4,257 research outputs found

    Prognostics and health management of power electronics

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    Prognostics and health management (PHM) is a major tool enabling systems to evaluate their reliability in real-time operation. Despite ground-breaking advances in most engineering and scientific disciplines during the past decades, reliability engineering has not seen significant breakthroughs or noticeable advances. Therefore, self-awareness of the embedded system is also often required in the sense that the system should be able to assess its own health state and failure records, and those of its main components, and take action appropriately. This thesis presents a radically new prognostics approach to reliable system design that will revolutionise complex power electronic systems with robust prognostics capability enhanced Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) in applications where reliability is significantly challenging and critical. The IGBT is considered as one of the components that is mainly damaged in converters and experiences a number of failure mechanisms, such as bond wire lift off, die attached solder crack, loose gate control voltage, etc. The resulting effects mentioned are complex. For instance, solder crack growth results in increasing the IGBT’s thermal junction which becomes a source of heat turns to wire bond lift off. As a result, the indication of this failure can be seen often in increasing on-state resistance relating to the voltage drop between on-state collector-emitter. On the other hand, hot carrier injection is increased due to electrical stress. Additionally, IGBTs are components that mainly work under high stress, temperature and power consumptions due to the higher range of load that these devices need to switch. This accelerates the degradation mechanism in the power switches in discrete fashion till reaches failure state which fail after several hundred cycles. To this end, exploiting failure mechanism knowledge of IGBTs and identifying failure parameter indication are background information of developing failure model and prognostics algorithm to calculate remaining useful life (RUL) along with ±10% confidence bounds. A number of various prognostics models have been developed for forecasting time to failure of IGBTs and the performance of the presented estimation models has been evaluated based on two different evaluation metrics. The results show significant improvement in health monitoring capability for power switches.Furthermore, the reliability of the power switch was calculated and conducted to fully describe health state of the converter and reconfigure the control parameter using adaptive algorithm under degradation and load mission limitation. As a result, the life expectancy of devices has been increased. These all allow condition-monitoring facilities to minimise stress levels and predict future failure which greatly reduces the likelihood of power switch failures in the first place

    A framework for developing a prognostic model using partial discharge data from electrical trees

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    Insulation breakdown is a key failure mode of high voltage (HV) equipment, with progressive faults such as electrical treeing leading to potentially catastrophic failure. Electrical treeing proceeds from defects in solid insulation, and cables are particularly affected. Research has shown that diagnosis of the fault can be achieved based on partial discharge (PD) analysis. Nonetheless, after diagnosis of a defect, engineers need to know how long they have to take action. This requires prognosis of remaining insulation life. The progression of a defect is far less well understood than diagnosis, making prognosis a key challenge requiring new approaches to defect modelling. The practical deployment of prognostics for cable monitoring is not currently feasible, due to the lack of understanding of degradation mechanisms and limited data relating defect inception to plant failure. However, this thesis advances the academic state of the art, with an eye towards practical deployment in the future. The expected beneficiaries of this work are therefore researchers in the field of HV condition monitoring in general, and electrical treeing within cables in particular. This research work develops a prognostic model of insulation failure due to the electrical treeing phenomenon by utilising the associated PD data from previous experiment. Both phase-resolved and pulse sequence approaches were employed for PD features extraction. The performance of the PD features as prognostic parameters were evaluated using three metrics, monotonicity, prognosability and trendability. The analysis revealed that features from pulse sequence approach are better than phase-resolved approach in terms of monotonicity and prognosability. The key contributions to knowledge of this work are three-fold: the selection of the most appropriate prognostic parameter for PD in electrical trees, through thorough analysis of the behaviour of a number of candidate parameters; a prognostic modelling approach for this parameter based on curve-fitting; and a generalised framework for prognostic modelling using data-driven techniques.Insulation breakdown is a key failure mode of high voltage (HV) equipment, with progressive faults such as electrical treeing leading to potentially catastrophic failure. Electrical treeing proceeds from defects in solid insulation, and cables are particularly affected. Research has shown that diagnosis of the fault can be achieved based on partial discharge (PD) analysis. Nonetheless, after diagnosis of a defect, engineers need to know how long they have to take action. This requires prognosis of remaining insulation life. The progression of a defect is far less well understood than diagnosis, making prognosis a key challenge requiring new approaches to defect modelling. The practical deployment of prognostics for cable monitoring is not currently feasible, due to the lack of understanding of degradation mechanisms and limited data relating defect inception to plant failure. However, this thesis advances the academic state of the art, with an eye towards practical deployment in the future. The expected beneficiaries of this work are therefore researchers in the field of HV condition monitoring in general, and electrical treeing within cables in particular. This research work develops a prognostic model of insulation failure due to the electrical treeing phenomenon by utilising the associated PD data from previous experiment. Both phase-resolved and pulse sequence approaches were employed for PD features extraction. The performance of the PD features as prognostic parameters were evaluated using three metrics, monotonicity, prognosability and trendability. The analysis revealed that features from pulse sequence approach are better than phase-resolved approach in terms of monotonicity and prognosability. The key contributions to knowledge of this work are three-fold: the selection of the most appropriate prognostic parameter for PD in electrical trees, through thorough analysis of the behaviour of a number of candidate parameters; a prognostic modelling approach for this parameter based on curve-fitting; and a generalised framework for prognostic modelling using data-driven techniques

