931 research outputs found

    De-ossifying the Internet Transport Layer : A Survey and Future Perspectives

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions and comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    BRUNET: Disruption-Tolerant TCP And Decentralized Wi-Fi For Small Systems Of Vehicles

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    Reliable wireless communication is essential for small systems of vehicles. However, for small-scale robotics projects where communication is not the primary goal, programmers frequently choose to use TCP with Wi-Fi because of their familiarity with the sockets API and the widespread availability of Wi-Fi hardware. However, neither of these technologies are suitable in their default configurations for highly mobile vehicles that experience frequent, extended disruptions. BRUNET (BRUNET Really Useful NETwork) provides a two-tier software solution that enhances the communication capabilities for Linux-based systems. An ad-hoc Wi-Fi network permits decentralized peer-to-peer and multi-hop connectivity without the need for dedicated network infrastructure. A background process adds disruption tolerance to specified TCP endpoints without any changes to existing software. This allows TCP connections to persist indefinitely over possibly multiple long network outages. Data sent by applications is automatically buffered and transmitted when network connectivity resumes

    Design and development of a software architecture for seamless vertical handover in mobile communications

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    In this work I firstly present an overview on current wireless technology and network mobility focusing on challenges and issues which arise when mobile nodes migrate among different access networks, while employing real-time communications and services. In literature many solutions propose different methods and architectures to enhance vertical handover, the process of transferring a network communication between two technologically different points of attachment. After an extensive review of such solutions this document describes my personal implementation of a fast vertical handover mechanism for Android smartphones. I also performed a reliability and performance comparison between the current Android system and my enhanced architecture which have both been tested in a scenario where vertical handover was taking place between WiFi and cellular network while the mobile node was using video streaming services. Results show the approach of my implementation to be promising, encouraging future works, some of which are suggested at the end of this dissertation together with concluding remarks

    Design and evaluation of protocols for wireless networks taking into account the interaction between transport and network layers.

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    We recognized two important shortcomings of the current TCP protocol: misinterpretation of delayed acknowledgments and competition among different TCP flows. In this dissertation, we propose to address these two issues by a use of novel protocol that uses immediate and delayed acknowledgment schemes and provides a coordination mechanism among independent TCP flows. We also address certain important issues that are related to the implementation of our proposed protocol: can we maintain the end-to-end semantics of TCP? Are there additional benefits that can be harvested if intermediate nodes with TCP protocol can be used? (Abstract shortened by UMI.)The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides end-to-end data reliability and is the primary transport layer protocol for many applications such as email, web access, and file transfer. There has been a plethora of research activity that aims to improve the performance of TCP both in wired and wireless networks. Protocols for the computer networks have been very structured and layered to allow for easier upgrades and maintenance. The network layer protocol (e.g. IP) is independent and below the transport layer protocol (e.g. TCP). Our main goal in this dissertation is to examine the interaction and dynamics between the network layer protocols and TCP in the wireless environment.Towards this goal, we examined the network layer protocols in one-hop wireless (e.g. cellular networks) and multi-hop wireless, e.g. distributed Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) networks. For each of these networks we, for the first time, propose transport layer protocols that take into account the interaction between the network layer and transport layer. For the one-hop wireless networks we have investigated analytical methods to determine the buffer requirements at base stations and estimate disruption time which is the time between two packet arrivals at the mobile host. We will show that the estimation of buffer requirements and disruption time is not only dependent on the wireless TCP scheme used, but also its interaction with the underlying network protocol. We also propose a comprehensive study of the effectiveness of wireless TCP and network protocols taking into account different networking environments that is decided on many factors such as mobility of senders and receivers, simplex and duplex communication among communicating peers, connection oriented and connection less communication at the network layer, rerouting schemes used after movement, and with and without hint handoff schemes

    Towards enabling cross-layer information sharing to improve today's content delivery systems

