44 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks and Performance Evaluation of Quality of Service for IEEE 802.15.4 Networks

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    The popularity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have increased tremendously in recent time due to growth in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. WSN has the potentiality to connect the physical world with the virtual world by forming a network of sensor nodes. Here, sensor nodes are usually battery-operated devices, and hence energy saving of sensor nodes is a major design issue. To prolong the network‘s lifetime, minimization of energy consumption should be implemented at all layers of the network protocol stack starting from the physical to the application layer including cross-layer optimization. In this thesis, clustering based routing protocols for WSNs have been discussed. In cluster-based routing, special nodes called cluster heads form a wireless backbone to the sink. Each cluster heads collects data from the sensors belonging to its cluster and forwards it to the sink. In heterogeneous networks, cluster heads have powerful energy devices in contrast to homogeneous networks where all nodes have uniform and limited resource energy. So, it is essential to avoid quick depletion of cluster heads. Hence, the cluster head role rotates, i.e., each node works as a cluster head for a limited period of time. Energy saving in these approaches can be obtained by cluster formation, cluster-head election, data aggregation at the cluster-head nodes to reduce data redundancy and thus save energy. The first part of this thesis discusses methods for clustering to improve energy efficiency of homogeneous WSN. It also proposes Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) as an algorithm for cluster head selection for WSN. The simulation results show improved performance of BFO based optimization in terms of total energy dissipation and no of alive nodes of the network system over LEACH, K-Means and direct methods. IEEE 802.15.4 is the emerging next generation standard designed for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN). The second part of the work reported here in provides performance evaluation of quality of service parameters for WSN based on IEEE 802.15.4 star and mesh topology. The performance studies have been evaluated for varying traffic loads using MANET routing protocol in QualNet 4.5. The data packet delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay, total energy consumption, network lifetime and percentage of time in sleep mode have been used as performance metrics. Simulation results show that DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) performs better than DYMO (Dynamic MANET On-demand) and AODV (Ad–hoc On demand Distance Vector) routing protocol for varying traffic loads rates

    Wireless Multi Hop Access Networks and Protocols

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    As more and more applications and services in our society now depend on the Internet, it is important that dynamically deployed wireless multi hop networks are able to gain access to the Internet and other infrastructure networks and services. This thesis proposes and evaluates solutions for providing multi hop Internet Access. It investigates how ad hoc networks can be combined with wireless and mesh networks in order to create wireless multi hop access networks. When several access points to the Internet are available, and the mobile node roams to a new access point, the node has to make a decision when and how to change its point of attachment. The thesis describes how to consider the rapid fluctuations of the wireless medium, how to handle the fact that other nodes on the path to the access point are also mobile which results in frequent link and route breaks, and the impact the change of attachment has on already existing connections. Medium access and routing protocols have been developed that consider both the long term and the short term variations of a mobile wireless network. The long term variations consider the fact that as nodes are mobile, links will frequently break and new links appear and thus the network topology map is constantly redrawn. The short term variations consider the rapid fluctuations of the wireless channel caused by mobility and multi path propagation deviations. In order to achieve diversity forwarding, protocols are presented which consider the network topology and the state of the wireless channel when decisions about forwarding need to be made. The medium access protocols are able to perform multi dimensional fast link adaptation on a per packet level with forwarding considerations. This i ncludes power, rate, code and channel adaptation. This will enable the type of performance improvements that are of significant importance for the success of multi hop wireless networks

    Controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaCongestion control in wireless networks is an important and open issue. Previous research has proven the poor performance of the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) in such networks. The factors that contribute to the poor performance of TCP in wireless environments concern its unsuitability to identify/detect and react properly to network events, its TCP window based ow control algorithm that is not suitable for the wireless channel, and the congestion collapse due to mobility. New rate based mechanisms have been proposed to mitigate TCP performance in wired and wireless networks. However, these mechanisms also present poor performance, as they lack of suitable bandwidth estimation techniques for multi-hop wireless networks. It is thus important to improve congestion control performance in wireless networks, incorporating components that are suitable for wireless environments. A congestion control scheme which provides an e - cient and fair sharing of the underlying network capacity and available bandwidth among multiple competing applications is crucial to the definition of new e cient and fair congestion control schemes on wireless multi-hop networks. The Thesis is divided in three parts. First, we present a performance evaluation study of several congestion control protocols against TCP, in wireless mesh and ad-hoc networks. The obtained results show that rate based congestion control protocols need an eficient and accurate underlying available bandwidth estimation technique. The second part of the Thesis presents a new link capacity and available bandwidth estimation mechanism denoted as rt-Winf (real time wireless inference). The estimation is performed in real-time and without the need to intrusively inject packets in the network. Simulation results show that rt-Winf obtains the available bandwidth and capacity estimation with accuracy and without introducing overhead trafic in the network. The third part of the Thesis proposes the development of new congestion control mechanisms to address the congestion control problems of wireless networks. These congestion control mechanisms use cross layer information, obtained by rt-Winf, to accurately and eficiently estimate the available bandwidth and the path capacity over a wireless network path. Evaluation of these new proposed mechanisms, through ns-2 simulations, shows that the cooperation between rt-Winf and the congestion control algorithms is able to significantly increase congestion control eficiency and network performance.O controlo de congestionamento continua a ser extremamente importante quando se investiga o desempenho das redes sem fios. Trabalhos anteriores mostram o mau desempenho do Transport Control Proto- col (TCP) em redes sem fios. Os fatores que contribuem para um pior desempenho do TCP nesse tipo de redes s~ao: a sua falta de capacidade para identificar/detetar e reagir adequadamente a eventos da rede; a utilização de um algoritmo de controlo de uxo que não é adequado para o canal sem fios; e o colapso de congestionamento devido á mobilidade. Para colmatar este problemas foram propostos novos mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento baseados na taxa de transmissão. No entanto, estes mecanismos também apresentam um pior desempenho em redes sem fios, já que não utilizam mecanismos adequados para a avaliação da largura de banda disponível. Assim, é importante para melhorar o desempenho do controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios, incluir componentes que são adequados para esse tipo de ambientes. Um esquema de controlo de congestionamento que permita uma partilha eficiente e justa da capacidade da rede e da largura de banda disponível entre múltiplas aplicações concorrentes é crucial para a definição de novos, eficientes e justos mecanismos de controlo congestionamento para as redes sem fios. A Tese está dividida em três partes. Primeiro, apresentamos um estudo sobre a avaliação de desempenho de vários protocolos de controlo de congestionamento relativamente ao TCP, em redes sem fios em malha e ad-hoc. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os protocolos baseados na taxa de transmissão precisam de uma técnica de avaliação da largura de banda disponível que seja eficiente e precisa . A segunda parte da Tese apresenta um novo mecanismo de avaliação da capacidade da ligação e da largura de banda disponível, designada por rt-Winf (real time wireless inference). A avaliação é realizada em tempo real e sem a necessidade de inserir tráfego na rede. Os resultados obtidos através de simulação e emulação mostram que o rt-Winf obtém com precisão a largura de banda disponível e a capacidade da ligação sem sobrecarregar a rede. A terceira parte da Tese propõe novos mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios. Estes mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento apresentam um conjunto de caracter ísticas novas para melhorar o seu desempenho, de entre as quais se destaca a utilização da informação de largura de banda disponível obtida pelo rt-Winf. Os resultados da avaliação destes mecanismos, utilizando o simulador ns-2, permitem concluir que a cooperação entre o rt-Winf e os algoritmos de controlo de congestionamento aumenta significativamente o desempenho da rede

    Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4a ultra wideband physical layer through wireless sensor network simulations in OMNET++

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    Wireless Sensor Networks are the main representative of pervasive computing in large-scale physical environments. These networks consist of a large number of small, wireless devices embedded in the physical world to be used for surveillance, environmental monitoring or other data capture, processing and transfer applications. Ultra wideband has emerged as one of the newest and most promising concepts for wireless technology. Considering all its advantages it seems a likely communication technology candidate for future wireless sensor networks. This paper considers the viability of ultra wideband technology in wireless sensor networks by employing an IEEE 802.15.4a low-rate ultra wideband physical layer model in the OMNET++ simulation environment. An elaborate investigation into the inner workings of the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB physical layer is performed. Simulation experiments are used to provide a detailed analysis of the performance of the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB physical layer over several communication distances. A proposal for a cognitive, adaptive communication approach to optimize for speed and distance is also presented. AFRIKAANS : Draadlose Sensor Netwerke is die hoof verteenwoordiger vir deurdringende rekenarisering in groot skaal fisiese omgewings. Hierdie tipe netwerke bestaan uit ’n groot aantal klein, draadlose apparate wat in die fisiese wêreld ingesluit word vir die doel van bewaking, omgewings monitering en vele ander data opvang, verwerk en oordrag applikasies. Ultra wyeband het opgestaan as een van die nuutste en mees belowend konsepte vir draadlose kommunikasie tegnologie. As al die voordele van dié kommunikasie tegnologie in ag geneem word, blyk dit om ’n baie goeie kandidaat te wees vir gebruik in toekomstige draadlose sensor netwerke. Hierdie verhandeling oorweeg die vatbaarheid van die gebruik van die ultra wyeband tegnologie in draadlose sensor netwerke deur ’n IEEE 802.15.4a lae-tempo ultra wyeband fisiese laag model in die OMNET++ simulasie omgewing toe te pas. ’n Breedvoerige ondersoek word geloots om die fyn binneste werking van die IEEE 802.15.4a UWB fisiese laag te verstaan. Simulasie eksperimente word gebruik om ’n meer gedetaileerde analiese omtrent die werkverrigting van die IEEE 802.15.4a UWB fisiese laag te verkry oor verskillende kommunikasie afstande. ’n Voorstel vir ’n omgewings bewuste, aanpasbare kommunikasie tegniek word bespreek met die doel om die spoed en afstand van kommunikasie te optimiseer.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Contributions to the routing of traffic flows in multi-hop IEEE 802.11 wireless networks

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    The IEEE 802.11 standard was not initially designed to provide multi-hop capabilities. Therefore, providing a proper traffic performance in Multi-Hop IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks (MIWNs) becomes a significant challenge. The approach followed in this thesis has been focused on the routing layer in order to obtain applicable solutions not dependent on a specific hardware or driver. Nevertheless, as is the case of most of the research on this field, a cross-layer design has been adopted. Therefore, one of the first tasks of this work was devoted to the study of the phenomena which affect the performance of the flows in MIWNs. Different estimation methodologies and models are presented and analyzed. The first main contribution of this thesis is related to route creation procedures. First, FB-AODV is introduced, which creates routes and forwards packets according to the flows on the contrary to basic AODV which is destination-based. This enhancement permits to balance the load through the network and gives a finer granularity in the control and monitoring of the flows. Results showed that it clearly benefits the performance of the flows. Secondly, a novel routing metric called Weighted Contention and Interference routing Metric (WCIM) is presented. In all analyzed scenarios, WCIM outperformed the other analyzed state-of-the-art routing metrics due to a proper leveraging of the number of hops, the link quality and the suffered contention and interference. The second main contribution of this thesis is focused on route maintenance. Generally, route recovery procedures are devoted to the detection of link breaks due to mobility or fading. However, other phenomena like the arrival of new flows can degrade the performance of active flows. DEMON, which is designed as an enhancement of FB-AODV, allows the preemptive recovery of degraded routes by passively monitoring the performance of active flows. Results showed that DEMON obtains similar or better results than other published solutions in mobile scenarios, while it clearly outperforms the performance of default AODV under congestion Finally, the last chapter of this thesis deals with channel assignment in multi-radio solutions. The main challenge of this research area relies on the circular relationship between channel assignment and routing; channel assignment determines the routes that can be created, while the created routes decide the real channel diversity of the network and the level of interference between the links. Therefore, proposals which join routing and channel assignment are generally complex, centralized and based on traffic patterns, limiting their practical implementation. On the contrary, the mechanisms presented in this thesis are distributed and readily applicable. First, the Interference-based Dynamic Channel Assignment (IDCA) algorithm is introduced. IDCA is a distributed and dynamic channel assignment based on the interference caused by active flows which uses a common channel in order to assure connectivity. In general, IDCA leads to an interesting trade-off between connectivity preservation and channel diversity. Secondly, MR-DEMON is introduced as way of joining channel assignment and route maintenance. As DEMON, MR-DEMON monitors the performance of the active flows traversing the links, but, instead of alerting the source when noticing degradation, it permits reallocating the flows to less interfered channels. Joining route recovery instead of route creation simplifies its application, since traffic patterns are not needed and channel reassignments can be locally decided. The evaluation of MR-DEMON proved that it clearly benefits the performance of IDCA. Also, it improves DEMON functionality by decreasing the number of route recoveries from the source, leading to a lower overhead.El estándar IEEE 802.11 no fue diseñado inicialmente para soportar capacidades multi-salto. Debido a ello, proveer unas prestaciones adecuadas a los flujos de tráfico que atraviesan redes inalámbricas multi-salto IEEE 802.11 supone un reto significativo. La investigación desarrollada en esta tesis se ha centrado en la capa de encaminamiento con el objetivo de obtener soluciones aplicables y no dependientes de un hardware específico. Sin embargo, debido al gran impacto de fenómenos y parámetros relacionados con las capas físicas y de acceso al medio sobre las prestaciones de los tráficos de datos, se han adoptado soluciones de tipo cross-layer. Es por ello que las primeras tareas de la investigación, presentadas en los capítulos iniciales, se dedicaron al estudio y caracterización de estos fenómenos. La primera contribución principal de esta tesis se centra en mecanismos relacionados con la creación de las rutas. Primero, se introduce una mejora del protocolo AODV, que permite crear rutas y encaminar paquetes en base a los flujos de datos, en lugar de en base a los destinos como se da en el caso básico. Esto permite balacear la carga de la red y otorga un mayor control sobre los flujos activos y sus prestaciones, mejorando el rendimiento general de la red. Seguidamente, se presenta una métrica de encaminamiento sensible a la interferencia de la red y la calidad de los enlaces. Los resultados analizados, basados en la simulación de diferentes escenarios, demuestran que mejora significativamente las prestaciones de otras métricas del estado del arte. La segunda contribución está relacionada con el mantenimiento de las rutas activas. Generalmente, los mecanismos de mantenimiento se centran principalmente en la detección de enlaces rotos debido a la movilidad de los nodos o a la propagación inalámbrica. Sin embargo, otros fenómenos como la interferencia y congestión provocada por la llegada de nuevos flujos pueden degradar de forma significativa las prestaciones de los tráficos activos. En base a ello, se diseña un mecanismo de mantenimiento preventivo de rutas, que monitoriza las prestaciones de los flujos activos y permite su reencaminamiento en caso de detectar rutas degradadas. La evaluación de esta solución muestra una mejora significativa sobre el mantenimiento de rutas básico en escenarios congestionados, mientras que en escenarios con nodos móviles obtiene resultados similares o puntualmente mejores que otros mecanismos preventivos diseñados específicamente para casos con movilidad. Finalmente, el último capítulo de la tesis se centra en la asignación de canales en entornos multi-canal y multi-radio con el objetivo de minimizar la interferencia entre flujos activos. El reto principal en este campo es la dependencia circular que se da entre la asignación de canales y la creación de rutas: la asignación de canales determina los enlaces existentes la red y por ello las rutas que se podrán crear, pero son finalmente las rutas y los tráficos activos quienes determinan el nivel real de interferencia que se dará en la red. Es por ello que las soluciones que proponen unificar la asignación de canales y el encaminamiento de tráficos son generalmente complejas, centralizadas y basadas en patrones de tráfico, lo que limita su implementación en entornos reales. En cambio, en nuestro caso adoptamos una solución distribuida y con mayor aplicabilidad. Primero, se define un algoritmo de selección de canales dinámico basado en la interferencia de los flujos activos, que utiliza un canal común en todos los nodos para asegurar la conectividad de la red. A continuación, se introduce un mecanismo que unifica la asignación de canales con el mantenimiento preventivo de las rutas, permitiendo reasignar flujos degradados a otros canales disponibles en lugar de reencaminarlos completamente. Ambas soluciones demuestran ser beneficiosas en este tipo de entornos.Postprint (published version

    Enhanced multichannel routing protocols in MANET

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    Utilising multiple non-overlapping channels in MANET networking can improve performance and capacity. Most multichannel MAC and routing protocols rely on an extra radio interface, a common control channel or time synchronisation to support channel selection and routing, but only at the expense of hardware and power consumption costs. This thesis considers an alternative type of multichannel wireless network where each node has a single half-duplex radio interface and does not rely on a common control channel or time synchronisation. Multichannel MAC and routing protocols that adopt the Receiver Directed Transmission (RDT) communication scheme are investigated to assess their ability to implement a multichannel MANET. A novel multipath multichannel routing protocol called RMMMC is proposed to enhance reliability and fault-tolerance in the MANET. RMMMC introduces new route discovery and recovery processes. The former establishes multiple node and channel disjointed paths in different channels and accumulates them to acquire a full multi-hop path to each destination. The latter detects broken links and repairs them using pre-discovered backup routes. To enhance communication reliability, a novel cross-layer multichannel MAC mechanism called RIVC is proposed. It mitigates transmitting/rerouting data packets to a node that does not have an updated route information towards a destination and only allows data packets with valid routes to occupy the medium. The optional access mode in the MAC protocol is modified to early detect invalid routes at intermediate nodes and switchover to an alternative path. A new cross-layer multichannel MAC mechanism called MB is proposed to reduce contention in a busy channel and enhance load balancing. MB modifies the MAC back-off algorithm to let a transmitter node invoke an alternative path in the alternative channel when the retry count threshold is reached. The proposed multichannel protocols are implemented and evaluated by extensive NS2 simulation studies

    Routing in heterogeneous wireless ad hoc networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-146).Wireless ad hoc networks are used in several applications ranging from infrastructure monitoring to providing Internet connectivity to remote locations. A common assumption about these networks is that the devices that form the network are homogeneous in their capabilities. However in reality, the networks can be heterogeneous in the capabilities of the devices. The main contribution of this thesis is the identification of issues for efficient communication in heterogeneous networks and the proposed solutions to these issues. The first part of the thesis deals with the issues of unambiguous classification of devices and device identification in ad hoc networks. A taxonomical approach is developed, which allows devices with wide range of capabilities to be classified on the basis of their functionality. Once classified, devices are characterized on the basis of different attributes. An IPv6 identification scheme and two routing services based on this scheme that allow object-object communication are developed. The identification scheme is extended to a multi-addressing scheme for wireless ad hoc networks. These two issues and the developed solutions are applicable to a broad range of heterogeneous networks. The second part of the thesis deals with heterogeneous networks consisting of omnidirectional and directional antennas. A new MAC protocol for directional antennas, request-to-pause-directional-MAC (RTP-DMAC) protocol is developed that solves the deafness issue, which is common in networks with directional antennas. Three new routing metrics, which are extensions to the expected number of transmissions (ETX) metric are developed. The first metric, ETX1, reduces the route length by increasing the transmission power. The routing and MAC layers assume the presence of bidirectional links for their proper operation. However networks with omnidirectional and directional antennas have unidirectional links. The other two metrics, unidirectional-ETX (U-ETX) and unidirectional-ETX1 (U-ETX1), increase the transmission power of the directional nodes so that the unidirectional links appear as bidirectional links at the MAC and the routing layers. The performance of these metrics in different scenarios is evaluated.by Sivaram M.S.L. Cheekiralla.Ph.D