    Real-time Condition Monitoring and Asset Management of Oil- Immersed Power Transformers

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    This research pioneers a comprehensive asset management methodology utilizing solely online dissolved gas analysis. Integrating advanced AI algorithms, the model was trained and rigorously tested on real-world data, demonstrating its efficacy in optimizing asset performance and reliability

    Development of a quantitative health index and diagnostic method for efficient asset management of power transformers

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    Power transformers play a very important role in electrical power networks and are frequently operated longer than their expected design life. Therefore, to ensure their best operating performance in a transmission network, the fault condition of each transformer must be assessed regularly. For an accurate fault diagnosis, it is important to have maximum information about an individual transformer based on unbiased measurements. This can best be achieved using artificial intelligence (AI) that can systematically analyse the complex features of diagnostic measurements. Clustering techniques are a form of AI that is particularly well suited to fault diagnosis. To provide an assessment of transformers, a hybrid k-means algorithm, and probabilistic Parzen window estimation are used in this research. The clusters they form are representative of a single or multiple fault categories. The proposed technique computes the maximum probability of transformers in each cluster to determine their fault categories. The main focus of this research is to determine a quantitative health index (HI) to characterize the operating condition of transformers. Condition assessment tries to detect incipient faults before they become too serious, which requires a sensitive and quantified approach. Therefore, the HI needs to come from a proportionate system that can estimate health condition of transformers over time. To quantify this condition, the General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), a type of AI, has been chosen in this research. The GRNN works well with small sets of training data and avoids the needs to estimate large sets of model parameters, following a largely non-parametric approach. The methodology used here regards transformers as a collection of subsystems and summarizes their individual condition into a quantified HI based on the existing agreed benchmarks drawn from IEEE and CIGRE standards. To better calibrate the HI, it may be mapped to a failure probability estimate for each transformer over the coming year. Experimental results of the research show that the proposed methods are more effective than previously published approaches when diagnosing critical faults. Moreover, this novel HI approach can provide a comprehensive assessment of transformers based on the actual condition of their individual subsystems

    Development of a quantitative health index and diagnostic method for efficient asset management of power transformers

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    Power transformers play a very important role in electrical power networks and are frequently operated longer than their expected design life. Therefore, to ensure their best operating performance in a transmission network, the fault condition of each transformer must be assessed regularly. For an accurate fault diagnosis, it is important to have maximum information about an individual transformer based on unbiased measurements. This can best be achieved using artificial intelligence (AI) that can systematically analyse the complex features of diagnostic measurements. Clustering techniques are a form of AI that is particularly well suited to fault diagnosis. To provide an assessment of transformers, a hybrid k-means algorithm, and probabilistic Parzen window estimation are used in this research. The clusters they form are representative of a single or multiple fault categories. The proposed technique computes the maximum probability of transformers in each cluster to determine their fault categories. The main focus of this research is to determine a quantitative health index (HI) to characterize the operating condition of transformers. Condition assessment tries to detect incipient faults before they become too serious, which requires a sensitive and quantified approach. Therefore, the HI needs to come from a proportionate system that can estimate health condition of transformers over time. To quantify this condition, the General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), a type of AI, has been chosen in this research. The GRNN works well with small sets of training data and avoids the needs to estimate large sets of model parameters, following a largely non-parametric approach. The methodology used here regards transformers as a collection of subsystems and summarizes their individual condition into a quantified HI based on the existing agreed benchmarks drawn from IEEE and CIGRE standards. To better calibrate the HI, it may be mapped to a failure probability estimate for each transformer over the coming year. Experimental results of the research show that the proposed methods are more effective than previously published approaches when diagnosing critical faults. Moreover, this novel HI approach can provide a comprehensive assessment of transformers based on the actual condition of their individual subsystems

    Polymer damage mitigation--predictive lifetime models of polymer insulation degradation and biorenewable thermosets through cationic polymerization for self-healing applications

