9 research outputs found

    Data-driven Bayesian network for risk analysis of global maritime accidents

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    Maritime risk research often suffers from insufficient data for accurate prediction and analysis. This paper aims to conduct a new risk analysis by incorporating the latest maritime accident data into a Bayesian network (BN) model to analyze the key risk influential factors (RIFs) in the maritime sector. It makes important contributions in terms of a novel maritime accident database, new RIFs, findings, and implications. More specifically, the latest maritime accident data from 2017 to 2021 is collected from both the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) and Lloyd’s Register Fairplay (LRF) databases. Based on the new dataset, 23 RIFs are identified, involving both dynamic and static risk factors. With these developments, new findings and implications are revealed beyond the state-of-the-art of maritime risk analysis. For instance, the research results show ship type, ship operation, voyage segment, deadweight, length, and power are among the most influencing factors. The new BN-based risk model offers reliable and accurate risk prediction results, evident by its prediction performance and scenario analysis. It provides valuable insights into the development of rational accident prevention measures that could well fit the increasing demands of maritime safety in today’s complex shipping environment

    Consequence Estimation and Root Cause Diagnosis of Rare Events in Chemical Process Industry

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    In chemical process industries (CPIs), rare events are low-frequency high-consequence events caused by process disturbances (i.e., root causes). To alleviate the impact of rare events, it is crucial to understand their effects through consequence estimation and provide an efficient troubleshooting advice through root cause diagnosis. For these analyses, traditional data-driven methods cannot be used due to a lack of database for low-frequency rare events. This entails the use of a first-principle method or a Bayesian network (BN)-based probabilistic model. However, both of these models are computationally expensive due to solving coupled differential equations and the presence of a high number of process variables in CPIs. Additionally, although probabilistic models deal with data scarcity, they do not account for source-to-source variability in data and the presence of cyclic loops that are prevalent in CPIs because of various control loops and process variable couplings. Unaccountability of these factors results in inaccurate root cause diagnosis. To handle these challenges, we first focus on developing computationally efficient models for consequence estimation of rare events. Specifically, we use reduced-order modeling techniques to construct a computationally efficient model for consequence estimation of rare events. Further, for computational efficiency in root cause diagnosis, we identify key process variables (KPVs) using a sequential combination of information gain and Pearson correlation coefficient. Additionally, we use the KPVs with a Hierarchical Bayesian model that considers rare events from different sources, and hence, accounts for source-to-source variability in data. After achieving computational efficiency, we focus on improving the diagnosis accuracy. Since existing BN-based probabilistic models cannot account for cyclic loops in CPIs due to the acyclic nature of BN, we design a modified BN which converts the weakest causal relation of a cyclic loop into a temporal relation, thereby decomposing the network into an acyclic one over time horizon. Next, to discover significant cyclic loops in BN, we develop a direct transfer entropy (DTE)-based methodology to learn BN. Since the key to discover cyclic loops is finding correct causality between process variables, DTE quantifies the causality effectively by accounting for the effects of their common source variables

    Gaining Insight into Determinants of Physical Activity using Bayesian Network Learning

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    Contains fulltext : 228326pre.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access) Contains fulltext : 228326pub.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BNAIC/BeneLearn 202

    Semantically aware hierarchical Bayesian network model for knowledge discovery in data : an ontology-based framework

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    Several mining algorithms have been invented over the course of recent decades. However, many of the invented algorithms are confined to generating frequent patterns and do not illustrate how to act upon them. Hence, many researchers have argued that existing mining algorithms have some limitations with respect to performance and workability. Quantity and quality are the main limitations of the existing mining algorithms. While quantity states that the generated patterns are abundant, quality indicates that they cannot be integrated into the business domain seamlessly. Consequently, recent research has suggested that the limitations of the existing mining algorithms are the result of treating the mining process as an isolated and autonomous data-driven trial-and-error process and ignoring the domain knowledge. Accordingly, the integration of domain knowledge into the mining process has become the goal of recent data mining algorithms. Domain knowledge can be represented using various techniques. However, recent research has stated that ontology is the natural way to represent knowledge for data mining use. The structural nature of ontology makes it a very strong candidate for integrating domain knowledge with data mining algorithms. It has been claimed that ontology can play the following roles in the data mining process: •Bridging the semantic gap. •Providing prior knowledge and constraints. •Formally representing the DM results. Despite the fact that a variety of research has used ontology to enrich different tasks in the data mining process, recent research has revealed that the process of developing a framework that systematically consolidates ontology and the mining algorithms in an intelligent mining environment has not been realised. Hence, this thesis proposes an automatic, systematic and flexible framework that integrates the Hierarchical Bayesian Network (HBN) and domain ontology. The ultimate aim of this thesis is to propose a data mining framework that implicitly caters for the underpinning domain knowledge and eventually leads to a more intelligent and accurate mining process. To a certain extent the proposed mining model will simulate the cognitive system in the human being. The similarity between ontology, the Bayesian Network (BN) and bioinformatics applications establishes a strong connection between these research disciplines. This similarity can be summarised in the following points: •Both ontology and BN have a graphical-based structure. •Biomedical applications are known for their uncertainty. Likewise, BN is a powerful tool for reasoning under uncertainty. •The medical data involved in biomedical applications is comprehensive and ontology is the right model for representing comprehensive data. Hence, the proposed ontology-based Semantically Aware Hierarchical Bayesian Network (SAHBN) is applied to eight biomedical data sets in the field of predicting the effect of the DNA repair gene in the human ageing process and the identification of hub protein. Consequently, the performance of SAHBN was compared with existing Bayesian-based classification algorithms. Overall, SAHBN demonstrated a very competitive performance. The contribution of this thesis can be summarised in the following points. •Proposed an automatic, systematic and flexible framework to integrate ontology and the HBN. Based on the literature review, and to the best of our knowledge, no such framework has been proposed previously. •The complexity of learning HBN structure from observed data is significant. Hence, the proposed SAHBN model utilized the domain knowledge in the form of ontology to overcome this challenge. •The proposed SAHBN model preserves the advantages of both ontology and Bayesian theory. It integrates the concept of Bayesian uncertainty with the deterministic nature of ontology without extending ontology structure and adding probability-specific properties that violate the ontology standard structure. •The proposed SAHBN utilized the domain knowledge in the form of ontology to define the semantic relationships between the attributes involved in the mining process, guides the HBN structure construction procedure, checks the consistency of the training data set and facilitates the calculation of the associated conditional probability tables (CPTs). •The proposed SAHBN model lay out a solid foundation to integrate other semantic relations such as equivalent, disjoint, intersection and union

