13,808 research outputs found

    Musical Robots For Children With ASD Using A Client-Server Architecture

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    Presented at the 22nd International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2016)People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are known to have difficulty recognizing and expressing emotions, which affects their social integration. Leveraging the recent advances in interactive robot and music therapy approaches, and integrating both, we have designed musical robots that can facilitate social and emotional interactions of children with ASD. Robots communicate with children with ASD while detecting their emotional states and physical activities and then, make real-time sonification based on the interaction data. Given that we envision the use of multiple robots with children, we have adopted a client-server architecture. Each robot and sensing device plays a role as a terminal, while the sonification server processes all the data and generates harmonized sonification. After describing our goals for the use of sonification, we detail the system architecture and on-going research scenarios. We believe that the present paper offers a new perspective on the sonification application for assistive technologies

    XR, music and neurodiversity: design and application of new mixed reality technologies that facilitate musical intervention for children with autism spectrum conditions

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    This thesis, accompanied by the practice outputs,investigates sensory integration, social interaction and creativity through a newly developed VR-musical interface designed exclusively for children with a high-functioning autism spectrum condition (ASC).The results aim to contribute to the limited expanse of literature and research surrounding Virtual Reality (VR) musical interventions and Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) designed to support individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions. The author has developed bespoke hardware, software and a new methodology to conduct field investigations. These outputs include a Virtual Immersive Musical Reality Intervention (ViMRI) protocol, a Supplemental Personalised, immersive Musical Experience(SPiME) programme, the Assisted Real-time Three-dimensional Immersive Musical Intervention System’ (ARTIMIS) and a bespoke (and fully configurable) ‘Creative immersive interactive Musical Software’ application (CiiMS). The outputs are each implemented within a series of institutional investigations of 18 autistic child participants. Four groups are evaluated using newly developed virtual assessment and scoring mechanisms devised exclusively from long-established rating scales. Key quantitative indicators from the datasets demonstrate consistent findings and significant improvements for individual preferences (likes), fear reduction efficacy, and social interaction. Six individual case studies present positive qualitative results demonstrating improved decision-making and sensorimotor processing. The preliminary research trials further indicate that using this virtual-reality music technology system and newly developed protocols produces notable improvements for participants with an ASC. More significantly, there is evidence that the supplemental technology facilitates a reduction in psychological anxiety and improvements in dexterity. The virtual music composition and improvisation system presented here require further extensive testing in different spheres for proof of concept

    Multiple Media Interfaces for Music Therapy

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    This article describes interfaces (and the supporting technological infrastructure) to create audiovisual instruments for use in music therapy. In considering how the multidimensional nature of sound requires multidimensional input control, we propose a model to help designers manage the complex mapping between input devices and multiple media software. We also itemize a research agenda

    An Abstraction Framework for Tangible Interactive Surfaces

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    This cumulative dissertation discusses - by the example of four subsequent publications - the various layers of a tangible interaction framework, which has been developed in conjunction with an electronic musical instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Based on the experiences that have been collected during the design and implementation of that particular musical application, this research mainly concentrates on the definition of a general-purpose abstraction model for the encapsulation of physical interface components that are commonly employed in the context of an interactive surface environment. Along with a detailed description of the underlying abstraction model, this dissertation also describes an actual implementation in the form of a detailed protocol syntax, which constitutes the common element of a distributed architecture for the construction of surface-based tangible user interfaces. The initial implementation of the presented abstraction model within an actual application toolkit is comprised of the TUIO protocol and the related computer-vision based object and multi-touch tracking software reacTIVision, along with its principal application within the Reactable synthesizer. The dissertation concludes with an evaluation and extension of the initial TUIO model, by presenting TUIO2 - a next generation abstraction model designed for a more comprehensive range of tangible interaction platforms and related application scenarios

    Assessment of Recovery Journal-Based Packet Loss Concealment Techniques for Low-Latency MIDI Streaming

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    In networked music performances, real-time Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) is a task of pivotal importance to compensate the detrimental impact of loss or late delivery of audio portions that often occur in low-latency audio-streaming scenarios.\\ This paper proposes an open-loop PLC method tailored for MIDI data and compares it to a closed-loop state-of-the-art benchmark in terms of effectiveness of audio recovery and communication overhead. Moreover, implementations aimed at reducing the computational overhead are proposed and compared for both approaches. Results show that the proposed open-loop policy achieves performances similar to those of the closed-loop one, while reducing the number of operations executed at the transmitter side

    Dislocated Sound: A Survey of Improvisation in Networked Audio Platforms

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    The evolution of networked audio technologies has created unprecedented opportunities for musicians to improvise with instrumentalists from a diverse range of cultures and disciplines. As network speeds increase and latency is consigned to history, tele-musical collaboration, and in particular improvisation will be shaped by new methodologies that respond to this potential. While networked technologies eliminate distance in physical space, for the remote improviser, this creates a liminality of experience through which their performance is mediated. As a first step in understanding the conditions arising from collaboration in networked audio platforms, this paper will examine selected case studies of improvisation in a variety of networked interfaces. The author will examine how platform characteristics and network conditions influence the process of collective improvisation and the methodologies musicians are employing to negotiate their networked experiences

    Experiencing Remote Classical Music Performance Over Long Distance: A JackTrip Concert Between Two Continents During the Pandemic

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    The recent lockdown restrictions imposed by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic have heightened the need for new forms of remote collaboration for music schools, conservatories, musician ensembles, and artists, each of which would benefit from being provided with adequate tools to make high-quality, live collaborative music in a distributed fashion. This paper demonstrates the usage of the Networked Music Performance software JackTrip to support a distributed classical concert involving singers and musicians from four different locations in two continents, using readily available hardware/software solutions and internet connections while guaranteeing high-fidelity audio quality. This paper provides a description of the technical setup with a numerical analysis of the achieved mouth-to-ear latency and assessment of the music-making experience as perceived by the performers

    Evaluating the Wiimote as a musical controller

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    The Nintendo Wiimote is growing in popularity with mu-sicians as a controller. This mode of use is an adaptationfrom its intended use as a game controller, and requiresevaluation of its functions in a musical context in orderto understand its possibilities and limits. Drawing on Hu-man Computer Interaction methodology, we assessed thecore musical applications of the Wiimote and designeda usability experiment to test them. 17 participants tookpart, performing musical tasks in four contexts: trigger-ing; precise and expressive continuous control; and ges-ture recognition. Interviews and empirical evidence wereutilised to probe the device’s limitations and its creativestrengths. This study should help potential users to planthe Wiimote’s employment in their projects, and should beuseful as a case study in HCI evaluation of musical con-trollers

    Shake well before use: Authentication based on Accelerometer Data

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    Small, mobile devices without user interfaces, such as Bluetooth headsets, often need to communicate securely over wireless networks. Active attacks can only be prevented by authenticating wireless communication, which is problematic when devices do not have any a priori information about each other. We introduce a new method for device-to-device authentication by shaking devices together. This paper describes two protocols for combining cryptographic authentication techniques with known methods of accelerometer data analysis to the effect of generating authenticated, secret keys. The protocols differ in their design, one being more conservative from a security point of view, while the other allows more dynamic interactions. Three experiments are used to optimize and validate our proposed authentication method

    Ten-Hand Piano: A Networked Music Installation

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    This paper presents the latest developments of the Public Sound Objects (PSOs) system, an experimental framework to implement and test new concepts for Networked Music. The project of a Public interactive installation using the PSOs system was commissioned in 2007 by Casa da Musica, the main concert hall space in Porto. It resulted in a distributed musical structure with up to ten interactive performance terminals distributed along the Casa da Musica’s hallways, collectively controlling a shared acoustic piano. The installation allows the visitors to collaborate remotely with each other, within the building, using a software interface custom developed to facilitate collaborative music practices and with no requirements in terms previous knowledge of musical performance