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    Over the past 50 years, the industrial development and applications for polymers and polymer composites has become expansive. However, as with any young technology, the techniques for predicting material damage and resolving material failure are in need of continued development and refinement. This thesis work takes two approaches to polymer damage mitigation--material lifetime prediction and spontaneous damage repair through self-healing while incorporating bio-renewable feedstock. First, material lifetime prediction offers the benefit of identifying and isolating material failures before the effects of damage results in catastrophic failure. Second, self-healing provides a systematic approach to repairing damaged polymer composites, specifically in applications where a hands-on approach or removing the part from service are not feasible. With regard to lifetime prediction, we investigated three specific polymeric materials--polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), poly(ethylene-alt-tetrafluoroethylene) (ETFE), and Kapton. All three have been utilized extensively in the aerospace field as a wire insulation coating. Because of the vast amount of electrical wiring used in aerospace constructions and the potential for electrical and thermal failure, this work develops mathematical models for both the thermal degradation kinetics as well as a lifetime prediction model for electrothermal breakdown. Isoconversional kinetic methods, which plot activation energy as a function of the extent of degradation, present insight into the development each kinetic model. The models for PTFE, ETFE, and Kapton are one step, consecutive three-step, and competitive and consecutive five-step respectively. Statistical analysis shows that an nth order autocatalytic reaction best defined the reaction kinetics for each polymer\u27s degradation. Self-healing polymers arrest crack propagation through the use of an imbedded adhesive that reacts when cracks form. This form of damage mitigation focuses on repairing damage before the damage causes a failure in the polymer\u27s function. In this work, the healing agent (adhesive) is developed using bio-renewable oils instead of solely relying on petroleum based feedstocks. Several bio-renewable thermosetting polymers were successfully prepared from tung oil through cationic polymerization for the use as the healing agent in self-healing microencapsulated applications. Modifications to both the monomers in the resin and the catalyst for polymerization were made and the subsequent changes to mechanical, thermal, and structural properties were identified. Furthermore, compressive lap shear testing was used to confirm that the adhesive properties would be beneficial for self-healing applications. Finally, scanning electron microscopy of the crack plane was used to study the fracture mechanism of the crack

    Product assurance technology for custom LSI/VLSI electronics

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    The technology for obtaining custom integrated circuits from CMOS-bulk silicon foundries using a universal set of layout rules is presented. The technical efforts were guided by the requirement to develop a 3 micron CMOS test chip for the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). This chip contains both analog and digital circuits. The development employed all the elements required to obtain custom circuits from silicon foundries, including circuit design, foundry interfacing, circuit test, and circuit qualification

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho

    Yield and Reliability Analysis for Nanoelectronics

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    As technology has continued to advance and more break-through emerge, semiconductor devices with dimensions in nanometers have entered into all spheres of our lives. Accordingly, high reliability and high yield are very much a central concern to guarantee the advancement and utilization of nanoelectronic products. However, there appear to be some major challenges related to nanoelectronics in regard to the field of reliability: identification of the failure mechanisms, enhancement of the low yields of nano products, and management of the scarcity and secrecy of available data [34]. Therefore, this dissertation investigates four issues related to the yield and reliability of nanoelectronics. Yield and reliability of nanoelectronics are affected by defects generated in the manufacturing processes. An automatic method using model-based clustering has been developed to detect the defect clusters and identify their patterns where the distribution of the clustered defects is modeled by a new mixture distribution of multivariate normal distributions and principal curves. The new mixture model is capable of modeling defect clusters with amorphous, curvilinear, and linear patterns. We evaluate the proposed method using both simulated and experimental data and promising results have been obtained. Yield is one of the most important performance indexes for measuring the success of nano fabrication and manufacturing. Accurate yield estimation and prediction is essential for evaluating productivity and estimating production cost. This research studies advanced yield modeling approaches which consider the spatial variations of defects or defect counts. Results from real wafer map data show that the new yield models provide significant improvement in yield estimation compared to the traditional Poisson model and negative binomial model. The ultra-thin SiO2 is a major factor limiting the scaling of semiconductor devices. High-k gate dielectric materials such as HfO2 will replace SiO2 in future generations of MOS devices. This study investigates the two-step breakdown mechanisms and breakdown sequences of double-layered high-k gate stacks by monitoring the relaxation of the dielectric films. The hazard rate is a widely used metric for measuring the reliability of electronic products. This dissertation studies the hazard rate function of gate dielectrics breakdown. A physically feasible failure time distribution is used to model the time-to-breakdown data and a Bayesian approach is adopted in the statistical analysis


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    Prognostics and systems health management technology is an enabling discipline of technologies and methods with the potential of solving reliability problems that have been manifested due to complexities in design, manufacturing, environmental and operational use conditions, and maintenance. Over the past decade, research has been conducted in PHM to provide benefits such as advance warning of failures, enable forecasted maintenance, improve system qualification, extend system life, and diagnose intermittent failures that can lead to field failure returns exhibiting no-fault-found symptoms. While there are various methods to perform prognostics, including model-based and data-driven methods, these methods have some key disadvantages. This thesis presents a fusion prognostics approach, which combines or ―fuses together‖ the model based and data-driven approaches, to enable increasingly better estimates of remaining useful life. A case study using an electronics system to illustrate a step by step implementation of the fusion approach is also presented. The various benefits of the fusion approach and suggestions for future work are included
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