    Railway bridge condition monitoring and fault diagnostics

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    The European transportation network is ageing continuously due to environmental threats, such as traffic, wind and temperature changes. Bridges are vital assets of the transportation network, and consequently their safety and availability need to be guaranteed to provide a safe transportation network to passenger and freights traffic. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a bridge condition monitoring and damage diagnostics method. The main element of the proposed Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) method is to monitor and assess the health state of a bridge continuously, by taking account of the health state of each element of the bridge. In this way, an early detection of the ongoing degradation of the bridge can be achieved, and a fast and cost-effective recovery of the optimal health state of the infrastructure can be achieved. A BBN-based approach for bridge condition monitoring and damage diagnostics is proposed and developed to assess and update the health state of the bridge continuously, by taking account of the health state of each element of the bridge. At the same time, the proposed BBN approach allows to detect and diagnose damage of the bridge infrastructure. Firstly, the BBN method is developed for monitoring the condition of two bridges, which are modelled via two Finite Element Models (FEMs). The Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs) of the BBN are defined by using an expert knowledge elicitation process. Results shows that the BBN allows to detect and diagnose damage of the bridges, however the performance of the BBN can be improved by pre-processing the data of the bridge behaviour and improving the definition of the CPTs. A data analysis methodology is then proposed to pre-process the data of the bridge behaviour, and to use the results of the analysis as an input to the BBN. The proposed data analysis methodology relies on a five-step process: i) remove of the outlier of the bridge data; ii) identify of the free-vibration of the bridge; iii) extract statistical, frequency-based and vibration -based features from the free-vibration behaviour of the bridge; iv) assess the features trend over time, by using the extracted features as an input to an Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) algorithm; v) evaluate of the Health Indicator (HI) of the bridge element. The proposed data analysis methodology is tested on two in-field bridges, a steel truss bridge and a post-tensioned concrete bridge, which are subject to a progressive damage test. A machine learning method is also developed in order to assess the health state of the bridge automatically. A Neuro Fuzzy Classifier (NFC) is adopted for this purpose. The results of the NFC can potentially be used as an input to the BBN nodes, to select the states of the BBN nodes, and improve the BBN performance. In fact, the NFC shows high accuracy in assessing the health state of bridge elements. An optimal set of HIs, which allows to maximize the accuracy of the NFC, is identified by adopting an iterative Modified Binary Differential Evolution (MBDE) method. The NFC is applied to the post-tensioned concrete in-field bridge that is subject to a progressive damage test. Hence, the performance of the BBN is improved significantly by pre-processing the bridge data, but also by developing a novel method to continuously update the CPTs of the BBN. The CPTs update process relies on the actual health state of the bridge element, and the knowledge of bridge engineers. Indeed, the CPT updating method aims to merge the expert knowledge with the analysis of the bridge behaviour. In this way, the diagnostic ability of the BBN is improved by merging the expertise of bridge engineer, who can analyse hypothetical damage scenarios of the bridge, and the analysis of a database of known bridge behaviour in different health states. The method is verified on the post-tensioned concrete in-field bridge, by developing a BBN to monitor the health state of the bridge continuously. The damages of the bridge are diagnosed by the proposed BBN. Finally, a method to analyse database of unknown infrastructure behaviour is finally proposed. An ensemble-based change-point detection method is presented to analyse a database of past unknown infrastructure behaviour. The method aims to identify the most critical change of the health state of the infrastructure, by providing the characteristics of such a change, in terms of time duration and possible causes. The method is applied to a database of tunnel behaviour, which is subject to renewal activities that influence the health state of the infrastructure

    Bayes linear bayes network models for medical diagnosis and prognosis

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    PhD ThesisIn this thesis, we develop the application of Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes graphical models to problems in medical diagnosis and prognosis. In medical diagnosis or prognosis, we might use information from a number of covariates to make inferences about the underlying condition, prediction about survival or simply a prognostic index. The covariates may be of different types, such as binary, ordinal, continuous, interval censored and so on. The covariates and the variable of interest may be related in various ways. We may wish to be able to make inferences when only a subset of the covariates is observed so relationships between covariates must be modelled. In the standard Bayesian framework, such a case might suggest the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to integrate over the distribution of the missing covariate values but this may be impractical in routine use. We propose an alternative method, using Bayes linear kinematics within a Bayes linear Bayes model in which relationships between the variables are specified through a Bayes linear structure rather than a fully specified joint probability distribution. This is much less computationally demanding, easily allows the use of subsets of covariates and does not require convergence of a MCMC sampler. In earlier work on Bayes linear Bayes models, a conjugate marginal prior has been associated with each covariate. We relax this requirement and allow non-conjugate marginal priors by using one-dimensional numerical integration. We compare this approach with one using conjugate marginal priors and with a Bayesian analysis using MCMC and a fully specified joint prior distribution. We illustrate our methods with an application to prognosis for patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in which we treat the linear predictor of the lifetime distribution as a latent variable and use its expectation, given whatever covariates are available, as a prognostic index.Ministryof Higher Education and Scientific Research Ira

    Railway bridge condition monitoring and fault diagnostics

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    The European transportation network is ageing continuously due to environmental threats, such as traffic, wind and temperature changes. Bridges are vital assets of the transportation network, and consequently their safety and availability need to be guaranteed to provide a safe transportation network to passenger and freights traffic. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a bridge condition monitoring and damage diagnostics method. The main element of the proposed Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) method is to monitor and assess the health state of a bridge continuously, by taking account of the health state of each element of the bridge. In this way, an early detection of the ongoing degradation of the bridge can be achieved, and a fast and cost-effective recovery of the optimal health state of the infrastructure can be achieved. A BBN-based approach for bridge condition monitoring and damage diagnostics is proposed and developed to assess and update the health state of the bridge continuously, by taking account of the health state of each element of the bridge. At the same time, the proposed BBN approach allows to detect and diagnose damage of the bridge infrastructure. Firstly, the BBN method is developed for monitoring the condition of two bridges, which are modelled via two Finite Element Models (FEMs). The Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs) of the BBN are defined by using an expert knowledge elicitation process. Results shows that the BBN allows to detect and diagnose damage of the bridges, however the performance of the BBN can be improved by pre-processing the data of the bridge behaviour and improving the definition of the CPTs. A data analysis methodology is then proposed to pre-process the data of the bridge behaviour, and to use the results of the analysis as an input to the BBN. The proposed data analysis methodology relies on a five-step process: i) remove of the outlier of the bridge data; ii) identify of the free-vibration of the bridge; iii) extract statistical, frequency-based and vibration -based features from the free-vibration behaviour of the bridge; iv) assess the features trend over time, by using the extracted features as an input to an Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) algorithm; v) evaluate of the Health Indicator (HI) of the bridge element. The proposed data analysis methodology is tested on two in-field bridges, a steel truss bridge and a post-tensioned concrete bridge, which are subject to a progressive damage test. A machine learning method is also developed in order to assess the health state of the bridge automatically. A Neuro Fuzzy Classifier (NFC) is adopted for this purpose. The results of the NFC can potentially be used as an input to the BBN nodes, to select the states of the BBN nodes, and improve the BBN performance. In fact, the NFC shows high accuracy in assessing the health state of bridge elements. An optimal set of HIs, which allows to maximize the accuracy of the NFC, is identified by adopting an iterative Modified Binary Differential Evolution (MBDE) method. The NFC is applied to the post-tensioned concrete in-field bridge that is subject to a progressive damage test. Hence, the performance of the BBN is improved significantly by pre-processing the bridge data, but also by developing a novel method to continuously update the CPTs of the BBN. The CPTs update process relies on the actual health state of the bridge element, and the knowledge of bridge engineers. Indeed, the CPT updating method aims to merge the expert knowledge with the analysis of the bridge behaviour. In this way, the diagnostic ability of the BBN is improved by merging the expertise of bridge engineer, who can analyse hypothetical damage scenarios of the bridge, and the analysis of a database of known bridge behaviour in different health states. The method is verified on the post-tensioned concrete in-field bridge, by developing a BBN to monitor the health state of the bridge continuously. The damages of the bridge are diagnosed by the proposed BBN. Finally, a method to analyse database of unknown infrastructure behaviour is finally proposed. An ensemble-based change-point detection method is presented to analyse a database of past unknown infrastructure behaviour. The method aims to identify the most critical change of the health state of the infrastructure, by providing the characteristics of such a change, in terms of time duration and possible causes. The method is applied to a database of tunnel behaviour, which is subject to renewal activities that influence the health state of the infrastructure