249,996 research outputs found

    Development Of Information Visualization Methods For Use In Multimedia Applications

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    The aim of the article is development of a technique for visualizing information for use in multimedia applications. In this study, to visualize information, it is proposed first to compile a list of key terms of the subject area and create data tables. Based on the structuring of fragments of the subject area, a visual display of key terms in the form of pictograms, a visual display of key terms in the form of images, and a visual display of data tables are performed. The types of visual structures that should be used to visualize information for further use in multimedia applications are considered. The analysis of existing visual structures in desktop publishing systems and word processors is performed.To build a mechanism for visualizing information about the task as a presentation, a multimedia application is developed using Microsoft Visual Studio software, the C# programming language by using the Windows Forms application programming interface. An algorithm is proposed for separating pieces of information text that have key terms. Tabular data was visualized using the “parametric ruler” metaphorical visualization method, based on the metaphor of a slide rule.The use of the parametric ruler method on the example of data visualization for the font design of children's publications is proposed. Interaction of using the method is ensured due to the fact that the user will enter the size of the size that interests for it and will see the ratio of the values of other parameters. The practical result of the work is the creation of a multimedia application “Visualization of Publishing Standards” for the visualization of information for the font design of publications for children. The result of the software implementation is the finished multimedia applications, which, according to the standardization visualization technique in terms of prepress preparation of publications, is the final product of the third stage of the presentation of the visual for

    5G multimedia massive MIMO communications systems

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    In the fifth generation (5G) wireless communication systems, a majority of the traffic demands are contributed by various multimedia applications. To support the future 5G multimedia communication systems, the massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique is recognized as a key enabler because of its high spectral efficiency. The massive antennas and radio frequency chains not only improve the implementation cost of 5G wireless communication systems but also result in an intense mutual coupling effect among antennas because of the limited space for deploying antennas. To reduce the cost, an optimal equivalent precoding matrix with the minimum number of radio frequency chains is proposed for 5G multimedia massive MIMO communication systems considering the mutual coupling effect. Moreover, an upper bound of the effective capacity is derived for 5G multimedia massive MIMO communication systems. Two antennas that receive diversity gain models are built and analyzed. The impacts of the antenna spacing, the number of antennas, the quality-of-service (QoS) statistical exponent, and the number of independent incident directions on the effective capacity of 5G multimedia massive MIMO communication systems are analyzed. Comparing with the conventional zero-forcing precoding matrix, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed optimal equivalent precoding matrix can achieve a higher achievable rate for 5G multimedia massive MIMO communication systems

