news headline to detect incongruence. Further, we investigate and define a new task of incongruence detection in presence of important cardinal values in headline. For this new task, we propose a part-of-speech pattern driven attention based method, which learns requisite context for cardinal values

    Memory-Based Grammatical Relation Finding

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    Rapport : a fact-based question answering system for portuguese

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    Question answering is one of the longest-standing problems in natural language processing. Although natural language interfaces for computer systems can be considered more common these days, the same still does not happen regarding access to specific textual information. Any full text search engine can easily retrieve documents containing user specified or closely related terms, however it is typically unable to answer user questions with small passages or short answers. The problem with question answering is that text is hard to process, due to its syntactic structure and, to a higher degree, to its semantic contents. At the sentence level, although the syntactic aspects of natural language have well known rules, the size and complexity of a sentence may make it difficult to analyze its structure. Furthermore, semantic aspects are still arduous to address, with text ambiguity being one of the hardest tasks to handle. There is also the need to correctly process the question in order to define its target, and then select and process the answers found in a text. Additionally, the selected text that may yield the answer to a given question must be further processed in order to present just a passage instead of the full text. These issues take also longer to address in languages other than English, as is the case of Portuguese, that have a lot less people working on them. This work focuses on question answering for Portuguese. In other words, our field of interest is in the presentation of short answers, passages, and possibly full sentences, but not whole documents, to questions formulated using natural language. For that purpose, we have developed a system, RAPPORT, built upon the use of open information extraction techniques for extracting triples, so called facts, characterizing information on text files, and then storing and using them for answering user queries done in natural language. These facts, in the form of subject, predicate and object, alongside other metadata, constitute the basis of the answers presented by the system. Facts work both by storing short and direct information found in a text, typically entity related information, and by containing in themselves the answers to the questions already in the form of small passages. As for the results, although there is margin for improvement, they are a tangible proof of the adequacy of our approach and its different modules for storing information and retrieving answers in question answering systems. In the process, in addition to contributing with a new approach to question answering for Portuguese, and validating the application of open information extraction to question answering, we have developed a set of tools that has been used in other natural language processing related works, such as is the case of a lemmatizer, LEMPORT, which was built from scratch, and has a high accuracy. Many of these tools result from the improvement of those found in the Apache OpenNLP toolkit, by pre-processing their input, post-processing their output, or both, and by training models for use in those tools or other, such as MaltParser. Other tools include the creation of interfaces for other resources containing, for example, synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, or the creation of lists of, for instance, relations between verbs and agents, using rules

    Natural language querying for video databases

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The video databases have become popular in various areas due to the recent advances in technology. Video archive systems need user-friendly interfaces to retrieve video frames. In this paper, a user interface based on natural language processing (NLP) to a video database system is described. The video database is based on a content-based spatio-temporal video data model. The data model is focused on the semantic content which includes objects, activities, and spatial properties of objects. Spatio-temporal relationships between video objects and also trajectories of moving objects can be queried with this data model. In this video database system, a natural language interface enables flexible querying. The queries, which are given as English sentences, are parsed using link parser. The semantic representations of the queries are extracted from their syntactic structures using information extraction techniques. The extracted semantic representations are used to call the related parts of the underlying video database system to return the results of the queries. Not only exact matches but similar objects and activities are also returned from the database with the help of the conceptual ontology module. This module is implemented using a distance-based method of semantic similarity search on the semantic domain-independent ontology, WordNet. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved