176 research outputs found

    The Hub Location and Pricing Problem

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    This paper introduces the joint problem of locating hubs on a network and determining transportation prices between the hubs. Two levels of decision makers are present in the problem acting non-cooperatively: hub transportation provider and customers. The objective of the hub transportation provider is to locate hubs and to set the prices (per unit of commodity) of crossing the hub arcs maximizing its prot, whereas the customers aim is to send their commodities, in the cheapest way, having the possibility of using the hub arcs at the price set by the hub transportation provider or using the existing network at a predefinedtariff. The problem is modeled as a nonlinear bilevel programming formulation, which is in turn linearized, and strengthened through variable reductions as well as valid inequalities. The case in which the price of each hub arc is determined by applying a common discount factor to the predefined tariff in the existing network is also studied. Computational results of mixed integer programming models and a metaheuristic on instances adapted from the literature are presented

    A comparative performance analysis of intelligence-based algorithms for optimizing competitive facility location problems

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    Most companies operate to maximize profits and increase their market shares in competitive environments. Since the proper location of the facilities conditions their market shares and profits, the competitive facility location problem (CFLP) has been extensively applied in the literature. This problem generally falls within the class of NP-hard problems, which are difficult to solve. Therefore, choosing a proper solution method to optimize the problem is a key factor. Even though CFLPs have been consistently solved and investigated, an important question that keeps being neglected is how to choose an appropriate solution technique. Since there are no specific criteria for choosing a solution method, the reasons behind the selection approach are mostly unclear. These models are generally solved using several optimization techniques. As harder-to-solve problems are usually solved using meta-heuristics, we apply different meta-heuristic techniques to optimize a new version of the CFLP that incorporates reliability and congestion. We divide the algorithms into four categories based on the nature of the meta-heuristics: evolution-based, swarm intelligence-based, physics-based, and human-based. GAMS software is also applied to solve smaller-size CFLPs. The genetic algorithm and differential evolution of the first category, particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony optimization of the second, Tabu search and harmony search of the third, and simulated annealing and vibration damping optimization of the fourth are applied to solve our CFLP model. Statistical analyses are implemented to evaluate and compare their relative performances. The results show the algorithms of the first and third categories perform better than the others

    Hub location under competition

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    Hubs are consolidation and dissemination points in many-to-many flow networks. Hub location problem is to locate hubs among available nodes and allocate non-hub nodes to these hubs. The mainstream hub location studies focus on optimal decisions of one decision-maker with respect to some objective(s) even though the markets that benefit hubbing are oligopolies. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a competitive hub location problem where the market is assumed to be a duopoly. Two decision-makers (or firms) sequentially decide locations of their hubs and then customers choose one firm with respect to provided service levels. Each decision-maker aims to maximize his/her own market share. We propose two problems for the leader (former decision-maker) and follower (latter decision-maker): (r|Xp)hub-medianoid and (r|p)hub-centroid problems, respectively. Both problems are proven to be NP-complete. Linear programming models are presented for these problems as well as exact solution algorithms for the (r|p)hub-centroid problem. The performance of models and algorithms are tested by computational analysis conducted on CAB and TR data sets. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. and Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) within the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS). All rights reserved

    Exact solution of hub network design problems with profits

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    This paper studies hub network design problems with profits. They consider a profit-oriented objective that measure the tradeoff between the revenue due to served commodities and the overall network design and transportation costs. An exact algorithmic framework is proposed for two variants of this class of problems, where a sophisticated Lagrangian function that exploits the structure of the problems is used to efficiently obtain bounds at the nodes of an enumeration tree. In addition, reduction tests and partial enumerations are used to considerably reduce the size of the problems and thus help decrease the computational effort. Numerical results on a set of benchmark instances with up to 100 nodes confirm the efficiency of the proposed algorithmic framework. The proposed methodology can be used as a tool to solve more complex variants of this class of problems as well as other discrete location and network design problems involving servicing decisions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hub location with congestion and time-sensitive demand

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    This work studies the effect of hub congestion and time-sensitive demand on a hub-and-spoke location/allocation system. The Hub Location with Congestion and Time-sensitive Demand Problem is introduced, which combines these two main characteristics. On the one hand, hubs can be activated at several service levels, each of them characterized by a maximum capacity, expressed as the amount of flow that may circulate through the hub, which is associated with a hub transit time. On the other hand, alternative levels are available for served commodities, where each demand level is characterized by its amount of demand, unit revenue, and maximum service time. In this problem the efficiency of a hub-and-spoke system is given by the maximum net profit it may produce. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work where hub congestion and time-sensitive demand are jointly considered. Two alternative mixed-integer linear programming formulations are proposed. They include a new set of constraints, which are necessary to guarantee the consistency of the obtained solutions under the presence of the capacity-type constraints derived from hub service levels and served demand levels. The efficiency of the formulations is analyzed through a set of computational experiments. The results of the computational experiments allow to study the structure of the obtained solutions and to analyze how the different parameters affect them