    Multimedia -Is it a Fad?Perceptions of Information Systems Faculty

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    Over the past few years, multimedia technology has clearly begun to make solid in roads into specialized segments within the business sector. Companies have been quick to leverage the inherent benefits of multimedia technology to enhance and support a number of key business functions, including: employee training and learning (Fox, 1994; Moad, 1994), business presentation support (Spangler, 1993; Taylor, 1993), and business sales and marketing (Perey, 1994; Trumfio, 1994). Though it is clear that multimedia technology has gained a solid technological foothold in the business sector, what is unclear is what the higher-level education sector is doing to address the growing interest in multimedia technology. If one of the objectives of high-level business education is to provide students with the theoretical background, technical skill, and business knowledge to be effective in the fast-paced and dynamic world of information processing, should not the colleges and universities be taking steps now to integrate multimedia concepts into their existing information systems curriculum? This question needs to be answered the faculty and administrators at colleges and schools of business. According to the Data Processing Management Association (DPMA) which organized a task force to update Information Systems curriculum, Revision of Information Systems curriculum have been driven by technology (DPMA, 1990). But, in order for educators to begin taking steps to introduce new technologies like multimedia into their course curriculum, they must firmly believe that and that these are stable technologies and that know how of these technologies will be required by their graduates to function successfully in the business sector. This research effort will study the perceptions of information systems faculty concerning the importance that should be accorded to the introduction and utilization of multimedia technologies in business schools. Is multimedia something that deserves increased attention -or is it just another passing technological fad that has no relevance to business and education? Studies undertaken at Wharton\u27s Applied Research Center and the University of Minnessota\u27s Management Information Systems Research Center found that when visuals are added, retention increases by 10 percent and persuasiveness of the presentation by 43 percent (Johnson, 1989). General Electric has implemented a multimedia based training system which uses experience-based scenarios, and incorporates familiar language, people, places and things to convey the message. This system has proved greatly successful (Sipior & Townsend, 1993). a study of six organizations from different industries by Effy & White (1993) showed that multimedia training is highly effective and that it is not industry specific. Multimedia can improve simulation based training which is based on the principle of learning by doing (Schank, 1993). Interactive multimedia can include information in different media and can help to enhance performance by facilitating self-monitoring, data feedback and positive reinforcement (Bretz and Thompsett, 1992). From the foregoing review, it is clearthat multimedia is being increasingly used in businesses as well as in the educational sector. Since multimedia is expected to have a big impact on education, the perceptions of the educators regarding this new set of technologies will result in the adoption or lack thereof of this technology in business schools and colleges. This research effort studies the perceptions of information systems faculty concerning the importance that should be accorded to the introduction and utilization of multimedia technologies in business schools. The study attempts to find out whether information systems faculty see multimedia as a technology that will have a great impact and whether multimedia is something that deserves increased attention -or whether it is just another passing technological fad that has no relevance to business

    Analysing Web Multimedia Query Reformulation Behaviour

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    Current multimedia Web search engines still use keywords as the primary means to search. Due to the richness in multimedia contents, general users constantly experience some difficulties in formulating textual queries that are representative enough for their needs. As a result, query reformulation becomes part of an inevitable process in most multimedia searches. Previous Web query formulation studies did not investigate the modification sequences and thus can only report limited findings on the reformulation behavior. In this study, we propose an automatic approach to examine multimedia query reformulation using large-scale transaction logs. The key findings show that search term replacement is the most dominant type of modifications in visual searches but less important in audio searches. Image search users prefer the specified search strategy more than video and audio users. There is also a clear tendency to replace terms with synonyms or associated terms in visual queries. The analysis of the search strategies in different types of multimedia searching provides some insights into user’s searching behavior, which can contribute to the design of future query formulation assistance for keyword-based Web multimedia retrieval systems

    Real-time multimedia-based education through the Internet

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    The rapid advances in computer and communications technologies are challenging the American education systems to provide increased educational opportunities beyond the traditional geographic boundaries at a reasonable cost. Many educational institutions are answering this challenge by developing distance education programs. Distance education provides effective learning environment. An important requirement for effective distance education is the availability of continuous interactivity and immediate feedback. Over the Internet, synchronous sharing of multimedia content introduces unacceptable delays as network bandwidth is limited. In this thesis, the issue of Internet bandwidth is minimized and a novel system is developed for distance education using multimedia course material over the Internet. The data rich multimedia materials reside at remote computers and are only remotely activated utilizing low bandwidth signals over the Internet. As a result, the large download times associated with multimedia files are eliminated creating an almost real time link between the remote locations

    A Case Study in Hypermedia Design: CD-ROM Encyclopedias

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    The function of a design model in a hypermedia project is to provide a formal method for specifying the multimedia data objects that are to be stored and the screens and navigational paths that are to be provided to users. This formal expression provides a way to communicate design decisions and to automatically generate and maintain hypermedia applications. The RMM approach to hypermedia and WWW design [Isakowitz et al 95] has been successfully applied in a number of real world applications over the last few years. In this paper, we extend the RMM model in two ways. First, we develop an approach to handle the "unstructured" components of the hypermedia applications such as those on the World Wide Web (WWW). Second, we show how dynamic (program) elements can be represented in the model thus facilitating its application to a wider range of multimedia and especially, to Java applications. These extensions were developed as a result of an attempt to simulate the design of a commercial multimedia encyclopedia. The resulting design is used to illustrate the new HM design concepts.Information Systems Working Papers Serie
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