680 research outputs found

    Web Page Multiclass Classification

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    As the internet age evolves, the volume of content hosted on the Web is rapidly expanding. With this ever-expanding content, the capability to accurately categorize web pages is a current challenge to serve many use cases. This paper proposes a variation in the approach to text preprocessing pipeline whereby noun phrase extraction is performed first followed by lemmatization, contraction expansion, removing special characters, removing extra white space, lower casing, and removal of stop words. The first step of noun phrase extraction is aimed at reducing the set of terms to those that best describe what the web pages are about to improve the categorization capabilities of the model. Separately, a text preprocessing using keyword extraction is evaluated. In addition to the text preprocessing techniques mentioned, feature reduction techniques are applied to optimize model performance. Several modeling techniques are examined using these two approaches and are compared to a baseline model. The baseline model is a Support Vector Machine with linear kernel and is based on text preprocessing and feature reduction techniques that do not include noun phrase extraction or keyword extraction and uses stemming rather than lemmatization. The recommended SVM One-Versus-One model based on noun phrase extraction and lemmatization during text preprocessing shows an accuracy improvement over the baseline model of nearly 1% and a 5-fold reduction in misclassification of web pages as undesirable categories

    Information Extraction and Classification on Journal Papers

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    The importance of journals for diffusing the results of scientific research has increased considerably. In the digital era, Portable Document Format (PDF) became the established format of electronic journal articles. This structured form, combined with a regular and wide dissemination, spread scientific advancements easily and quickly. However, the rapidly increasing numbers of published scientific articles requires more time and effort on systematic literature reviews, searches and screens. The comprehension and extraction of useful information from the digital documents is also a challenging task, due to the complex structure of PDF. To help a soil science team from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) build a queryable journal paper system, we used web crawler to download articles on soil science from the digital library. We applied named entity recognition and table analysis to extract useful information including authors, journal name and type, publish date, abstract, DOI, experiment location in papers and highlight the paper characteristics in a computer queryable format in the system. Text classification is applied on to identify the parts of interest to the users and save their search time. We used traditional machine learning techniques including logistic regression, support vector machine, decision tree, naive bayes, k-nearest neighbors, random forest, ensemble modeling, and neural networks in text classification and compare the advantages of these approaches in the end. Advisor: Stephen D. Scot

    Techniques for text classification: Literature review and current trends

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    Automated classification of text into predefined categories has always been considered as a vital method to manage and process a vast amount of documents in digital forms that are widespread and continuously increasing. This kind of web information, popularly known as the digital/electronic information is in the form of documents, conference material, publications, journals, editorials, web pages, e-mail etc. People largely access information from these online sources rather than being limited to archaic paper sources like books, magazines, newspapers etc. But the main problem is that this enormous information lacks organization which makes it difficult to manage. Text classification is recognized as one of the key techniques used for organizing such kind of digital data. In this paper we have studied the existing work in the area of text classification which will allow us to have a fair evaluation of the progress made in this field till date. We have investigated the papers to the best of our knowledge and have tried to summarize all existing information in a comprehensive and succinct manner. The studies have been summarized in a tabular form according to the publication year considering numerous key perspectives. The main emphasis is laid on various steps involved in text classification process viz. document representation methods, feature selection methods, data mining methods and the evaluation technique used by each study to carry out the results on a particular dataset

    Classification of virtual patent marking web-pages using machine learning techniques

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    Virtual Patent Marking allows owners of products publish product-patent information online.The objective of this project is the correct and efficient identification of web pages that contain this information

    Text Categorization and Machine Learning Methods: Current State Of The Art

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    In this informative age, we find many documents are available in digital forms which need classification of the text. For solving this major problem present researchers focused on machine learning techniques: a general inductive process automatically builds a classifier by learning, from a set of pre classified documents, the characteristics of the categories. The main benefit of the present approach is consisting in the manual definition of a classifier by domain experts where effectiveness, less use of expert work and straightforward portability to different domains are possible. The paper examines the main approaches to text categorization comparing the machine learning paradigm and present state of the art. Various issues pertaining to three different text similarity problems, namely, semantic, conceptual and contextual are also discussed

    A Survey on Concept Drift Adaptation

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    Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the in- put data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised learning in this paper we characterize adaptive learning process, categorize existing strategies for handling concept drift, discuss the most representative, distinct and popular techniques and algorithms, discuss evaluation methodology of adaptive algorithms, and present a set of illustrative applications. This introduction to the concept drift adaptation presents the state of the art techniques and a collection of benchmarks for re- searchers, industry analysts and practitioners. The survey aims at covering the different facets of concept drift in an integrated way to reflect on the existing scattered state-of-the-art

    The text classification pipeline: Starting shallow, going deeper

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    An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC.An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC

    Concept-based short text classification and ranking

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    ABSTRACT Most existing approaches for text classification represent texts as vectors of words, namely "Bag-of-Words." This text representation results in a very high dimensionality of feature space and frequently suffers from surface mismatching. Short texts make these issues even more serious, due to their shortness and sparsity. In this paper, we propose using "Bag-of-Concepts" in short text representation, aiming to avoid the surface mismatching and handle the synonym and polysemy problem. Based on "Bag-of-Concepts," a novel framework is proposed for lightweight short text classification applications. By leveraging a large taxonomy knowledgebase, it learns a concept model for each category, and conceptualizes a short text to a set of relevant concepts. A concept-based similarity mechanism is presented to classify the given short text to the most similar category. One advantage of this mechanism is that it facilitates short text ranking after classification, which is needed in many applications, such as query or ad recommendation. We demonstrate the usage of our proposed framework through a real online application: Channel-based Query Recommendation. Experiments show that our framework can map queries to channels with a high degree of precision (avg. precision = 90.3%), which is critical for recommendation applications
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