13,019 research outputs found

    Development and comparison of customized voice-assistant systems for independent living older adults

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    Voice-controlled in-home personal assistants have great potential to assist older adults. This thesis explores the aspects of human-computer interface design, specifically a voice assistant, to help older adults manage their personal health, especially in the case of chronic health conditions. In our previous work, we have built a web interface for caregivers to monitor older adults' health changes based on in-home sensor data from motion sensors, bed sensors, and depth sensors. Data collected from these sensors are stored in servers and processed using several algorithms to obtain health and activity parameters including gait, fall risk, detect fall, motion patterns, sleep, heart rate, and respiration rate, as well as to generate health alerts. The sensor system with automated health alerts and care coordination has been shown to help seniors maintain better functionality. In our current research project, we focus on developing a consumer interface for older adults and their designated trusted others that can provide health information on-demand, based on spoken queries. The health information is presented as both audio and visual displays and uses graphical visualizations and linguistic summaries of the sensor data trends and changes. The goal is to present data in a form that is simple to understand. To accomplish our objective of creating an easy-to-use-and-understand health data interface for older adults, we explore voice-controlled, in-home personal assistants as a solution. Two voice assistant platforms with displays were selected for implementation and testing, namely, the Amazon Echo Show and the Lenovo Smart Display with Google Assistant.by Shradha ShaliniIncludes bibliographical reference

    Crisis 2030: Aging at Risk

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    This thesis analyzes critical issues affecting the older adult population of the United States in the year 2030 and recommends policies needed to remedy them. In the first chapter, the thesis addresses the upcoming aging crisis of the baby boomer population, both in numbers and affordability. The second chapter further describes and analyzes the major problems affecting the baby boomer population. The third chapter examines how technology can provide a universal and friendly design for older adult users. Chapters four through seven illustrate four distinctive case studies of Baby Boomers living in the year 2030. The case studies provide resolutions to the issues presented in chapter two. The eighth chapter recommends an integrated set of policies dealing with technology, health care, and home care, which are emphasized in the case studies. In conclusion, the thesis argues for policy changes that should begin to be crafted today in order to be implemented and to achieve the future scenarios depicted in the case studies

    Universal design approach to analysis of physical environment for users with multiple sclerosis

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    The concept of Universal Design aims for the utilization of every product and environment for every individual without the need for further adaptation. The frequent occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in societies has necessitated a more innovative and exploratory approach to the field of design. Many of the products and built environments encountered by individuals with MS in their daily lives fall short in terms of meeting safety and accessibility needs. It is essential to establish the correct design approach so that users with MS can meet their needs easily and safely without depending on others. In this research, the problems encountered by users with MS in their residences were evaluated within the framework of Universal Design principles, and design recommendations were stated using a sample case in Turkey. Throughout the study, accessibility challenges, mobility, fatigue and balance problems, vision and lighting conditions, climatization and noise sensitivity, and psychological issues were primarily considered. The residence of the sample user with MS was examined in detail, and an in-depth interview was conducted during the research. The difficulties and life routines of the user with MS were observed and identified. Home design solutions associated with Universal Design principles were represented so that the users with MS have safe and accessible housing regarding their physiological and psychological conditions. The highlighted proposals may contribute to architectural design to make modifications for comfortable and safe housing in related cases having similar symptoms with MS. Future research can benefit from these findings and proposals to provide innovative approaches, develop policies, and conduct interdisciplinary studies on related design issues.Peer Reviewe

    The SHAPES Smart Mirror Approach for Independent Living, Healthy and Active Ageing

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    The benefits that technology can provide in terms of health and support for independent living are in many cases not enough to break the barriers that prevent older adults from accepting and embracing technology. This work proposes a hardware and software platform based on a smart mirror, which is equipped with a set of digital solutions whose main focus is to overcome older adults’ reluctance to use technology at home and wearable devices on the move. The system has been developed in the context of two use cases: the support of independent living for older individuals with neurodegenerative diseases and the promotion of physical rehabilitation activities at home. Aspects such as reliability, usability, consumption of computational resources, performance and accuracy of the proposed platform and digital solutions have been evaluated in the initial stages of the pilots within the SHAPES project, an EU-funded innovation action. It can be concluded that the SHAPES smart mirror has the potential to contribute as a technological breakthrough to overcome the barriers that prevent older adults from engaging in the use of assistive technologies.Los beneficios que la tecnología puede brindar en términos de salud y apoyo para la vida independiente en muchos casos no son suficientes para romper las barreras que impiden que los adultos mayores acepten y adopten la tecnología. Este trabajo propone una plataforma de hardware y software basada en un espejo inteligente, la cual está equipada con un conjunto de soluciones digitales cuyo enfoque principal es superar la reticencia de los adultos mayores a usar tecnología en el hogar y dispositivos portátiles en movimiento. El sistema se ha desarrollado en el contexto de dos casos de uso: el apoyo a la vida independiente de personas mayores con enfermedades neurodegenerativas y la promoción de actividades de rehabilitación física en el hogar. Aspectos como la fiabilidad, la usabilidad, el consumo de recursos informáticos, el rendimiento y la precisión de la plataforma y las soluciones digitales propuestas se han evaluado en las etapas iniciales de los pilotos del proyecto SHAPES, una acción de innovación financiada con fondos europeos. Se puede concluir que el espejo inteligente SHAPES tiene el potencial de contribuir como un avance tecnológico para superar las barreras que impiden que los adultos mayores se involucren en el uso de tecnologías de asistencia

    Development and Evaluation of an Assistive Prompting System for People with Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Cognitive deficits in executive functioning are among the most frequent sequelae after traumatic brain injury (TBI) at all levels of severity. Due to these functional deficits in cognition, individuals with TBI often experience difficulties in performing instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), especially those IADLs that involve a sequence of goal-directed actions. We obtained updated information on the use of assistive technology for cognition (ATC) through a survey study among twenty-nine participants with TBI. Results highlighted the needs to support the development and evaluation of ATC in assisting multi-step tasks. Cooking tasks were selected as a representative for they are cognitively demanding and have been identified essential for living independently. With the recent advance in sensing and smart home technologies, it’s possible to provide context-aware prompts with minimal user inputs. However, limited information is known regarding what types of context-aware prompts are really needed by people with TBI in completing cooking tasks. We compared the effectiveness and usability of current available prompting methods (e.g. paper-based prompting method and user-controlled method) among ten individuals with TBI in their home kitchens. We categorized the nature of problems faced by end-users with both prompting methods in cooking tasks and proposed relevant context-aware solutions. A test-bed Cueing Kitchen with sensing and prompting elements was developed to address these identified needs and to evaluate the feasibility of context-aware ATC interventions in assisting people with TBI with kitchen activities. Sixteen individuals with TBI participated in the study. Results showed that comparing to the conventional user-controlled method, the automatic method decreased the amount of external assistance required by participants, received higher ratings in perceived ease-of-use, and was helpful for decreasing user stress levels. However, the user-controlled method showed strengths in offering participants more flexibility and control on the timing of prompts. The contributions from this dissertation not only developed a context-aware prompting testbed and evaluated the feasibility of an automatic system, but also advanced the guidelines and potential solutions for future development of assistive prompting technology for people with cognitive impairments in sequential tasks