1,822 research outputs found

    Otimização do teor de corte e do sequenciamento de minas subterrâneas

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    Orientador: Priscila Cristina Berbert RampazzoDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: Métodos de lavra subterrânea são aplicados na extração de vários metais e minerais. O planejamento de métodos subterrâneos difere do planejamento de métodos de superfície pelo fato de que não é necessário extrair todas as áreas de produção dentro dos limites econômicos finais para se ter uma sequência factível, ou seja, nos métodos subterrâneos é fisicamente possível que algumas áreas permaneçam não lavradas mesmo estando dentro do limites econômicos finais. O planejamento estratégico é a área central do planejamento de longo prazo de uma mina e visa definir estratégias de escala de produção, métodos de lavra e de beneficiamento mineral, selecionar as áreas que serão lavradas e otimizar a sequência de lavra destas áreas de produção. Para garantir a viabilidade econômica do empreendimento, o planejamento estratégico deve considerar as características-chave dos empreendimentos de mineração, que são: a necessidade de capital intensivo, o longo período de retorno do investimento e o ativo (reserva) limitado. Essas características devem ser consideradas durante o processo de valoração de um empreendimento mineiro, que normalmente é feito através do cálculo do VPL, valor presente líquido. Dentre as principais alavancas do planejamento estratégico, o teor de corte utilizado na seleção dos blocos que serão lavrados e o sequenciamento de mina são os que geram maior número de opções, fazendo com que avaliações de cenários demandem muito tempo e se tornem inviáveis na prática dada a necessidade de respostas rápidas para tomadas de decisão. Neste trabalho, três diferentes modelos matemáticos são propostos para abordar, de forma conjunta, o problema da seleção dos blocos de lavra de uma mina subterrânea e a otimização do sequenciamento destes blocos. Tais modelos consideram o VPL como principal objetivo a ser maximizado e resultam no uso do teor de corte como fator que equilibra as capacidades de produção dos diferentes estágios de um sistema de mineração. A abordagem matemática adapta a modelagem clássica de problemas de sequenciamento considerando os blocos de lavra como tarefas e as atividades de escavação de galerias (desenvolvimento de acessos) e de produção de minério (lavra) como máquinas. Os modelos propostos são testados com base em casos reais, utilizando-se métodos de solução exata e um algoritmo genético. Os resultados computacionais mostram que o algoritmo genético é mais eficiente do que os métodos exatos, sobretudo para instâncias maiores, mais próximas da realidadeAbstract: Underground mining methods are used at the extraction of many metals and minerals. Underground mining planning differs from surface mining planning mainly because, in the first case, it is not necessary to extract all mining blocks within the ultimate economic limits to have a feasible sequence, i.e., it is physically possible to an underground mine to have some areas left \textit{in situ} even if they are inside the ultimate economic limits. Strategic planning is the core area of long-term mining planning and aims to define the scale of production, mining and processing methods, to select areas that will be mined, and to optimize the mining sequence. To guarantee the economic feasibility of a mining asset, strategic planners must also consider the key aspects of mining businesses, which are: capital-intensive requirements, long-term payback, and limited asset (reserves) life. These characteristics must be considered during the valuation process of a mining asset, which is normally conducted through NPV, net present value, calculations. Among the main strategic planning levers, cut-off grades (used at the selection of blocks that will be mined) and the mine sequencing are the ones that generate the greatest number of options. As scheduling multiple scenarios requires a great deal of time, this is infeasible in real situations given the need for quick responses. In this dissertation, three mathematical models are proposed to tackle, at the same time, two problems: the selection of the mining blocks in an underground mine, and the optimization of their sequence. These models consider NPV as the main objective to be maximized and result in using cut-off grades as a factor that balances the main capabilities of a mining system. The mathematical approach adapts classical scheduling models considering mining blocks as jobs; and tunnels excavation (access development) and ore production (mining) activities as machines. The proposed models are tested, with real cases, using exact-solution methods and a genetic algorithm. Results show that the genetic algorithm is more efficient than the exact methods, especially for greater instances that are similar to real problemsMestradoMatematica Aplicada e ComputacionalMestre em Matemática Aplicada e Computaciona

