20 research outputs found

    Strategy formulation for development of leather footwear centre based on capabilities and source of innovation (case study: leather footwear SMEs in Cibaduyut, Bandung)

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector is one of an important element in the economic system in Indonesia. This kinds of sector have a major role in developing the employment procurement and the people’s economic condition as well. Thus, it is expected to be well developed and organized. This study aims to identify the strategy used by SMEs based on the influence of SME’s capabilities and source of innovation. This study was conducted by analyzing the influence of variable using structural equation models (SEM) to determine the indicators and variable that have significant influence on SMEs’ capabilities and source of innovation; and classifying the indicator based on SWOT formulation as well. These indicator and variables are categorized into strength-opportunities (SO), strengths-threats (ST), weakness-opportunities (WO), and weakness-threats (WT). The result shows that the weakness-threats (WT) strategy has the most influence value in developing their capabilities and source of innovation. Therefore, the SMEs leather footwear centre in Cibaduyut should focus on the development strategy by considering their weaknesses to confront threats

    The moderating role of power exercise in B2B E-commerce adoption decision

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    B2B E-commerce (B2B EC) is a technology that supports relationship between business partners.In adopting such technology, power exercise plays a crucial role. Misunderstood power exercised within B2B EC may generate unrealistic or inaccurate outcomes. Unfortunately, the role of power exercise is nearly ignored in B2B EC adoption literature.In response, using the Resources-Dependency-Theory (RDT) and Diffusion-Innovation-Theory (DIT), this paper argues on the interaction between the influence of innovation characteristics and power exercise, so as to explain B2B EC adoption.This proposition could improve understanding B2B EC adoption and help to resolve inconsistency of findings in the literature

    Predicting intention to adopt B2B electronic commerce in Jordan: The moderating role of trust and dependency

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    Business to Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) has great potentials to extend firms’ competency and efficiency. As such, Jordan has an objective to increase the diffusion of this technology. Despite extensive government efforts, the adoption of B2B EC is still limited. Consequently, there have been extensive efforts to better understand the phenomena. Yet, documented findings regarding the determinants of the adoption are not altogether consistent. To provide more insight, this study developed a research model utilizing the Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) framework to identify the determinants of the firms’ propensity to adopt B2B EC. Since B2B EC is an inter-organizational phenomenon supporting transactions of partnerships, this study emphasizes the context of partnership characteristics. Grounded on inter-organizational theories, this study hypothesized that partnership characteristics, namely trust and dependency, moderate the role of TOE motivating factors. Moreover, given that B2B EC is used on both sides of the buyer/seller relationship, this study examined the differences and similarities in the perception of the marketing and purchasing departments regarding the determinants of the B2B EC adoption. A total of 798 questionnaires were self administrated to marketing and purchasing managers in 462 firms that have large registered capital in Jordan. In total, 114 marketing and 125 purchasing managers participated in this study. Marketing and purchasing responses were analyzed separately using the Partial Least Squares approach. The result revealed that the marketing and purchasing departments do have different views regarding the determinants of the adoption, specifically in terms of the role of Relative Advantage and Competition Pressure. Moreover, the results showed that the moderating role of trust was less pronounced. Meanwhile, the moderating role of dependency was partially supported particularly in the purchasing perspective. These findings have demonstrated how dependence asymmetries between trading partners may change the adoption motivations. They further explain the importance of considering the views of the business partner for the adoption to be done successfully

    Factors Affecting the Acceptance of E-learning by Learners in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Hybrid Artificial Neural Network - SEM Method

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    This research aims to determine the factors affecting the student’s intention of E-learning adoption in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in Vietnam. An online survey was used to assess the proposed psychological determinants of E-learning adoption. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted on the collected data (n=310) using the SPSS 20 and the AMOS 24 statistical software. The reliability and validity of the measurement were examined via Cronbach’s alpha, EFA, CFA while the strength and direction of the hypothesized causal paths among the constructs were analyzed via SEM. Finally, the results from SEM were used as the inputs for an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to predict acceptance factors. The results of the study indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between the attitude toward risk (Covid-19), PU, PE and the intention of E-learning adoption. Furthermore, combining SEM and neural networks enabled the capture of linear and complex nonlinear relationships between predictors and the dependent variables

    Trade impacts of the New Silk Road in Africa: Insight from Neural Networks Analysis

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    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is aimed to strengthen the preferential reciprocal trade between China and the BeltRoad nations. Quantitative evaluations of BRI to determine whether it can explicitly provide more insight into China’s bilateral trade among its partners are needed. Hence, improving prediction accuracy while using more superior algorithms for sustainable decision-making remains essential since decision-makers have been interested in predicting the future. Machine learning algorithms, such as supervised artificial neural networks (ANN), outperform several econometric procedures in predictions; therefore, they are potentially powerful techniques to evaluate BRI. This study uses detailed China’s bilateral export data from 1990 to 2017 to analyze and evaluate the impact of BRI on bilateral trade using gravity model estimations and ANN analysis techniques. The finding suggests that China’s bilateral export flow among the BRI countries results in a slight increase in inter-regional trade. The study provides a comparison view on the different estimation procedures of the gravity model – ordinary least squares (OLS) and Poisson pseudomaximum likelihood (PPML) with the ANN. The ANN associated with fixed country effects reveals a more accurate estimation compared to a baseline model and with country-year fixed effects. Contrarily, the OLS estimator and PPML showed mixed results. Grounded on the study dataset, the ANN estimation of the gravity equation was superior over the other procedures to explain the variability of the dependent variable (export) regarding the prediction accuracy using root mean squared error (RMSE) and R-square

    Inovação Global em Subsidiárias Estrangeiras: O Impacto da Orientação Empreendedora e das Redes de Empresas

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    The article aims to show the differentiated moderating role of integration between the headquarters and subsidiary companies to explain the potential of local innovations becoming global innovations. Throughout the framework and hypotheses, we propose two global innovation development processes. In order to test them, we analyzed a sample of 172 subsidiaries from the structural equations technique to test the hypotheses and multiple-groups comparison in order to evaluate the moderating effect of subsidiaries embeddedness. The results confirm the adherence of a presented process: entrepreneurial orientation is associated with local innovation when moderated by embeddedness. In turn, this local innovation has great potential to become a global innovation. Another result diverged from the one presented in the hypotheses, but it has an important contribution. The result shows that the entrepreneurial orientation is associated with the inclusion of the subsidiary in the network, which has the potential of developing global innovation, but to do so it would have to be a radical or disruptive innovation.O artigo tem como objetivo mostrar o papel moderador diferenciado da integração entre matriz e subsidiárias para explicar o potencial de inovações locais se transformarem em inovações globais. Ao longo do referencial e hipóteses, foram propostos dois processos de desenvolvimento de inovação global. Para testá-los foi analisada uma amostra de 172 subsidiárias a partir da técnica de equações estruturais para o teste das hipóteses e da comparação multigrupos com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito moderador da integração das subsidiárias. Os resultados confirmam a aderência de um processo apresentado: a orientação empreendedora está associada à inovação local quando moderada pela integração. Por sua vez, essa inovação local tem grande potencial de se tornar uma inovação global. Outro resultado divergiu do apresentado nas hipóteses, mas apresenta uma importante contribuição. O resultado mostra que a orientação empreendedora está associada à inserção da subsidiária na rede, que tem o potencial de desenvolver inovação global, porém para tanto ela teria que ser uma inovação radical ou disruptiva

    Adoption of AI-empowered industrial robots in auto component manufacturing companies

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    The usage of AI-empowered Industrial Robots (InRos) is booming in the Auto Component Manufacturing Companies (ACMCs) across the globe. Based on a model leveraging the Technology, Organisation, and Environment (TOE) framework, this work examines the adoption of InRos in ACMCs in the context of an emerging economy. This research scrutinises the adoption intention and potential use of InRos in ACMCs through a survey of 460 senior managers and owners of ACMCs in India. The findings indicate that perceived compatibility, external pressure, perceived benefits and support from vendors are critical predictors of InRos adoption intention. Interestingly, the study also reveals that IT infrastructure and government support do not influence InRos adoption intention. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that perceived cost issues negatively moderate the relationship between the adoption intention and potential use of InRos in ACMCs. This study offers a theoretical contribution as it deploys the traditional TOE framework and discovers counter-intuitively that IT resources are not a major driver of technology adoption: as such, it suggests that a more comprehensive framework than the traditional RBV should be adopted. The work provides managerial recommendations for managers, shedding light on the antecedents of adoption intention and potential use of InRos at ACMCs in a country where the adoption of InRos is in a nascent stage

