6 research outputs found

    Security Improve in ZigBee Protocol Based on RSA Public Algorithm in WSN

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    ZigBee is consuming low energy and providing the protection in Wireless Sensor Networks. ZigBee pro is supporting most applications. In spite of improved the security, ZigBee pro weak in key administration. In this paper, we depend on Logistic Map Diffie Hellman (LMDH) and SubMAC for Wireless Sensor Networks by ZigBee. In addition, we will improve the security in ZigBee by using the Rivest-ShamirAdleman (RSA) algorithm instead of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). LMDH used for improved key administration schema (protect key distribution) and SubMAC used for providing authentication and prevented Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) and Replay attacks, LMHD did not provide this service, so we use SubMAC to overcome with this problem, and use RSA to improve the security by encrypting the network key and ensure that the connection is secure between the nodes and then we can send the data safely. And the results ensure: the proposed is extra effective when compare with ZigBee pro from where the execution time and power consumption, in addition, it proved that security is improving

    The Internet of Things: a security point of view.

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    Purpose-- To provide an in-depth overview of the security requirements and challenges for Internet of Things (IoT) and discuss security solutions for various enabling technologies and implications to various applications.Design/methodology/approach-- Security requirements and solutions are analyzed based on a four-layer framework of IoT on sensing layer, network layer, service layer, and application layer. The cross-layer threats are analyzed followed by the security discussion for the enabling technologies including identification and tracking technologies, WSN and RFID, communication, networks, and service management.Finding-- IoT calls for new security infrastructure based on the new technical standards. As a consequence, new security design for IoT shall pay attention to these new standards. Security at both the physical devices and service-applications is critical to the operation of IoT, which is indispensable for the success of IoT. Open problems remain in a number of areas, such as security and privacy protection, network protocols, standardisation, identity management, trusted architecture, etc.Practical implications-- The implications to various applications including SCADA, enterprise systems, social IoT are discussed. The paper will serve as a starting point for future IoT security design and management. The security strategies for IoT should be carefully designed by managing the trade-offs among security, privacy, and utility to provide security in multi-layer architecture of IoT.Originality/value-- The paper synthesizes the current security requirements for IoT and provides a clear framework of security infrastructure based on four layers. Accordingly, the security requirements and potential threats in the four-layer architecture are provided in terms of general devices security, communication security, network security, and application security

    Sensor to improve detection of line break or earth faults for Victorian answer lines

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    This project is an investigation into a possible fault detection system for SWER (single wire earth return) electrical distribution networks in Victoria that focuses on types of faults that are undetectable by conventional protection systems and have the ability to ignite fires. The paper considers why a new detection system is required and then how it could be practically implemented in a general sense. More detailed investigations then focus on communications, power harvesting and fault detection considerations. The devices are proposed to be distributed across SWER networks to enact a detection system. The paper focuses on the many conflicting requirements and subsequent compromises that any eventual design will need to overcome. It is found that electric field power harvesting from the Victorian SWER lines’ 12.7kV conductor can produce power outputs within the range required by standalone detection devices given fairly severe design constraints. Summaries and conclusions are drawn to a level where the project develops a clear methodology to go forward

    Utilization of wireless networks in energy production systems of critical infrastructure

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    Langaton tiedonsiirtoteknologia on eri muodoissaan olennainen osa nykyaikaista yhteiskuntaa. Langattomuuden tarjoamat edut ovat tuoneet nämä teknologiat myös osaksi teollisuusympäristöä esimerkiksi erilaisten langattomien anturiverkkojen (WSN, wireless sensor network) muodossa. Anturiverkkojen lisäksi langatonta tiedonsiirtoa voi olla mahdollista hyödyntää tarjoamaan helppo pääsy kentältä teollisuuslaitosta ohjaaviin järjestelmiin käyttäen WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)-tekniikkaa. Tässä työssä on tavoitteena selvittää, kuinka langatonta tiedonsiirtoa voitaisiin hyödyntää huoltovarmuuskriittisessä voimalaitosympäristössä ja minkälaisia vaatimuksia kyseinen ympäristö asettaa tekniikalle. Oleellisimmat vaatimukset liittyvät tiedonsiirron tekniseen toimivuuteen, langattomien järjestelmien tietoturvallisuuteen sekä käytettävyyteen. Työssä perehdytään ensin hieman IEEE 802.11- ja IEEE 802.15.4-standardeihin pohjautuvien verkkojen toimintaan ja selvitetään mitä mahdollisia etuja ja ongelmia langattomat verkot voivat tuoda voimalaitoskäyttöön. Lisäksi esitellään muutamia mahdollisia sovelluksia langattomille verkoille perustuen edellä mainittuihin standardeihin. Työn puitteissa tehdään myös mittauksia voimalaitosympäristössä käyttäen WLAN-laitteita. Näillä mittauksilla on tarkoitus selvittää tiedonsiirron toimivuus haastavassa ympäristössä sekä 2,4GHz- että 5GHz-taajuusalueilla. Mittausten perusteella pyritään selvittämään, onko langaton tiedonsiirto ylipäätään teknisesti hyödynnettävissä voimalaitoksella.Different types of wireless networks are an integral part of life in a modern society. The potential benefits of wireless communication have brought these technologies to the industrial environment for example in the form of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)-connection could also be used to provide a wireless connection to industrial control systems from the field. The goal of this thesis is to identify possible uses for wireless networks in a power plant that is part of the nation’s critical infrastructure. The aim is also to identify any special requirements that this environment might pose for the utilization of wireless networks, technical or otherwise. The most important requirements are associated with the technical reliability of wireless data transfer, security and usability. This thesis takes a look at the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 standards and the possible benefits and problems associated with utilization of wireless networks. Also some possible applications for wireless networks based on these standards are presented. Measurements in the field are also conducted using WLAN-devices on the 2,4GHz and 5GHz-bands. The aim of these measurements is test the functioning of wireless data transfer in a challenging environment and to determine overall feasibility of using wireless networks in a power plant environment

    Estudo de segurança nos principais protocolos da Internet das Coisas

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2016.A partir de uma observação introdutória das questões atuais de segurança e privacidade na Internet das Coisas (IdC), os principais protocolos que compõem este paradigma são estudados, tendo-se em vista seus mecanismos de segurança e vulnerabilidades. O estudo traz, portanto, uma revisão de tais protocolos, propiciando uma análise do estado atual da segurança dos mesmos, que é, ao final, resumido em tabelas explicativas. Espera-se futuramente que o estudo siga atualizado com novos relatos de vulnerabilidades e com mais protocolos que possuam relevância, de modo a mantê-lo como referência por indivíduos envolvidos com o desenvolvimento da IdC.From an introductory observation of the central security and privacy issues in the Internet of Things, the main protocols in this paradigm are studied, taking in consideration their security mechanisms and vulnerabilities. The study continues with a revision of such protocols, providing a brief analysis of each protocol’s state in terms of security and, at the end, a summary of what was presented in explanatory tables. In the future, the study shall be updated with new reported vulnerabilities and other protocols that might acquire relevance in the IoT scenario, in such a way that the produced material remains updated as a reference for those involved with IoT

    Supervisory Wireless Control for Critical Industrial Applications

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