    Order acceptance with reinforcement learning

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    Order Acceptance (OA) is one of the main functions in a business control framework. Basically, OA involves for each order a 0/1 (i.e., reject/accept) decision. Always accepting an order when capacity is available could unable the system to accept more convenient orders in the future. Another important aspect is the aV'(tiiability of information to the decisionmaker. We use a stochastic modeling approach using Markov decision theory and learning methods from Artificial Intelligence techniques in order to deal with uncertainty and long-term decisions in Ok Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a quite new approach that already combines this idea of modeling and solution method. Here we report on RL-solutions for some OA models

    A simulation modelling approach to improve the OEE of a bottling line

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    This dissertation presents a simulation approach to improve the efficiency performance, in terms of OEE, of an automated bottling line. A simulation model of the system is created by means of the software AnyLogic; it is used to solve the case. The problems faced are a sequencing problem related to the order the formats of bottles are processed and the buffer sizing problem. Either theoretical aspects on OEE, job sequencing and simulation and practical aspects are presented

    Good practice proposal for the implementation, presentation, and comparison of metaheuristics for solving routing problems

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    Researchers who investigate in any area related to computational algorithms (both dening new algorithms or improving existing ones) usually nd large diculties to test their work. Comparisons among dierent researches in this eld are often a hard task, due to the ambiguity or lack of detail in the presentation of the work and its results. On many occasions, the replication of the work conducted by other researchers is required, which leads to a waste of time and a delay in the research advances. The authors of this study propose a procedure to introduce new techniques and their results in the eld of routing problems. In this paper this procedure is detailed, and a set of good practices to follow are deeply described. It is noteworthy that this procedure can be applied to any combinatorial optimization problem. Anyway, the literature of this study is focused on routing problems. This eld has been chosen because of its importance in real world, and its relevance in the actual literature

    Neural combinatorial optimization as an enabler technology to design real-time virtual network function placement decision systems

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    158 p.The Fifth Generation of the mobile network (5G) represents a breakthrough technology for thetelecommunications industry. 5G provides a unified infrastructure capable of integrating over thesame physical network heterogeneous services with different requirements. This is achieved thanksto the recent advances in network virtualization, specifically in Network Function Virtualization(NFV) and Software Defining Networks (SDN) technologies. This cloud-based architecture not onlybrings new possibilities to vertical sectors but also entails new challenges that have to be solvedaccordingly. In this sense, it enables to automate operations within the infrastructure, allowing toperform network optimization at operational time (e.g., spectrum optimization, service optimization,traffic optimization). Nevertheless, designing optimization algorithms for this purpose entails somedifficulties. Solving the underlying Combinatorial Optimization (CO) problems that these problemspresent is usually intractable due to their NP-Hard nature. In addition, solutions to these problems arerequired in close to real-time due to the tight time requirements on this dynamic environment. Forthis reason, handwritten heuristic algorithms have been widely used in the literature for achievingfast approximate solutions on this context.However, particularizing heuristics to address CO problems can be a daunting task that requiresexpertise. The ability to automate this resolution processes would be of utmost importance forachieving an intelligent network orchestration. In this sense, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is envisionedas the key technology for autonomously inferring intelligent solutions to these problems. Combining AI with network virtualization can truly transform this industry. Particularly, this Thesis aims at using Neural Combinatorial Optimization (NCO) for inferring endsolutions on CO problems. NCO has proven to be able to learn near optimal solutions on classicalcombinatorial problems (e.g., the Traveler Salesman Problem (TSP), Bin Packing Problem (BPP),Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)). Specifically, NCO relies on Reinforcement Learning (RL) toestimate a Neural Network (NN) model that describes the relation between the space of instances ofthe problem and the solutions for each of them. In other words, this model for a new instance is ableto infer a solution generalizing from the problem space where it has been trained. To this end, duringthe learning process the model takes instances from the learning space, and uses the reward obtainedfrom evaluating the solution to improve its accuracy.The work here presented, contributes to the NCO theory in two main directions. First, this workargues that the performance obtained by sequence-to-sequence models used for NCO in the literatureis improved presenting combinatorial problems as Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDP).Such property can be exploited for building a Markovian model that constructs solutionsincrementally based on interactions with the problem. And second, this formulation enables toaddress general constrained combinatorial problems under this framework. In this context, the modelin addition to the reward signal, relies on penalty signals generated from constraint dissatisfactionthat direct the model toward a competitive policy even in highly constrained environments. Thisstrategy allows to extend the number of problems that can be addressed using this technology.The presented approach is validated in the scope of intelligent network management, specifically inthe Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement problem. This problem consists of efficientlymapping a set of network service requests on top of the physical network infrastructure. Particularly,we seek to obtain the optimal placement for a network service chain considering the state of thevirtual environment, so that a specific resource objective is accomplished, in this case theminimization of the overall power consumption. Conducted experiments prove the capability of theproposal for learning competitive solutions when compared to classical heuristic, metaheuristic, andConstraint Programming (CP) solvers

