244 research outputs found

    A Flexible and Secure Deployment Framework for Distributed Applications

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    This paper describes an implemented system which is designed to support the deployment of applications offering distributed services, comprising a number of distributed components. This is achieved by creating high level placement and topology descriptions which drive tools that deploy applications consisting of components running on multiple hosts. The system addresses issues of heterogeneity by providing abstractions over host-specific attributes yielding a homogeneous run-time environment into which components may be deployed. The run-time environments provide secure binding mechanisms that permit deployed components to bind to stored data and services on the hosts on which they are running.Comment: 2nd International Working Conference on Component Deployment (CD 2004), Edinburgh, Scotlan

    Enabling Machine Understandable Exchange of Energy Consumption Information in Intelligent Domotic Environments

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    In the 21st century, all the major countries around the world are coming together to reduce the impact of energy generation and consumption on the global environment. Energy conservation and its efficient usage has become a top agenda on the desks of many governments. In the last decade, the drive to make homes automated and to deliver a better assisted living picked pace and the research into home automation systems accelerated, usually based on a centralized residential gateway. However most devised solutions fail to provide users with information about power consumption of different house appliances. The ability to collect power consumption information can lead us to have a more energy efficient society. The goal addressed in this paper is to enable residential gateways to provide the energy consumption information, in a machine understandable format, to support third party applications and services. To reach this goal, we propose a Semantic Energy Information Publishing Framework. The proposed framework publishes, for different appliances in the house, their power consumption information and other properties, in a machine understandable format. Appliance properties are exposed according to the existing semantic modeling supported by residential gateways, while instantaneous power consumption is modeled through a new modular Energy Profile ontolog

    Securing openHAB Smart Home Through User Authentication and Authorization

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    Asjade Internet ehk vĂ€rkvĂ”rk on dĂŒnaamiline ja heterogeenne keskkond, kus asjad koguvad erinevate ĂŒlesannete tĂ€itmiseks keskkonnast andmeid. VĂ€rkvĂ”rgu rakendusvaldkondades nagu nĂ€iteks tark kodu kasutatakse harilikult operatsioonide tĂ€itmisel kasutaja privaatandmeid. Kui sellised rakendused on turvamata vĂ”rkudele avatud, muutub turvalisus oluliseks probleemiks. OpenHAB on OSGi-pĂ”hine automatiseerimistarkvara, mis koondab kodukeskkonna seadmete andmeid. OpenHAB ei tee kasutajatele ligipÀÀsu reguleerimismehhanismide kasutamist kohustuslikuks ning sĂ”ltub seega tĂ€ielikult juhtmevaba vĂ”rgu turvalisusest. KĂ€esolevas lĂ”putöös uurisime ning arendasime JSON Web Token’i-pĂ”hist tĂ”endi autenturit Eclipse SmartHome platvormile, millel pĂ”hineb ka openHAB. TĂ”endi autentur on baasiks ligipÀÀsu reguleerimismehhanismile. Lisaks esitleme kasutatavat volitusmudelit, mis vĂ”imaldab hallata kasutajate ligipÀÀsuĂ”igusi asjadele. Saavutatud tulemused osutavad, et ligipÀÀsu reguleerimismehhanismide rakendamine servlet-ide ja REST ressursside jaoks openHABi arhitektuuris on teostatav.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a dynamic and heterogenous environment where Things gather data from the real world to perform various tasks. Applications in IoT, such as the smart home, typically use private data derived from its users for its operations. Security becomes a concern when these applications are exposed to insecure networks. OpenHAB is an OSGi-based automation software that integrates the data from devices at home. OpenHAB does not enforce any access control mechanism for its users, and depends solely on the security of the wireless network. In this work, we studied and implemented a JSON Web Token-based authenticator for Eclipse SmartHome, the core of openHAB, as a base for access control mechanisms. Furthermore, we propose a fine-grained, yet usable authorization model to manage access permissions to things among legitimate users. The results obtained show that it is feasible to enforce access control mechanisms for servlet and REST resources in the architecture of openHAB

    Adaptive Real Time IoT Stream Processing in Microservices Architecture

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    Resolving the Problem of Intelligent Learning Content in Learning Management Systems

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    Current e-learning standardization initiatives have put much effort into easing interoperability between systems and the reusability of contents. For this to be possible, one of the most relevant areas is the definition of a run-time environment, which allows Learning Management Systems to launch, track and communicate with learning objects. However, when dealing with intelligent content, these environments show important restrictions. In this article, we study these restrictions, comparing several standardized run-time environments with nonstandardized solutions that aim to overcome these constraints

    Service Oriented Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    abstract: The Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) framework is a standard of module system and service platform that implements a complete and dynamic component model. Currently most of OSGi implementations are implemented by Java, which has similarities of Android language. With the emergence of Android operating system, due to the similarities between Java and Android, the integration of module system and service platform from OSGi to Android system attracts more and more attention. How to make OSGi run in Android is a hot topic, further, how to find a mechanism to enable communication between OSGi and Android system is a more advanced area than simply making OSGi running in Android. This paper, which aimed to fulfill SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and CBA (Component Based Architecture), proposed a solution on integrating Felix OSGi platform with Android system in order to build up Distributed OSGi framework between mobile phones upon XMPP protocol. And in this paper, it not only successfully makes OSGi run on Android, but also invents a mechanism that makes a seamless collaboration between these two platforms.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Computer Science 201

    Ubiquitous Computing

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    The aim of this book is to give a treatment of the actively developed domain of Ubiquitous computing. Originally proposed by Mark D. Weiser, the concept of Ubiquitous computing enables a real-time global sensing, context-aware informational retrieval, multi-modal interaction with the user and enhanced visualization capabilities. In effect, Ubiquitous computing environments give extremely new and futuristic abilities to look at and interact with our habitat at any time and from anywhere. In that domain, researchers are confronted with many foundational, technological and engineering issues which were not known before. Detailed cross-disciplinary coverage of these issues is really needed today for further progress and widening of application range. This book collects twelve original works of researchers from eleven countries, which are clustered into four sections: Foundations, Security and Privacy, Integration and Middleware, Practical Applications

    CANE: A Controlled Application Environment for privacy protection in ITS

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    Many of the applications proposed for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) need to process and communicate detailed personal identifiable information. Examples are detailed location traces or unique identifiers for authentication towards paid services. Existing applications often run as monolithic black boxes inside users’ cars. Hence, users cannot verify that applications behave as expected. We propose CANE, an application sandboxing approach that enhances user control over privacy properties while, at the same time, supporting common application requirements. CANE makes privacy-relevant application properties explicit and allows their analysis and enforcement during application runtime. We evaluate CANE using a common ITS use case and demonstrate feasibility with a proof-of-concept implementation

    OSGiLarva : a monitoring framework supporting OSGi’s dynamicity

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    Service-Oriented Architecture is an approach where software systems are designed in terms of a composition of services. OSGi is a Service-Oriented Framework dedicated to 24/7 Java systems. In this Service-Oriented Programming approach, software is composed of services that may dynamically appear or disappear. In such a case, classical monitoring approaches with statically injected monitors into services cannot be used. In this paper, we describe ongoing work proposing a dynamic monitoring approach dedicated to local SOA systems, focusing particularly on OSGi. Firstly, we define two key properties of loosely coupled monitoring systems: dynamicity resilience and comprehensiveness. Next, we propose the OSGiLarva tool, which is a preliminary implementation targeted at the OSGi framework. Finally, we present some quantitative results showing that a dynamic monitor based on dynamic proxies and another based on aspect-oriented programming have equivalent performances.peer-reviewe