    Profit Maximizing Hub Location Problems

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2018.05.016 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/In this paper, we study profit maximizing hub location problems. We formulate mathematical models determining the location of hubs, designing the hub networks, and routing the demand in order to maximize profit. The profit is calculated by summing the total revenue minus total cost. Total cost includes the total transportation cost, the installation cost of hubs, and the cost of operating hub links. We consider all possible allocation strategies: multiple allocation, single allocation, and r-allocation. As an extension, for each allocation strategy, we also model the cases in which direct connections between non-hub nodes are allowed. To test and evaluate the performances of the proposed models, we use two well-known data sets from the literature. We analyze the resulting hub networks under various different parameter settings.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada [RGPIN-2015-05548

    The Siting Of Multi-User Inland Intermodal Container Terminals In Transport Networks

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    Almost without exception, cargo movements by sea have their origins and destinations in the hinterlands and efficient land transport systems are required to support the transport of these cargo to and from the port. Furthermore, not all goods produced are exported or all goods consumed are imported. Those produced and consumed domestically also require efficient transport to move them from their production areas to areas of consumption. The use of trucks for these transport tasks and their disproportionate contribution to urban congestion and harmful emissions has led governments, transport and port authorities and other policy-makers to seek for more efficient and sustainable means of transport. A promising solution to these problems lies in the implementation of intermodal container terminals (IMTs) that interface with both road and rail or possibly inland waterway networks to promote the use of intermodal transport. This raises two important linked questions; where should IMTs be located and what will be their likely usage by individual shippers, each having a choice of whether or not to use the intermodal option. The multi-shipper feature of the problem and the existence of competing alternative modes means the demand for IMTs are outcome of many individual mode choice decisions and the prevailing cargo production and distribution patterns in the study area. This thesis introduces a novel framework underpinned by the principle of entropy maximisation to link mode choice decisions and variable cargo production and distribution problems with facility location problems. The overall model allows both decisions on facility location and usage to be driven by shipper preferences, following from the random utility interpretation of the discrete choice model. Several important properties of the proposed model are presented as propositions including the demonstration of the link between entropy maximisation and welfare maximisation. Exact and heuristic algorithms have been also developed to solve the overall problem. The computational efficiency, solution quality and properties of the heuristic algorithm are presented along with extensive numerical examples. Finally, the implementation of the model, illustration of key model features and use in practice are demonstrated through a case study

    A bi-level programming approach for the shipper-carrier network problem

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    The Stackelberg game betweenshippers and carriers in an intermodal network is formulated as a bi-levelprogram. In this network, shippers make production, consumption, androuting decisions while carriers make pricing and routing decisions.The oligopolistic carrier pricing and routing problem, which comprisesthe upper level of the bi-level program, is formulated either as a nonlinearconstrained optimization problem or as a variational inequality problem,depending on whether the oligopolistic carriers choose to collude orcompete with each other in their pricing decision. The shippers\u27 decisionbehavior is defined by the spatial price equilibrium principle. Forthe spatial price equilibrium problem, which is the lower level of thebi-level program, a variational inequality formulation is used to accountfor the asymmetric interactions between flows of different commoditytypes. A sensitivity analysis-based heuristic algorithm is proposedto solve the program. An example application of the bi-level programmingapproach analyzes the behavior of two marine terminal operators. Theterminal operators are considered to be under the same Port Authority.The bi-level programming approach is then used to evaluate the PortAuthority\u27s alternative investment strategies

    Multilevel decision-making: A survey

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    © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Multilevel decision-making techniques aim to deal with decentralized management problems that feature interactive decision entities distributed throughout a multiple level hierarchy. Significant efforts have been devoted to understanding the fundamental concepts and developing diverse solution algorithms associated with multilevel decision-making by researchers in areas of both mathematics/computer science and business areas. Researchers have emphasized the importance of developing a range of multilevel decision-making techniques to handle a wide variety of management and optimization problems in real-world applications, and have successfully gained experience in this area. It is thus vital that a high quality, instructive review of current trends should be conducted, not only of the theoretical research results but also the practical developments in multilevel decision-making in business. This paper systematically reviews up-to-date multilevel decision-making techniques and clusters related technique developments into four main categories: bi-level decision-making (including multi-objective and multi-follower situations), tri-level decision-making, fuzzy multilevel decision-making, and the applications of these techniques in different domains. By providing state-of-the-art knowledge, this survey will directly support researchers and practical professionals in their understanding of developments in theoretical research results and applications in relation to multilevel decision-making techniques