    Uses and applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing

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    The purpose of the THESIS is to provide engineers and personnels with a overview of the concepts that underline Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Artificial Intelligence is concerned with the developments of theories and techniques required to provide a computational engine with the abilities to perceive, think and act, in an intelligent manner in a complex environment. Expert system is branch of Artificial Intelligence where the methods of reasoning emulate those of human experts. Artificial Intelligence derives it\u27s power from its ability to represent complex forms of knowledge, some of it common sense, heuristic and symbolic, and the ability to apply the knowledge in searching for solutions. The Thesis will review : The components of an intelligent system, The basics of knowledge representation, Search based problem solving methods, Expert system technologies, Uses and applications of AI in various manufacturing areas like Design, Process Planning, Production Management, Energy Management, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing Simulation, Robotics, Machine Vision etc. Prime objectives of the Thesis are to understand the basic concepts underlying Artificial Intelligence and be able to identify where the technology may be applied in the field of Manufacturing Engineering

    Neural combinatorial optimization as an enabler technology to design real-time virtual network function placement decision systems

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    158 p.The Fifth Generation of the mobile network (5G) represents a breakthrough technology for thetelecommunications industry. 5G provides a unified infrastructure capable of integrating over thesame physical network heterogeneous services with different requirements. This is achieved thanksto the recent advances in network virtualization, specifically in Network Function Virtualization(NFV) and Software Defining Networks (SDN) technologies. This cloud-based architecture not onlybrings new possibilities to vertical sectors but also entails new challenges that have to be solvedaccordingly. In this sense, it enables to automate operations within the infrastructure, allowing toperform network optimization at operational time (e.g., spectrum optimization, service optimization,traffic optimization). Nevertheless, designing optimization algorithms for this purpose entails somedifficulties. Solving the underlying Combinatorial Optimization (CO) problems that these problemspresent is usually intractable due to their NP-Hard nature. In addition, solutions to these problems arerequired in close to real-time due to the tight time requirements on this dynamic environment. Forthis reason, handwritten heuristic algorithms have been widely used in the literature for achievingfast approximate solutions on this context.However, particularizing heuristics to address CO problems can be a daunting task that requiresexpertise. The ability to automate this resolution processes would be of utmost importance forachieving an intelligent network orchestration. In this sense, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is envisionedas the key technology for autonomously inferring intelligent solutions to these problems. Combining AI with network virtualization can truly transform this industry. Particularly, this Thesis aims at using Neural Combinatorial Optimization (NCO) for inferring endsolutions on CO problems. NCO has proven to be able to learn near optimal solutions on classicalcombinatorial problems (e.g., the Traveler Salesman Problem (TSP), Bin Packing Problem (BPP),Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)). Specifically, NCO relies on Reinforcement Learning (RL) toestimate a Neural Network (NN) model that describes the relation between the space of instances ofthe problem and the solutions for each of them. In other words, this model for a new instance is ableto infer a solution generalizing from the problem space where it has been trained. To this end, duringthe learning process the model takes instances from the learning space, and uses the reward obtainedfrom evaluating the solution to improve its accuracy.The work here presented, contributes to the NCO theory in two main directions. First, this workargues that the performance obtained by sequence-to-sequence models used for NCO in the literatureis improved presenting combinatorial problems as Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDP).Such property can be exploited for building a Markovian model that constructs solutionsincrementally based on interactions with the problem. And second, this formulation enables toaddress general constrained combinatorial problems under this framework. In this context, the modelin addition to the reward signal, relies on penalty signals generated from constraint dissatisfactionthat direct the model toward a competitive policy even in highly constrained environments. Thisstrategy allows to extend the number of problems that can be addressed using this technology.The presented approach is validated in the scope of intelligent network management, specifically inthe Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement problem. This problem consists of efficientlymapping a set of network service requests on top of the physical network infrastructure. Particularly,we seek to obtain the optimal placement for a network service chain considering the state of thevirtual environment, so that a specific resource objective is accomplished, in this case theminimization of the overall power consumption. Conducted experiments prove the capability of theproposal for learning competitive solutions when compared to classical heuristic, metaheuristic, andConstraint Programming (CP) solvers

