962 research outputs found

    Machine-Vision Aids for Improved Flight Operations

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    The development of machine vision based pilot aids to help reduce night approach and landing accidents is explored. The techniques developed are motivated by the desire to use the available information sources for navigation such as the airport lighting layout, attitude sensors and Global Positioning System to derive more precise aircraft position and orientation information. The fact that airport lighting geometry is known and that images of airport lighting can be acquired by the camera, has lead to the synthesis of machine vision based algorithms for runway relative aircraft position and orientation estimation. The main contribution of this research is the synthesis of seven navigation algorithms based on two broad families of solutions. The first family of solution methods consists of techniques that reconstruct the airport lighting layout from the camera image and then estimate the aircraft position components by comparing the reconstructed lighting layout geometry with the known model of the airport lighting layout geometry. The second family of methods comprises techniques that synthesize the image of the airport lighting layout using a camera model and estimate the aircraft position and orientation by comparing this image with the actual image of the airport lighting acquired by the camera. Algorithms 1 through 4 belong to the first family of solutions while Algorithms 5 through 7 belong to the second family of solutions. Algorithms 1 and 2 are parameter optimization methods, Algorithms 3 and 4 are feature correspondence methods and Algorithms 5 through 7 are Kalman filter centered algorithms. Results of computer simulation are presented to demonstrate the performance of all the seven algorithms developed

    Scene segmentation using similarity, motion and depth based cues

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    Segmentation of complex scenes to aid surveillance is still considered an open research problem. In this thesis a computational model (CM) has been developed to classify a scene into foreground, moving-shadow and background regions. It has been demonstrated how the CM, with the optional use of a channel ratio test, can be applied to demarcate foreground shadow regions in indoor scenes illuminated by a fixed incandescent source of light. A combined approach, involving the CM working in tandem with a traditional motion cue based segmentation method, has also been constructed. In the combined approach, the CM is applied to segregate the foreground shaded regions in a current frame based on a binary mask generated using a standard background subtraction process (BSP). Various popular outlier detection strategies have been investigated to assess their suitabilities in generating a threshold automatically, required to develop a binary mask from a difference frame, the outcome of the BSP. To evaluate the full scope of the pixel labeling capabilities of the CM and to estimate the associated time constraints, the model is deployed for foreground scene segmentation in recorded real-life video streams. The observations made validate the satisfactory performance of the model in most cases. In the second part of the thesis depth based cues have been exploited to perform the task of foreground scene segmentation. An active structured light based depthestimating arrangement has been modeled in the thesis; the choice of modeling an active system over a passive stereovision one has been made to alleviate some of the difficulties associated with the classical correspondence problem. The model developed not only facilitates use of the set-up but also makes possible a method to increase the working volume of the system without explicitly encoding the projected structured pattern. Finally, it is explained how scene segmentation can be accomplished based solely on the structured pattern disparity information, without generating explicit depthmaps. To de-noise the difference frames, generated using the developed method, two median filtering schemes have been implemented. The working of one of the schemes is advocated for practical use and is described in terms of discrete morphological operators, thus facilitating hardware realisation of the method to speed-up the de-noising process

    Automated Find Fix and Track with a Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remotely Piloted Aircraft

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    A limitation in RPA ISR operations is loss of target track if the command link is severed. For an RPA to effectively execute the ISR mission without a command link, it needs the capability to F2T targets autonomously. Automated Find Fix and Track (AFFTRAC) was developed to help solve this problem by demonstrating a proof of concept tactical autopilot. Monocular stereo vision was used to process sequential images acquired during orbit to produce a partial structural point cloud of the original structure. This partial structural point cloud was then exploited to create a holding area density for the aircraft to stay within. A simple greedy algorithm exploited this holding area density to produce aircraft turn commands to approximate tactical ISR holding. The result was that imagery from existing MQ-9 sensors was used to provide command guidance to autonomously to maintain line of sight to a target. Overall, AFFTRAC is a promising initial framework for a tactical autopilot, but additional development is needed to mature component algorithms

