6,785 research outputs found

    Analysis of Log File Data to Understand Mobile Service Context and Usage Patterns

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    Several mobile acceptance models exist today that focus on user interface handling and usage frequency evaluation. Since mobile applications reach much deeper into everyday life, it is however important to better consider user behaviour for the service evaluation. In this paper we introduce the Behaviour Assessment Model (BAM), which is designed to gaining insights about how well services enable, enhance and replace human activities. More specifically, the basic columns of the evaluation framework concentrate on (1) service actuation in relation to the current user context, (2) the balance between service usage effort and benefit, and (3) the degree to which community knowledge can be exploited. The evaluation is guided by a process model that specifies individual steps of data capturing, aggregation, and final assessment. The BAM helps to gain stronger insights regarding characteristic usage hotspots, frequent usage patterns, and leveraging of networking effects showing more realistically the strengths and weaknesses of mobile services

    Three-dimensional conversation : the shift to a public, asynchronous and persistent exchange in Malta

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    An observation of the evolution of the marketing messages of Telecommunications Company Vodafone between 2007 and 2013 sheds light on the significant changes that occurred in the communications arena throughout this period. The shift is not a hypothetical one; it is real and reflected in the shifting usage profiles of millions of mobile users. Moreover the shift is not limited to the changes in the technology which enables mediated conversation. Reference is made to existing literature to define the activity under study, understand the historical context of conversation, both in the mobile and online space, measure the present shifts and explore how findings can contribute to a better understanding of the future. In the context of the existing body of work and the significant changes that occurred over the past years, the research aims to propose a new model of conversation in response to the chosen research question, which asks, “how is conversation evolving as a result of take up of new media in Malta?“ A two‐step approach is adopted. The first research stream makes use of a data set of usage logs of a sample of smartphone adopters on the Vodafone network. A comparison of the usage logs before and after adoption is used to shed light on the influence of the device on the users’ conversations. The analysis is supported with two secondary experiments, one relating to the usage of mobile Internet on specific days during the year and the other extending the experiment to everyday conversation on Facebook. The second research stream consists of a review of the new media landscape with a specific focus on key themes. The findings are used to corroborate a model of shifting conversation. The model proposes that conversation is captured in three dimensions - a shift from synchronous to asynchronous conversation, from private to public and from transient to persistent exchanges

    Crowd-sensing our Smart Cities: a Platform for Noise Monitoring and Acoustic Urban Planning

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    Environmental pollution and the corresponding control measurements put in place to tackle it play a significant role in determining the actual quality of life in modern cities. Amongst the several pollutant that have to be faced on a daily basis, urban noise represent one of the most widely known for its already ascertained health-related issues. However, no systematic noise management and control activities are performed in the majority of European cities due to a series of limiting factors (e.g., expensive monitoring equipment, few available technician, scarce awareness of the problem in city managers). The recent advances in the Smart City model, which is being progressively adopted in many cities, nowadays offer multiple possibilities to improve the effectiveness in this area. The Mobile Crowd Sensing paradigm allows collecting data streams from smartphone built-in sensors on large geographical scales at no cost and without involving expert data captors, provided that an adequate IT infrastructure has been implemented to manage properly the gathered measurements. In this paper, we present an improved version of a MCS-based platform, named City Soundscape, which allows exploiting any Android-based device as a portable acoustic monitoring station and that offers city managers an effective and straightforward tool for planning Noise Reduction Interventions (NRIs) within their cities. The platform also now offers a new logical microservices architecture