    An analytical study on systems and methods of material management in Dyeing & Printing Industry of Jetpur city

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    The Dyeing and Printing Industry of Jetpur is one of the large Dyeing sector of Gujarat state. Jetpur is a small city with 1,04,000 population where this industry is developed. There are 996 registered dyeing of printing units in the Jetpur dyeing and Printing association, but the researcher has selected 30 sample of units for the research work for Analysis of the systems and methods for the materials are adopted the sampled unit Materials Management is a deep and vast subject and has gained acceptance in all sector of industry. The researcher have collected the primary data consist with store, purchase, materials, handling, safety and security management of waste and scrap and inventory audit. The units of study cover small medium and large units of Jetpur Dyeing and Printing Industry. Further, the researcher report has been classified in seven chapters. This study can drow the attention of policy-makers or entrepreneur for method and system of martial managemen

    Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments

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    This book presents the collection of fifty two papers which were presented on the First International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY ’08 - Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments, held in Ofir, Portugal, from 25th to 27th of June, 2008. The main motive of the meeting was the growing awareness of the importance of the sustainability issue. This importance had emerged from the growing uncertainty of the market behaviour that leads to the characterization of the market, i.e. environment, as turbulent. Actually, the characterization of the environment as uncertain and turbulent reflects the fact that the traditional technocratic and/or socio-technical approaches cannot effectively and efficiently lead with the present situation. In other words, the rise of the sustainability issue means the quest for new instruments to deal with uncertainty and/or turbulence. The sustainability issue has a complex nature and solutions are sought in a wide range of domains and instruments to achieve and manage it. The domains range from environmental sustainability (referring to natural environment) through organisational and business sustainability towards social sustainability. Concerning the instruments for sustainability, they range from traditional engineering and management methodologies towards “soft” instruments such as knowledge, learning, creativity. The papers in this book address virtually whole sustainability problems space in a greater or lesser extent. However, although the uncertainty and/or turbulence, or in other words the dynamic properties, come from coupling of management, technology, learning, individuals, organisations and society, meaning that everything is at the same time effect and cause, we wanted to put the emphasis on business with the intention to address primarily the companies and their businesses. From this reason, the main title of the book is “Business Sustainability” but with the approach of coupling Management, Technology and Learning for individuals, organisations and society in Turbulent Environments. Concerning the First International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, its particularity was that it had served primarily as a learning environment in which the papers published in this book were the ground for further individual and collective growth in understanding and perception of sustainability and capacity for building new instruments for business sustainability. In that respect, the methodology of the conference work was basically dialogical, meaning promoting dialog on the papers, but also including formal paper presentations. In this way, the conference presented a rich space for satisfying different authors’ and participants’ needs. Additionally, promoting the widest and global learning environment and participativeness, the Conference Organisation provided the broadcasting over Internet of the Conference sessions, dialogical and formal presentations, for all authors’ and participants’ institutions, as an innovative Conference feature. In these terms, this book could also be understood as a complementary instrument to the Conference authors’ and participants’, but also to the wider readerships’ interested in the sustainability issues. The book brought together 97 authors from 10 countries, namely from Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Sweden and United Kingdom. The authors “ranged” from senior and renowned scientists to young researchers providing a rich and learning environment. At the end, the editors hope and would like that this book will be useful, meeting the expectation of the authors and wider readership and serving for enhancing the individual and collective learning, and to incentive further scientific development and creation of new papers. Also, the editors would use this opportunity to announce the intention to continue with new editions of the conference and subsequent editions of accompanying books on the subject of BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, the second of which is planned for year 2011.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio