822 research outputs found

    Extended isogeometric boundary element method (XIBEM) for two-dimensional Helmholtz problems.

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    Isogeometric analysis is a topic of considerable interest in the field of numerical analysis. The boundary element method (BEM) requires only the bounding surface of geometries to be described; this makes non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS), which commonly describe the bounding curve or surface of geometries in CAD software, appear to be a natural tool for the approach. This isogeometric analysis BEM (IGABEM) provides accuracy benefits over conventional BEM schemes due to the analytical geometry provided by NURBS. When applied to wave problems, it has been shown that enriching BEM approximations with a partition-of-unity basis, in what has become known as the PU-BEM, allows highly accurate solutions to be obtained with a much reduced number of degrees of freedom. This paper combines these approaches and presents an extended isogeometric BEM (XIBEM) which uses partition-of-unity enriched NURBS functions; this new approach provides benefits which surpass those of both the IGABEM and the PU-BEM. Two numerical examples are given: a single scattering cylinder and a multiple-scatterer made up of two capsules and a cylinder

    B-Spline meshing for high-order finite element analyses of multi-physics problems

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    Multi-physics problems often involve differential equations of higher-order, which cannot be solved with standard finiteelement methods. B-splines as finite element basis functions provide the required continuity and smoothness. However, the meshgeneration for arbitrarily shaped domains is non-intuitively and traditional techniques often lead to distorted elements.Here a strategy is presented to design isoparametric B-spline based meshes for curves, surfaces, and volumes. The error of thehomeomorphic transformation into curved boundaries is estimated. For selected two and three-dimensional shapes, the knotvectors and the control points are calculated.Exemplarily, a finite element analysis of a helical structure subjected to a chemo-mechanical deformation with phase decompositionis performed

    Generalized B-splines in isogeometric analysis

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    Enriched and Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic Wave Scattering

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    This thesis concerns numerical acoustic wave scattering analysis. Such problems have been solved with computational procedures for decades, with the boundary element method being established as a popular choice of approach. However, such problems become more computationally expensive as the wavelength of an incident wave decreases; this is because capturing the oscillatory nature of the incident wave and its scattered field requires increasing numbers of nodal variables. Authors from mathematical and engineering backgrounds have attempted to overcome this problem using a wide variety of procedures. One such approach, and the approach which is further developed in this thesis, is to include the fundamental character of wave propagation in the element formulation. This concept, known as the Partition of Unity Boundary Element Method (PU-BEM), has been shown to significantly reduce the computational burden of wave scattering problems. This thesis furthers this work by considering the different interpolation functions that are used in boundary elements. Initially, shape functions based on trigonomet- ric functions are developed to increase continuity between elements. Following that, non-uniform rational B-splines, ubiquitous in Computer Aided Design (CAD) soft- ware, are used in developing an isogeometric approach to wave scattering analysis of medium-wave problems. The enriched isogeometric approach is named the eXtended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM). In addition to the work above, a novel algorithm for finding a uniform placement of points on a unit sphere is presented. The algorithm allows an arbitrary number of points to be chosen; it also allows a fixed point or a bias towards a fixed point to be used. This algorithm is used for the three-dimensional acoustic analyses in this thesis. The new techniques developed within this thesis significantly reduce the number of degrees of freedom required to solve a problem to a certain accuracy—this reduc- tion is more than 70% in some cases. This reduces the number of equations that have to be solved and reduces the amount of integration required to evaluate these equations

    From approximating to interpolatory non-stationary subdivision schemes with the same generation properties

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    In this paper we describe a general, computationally feasible strategy to deduce a family of interpolatory non-stationary subdivision schemes from a symmetric non-stationary, non-interpolatory one satisfying quite mild assumptions. To achieve this result we extend our previous work [C.Conti, L.Gemignani, L.Romani, Linear Algebra Appl. 431 (2009), no. 10, 1971-1987] to full generality by removing additional assumptions on the input symbols. For the so obtained interpolatory schemes we prove that they are capable of reproducing the same exponential polynomial space as the one generated by the original approximating scheme. Moreover, we specialize the computational methods for the case of symbols obtained by shifted non-stationary affine combinations of exponential B-splines, that are at the basis of most non-stationary subdivision schemes. In this case we find that the associated family of interpolatory symbols can be determined to satisfy a suitable set of generalized interpolating conditions at the set of the zeros (with reversed signs) of the input symbol. Finally, we discuss some computational examples by showing that the proposed approach can yield novel smooth non-stationary interpolatory subdivision schemes possessing very interesting reproduction properties