    Enhanced connectivity in wireless mobile programmable networks

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    Mención Interancional en el título de doctorThe architecture of current operator infrastructures is being challenged by the non-stop growing demand of data hungry services appearing every day. While currently deployed operator networks have been able to cope with traffic demands so far, the architectures for the 5th generation of mobile networks (5G) are expected to support unprecedented traffic loads while decreasing costs associated with the network deployment and operations. Indeed, the forthcoming set of 5G standards will bring programmability and flexibility to levels never seen before. This has required introducing changes in the architecture of mobile networks, enabling different features such as the split of control and data planes, as required to support rapid programming of heterogeneous data planes. Network softwarisation is hence seen as a key enabler to cope with such network evolution, as it permits controlling all networking functions through (re)programming, thus providing higher flexibility to meet heterogeneous requirements while keeping deployment and operational costs low. A great diversity in terms of traffic patterns, multi-tenancy, heterogeneous and stringent traffic requirements is therefore expected in 5G networks. Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) have emerged as a basic tool-set for operators to manage their infrastructure with increased flexibility and reduced costs. As a result, new 5G services can now be envisioned and quickly programmed and provisioned in response to user and market necessities, imposing a paradigm shift in the services design. However, such flexibility requires the 5G transport network to undergo a profound transformation, evolving from a static connectivity substrate into a service-oriented infrastructure capable of accommodating the various 5G services, including Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC). Moreover, to achieve the desired flexibility and cost reduction, one promising approach is to leverage virtualisation technologies to dynamically host contents, services, and applications closer to the users so as to offload the core network and reduce the communication delay. This thesis tackles the above challengeswhicharedetailedinthefollowing. A common characteristic of the 5G servicesistheubiquityandthealmostpermanent connection that is required from the mobile network. This really imposes a challenge in thesignallingproceduresprovidedtogettrack of the users and to guarantee session continuity. The mobility management mechanisms will hence play a central role in the 5G networks because of the always-on connectivity demand. Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) helps going towards this direction, by flattening the network, hence improving its scalability,andenablinglocalaccesstotheInternet and other communication services, like mobile-edge clouds. Simultaneously, SDN opens up the possibility of running a multitude of intelligent and advanced applications for network optimisation purposes in a centralised network controller. The combination of DMM architectural principles with SDN management appears as a powerful tool for operators to cope with the management and data burden expected in 5G networks. To meet the future mobile user demand at a reduced cost, operators are also looking at solutions such as C-RAN and different functional splits to decrease the cost of deploying and maintaining cell sites. The increasing stress on mobile radio access performance in a context of declining revenues for operators is hence requiring the evolution of backhaul and fronthaul transport networks, which currently work decoupled. The heterogeneity of the nodes and transmisión technologies inter-connecting the fronthaul and backhaul segments makes the network quite complex, costly and inefficient to manage flexibly and dynamically. Indeed, the use of heterogeneous technologies forces operators to manage two physically separated networks, one for backhaul and one forfronthaul. In order to meet 5G requirements in a costeffective manner, a unified 5G transport network that unifies the data, control, and management planes is hence required. Such an integrated fronthaul/backhaul transport network, denoted as crosshaul, will hence carry both fronthaul and backhaul traffic operating over heterogeneous data plane technologies, which are software-controlled so as to adapt to the fluctuating capacity demand of the 5G air interfaces. Moreover, 5G transport networks will need to accommodate a wide spectrum of services on top of the same physical infrastructure. To that end, network slicing is seen as a suitable candidate for providing the necessary Quality of Service (QoS). Traffic differentiation is usually enforced at the border of the network in order to ensure a proper forwarding of the traffic according to its class through the backbone. With network slicing, the traffic may now traverse many slice edges where the traffic policy needs to be enforced, discriminated and ensured, according to the service and tenants needs. However, the very basic nature that makes this efficient management and operation possible in a flexible way – the logical centralisation – poses important challenges due to the lack of proper monitoring tools, suited for SDN-based architectures. In order to take timely and right decisions while operating a network, centralised intelligence applications need to be fed with a continuous stream of up-to-date network statistics. However, this is not feasible with current SDN solutions due to scalability and accuracy issues. Therefore, an adaptive telemetry system is required so as to support the diversity of 5G services and their stringent traffic requirements. The path towards 5G wireless networks alsopresentsacleartrendofcarryingoutcomputations close to end users. Indeed, pushing contents, applications, and network functios closer to end users is necessary to cope with thehugedatavolumeandlowlatencyrequired in future 5G networks. Edge and fog frameworks have emerged recently to address this challenge. Whilst the edge framework was more infrastructure-focused and more mobile operator-oriented, the fog was more pervasive and included any node (stationary or mobile), including terminal devices. By further utilising pervasive computational resources in proximity to users, edge and fog can be merged to construct a computing platform, which can also be used as a common stage for multiple radio access technologies (RATs) to share their information, hence opening a new dimension of multi-RAT integration.La arquitectura de las infraestructuras actuales de los operadores está siendo desafiada por la demanda creciente e incesante de servicios con un elevado consumo de datos que aparecen todos los días. Mientras que las redes de operadores implementadas actualmente han sido capaces de lidiar con las demandas de tráfico hasta ahora, se espera que las arquitecturas de la quinta generación de redes móviles (5G) soporten cargas de tráfico sin precedentes a la vez que disminuyen los costes asociados a la implementación y operaciones de la red. De hecho, el próximo conjunto de estándares 5G traerá la programabilidad y flexibilidad a niveles nunca antes vistos. Esto ha requerido la introducción de cambios en la arquitectura de las redes móviles, lo que permite diferentes funciones, como la división de los planos de control y de datos, según sea necesario para soportar una programación rápida de planos de datos heterogéneos. La softwarisación de red se considera una herramienta clave para hacer frente a dicha evolución de red, ya que proporciona la capacidad de controlar todas las funciones de red mediante (re)programación, proporcionando así una mayor flexibilidad para cumplir requisitos heterogéneos mientras se mantienen bajos los costes operativos y de implementación. Por lo tanto, se espera una gran diversidad en términos de patrones de tráfico, multi-tenancy, requisitos de tráfico heterogéneos y estrictos en las redes 5G. Software Defined Networking (SDN) y Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) se han convertido en un conjunto de herramientas básicas para que los operadores administren su infraestructura con mayor flexibilidad y menores costes. Como resultado, los nuevos servicios 5G ahora pueden planificarse, programarse y aprovisionarse rápidamente en respuesta a las necesidades de los usuarios y del mercado, imponiendo un cambio de paradigma en el diseño de los servicios. Sin embargo, dicha flexibilidad requiere que la red de transporte 5G experimente una transformación profunda, que evoluciona de un sustrato de conectividad estática a una infraestructura orientada a servicios capaz de acomodar los diversos servicios 5G, incluso Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC). Además, para lograr la flexibilidad y la reducción de costes deseadas, un enfoque prometedores aprovechar las tecnologías de virtualización para alojar dinámicamente los contenidos, servicios y aplicaciones más cerca de los usuarios para descargar la red central y reducir la latencia. Esta tesis aborda los desafíos anteriores que se detallan a continuación. Una característica común de los servicios 5G es la ubicuidad y la conexión casi permanente que se requiere para la red móvil. Esto impone un desafío en los procedimientos de señalización proporcionados para hacer un seguimiento de los usuarios y garantizar la continuidad de la sesión. Por lo tanto, los mecanismos de gestión de la movilidad desempeñarán un papel central en las redes 5G debido a la demanda de conectividad siempre activa. Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) ayuda a ir en esta dirección, al aplanar la red, lo que mejora su escalabilidad y permite el acceso local a Internet y a otros servicios de comunicaciones, como recursos en “nubes” situadas en el borde de la red móvil. Al mismo tiempo, SDN abre la posibilidad de ejecutar una multitud de aplicaciones inteligentes y avanzadas para optimizar la red en un controlador de red centralizado. La combinación de los principios arquitectónicos DMM con SDN aparece como una poderosa herramienta para que los operadores puedan hacer frente a la carga de administración y datos que se espera en las redes 5G. Para satisfacer la demanda futura de usuarios móviles a un coste reducido, los operadores también están buscando soluciones tales como C-RAN y diferentes divisiones funcionales para disminuir el coste de implementación y mantenimiento de emplazamientos celulares. El creciente estrés en el rendimiento del acceso a la radio móvil en un contexto de menores ingresos para los operadores requiere, por lo tanto, la evolución de las redes de transporte de backhaul y fronthaul, que actualmente funcionan disociadas. La heterogeneidad de los nodos y las tecnologías de transmisión que interconectan los segmentos de fronthaul y backhaul hacen que la red sea bastante compleja, costosa e ineficiente para gestionar de manera flexible y dinámica. De hecho, el uso de tecnologías heterogéneas obliga a los operadores a gestionar dos redes separadas físicamente, una para la red de backhaul y otra para el fronthaul. Para cumplir con los requisitos de 5G de manera rentable, se requiere una red de transporte única 5G que unifique los planos de control, datos y de gestión. Dicha red de transporte fronthaul/backhaul integrada, denominada “crosshaul”, transportará tráfico de fronthaul y backhaul operando sobre tecnologías heterogéneas de plano de datos, que están controladas por software para adaptarse a la demanda de capacidad fluctuante de las interfaces radio 5G. Además, las redes de transporte 5G necesitarán acomodar un amplio espectro de servicios sobre la misma infraestructura física y el network slicing se considera un candidato adecuado para proporcionar la calidad de servicio necesario. La diferenciación del tráfico generalmente se aplica en el borde de la red para garantizar un reenvío adecuado del tráfico según su clase a través de la red troncal. Con el networkslicing, el tráfico ahora puede atravesar muchos fronteras entre “network slices” donde la política de tráfico debe aplicarse, discriminarse y garantizarse, de acuerdo con las necesidades del servicio y de los usuarios. Sin embargo, el principio básico que hace posible esta gestión y operación eficientes de forma flexible – la centralización lógica – plantea importantes desafíos debido a la falta de herramientas de supervisión necesarias para las arquitecturas basadas en SDN. Para tomar decisiones oportunas y correctas mientras se opera una red, las aplicaciones de inteligencia centralizada necesitan alimentarse con un flujo continuo de estadísticas de red actualizadas. Sin embargo, esto no es factible con las soluciones SDN actuales debido a problemas de escalabilidad y falta de precisión. Por lo tanto, se requiere un sistema de telemetría adaptable para respaldar la diversidad de los servicios 5G y sus estrictos requisitos de tráfico. El camino hacia las redes inalámbricas 5G también presenta una tendencia clara de realizar acciones cerca de los usuarios finales. De hecho, acercar los contenidos, las aplicaciones y las funciones de red a los usuarios finales es necesario para hacer frente al enorme volumen de datos y la baja latencia requerida en las futuras redes 5G. Los paradigmas de “edge” y “fog” han surgido recientemente para abordar este desafío. Mientras que el edge está más centrado en la infraestructura y más orientado al operador móvil, el fog es más ubicuo e incluye cualquier nodo (fijo o móvil), incluidos los dispositivos finales. Al utilizar recursos de computación de propósito general en las proximidades de los usuarios, el edge y el fog pueden combinarse para construir una plataforma de computación, que también se puede utilizar para compartir información entre múltiples tecnologías de acceso radio (RAT) y, por lo tanto, abre una nueva dimensión de la integración multi-RAT.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemáticaPresidente: Carla Fabiana Chiasserini.- Secretario: Vincenzo Mancuso.- Vocal: Diego Rafael López Garcí

    ICSEA 2021: the sixteenth international conference on software engineering advances

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    The Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2021), held on October 3 - 7, 2021 in Barcelona, Spain, continued a series of events covering a broad spectrum of software-related topics. The conference covered fundamentals on designing, implementing, testing, validating and maintaining various kinds of software. The tracks treated the topics from theory to practice, in terms of methodologies, design, implementation, testing, use cases, tools, and lessons learnt. The conference topics covered classical and advanced methodologies, open source, agile software, as well as software deployment and software economics and education. The conference had the following tracks: Advances in fundamentals for software development Advanced mechanisms for software development Advanced design tools for developing software Software engineering for service computing (SOA and Cloud) Advanced facilities for accessing software Software performance Software security, privacy, safeness Advances in software testing Specialized software advanced applications Web Accessibility Open source software Agile and Lean approaches in software engineering Software deployment and maintenance Software engineering techniques, metrics, and formalisms Software economics, adoption, and education Business technology Improving productivity in research on software engineering Trends and achievements Similar to the previous edition, this event continued to be very competitive in its selection process and very well perceived by the international software engineering community. As such, it is attracting excellent contributions and active participation from all over the world. We were very pleased to receive a large amount of top quality contributions. We take here the opportunity to warmly thank all the members of the ICSEA 2021 technical program committee as well as the numerous reviewers. The creation of such a broad and high quality conference program would not have been possible without their involvement. We also kindly thank all the authors that dedicated much of their time and efforts to contribute to the ICSEA 2021. We truly believe that thanks to all these efforts, the final conference program consists of top quality contributions. This event could also not have been a reality without the support of many individuals, organizations and sponsors. We also gratefully thank the members of the ICSEA 2021 organizing committee for their help in handling the logistics and for their work that is making this professional meeting a success. We hope the ICSEA 2021 was a successful international forum for the exchange of ideas and results between academia and industry and to promote further progress in software engineering research

    Mining app reviews to support software engineering

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    The thesis studies how mining app reviews can support software engineering. App reviews —short user reviews of an app in app stores— provide a potentially rich source of information to help software development teams maintain and evolve their products. Exploiting this information is however difficult due to the large number of reviews and the difficulty in extracting useful actionable information from short informal texts. A variety of app review mining techniques have been proposed to classify reviews and to extract information such as feature requests, bug descriptions, and user sentiments but the usefulness of these techniques in practice is still unknown. Research in this area has grown rapidly, resulting in a large number of scientific publications (at least 182 between 2010 and 2020) but nearly no independent evaluation and description of how diverse techniques fit together to support specific software engineering tasks have been performed so far. The thesis presents a series of contributions to address these limitations. We first report the findings of a systematic literature review in app review mining exposing the breadth and limitations of research in this area. Using findings from the literature review, we then present a reference model that relates features of app review mining tools to specific software engineering tasks supporting requirements engineering, software maintenance and evolution. We then present two additional contributions extending previous evaluations of app review mining techniques. We present a novel independent evaluation of opinion mining techniques using an annotated dataset created for our experiment. Our evaluation finds lower effectiveness than initially reported by the techniques authors. A final part of the thesis, evaluates approaches in searching for app reviews pertinent to a particular feature. The findings show a general purpose search technique is more effective than the state-of-the-art purpose-built app review mining techniques; and suggest their usefulness for requirements elicitation. Overall, the thesis contributes to improving the empirical evaluation of app review mining techniques and their application in software engineering practice. Researchers and developers of future app mining tools will benefit from the novel reference model, detailed experiments designs, and publicly available datasets presented in the thesis

