1,079 research outputs found

    Adaptive mesh refinements for thin shells whose middle surface is not exactly known

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    A strategy concerning mesh refinements for thin shells computation is presented. The geometry of the shell is given only by the reduced information consisting in nodes and normals on its middle surface corresponding to a coarse mesh. The new point is that the mesh refinements are defined from several criteria, including the transverse shear forces which do not appear in the mechanical energy of the applied shell formulation. Another important point is to be able to construct the unknown middle surface at each step of the refinement. For this, an interpolation method by edges, coupled with a triangle bisection algorithm, is applied. This strategy is illustrated on various geometries and mechanical problems

    The TDNNS method for Reissner-Mindlin plates

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    A new family of locking-free finite elements for shear deformable Reissner-Mindlin plates is presented. The elements are based on the "tangential-displacement normal-normal-stress" formulation of elasticity. In this formulation, the bending moments are treated as separate unknowns. The degrees of freedom for the plate element are the nodal values of the deflection, tangential components of the rotations and normal-normal components of the bending strain. Contrary to other plate bending elements, no special treatment for the shear term such as reduced integration is necessary. The elements attain an optimal order of convergence

    Robust equilibrated a posteriori error estimators for the Reissner-Mindlin system

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    We consider a conforming finite element approximation of the Reissner-Mindlin system. We propose a new robust a posteriori error estimator based on H(div) conforming finite elements and equilibrated fluxes. It is shown that this estimator gives rise to an upper bound where the constant is one up to higher order terms. Lower bounds can also be established with constants depending on the shape regularity of the mesh. The reliability and efficiency of the proposed estimator are confirmed by some numerical tests

    Numerical results for mimetic discretization of Reissner-Mindlin plate problems

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    A low-order mimetic finite difference (MFD) method for Reissner-Mindlin plate problems is considered. Together with the source problem, the free vibration and the buckling problems are investigated. Full details about the scheme implementation are provided, and the numerical results on several different types of meshes are reported

    The first ANDES elements: 9-DOF plate bending triangles

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    New elements are derived to validate and assess the assumed natural deviatoric strain (ANDES) formulation. This is a brand new variant of the assumed natural strain (ANS) formulation of finite elements, which has recently attracted attention as an effective method for constructing high-performance elements for linear and nonlinear analysis. The ANDES formulation is based on an extended parametrized variational principle developed in recent publications. The key concept is that only the deviatoric part of the strains is assumed over the element whereas the mean strain part is discarded in favor of a constant stress assumption. Unlike conventional ANS elements, ANDES elements satisfy the individual element test (a stringent form of the patch test) a priori while retaining the favorable distortion-insensitivity properties of ANS elements. The first application of this formulation is the development of several Kirchhoff plate bending triangular elements with the standard nine degrees of freedom. Linear curvature variations are sampled along the three sides with the corners as gage reading points. These sample values are interpolated over the triangle using three schemes. Two schemes merge back to conventional ANS elements, one being identical to the Discrete Kirchhoff Triangle (DKT), whereas the third one produces two new ANDES elements. Numerical experiments indicate that one of the ANDES element is relatively insensitive to distortion compared to previously derived high-performance plate-bending elements, while retaining accuracy for nondistorted elements

    Reduced order models for parametric bifurcation problems in nonlinear PDEs

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    This work is concerned with the analysis and the development of efficient Reduced Order Models (ROMs) for the numerical investigation of complex bifurcating phenomena held by nonlinear parametrized Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in many physical contexts, from Continuum Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics passing through Fluid Dynamics. Indeed, the reconstruction of the bifurcation diagrams, which highlight the singularities of the equations and the possible coexisting states, requires a huge computational effort, especially in the multi-parameter context. To overcome this issue, we developed a reduced order branch-wise algorithm for the efficient investigation of such complex behaviour, with a focus on the stability properties of the solutions. We applied our approach to the Von K\ue1rm\ue1n equations for buckling plates, the Gross-Pitaevskii equations in Bose-Einstein condensates, the Hyperelastic models for bending beams and the Navier-Stokes model for the flow in a channel. Several issues and questions arise when dealing with the approximation and the reduction of bifurcating phenomena, we addressed them by considering new models and emerging methodologies. In particular, we developed a reduced order approach to deflated continuation method, to efficiently discover new solution branches. We proposed and discussed different Optimal Control Problems (OCPs) to steer the bifurcating behaviour towards desired states. Finally, we exploited a Neural Network approach based on the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD-NN), as an alternative to the Empirical Interpolation Method (EIM), to develop a reduced manifold based algorithm for the efficient detection of the bifurcation points