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    Content is omnipresent and without content the Internet would not be what it is today. End users consume content throughout the day, from checking the latest news on Twitter in the morning, to streaming music in the background (while working), to streaming movies or playing online games in the evening, and to using apps (e.g., sleep trackers) even while we sleep in the night. All of these different kinds of content have very specific and different requirements on a transport—on one end, online gaming often requires a low latency connection but needs little throughput, and, on the other, streaming a video requires high throughput, but it performs quite poorly under packet loss. Yet, all content is transferred opaquely over the same transport, adhering to a strict separation of network layers. Even a modern transport protocol such as Multi-Path TCP, which is capable of utilizing multiple paths, cannot take the (above) requirements or needs of that content into account for its path selection. In this work we challenge the layer separation and show that sharing information across the layers is beneficial for consuming web and video content. To this end, we created an event-based simulator for evaluating how applications can make informed decisions about which interfaces to use delivering different content based on a set of pre-defined policies that encode the (performance) requirements or needs of that content. Our policies achieve speedups of a factor of two in 20% of our cases, have benefits in more than 50%, and create no overhead in any of the cases. For video content we created a full streaming system that allows an even finer grained information sharing between the transport and the application. Our streaming system, called VOXEL, enables applications to select dynamically and on a frame granularity which video data to transfer based on the current network conditions. VOXEL drastically reduces video stalls in the 90th-percentile by up to 97% while not sacrificing the stream's visual fidelity. We confirmed our performance improvements in a real-user study where 84% of the participants clearly preferred watching videos streamed with VOXEL over the state-of-the-art.Inhalte sind allgegenwärtig und ohne Inhalte wäre das Internet nicht das, was es heute ist. Endbenutzer konsumieren Inhalte von früh bis spät - es beginnt am Morgen mit dem Lesen der neusten Nachrichten auf Twitter, dem online hören von Musik während der Arbeit, wird fortgeführt mit dem Schauen von Filmen über Online-Streaming Dienste oder dem spielen von Mehrspieler Online Spielen am Abend, und sogar dem, mit dem Internet synchronisierten, Überwachens des eigenen Schlafes in der Nacht. All diese verschiedenen Arten von Inhalten haben sehr spezifische und unterschiedliche Ansprüche an den Transport über das Internet - auf der einen Seite sind es Online Spiele, die eine sehr geringe Latenz, aber kaum Durchsatz benötigen, auf der Anderen gibt es Video-Streaming Dienste, die einen sehr hohen Datendurchsatz benötigen, aber, sehr nur schlecht mit Paketverlust umgehen können. Jedoch werden all diese Inhalte über den selben, undurchsichtigen, Transportweg übertragen, weil an eine strikte Unterteilung der Netzwerk- und Transportschicht festgehalten wird. Sogar ein modernes Übertragungsprotokoll wie MPTCP, welches es ermöglicht mehrere Netzwerkpfade zu nutzen, kann die (oben genannten) Anforderungen oder Bedürfnisse des Inhaltes, nicht für die Pfadselektierung, in Betracht ziehen. In dieser Arbeit fordern wir die Trennung der Schichten heraus und zeigen, dass ein Informationsaustausch zwischen den Netzwerkschichten von großem Vorteil für das Konsumieren von Webseiten und Video Inhalten sein kann. Hierzu haben wir einen Ereignisorientierten Simulator entwickelt, mit dem wir untersuchten wie Applikationen eine informierte Entscheidung darüber treffen können, welche Netzwerkschnittstellen für verschiedene Inhalte, basierend auf vordefinierten Regeln, welche die Leistungsvorgaben oder Bedürfnisse eines Inhalts kodieren, benutzt werden sollen. Unsere Regeln erreichen eine Verbesserung um einen Faktor von Zwei in 20% unserer Testfälle, haben einen Vorteil in mehr als 50% der Fälle und erzeugen in keinem Fall einen Mehraufwand. Für Video Inhalte haben wir ein komplettes Video-Streaming System entwickelt, welches einen noch feingranulareren Informationsaustausch zwischen der Applikation und des Transportes ermöglicht. Unser, VOXEL genanntes, System ermöglicht es Applikationen dynamisch und auf Videobild Granularität zu bestimmen welche Videodaten, entsprechend der aktuellen Netzwerksituation, übertragen werden sollen. VOXEL kann das stehenbleiben von Videos im 90%-Perzentil drastisch, um bis zu 97%, reduzieren, ohne dabei die visuelle Qualität des übertragenen Videos zu beeinträchtigen. Wir haben unsere Leistungsverbesserung in einer Studie mit echten Benutzern bestätigt, bei der 84% der Befragten es, im vergleich zum aktuellen Stand der Technik, klar bevorzugten Videos zu schauen, die über VOXEL übertragen wurden