    Non-uniform UE-spline quasi-interpolants and their application to the numerical solution of integral equations

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    A construction of Marsden’s identity for UE-splines is developed and a complete proof is given. With the help of this identity, a new non-uniform quasi-interpolant that repro-duces the spaces of polynomial, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are defined. Effi-cient quadrature rules based on integrating these quasi-interpolation schemes are derived and analyzed. Then, a quadrature formula associated with non-uniform quasi-interpolation along with Nyström’s method is used to numericallysolve Hammerstein and Fredholm integral equations. Numerical results that illustrate the effectiveness of these rules are pre-sented.Universidad de Granada / CBU

    Weighted Quasi Interpolant Spline Approximations: Properties and Applications

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    Continuous representations are fundamental for modeling sampled data and performing computations and numerical simulations directly on the model or its elements. To effectively and efficiently address the approximation of point clouds we propose the Weighted Quasi Interpolant Spline Approximation method (wQISA). We provide global and local bounds of the method and discuss how it still preserves the shape properties of the classical quasi-interpolation scheme. This approach is particularly useful when the data noise can be represented as a probabilistic distribution: from the point of view of nonparametric regression, the wQISA estimator is robust to random perturbations, such as noise and outliers. Finally, we show the effectiveness of the method with several numerical simulations on real data, including curve fitting on images, surface approximation and simulation of rainfall precipitations

    Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae (43.)

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    Discrete volume method : a variational approach for brittle fracture

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i CIMAT, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas A.C.This thesis presents a proposal to simulate mechanics and dynamics of brittle fracture. A variational formulation is used to describe Lagrangian mechanics, by minimizing the difference between potential and kinetic energy of the system, obtaining a pair of partial differential equations; the solution of these equations corresponds to the displacement field and damage phase-field respectively. Such an equations are coupled in the sense that the damage field is used in the first equation and the displacement field is used in the second one. In this work we propose a numerical method based on control volumes to solve the differential equations, extending the formulation to support the separation of control volumes, processing these volumes as discrete entities. This treatment results in accurate calculations of stress field and the nucleation of new internal fractures that can be propagated through domain creating multiple bifurcations. To integrate equations inside control volumes we introduce a family of polynomial splines that we refer as homeostatic splines, since its derivatives are null at vertices with a smooth function variation between adjacent volumes. Furthermore, we propose a shape function with trigonometric components for dynamic analysis, allowing bigger time steps that with traditional approaches. Finally, we perform ten numerical experiments to show the effectiveness of the method and to compare our results with those published by other authors.La tesis presenta una propuesta para simular la mecánica y dinámica del fenómeno de fractura frágil. Se plantea una formulación variacional que consiste en minimizar la diferencia entre la energía potencial y la energía cinética del sistema, obteniendo así un par de ecuaciones diferenciales parciales, cuya solución corresponden al campo de desplazamientos y al campo de daño respectivamente. Estas ecuaciones están acopladas en el sentido de que el campo de daño se usa en la primera ecuación y el de desplazamientos en la segunda. En este trabajo se propone un método numérico basado en volúmenes de control para resolver las ecuaciones diferenciales, además el modelo se extiende para soportar la separación de los volúmenes de control, tratándolos posteriormente como entidades discretas, esto permite calcular con precisión el campo de esfuerzos y la aparición de fracturas internas que pueden propagarse a través del dominio y crear múltiples bifurcaciones. Para integrar las ecuaciones dentro de los volúmenes de control se introducen una familia de splines polinomiales, que se les refiere como splines homeostáticos, ya que sus derivadas son nulas en los vértices y el cambio de la función entre dos volúmenes contiguos es suave. Además, se propone una función de forma con componentes trigonométricas para el análisis dinámico, permitiendo pasos de tiempo más grandes que con enfoques tradicionales. Finalmente se realizan diez experimentos numéricos para mostrar la eficacia del método y contrastar los resultados con aquéllos publicados por otros autores.Postprint (published version
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