    Adaptive modeling of plate structures

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    V disertaciji se ukvarjamo z različnimi vidiki modeliranja ploskovnih konstrukcij s končnimi elementi. Modeliranje plošč je nekoliko specifično in je zaradi kompleksnosti in pojavov, ki jih opisuje, bistveno prispevalo k razvoju same metode končnih elementov. Danes je na voljo več uveljavljenih modelov plošč in pripadajočih končnih elementov, ki uporabniku nudijo široko množico možnosti, iz katere lahko izbira. Prav široka možnost izbire predstavlja tudi največjo težavo, saj je težje določiti, kateri model je primernejši in tudi, katera mreža končnih elementov je za dan problem optimalna. Glavni cilj disertacije je raziskati ključne korake v procesu prilagodljivega modeliranja plošč, ki omogoča samodejno določitev optimalnega modela za dan problem. Ker je prilagodljivo modeliranje odvisno od zanesljivih ocen napak, je večji del disertacije posvečen metodam za izračun diskretizacijske in modelske napake. Na praktičnih primerih smo preučili nekaj najbolj uveljavljenih metod za oceno napake. V nasprotju z ocenami napake diskretizacije, je modelsko napako mnogo težje določiti. Posebna pozornost je bila zato namenjena metodi uravnoteženja rezidualov, ki ima potencial tudi na področju ocene modelske napake. V tem smislu to delo predstavlja pomemben prispevek k področju računanja modelske napake za plošče. Koncept prilagodljivega modeliranja ploskovnih konstrukcij je bil preskušen na hierarhični družini končnih elementov za plošče - od tankih plošč do modelov višjega reda, ki upoštevajo deformacije po debelini. Ravno dobro vzpostavljena hierarhija v družini končnih elementov se je pokazala za ključno pri zanesljivi oceni modelske napake. Prilagodljivo modeliranje ploskovnih konstrukcije je bilo preskušeno na nekaj zahtevnejših primerih. Območje je bilo najprej modeliranjo z najbolj grobim modelom na sorazmerno redki mreži. Z uporabo informacije o napaki začetnega izračuna je bil zgrajen nov model. Primerjava izračuna na novem modelu z začetnim računom je pokazala, da je predlagan način prilagodljivega modeliranja sposoben nadzorovati porazdelitev napake, kakor tudi zajeti vse pomembnejše po- jave, ki so značilni za modeliranje plošč.The thesis deals with adaptive finite element modeling of plate structures. The finite element modeling of plates has grown to a mature research topic, which has contributed significantly to the development of the finite element method for structural analysis due to its complexity and inherently specific issues. At present, several validated plate models and corresponding families of working and efficient finite elements are available, offering a sound basis for an engineer to choose from. In our opinion, the main problems in the finite modeling of plates are nowadays related to the adaptive modeling. Adaptive modeling should reach much beyond standard discretization (finite element mesh) error estimates and related mesh (discretization) adaptivity. It should also include model error estimates and model adaptivity, which should provide the most appropriate mathematical model for a specific region of a structure. Thus in this work we study adaptive modeling for the case of plates. The primary goal of the thesis is to provide some answers to the questions related to the key steps in the process of adaptive modeling of plates. Since the adaptivity depends on reliable error estimates, a large part of the thesis is related to the derivation of computational procedures for discretization error estimates as well as model error estimates. A practical comparison of some of the established discretization error estimates is made. Special attention is paid to what is called equilibrated residuum method, which has a potential to be used both for discretization error and model error estimates. It should be emphasized that the model error estimates are quite hard to obtain, in contrast to the discretization error estimates. The concept of model adaptivity for plates is in this work implemented on the basis of equilibrated residuum method and hierarchic family of plate finite element models. The finite elements used in the thesis range from thin plate finite elements to thick plate finite elements. The latter are based on a newly derived higher order plate theory, which includes through the thickness stretching. The model error is estimated by local element-wise compu- tations. As all the finite elements, representing the chosen plate mathematical models, are re-derived in order to share the same interpolation bases, the difference between the local com- putations can be attributed mainly to the model error. This choice of finite elements enables effective computation of the model error estimate and improves the robustness of the adaptive modeling. Thus the discretization error can be computed by an independent procedure. Many numerical examples are provided as an illustration of performance of the derived plate elements, the derived discretization error procedures and the derived modeling error procedure. Since the basic goal of modeling in engineering is to produce an effective model, which will produce the most accurate results with the minimum input data, the need for the adaptive modeling will always be present. In this view, the present work is a contribution to the final goal of the finite element modeling of plate structures: a fully automatic adaptive procedure for the construction of an optimal computational model (an optimal finite element mesh and an optimal choice of a plate model for each element of the mesh) for a given plate structure. vii

    Coupled structural, thermal, phase-change and electromagnetic analysis for superconductors, volume 1

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    This research program has dealt with the theoretical development and computer implementation of reliable and efficient methods for the analysis of coupled mechanical problems that involve the interaction of mechanical, thermal, phase-change and electromagnetic subproblems. The focus application has been the modeling of superconductivity and associated quantum-state phase-change phenomena. In support of this objective the work has addressed the following issues: (1) development of variational principles for finite elements; (2) finite element modeling of the electromagnetic problem; (3) coupling of thermal and mechanical effects; and (4) computer implementation and solution of the superconductivity transition problem. The research was carried out over the period September 1988 through March 1993. The main accomplishments have been: (1) the development of the theory of parametrized and gauged variational principles; (2) the application of those principled to the construction of electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical finite elements; and (3) the coupling of electromagnetic finite elements with thermal and superconducting effects; and (4) the first detailed finite element simulations of bulk superconductors, in particular the Meissner effect and the nature of the normal conducting boundary layer. The grant has fully supported the thesis work of one doctoral student (James Schuler, who started on January 1989 and completed on January 1993), and partly supported another thesis (Carmelo Militello, who started graduate work on January 1988 completing on August 1991). Twenty-three publications have acknowledged full or part support from this grant, with 16 having appeared in archival journals and 3 in edited books or proceedings