    Go Digital! Determinants of Continuance Usage of Mobile Payment Apps: Focusing on the Mediating Role of Gamification

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    Background: COVID-19 spread over the last two years has been instrumental in shifting physical banking transactions to mobile-based banking transactions. Recently, M-payments have dominated online and point-of-sale (POS) transactions in the Asia-pacific region. Therefore, there was a need to study the factors influencing M-payments. This research has been conducted to determine the significant factors influencing the usage and continuance usage of M-payment apps in an emerging country and particularly how gamified features enhance the usage of M-payments apps.is study is based on the perspectives of the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) and information system success (ISS) theory, and it adds three new determinants—trust, gamified features, and continued use of mobile payments to better explain and forecast users\u27 behavioral intentions and continued use of mobile payment applications (M-payments apps). Method: The research has employed two studies on sample data from young users of M-payment apps (n=898), the dataset was analyzed through structural equation modelling for mediation and moderation analysis in study one. The second study was grounded through Vignette experiments to analyze the effects of the degree of gamified features on the continued usage of M-payments. Results: The results reported that behavioral intention to adopt, and usage of mobile payments are significantly mediated by gamified features and gamified features are partially mediating continuance usage of M-payments. Trust is the key to enabling continuance usage amongst the users of M-payments. These findings extend the understanding of users’ continuance intention in the context of payments apps. Conclusion: This study would be helpful in presenting insights for the M-payments service providers and the associated banks to develop strategy for the continuance usage of mobile payment apps

    Translation to Inter-organizational Systems Integration: The Effect of Power and the Mediating Role of the Obligatory Passage Point

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    IOS integration has become a competitive necessity in recent industrial environment. Thus, in the supply chain, dominant firms often try to exert their power to influence their dependent firms to implement IOS integration. However, whether power helps or hurts an integrated IOS implementation is still an unresolved issue. Mixed results on this issue from prior studies demand a further examination on such a context. Based on the circuits of power framework and the concept of obligatory passage point (OPP), this study identifies three factors that mediate the effect of power on the implementation of IOS integration, including competitive necessity, interestingness, and firm readiness. We accordingly develop a theoretical model with six hypotheses. Based on a sample of 134 manufacturing firms and PLS analysis, all hypotheses receive empirical support from the data. The findings suggest that the flows of exercised power and potential power into IOS integration can go through those mediators. Exercised power can promote competitive necessity that lead dependent firms to perceive greater interestingness and achieve higher firm readiness, resulting in a high level of IOS integration. Potential power supplements exercised power in facilitating interestingness and firm readiness. These two types of power also demonstrate different effects on those mediators. While exercised power has a greater impact on competitive necessity and no impact on interestingness, potential power produces an opposite result. This study therefore clarifies the effect of different types of power on IOS implementation. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are provided. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol8/iss3/4

    information technology innovativeness: the roles of management supports, information technology readiness and government's strategy in Palestine public sector

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    Information technology innovativeness has great potential to extend an ordinary organization’s competency and efficiency, and this applies to governmental intuitions in particular. As such, Palestine has an objective to increase the diffusion of technology. Despite extensive government efforts, the adoption of innovativeness in the information technology sector is still limited. Consequently, there have been extensive efforts to better understand the phenomenon. However, literature review regarding the determinants of innovativeness are not altogether consistent. To provide more insight, this study aimed to develop a research model utilizing the organizational context framework to identify the determinants of the government’s propensity to adopt information technology innovativeness. Since information technology innovativeness is an inter-organizational phenomenon supporting transactions of organizations and institutions, this study emphasizes the context of cultural characteristics. Grounded in inter-organizational theories, this study hypothesized that organizational culture had a moderating role in organizational motivating factors. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed online by Google Forms to the managers in 21 ministries in the local government in the Gaza Strip. The responses were analysed using the partial least squares approach. The results revealed that government strategy has an insignificant effect on government information technology innovativeness; however, management support and IT readiness have a positively significant effect. Moreover, the results showed that the moderating organizational culture was pronounced. Meanwhile, the moderating role was partially unsupported. These findings demonstrate how the organizational culture in governmental institutions may change the innovativeness motivations. It was importance of considering the views of the governmental institutions for the innovativeness to be done successfully