    Online learning of personalised human activity recognition models from user-provided annotations

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    PhD ThesisIn Human Activity Recognition (HAR), supervised and semi-supervised training are important tools for devising parametric activity models. For the best modelling performance, large amounts of annotated personalised sample data are typically required. Annotating often represents the bottleneck in the overall modelling process as it usually involves retrospective analysis of experimental ground truth, like video footage. These approaches typically neglect that prospective users of HAR systems are themselves key sources of ground truth for their own activities. This research therefore involves the users of HAR monitors in the annotation process. The process relies solely on users' short term memory and engages with them to parsimoniously provide annotations for their own activities as they unfold. E ects of user input are optimised by using Online Active Learning (OAL) to identify the most critical annotations which are expected to lead to highly optimal HAR model performance gains. Personalised HAR models are trained from user-provided annotations as part of the evaluation, focusing mainly on objective model accuracy. The OAL approach is contrasted with Random Selection (RS) { a naive method which makes uninformed annotation requests. A range of simulation-based annotation scenarios demonstrate that using OAL brings bene ts in terms of HAR model performance over RS. Additionally, a mobile application is implemented and deployed in a naturalistic context to collect annotations from a panel of human participants. The deployment is proof that the method can truly run in online mode and it also shows that considerable HAR model performance gains can be registered even under realistic conditions. The ndings from this research point to the conclusion that online learning from userprovided annotations is a valid solution to the problem of constructing personalised HAR models

    A mobile CRM development for real estate

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    Real estate (RE) agents are professionals who need up-to-date and accurate information about their clients in order to maintain profitable and long-lasting relationships with each of them to prosper in such a competitive industry. The research focuses on one problem: unexistance of mobile solution, adapted to the needs of RE agents, that integrates only their needed features. The creation of this allows them to improve their performance and optimize their results, making it possible to invest more time in building relationships and less in secretarial tasks. The importance of solving this problem is related to the importance of optimizing work and resources in a highly abundant information industry. Through this service digitalization, the productivity and performance of RE agents can be improved. The research consists in the development of a Costumer Relationship Management (CRM) for mobile devices capable of managing information about the customers and business partners of each user, which provides agenda services and also a visual information system capable of showing the progress of the agent and other statistical analysis. All functionalities implemented were collected through 15 face-to-face interviews and validated with seven videoconference interviews. All of them were made using different specialists. For the development and evaluation of this artifact was followed the DSR methodology corresponding to each interview made to an iteration of this model. It was verified that the mobile CRM solution is an added value in terms of customer portfolio management, enhancing the development of their relationships, and in monitoring the performance of professionals.Os agentes imobiliários são profissionais que necessitam de informação atualizada e precisa sobre os seus clientes para conseguirem manter relações profícuas e duradouras com cada um deles, a fim de prosperarem numa indústria tão competitiva. A dissertação concentra-se num problema: não existe uma solução mobile, criada à medida das necessidades dos agentes imobiliários, capaz de melhorar o seu desempenho e otimizar os seus resultados, tornando possível investir mais tempo no trabalho da relação com o cliente e menos com tarefas de secretaria. A importância da resolução deste problema está relacionada com a importância de otimizar trabalho e recursos numa indústria altamente abundante de informação. Através da digitalização destes serviços a produtividade e performance dos agentes imobiliários podem ser melhoradas. A pesquisa consiste no desenvolvimento de um Costumer Relationship Management (CRM) para dispositivos móveis capaz de gerir informação sobre os clientes e parceiros de negócio de cada utilizador, que forneça serviços de agenda e ainda um sistema de informação visual capaz de mostrar os progressos do agente e outras análises estatísticas. Todas as funcionalidades implementadas foram recolhidas através de 15 entrevistas presenciais e validadas com sete entrevistas por vídeo-conferencia. Para esta validação do artefacto seguiu-se a metodologia DSR correspondendo cada entrevista feita a uma iteração deste modelo. Verificou-se que a solução mobile de CRM é uma mais-valia ao nível da gestão da carteira de clientes potenciando o desenvolvimento das suas relações, e ao nível da monitorização da performance dos agentes imobiliários