    Applying DTN to Mobile Internet Access: a Case Study

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    Internetin mobiilikäyttö on yleistynyt voimakkaasti. Internet-protokollat on kuitenkin kehitetty kiinteän verkon viestintää varten ja niiden suorituskyky, erityisesti TCP:n, kärsii olosuhteissa, joissa kiinteää yhteyttä verkkoon ei ole saatavilla. EU-tutkimusprojekti nimeltä CHIANTI perustettiin tutkimaan mahdollisuutta paremman suorituskyvyn tarjoamiseksi mobiilikäyttäjille. Sen pyrkimyksenä on kehittää tietoliikenneratkaisu, jossa välityspalvelimet suojaavat käyttäjiä verkkoyhteyden katkoksilta. DTN on tietoliikennearkkitehtuuri joka on kehitetty viestinvälitykseen vaativissa olosuhteissa, esim. avaruusviestinnässä, ja mahdollistaa viestien välityksen pitkien viiveiden ja katkonaisten verkkoyhteyksien yli. Diplomityöni tarkoitus oli selvittää, voitaisiinko CHIANTI-projektin mukaiset välityspalvelimet toteuttaa hyödyntäen DTN-tutkimusryhmän kehittämää DTN-sovellusta. Työtä varten olen kehittänyt ja toteuttanut yksinkertaisen protokollan, jolla voidaan välittää HTTP-pääteyhteyksiä kahden DTN-solmun kautta. Protokollatoteutuksen avulla voidaan mitata DTN-toteutuksen suorityskykyä ja sitä kautta arvioida sen soveltuvuutta CHIANTI-projektin kannalta. Tätä varten mitattiin DTN-toteutuksen tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia sekä sen aiheuttamaa lisäviivettä HTTP-tiedostonsiirtoihin. Mittaustulokset osoittivat, että DTN-toteutus pystyy vain rajalliseen tiedonsiirtoon, suurin mitattu siirtonopeus oli vain noin 1,5 megatavua sekunnissa ja kaikissa tapauksissa DTN:n käyttö lisäsi yhteysviivettä yli 100 millisekunnilla. Tulosten valossa työssä todetaan, että tarkasteltu DTN-toteutus on hieman rajallinen suorituskyvyltään mutta silti käyttökelpoinen ja omaa potentiaalia jatkokehitykseen.Mobile use of Internet is increasing rapidly. Internet-protocols, in particular TCP, have been designed for operation with fixed connections and perform poorly in conditions of intermittent connectivity. CHIANTI is an EU-funded research project established to offer better performance for mobile Internet users. DTN is a communications architecture that has been developed to enable communications over long delays and intermittent connectivity, such as in space communications. The purpose of this work is to investigate applicability of the reference DTN implementation developed by the DTN Reseach Group to the needs and aims of CHIANTI. For this purpose I have developed a simple protocol to relay endpoint HTTP connections over a DTN link in order to be able to measure DTN performance and assess its usefulness for CHIANTI purposes. To this end, throughput capacity and delay caused by DTN are measured. Results of measurements indicate limited throughput performance of around 1.5 megabytes per second and over 100 millisecond additional delay to endpoint communications even in best cases. In light of attained results this work concludes that the DTN implementation used in this work has limited performance but could still prove useful, and has potential for further development

    The Use of Firewalls in an Academic Environment

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe next generation mobile network (i.e., 5G network) is expected to host emerging use cases that have a wide range of requirements; from Internet of Things (IoT) devices that prefer low-overhead and scalable network to remote machine operation or remote healthcare services that require reliable end-to-end communications. Improving scalability and reliability is among the most important challenges of designing the next generation mobile architecture. The current (4G) mobile core network heavily relies on hardware-based proprietary components. The core networks are expensive and therefore are available in limited locations in the country. This leads to a high end-to-end latency due to the long latency between base stations and the mobile core, and limitations in having innovations and an evolvable network. Moreover, at the protocol level the current mobile network architecture was designed for a limited number of smart-phones streaming a large amount of high quality traffic but not a massive number of low-capability devices sending small and sporadic traffic. This results in high-overhead control and data planes in the mobile core network that are not suitable for a massive number of future Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. In terms of reliability, network operators already deployed multiple monitoring sys- tems to detect service disruptions and fix problems when they occur. However, detecting all service disruptions is challenging. First, there is a complex relationship between the network status and user-perceived service experience. Second, service disruptions could happen because of reasons that are beyond the network itself. With technology advancements in Software-defined Network (SDN) and Network Func- tion Virtualization (NFV), the next generation mobile network is expected to be NFV-based and deployed on NFV platforms. However, in contrast to telecom-grade hardware with built-in redundancy, commodity off-the-shell (COTS) hardware in NFV platforms often can't be comparable in term of reliability. Availability of Telecom-grade mobile core network hardwares is typically 99.999% (i.e., "five-9s" availability) while most NFV platforms only guarantee "three-9s" availability - orders of magnitude less reliable. Therefore, an NFV-based mobile core network needs extra mechanisms to guarantee its availability. This Ph.D. dissertation focuses on using SDN/NFV, data analytics and distributed system techniques to enhance scalability and reliability of the next generation mobile core network. The dissertation makes the following contributions. First, it presents SMORE, a practical offloading architecture that reduces end-to-end latency and enables new functionalities in mobile networks. It then presents SIMECA, a light-weight and scalable mobile core network designed for a massive number of future IoT devices. Second, it presents ABSENCE, a passive service monitoring system using customer usage and data analytics to detect silent failures in an operational mobile network. Lastly, it presents ECHO, a distributed mobile core network architecture to improve availability of NFV-based mobile core network in public clouds