    Surface Deformation Potentials on Meshes for Computer Graphics and Visualization

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    Shape deformation models have been used in computer graphics primarily to describe the dynamics of physical deformations like cloth draping, collisions of elastic bodies, fracture, or animation of hair. Less frequent is their application to problems not directly related to a physical process. In this thesis we apply deformations to three problems in computer graphics that do not correspond to physical deformations. To this end, we generalize the physical model by modifying the energy potential. Originally, the energy potential amounts to the physical work needed to deform a body from its rest state into a given configuration and relates material strain to internal restoring forces that act to restore the original shape. For each of the three problems considered, this potential is adapted to reflect an application specific notion of shape. Under the influence of further constraints, our generalized deformation results in shapes that balance preservation of certain shape properties and application specific objectives similar to physical equilibrium states. The applications discussed in this thesis are surface parameterization, interactive shape editing and automatic design of panorama maps. For surface parameterization, we interpret parameterizations over a planar domain as deformations from a flat initial configuration onto a given surface. In this setting, we review existing parameterization methods by analyzing properties of their potential functions and derive potentials accounting for distortion of geometric properties. Interactive shape editing allows an untrained user to modify complex surfaces, be simply grabbing and moving parts of interest. A deformation model interactively extrapolates the transformation from those parts to the rest of the surface. This thesis proposes a differential shape representation for triangle meshes leading to a potential that can be optimized interactively with a simple, tailored algorithm. Although the potential is not physically accurate, it results in intuitive deformation behavior and can be parameterized to account for different material properties. Panorama maps are blends between landscape illustrations and geographic maps that are traditionally painted by an artist to convey geographic surveyknowledge on public places like ski resorts or national parks. While panorama maps are not drawn to scale, the shown landscape remains recognizable and the observer can easily recover details necessary for self location and orientation. At the same time, important features as trails or ski slopes appear not occluded and well visible. This thesis proposes the first automatic panorama generation method. Its basis is again a surface deformation, that establishes the necessary compromise between shape preservation and feature visibility.Potentiale zur Flächendeformation auf Dreiecksnetzen für Anwendungen in der Computergrafik und Visualisierung Deformationsmodelle werden in der Computergrafik bislang hauptsächlich eingesetzt, um die Dynamik physikalischer Deformationsprozesse zu modellieren. Gängige Beispiele sind Bekleidungssimulationen, Kollisionen elastischer Körper oder Animation von Haaren und Frisuren. Deutlich seltener ist ihre Anwendung auf Probleme, die nicht direkt physikalischen Prozessen entsprechen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Deformationsmodelle auf drei Probleme der Computergrafik angewandt, die nicht unmittelbar einem physikalischen Deformationsprozess entsprechen. Zu diesem Zweck wird das physikalische Modell durch eine passende Änderung der potentiellen Energie verallgemeinert. Die potentielle Energie entspricht normalerweise der physikalischen Arbeit, die aufgewendet werden muss, um einen Körper aus dem Ruhezustand in eine bestimmte Konfiguration zu verformen. Darüber hinaus setzt sie die aktuelle Verformung in Beziehung zu internen Spannungskräften, die wirken um die ursprüngliche Form wiederherzustellen. In dieser Arbeit passen wir für jedes der drei betrachteten Problemfelder die potentielle Energie jeweils so an, dass sie eine anwendungsspezifische Definition von Form widerspiegelt. Unter dem Einfluss weiterer Randbedingungen führt die so verallgemeinerte Deformation zu einer Fläche, die eine Balance zwischen der Erhaltung gewisser Formeigenschaften und Zielvorgaben der Anwendung findet. Diese Balance entspricht dem Equilibrium einer physikalischen Deformation. Die drei in dieser Arbeit diskutierten Anwendungen sind Oberflächenparameterisierung, interaktives Bearbeiten von Flächen und das vollautomatische Erzeugen von Panoramakarten im Stile von Heinrich Berann. Zur Oberflächenparameterisierung interpretieren wir Parameterisierungen über einem flachen Parametergebiet als Deformationen, die ein ursprünglich ebenes Flächenstück in eine gegebene Oberfläche verformen. Innerhalb dieses Szenarios vergleichen wir dann existierende Methoden zur planaren Parameterisierung, indem wir die resultierenden potentiellen Energien analysieren, und leiten weitere Potentiale her, die die Störung geometrischer Eigenschaften wie Fläche und Winkel erfassen. Verfahren zur interaktiven Flächenbearbeitung ermöglichen schnelle und intuitive Änderungen an einer komplexen Oberfläche. Dazu wählt der Benutzer Teile der Fläche und bewegt diese durch den Raum. Ein Deformationsmodell extrapoliert interaktiv die Transformation der gewählten Teile auf die restliche Fläche. Diese Arbeit stellt eine neue differentielle Flächenrepräsentation für diskrete Flächen vor, die zu einem einfach und interaktiv zu optimierendem Potential führt. Obwohl das vorgeschlagene Potential nicht physikalisch korrekt ist, sind die resultierenden Deformationen intuitiv. Mittels eines Parameters lassen sich außerdem bestimmte Materialeigenschaften einstellen. Panoramakarten im Stile von Heinrich Berann sind eine Verschmelzung von Landschaftsillustration und geographischer Karte. Traditionell werden sie so von Hand gezeichnet, dass bestimmt Merkmale wie beispielsweise Skipisten oder Wanderwege in einem Gebiet unverdeckt und gut sichtbar bleiben, was große Kunstfertigkeit verlangt. Obwohl diese Art der Darstellung nicht maßstabsgetreu ist, sind Abweichungen auf den ersten Blick meistens nicht zu erkennen. Dadurch kann der Betrachter markante Details schnell wiederfinden und sich so innerhalb des Gebietes orientieren. Diese Arbeit stellt das erste, vollautomatische Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Panoramakarten vor. Grundlage ist wiederum eine verallgemeinerte Oberflächendeformation, die sowohl auf Formerhaltung als auch auf die Sichtbarkeit vorgegebener geographischer Merkmale abzielt