    Software Defined Application Delivery Networking

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    In this thesis we present the architecture, design, and prototype implementation details of AppFabric. AppFabric is a next generation application delivery platform for easily creating, managing and controlling massively distributed and very dynamic application deployments that may span multiple datacenters. Over the last few years, the need for more flexibility, finer control, and automatic management of large (and messy) datacenters has stimulated technologies for virtualizing the infrastructure components and placing them under software-based management and control; generically called Software-defined Infrastructure (SDI). However, current applications are not designed to leverage this dynamism and flexibility offered by SDI and they mostly depend on a mix of different techniques including manual configuration, specialized appliances (middleboxes), and (mostly) proprietary middleware solutions together with a team of extremely conscientious and talented system engineers to get their applications deployed and running. AppFabric, 1) automates the whole control and management stack of application deployment and delivery, 2) allows application architects to define logical workflows consisting of application servers, message-level middleboxes, packet-level middleboxes and network services (both, local and wide-area) composed over application-level routing policies, and 3) provides the abstraction of an application cloud that allows the application to dynamically (and automatically) expand and shrink its distributed footprint across multiple geographically distributed datacenters operated by different cloud providers. The architecture consists of a hierarchical control plane system called Lighthouse and a fully distributed data plane design (with no special hardware components such as service orchestrators, load balancers, message brokers, etc.) called OpenADN . The current implementation (under active development) consists of ~10000 lines of python and C code. AppFabric will allow applications to fully leverage the opportunities provided by modern virtualized Software-Defined Infrastructures. It will serve as the platform for deploying massively distributed, and extremely dynamic next generation application use-cases, including: Internet-of-Things/Cyber-Physical Systems: Through support for managing distributed gather-aggregate topologies common to most Internet-of-Things(IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS) use-cases. By their very nature, IoT and CPS use cases are massively distributed and have different levels of computation and storage requirements at different locations. Also, they have variable latency requirements for their different distributed sites. Some services, such as device controllers, in an Iot/CPS application workflow may need to gather, process and forward data under near-real time constraints and hence need to be as close to the device as possible. Other services may need more computation to process aggregated data to drive long term business intelligence functions. AppFabric has been designed to provide support for such very dynamic, highly diversified and massively distributed application use-cases. Network Function Virtualization: Through support for heterogeneous workflows, application-aware networking, and network-aware application deployments, AppFabric will enable new partnerships between Application Service Providers (ASPs) and Network Service Providers (NSPs). An application workflow in AppFabric may comprise of application services, packet and message-level middleboxes, and network transport services chained together over an application-level routing substrate. The Application-level routing substrate allows policy-based service chaining where the application may specify policies for routing their application traffic over different services based on application-level content or context. Virtual worlds/multiplayer games: Through support for creating, managing and controlling dynamic and distributed application clouds needed by these applications. AppFabric allows the application to easily specify policies to dynamically grow and shrink the application\u27s footprint over different geographical sites, on-demand. Mobile Apps: Through support for extremely diversified and very dynamic application contexts typical of such applications. Also, AppFabric provides support for automatically managing massively distributed service deployment and controlling application traffic based on application-level policies. This allows mobile applications to provide the best Quality-of-Experience to its users without This thesis is the first to handle and provide a complete solution for such a complex and relevant architectural problem that is expected to touch each of our lives by enabling exciting new application use-cases that are not possible today. Also, AppFabric is a non-proprietary platform that is expected to spawn lots of innovations both in the design of the platform itself and the features it provides to applications. AppFabric still needs many iterations, both in terms of design and implementation maturity. This thesis is not the end of journey for AppFabric but rather just the beginning