    NASA patent abstracts bibliography: A continuing bibliography. Section 1: Abstracts (supplement 43)

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    Abstracts are provided for 128 patents and patent applications entered into the NASA scientific and technical information system during the period Jan. 1993 through Jun. 1993. Each entry consists of a citation, an abstract, and in most cases, a key illustration selected from the patent or patent application

    Fault-Tolerant Vision for Vehicle Guidance in Agriculture

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    Visual Perception For Robotic Spatial Understanding

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    Humans understand the world through vision without much effort. We perceive the structure, objects, and people in the environment and pay little direct attention to most of it, until it becomes useful. Intelligent systems, especially mobile robots, have no such biologically engineered vision mechanism to take for granted. In contrast, we must devise algorithmic methods of taking raw sensor data and converting it to something useful very quickly. Vision is such a necessary part of building a robot or any intelligent system that is meant to interact with the world that it is somewhat surprising we don\u27t have off-the-shelf libraries for this capability. Why is this? The simple answer is that the problem is extremely difficult. There has been progress, but the current state of the art is impressive and depressing at the same time. We now have neural networks that can recognize many objects in 2D images, in some cases performing better than a human. Some algorithms can also provide bounding boxes or pixel-level masks to localize the object. We have visual odometry and mapping algorithms that can build reasonably detailed maps over long distances with the right hardware and conditions. On the other hand, we have robots with many sensors and no efficient way to compute their relative extrinsic poses for integrating the data in a single frame. The same networks that produce good object segmentations and labels in a controlled benchmark still miss obvious objects in the real world and have no mechanism for learning on the fly while the robot is exploring. Finally, while we can detect pose for very specific objects, we don\u27t yet have a mechanism that detects pose that generalizes well over categories or that can describe new objects efficiently. We contribute algorithms in four of the areas mentioned above. First, we describe a practical and effective system for calibrating many sensors on a robot with up to 3 different modalities. Second, we present our approach to visual odometry and mapping that exploits the unique capabilities of RGB-D sensors to efficiently build detailed representations of an environment. Third, we describe a 3-D over-segmentation technique that utilizes the models and ego-motion output in the previous step to generate temporally consistent segmentations with camera motion. Finally, we develop a synthesized dataset of chair objects with part labels and investigate the influence of parts on RGB-D based object pose recognition using a novel network architecture we call PartNet

    Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability

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    International audienceComputational anatomy is an emerging discipline at the interface of geometry, statistics and image analysis which aims at modeling and analyzing the biological shape of tissues and organs. The goal is to estimate representative organ anatomies across diseases, populations, species or ages, to model the organ development across time (growth or aging), to establish their variability, and to correlate this variability information with other functional, genetic or structural information. The Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA) workshop aims at fostering the interactions between the mathematical community around shapes and the MICCAI community in view of computational anatomy applications. It targets more particularly researchers investigating the combination of statistical and geometrical aspects in the modeling of the variability of biological shapes. The workshop is a forum for the exchange of the theoretical ideas and aims at being a source of inspiration for new methodological developments in computational anatomy. A special emphasis is put on theoretical developments, applications and results being welcomed as illustrations. Following the successful rst edition of this workshop in 20061 and second edition in New-York in 20082, the third edition was held in Toronto on September 22 20113. Contributions were solicited in Riemannian and group theoretical methods, geometric measurements of the anatomy, advanced statistics on deformations and shapes, metrics for computational anatomy, statistics of surfaces, modeling of growth and longitudinal shape changes. 22 submissions were reviewed by three members of the program committee. To guaranty a high level program, 11 papers only were selected for oral presentation in 4 sessions. Two of these sessions regroups classical themes of the workshop: statistics on manifolds and diff eomorphisms for surface or longitudinal registration. One session gathers papers exploring new mathematical structures beyond Riemannian geometry while the last oral session deals with the emerging theme of statistics on graphs and trees. Finally, a poster session of 5 papers addresses more application oriented works on computational anatomy

    A survey of the application of soft computing to investment and financial trading

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